SWTOR Chat Commands Guide

/create [channelname] [password]Create an Channel and an optional password
/cjoin [channelname] [password]Join an already made channel also including a password if needed
/cleave [channelname] [password]Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed
/lock [channelname]Allow only invited players to join the channel
/unlock [channelname]Allow all players to join the custom channel
/cinvite [channelname] [player]Invite someone to the custom channel
/password [channelname] [password]Set a password for the channel
/password [channelname]Clear a password from a channel
/ckick [channelname] [player]Kick a player from the channel
/ban [channelname] [player]Ban a player from the channel
/unban [channelname] [player]Unban a player from a channel
/mod [channelname] [player]Give a player the moderator status in the channel
/unmod [channelname] [player]Remove mod status from a player
/mute [channelname] [player]Remove the ability to send messages on the channel
/unmute [channelname] [player]Grant the ability to send messages on the channel
/moderate [channelname]Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak
/unmoderate [channelname]Set the custom channel to let anyone speak
/channellistList all custom channels you are on
/list [channelname]List the players on the custom channel
/tSends a /tell to another player
/tellSends a /tell to another player (alternate form of /t)
/whisperSends a whisper to another player
/replyReply to a whisper
/rReply to a whisper (alternate form of /reply)
/whoOpens the Who window
/saySwitches outgoing chat to Say, only players in local vicinity can hear you
/yellYells in chat, displayed in red text. This can be heard in a large area. Cross-faction
/generalSpeak in General chat, this can be heard throughout the entire planet/flashpoint/instance
/groupInvites target player to group
/inviteInvites player to group
/stuckHelps dislodge a player from environment
/bugAllows player to lodge a bug complaint/report
/logoutLogs player out of game and back to Character Select screen
/quitQuits the game completely
/dismissDismisses your companion
/nameplatesShows player/npc nameplates
/tradeSpeak in Trade chat
/pvpSpeak in PvP chat
/1General Chat shortcut
/2PvP Chat shortcut
/3Trade Chat shortcut
/4User chat channel
/5User Chat channel
/6User Chat channel
/7User Chat channel
/8User Chat channel
/9User Chat channel
/0User Chat channel
/emoteAllows the player to write his or her own custom emote (e.g. "/emote pets the Ewok" would read "Player pets the Ewok")
/meAllows the player to write his or her own custom emote (ie. "/emote pets the Ewok" would read "Player pets the Ewok")
/hideuiHides the User Interface, alternatively you can use Alt+X to hide your UI and Ctrl-U twice to reset your UI
/dndFlags you as Do Not Disturb. Useful when you want to be left alone in the galaxy
/inspectInspects another player
/selljunkCommands your companion to go sell all your gray items
/guildChat only to your guild
/gquitLeave your current guild
/ginviteInvites target player to guild
/friendAdd a player to your friends list
/followFollow target player
/flagFlag yourself for PvP
/rcInitiate a ready check (must be group leader or ops leader/lieutenant.

About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.