Enter the SWTOR "Build Your Alliance" Contest sponsored by NVIDIA!

Step into your own Star Wars™ story and build your Alliance against the Eternal Empire in Star Wars™: The Old republic™ for a chance to win awesome rewards from BioWare and NVIDIA!

Entering the Build Your Alliance Contest is easy!

  1. Play Star Wars: The Old Republic, including the newly released story expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire
  2. Record your awesome gameplay experience with NVIDIA® ShadowPlay™
  3. Tag your video with hashtags #BuildYourAllianceContest and #ShareEveryWin when you post to YouTube, Twitter or Instagram
  4. Complete the entry form on the official contest page here: http://contests.nvidia.com/build-your-alliance

Three of our favorites will each win a brand new gaming PC from NVIDIA along with valuable prizes from BioWare. Ten runner ups will receive a GeForce GTX 960 and additional in-game prizes!

Contest ends January 17, 2016 and winners will be announced on the NVIDIA contest page after February 16, 2016. What are you waiting for? Join your allies and enter now! Have fun and May the Force™ Be With You!

Visit the NVIDIA contest page to read the official contest rules and enter: http://contests.nvidia.com/build-your-alliance

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