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Alec Efran

Alec Efran
Level 9 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Coruscant
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Alec Efran
Other Sites:


  • 390. - Glad you, um, found what you needed.
  • 219. - That, um, signal device is in the Migrant Merchants' section. G--good luck.
  • 1. - Jedi! Welcome--welcome to the, uh, old Galactic Market, uh, sir.
    • 387. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 209. - Hmph. Soft thing can barely speak.
      • 11. - I'm sorry, I just--I never met a real Jedi up close.
        • 14. Option - We're nothing special.Player - I'm a person, just like you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 13. Option - Let's focus on the Gand.Player - With respect, I'm here about your prisoner.
        • 15. Option - I don't mind the attention.Player - I could certainly get used to being a celebrity.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 17. - Um, right. Yes. Well, anyway.
            • 19. - This is the, uh, Gand we brought in. He was talking about that Jedi "holocron" you're all looking for. But he's not exactly, uh, talkative.
              • 388. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 214. - Sadness to have been captured. Should have fought harder.
                • 47. - This Gand won't speak to you or to anyone.
                  • 55. Option - No name?Player - You refer to yourself as "Gand." How interesting.
                    • 72. - The Gand do not speak their names except when they have earned it. This Gand has not earned it.
                      • 109. Option - You can earn a name right now.Player - This is your chance to distinguish yourself--help me save a dying woman by telling me where the special holocron is.
                        • 110. - This Gand would like to earn his name... but he has no wish to betray his fellow Gand.
                          • 115. Option - It'll be fine. I swear.Player - I promise no harm will come to the Gand.
                          • 108. Option - Being silent only hurts them.Player - If you keep being uncooperative, what happens the next time Republic security arrests a Gand?
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 363. - This Gand hadn't considered this. He will tell what he can.
                      • 73. Option - [Force Persuade] Help me.Player - You will tell me about the holocron.
                      • 117. Option - My demands are simple.Player - Give me the holocron you're hiding, or things will get unpleasant.
                  • 53. Option - [Force Persuade] You'll speak.Player - You will tell me about the holocron.
                    • 57. - This Gand will tell you about the holocron.
                  • 54. Option - Then we have a problem.Player - I need the holocron. I suggest you cooperate before I get impatient.
                    • 71. - This Gand is weak and cowardly, but he is not afraid of threats.
                      • 76. Option - I just want answers.Player - Work with me and you can go free.
                        • 133. - How does this Gand know you will keep your word?
                          • 143. Option - I am a Jedi.Player - My word is my honor.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 160. - All right. This Gand guesses that he has no choice. He'll tell you what he knows.
                          • 145. Option - I can pay you.Player - Will credits convince you?
                            • 153. - This Gand could use money. It is hard to come by... okay, he will tell you what he knows.
                          • 369. Option - I'm your only way out.Player - If you don't help me, the Republic will just keep you here. You won't see your people again.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 370. - This Gand sees he has no choice. He will tell.
                      • 74. Option - Please don't make me do this.Player - Gand, I have no wish to hurt you. But I must get that holocron. By any means necessary.
                        • 376. - This Gand can see you will not change your mind. He will tell.
                      • 75. Option - You should fear my power.Player - The Force can do terrible things to a person, Gand. Do you want a demonstration? +50
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 365. - No! This Gand... this Gand will tell you what he knows.
                          • 64. - The man called Lars Baddeg brought the holocron to the Gand's leader, Aulus G'luun, and told him to keep it safe.
                            • 70. Option - Lars Baddeg?Player - Who is this "Lars Baddeg"?
                              • 91. - This Gand doesn't know. He only knows the orders Aulus G'luun has given.
                            • 69. Option - Tell me its location.Player - Where is the holocron now?
                            • 68. Option - It wasn't his to give.Player - The holocron belongs to the Jedi.
                              • 86. - Aulus G'luun has ordered the Gand to keep the holocron away from the Jedi.
                                • 90. - Some days, Aulus G'luun holds it; some days, the ones who have earned one name; and some days, cowards like this Gand.
                                  • 95. Option - How do you know who and when?Player - Is there some sort of schedule that determines who holds it?
                                  • 96. Option - So who has it today?Player - Just tell me where it is now.
                                    • 99. - This Gand doesn't know. There is no schedule.
                                  • 97. Option - Why play such a game?Player - Why haven't the Gand tried to move the holocron off of Coruscant?
                                    • 98. - The Republic has barricaded the Migrant Merchants' Guild. It is not possible for this Gand or any other to leave.
                                      • 101. - The signal device in the market tells the Gand when to move the holocron and where.
                                        • 105. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                          • 174. - This Gand has heard that one of the signals is for Aulus G'luun himself. The holocron always changes hands behind the warehouse.
                                          • 106. - This Gand doesn't know the signals, only that when the first signal is raised, the Gand meet behind the warehouse and he sometimes gets the holocron.
                                            • 184. Option - I understand.Player - So I must light the signal, then go to the warehouse.
                                            • 198. Option - I appreciate your help.Player - Thank you.
                                            • 185. Option - Not very efficient.Player - That seems excessively complicated.
                                              • 204. - I'll bet the signals have something to do with the Gand hierarchy. Throw up the right one, and you'll get their leader.
                                                • 186. - Yes. Please don't tell anyone what this Gand told you.
                                                  • 107. <Conversation Exit>
  • 217. - Sorry. I should keep an eye on my prisoner.
  • 408. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 122. - Oh! Jedi! You're back! Did you need something?
      • 124. Option - This barricade harms the Gand.Player - The Gand are not criminals, and yet they're being held against their will.
        • 128. - Well, we try not to let anyone through because of the criminal, uh, criminal elements, sir. I mean, Jedi.
          • 130. - But I guess if a Jedi says so, we can make an exception--for the Gand, I mean.
            • 132. Option - Please.Player - I'd appreciate it if you made that exception.
            • 176. Option - A Jedi says so.Player - What are you waiting for?
            • 177. Option - Actually, don't bother.Player - I suppose this place is safer with the barricade up.
              • 178. - A--all right, then. We'll keep the barricade in place.
      • 123. Option - Carry on.Player - No, just checking in.
        • 380. - Well, it's a--always a pleasure. Take care.
      • 125. Option - Arrest all the Gand.Player - The Gand are involved in highly illegal activities. A roundup might be in order.
        • 126. - Y--yes, sir. I mean, Jedi. I mean, I'll report it to the head of security. We'll get on it right away.
          • 127. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.coruscant.class.jedi_wizard.secret_signals.alec_efran
Appearance ID16140902628162817838
Body Typebma
    "_id": {
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    "MaxLevel": 9,
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            "frMale": "R\u00e9publique",
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    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.coruscant.class.jedi_wizard.alec_efran",
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    "CompanionOverrideId": "0",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "313798596",
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