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Task | Name | Type |
Terminer la perfection effrontée sur Tatooine | Achievement | |
Terminer la perfection de l'horizon sur Tatooine | Achievement | |
Terminer la perfection des Crieurs sur Tatooine | Achievement |
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb4921633180000cb0a49e4" }, "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Tatooine Perfection", "frMale": "Perfection sur Tatooine", "frFemale": "Perfection sur Tatooine", "deMale": "Perfektion auf Tatooine", "deFemale": "Perfektion auf Tatooine" }, "NameId": "4408131094315008", "LocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "Achieve perfect rallies for all swoop gangs on Tatooine.", "frMale": "R\u00e9alisez des rassemblements parfaits pour tous les gangs de fonceurs sur Tatooine.", "frFemale": "R\u00e9alisez des rassemblements parfaits pour tous les gangs de fonceurs sur Tatooine.", "deMale": "Du hast perfekte Rallyes f\u00fcr alle Swoop-Banden auf Tatooine erreicht.", "deFemale": "Du hast perfekte Rallyes f\u00fcr alle Swoop-Banden auf Tatooine erreicht." }, "DescriptionId": "4408131094315009", "LocalizedNonSpoilerDesc": { "enMale": "", "frMale": "", "frFemale": "", "deMale": "", "deFemale": "" }, "NonSpoilerId": "4408131094315024", "Level": 0, "Icon": "repuation", "HashedIcon": "2707727266_1409766382", "Visibility": "Always", "AchId": 5279, "RewardsId": -1108578872723288594, "Rewards": { "LocalizedLegacyTitle": [], "CartelCoins": 0, "AchievementPoints": 50, "Requisition": 0, "ItemRewardListB62": [], "Id": "0", "Base62Id": "0000000" }, "Tasks": [ { "Index": 1, "Index2": 1, "Count": 1, "Name": "Finish Blatant Perfection on Tatooine", "LocalizedNames": { "enMale": "Finish Blatant Perfection on Tatooine", "frMale": "Terminer la perfection effront\u00e9e sur Tatooine", "frFemale": "Terminer la perfection effront\u00e9e sur Tatooine", "deMale": "Bombastische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen", "deFemale": "Bombastische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen" }, "Events": [ { "NodePrefix": "ach", "Value": 0, "Id": "16140983834716728552", "Base62Id": "wEoSSK7" } ], "Id": "16140983834716728552", "Base62Id": "wEoSSK7" }, { "Index": 2, "Index2": 1, "Count": 1, "Name": "Finish Horizon's Perfection on Tatooine", "LocalizedNames": { "enMale": "Finish Horizon's Perfection on Tatooine", "frMale": "Terminer la perfection de l'horizon sur Tatooine", "frFemale": "Terminer la perfection de l'horizon sur Tatooine", "deMale": "Himmlische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen", "deFemale": "Himmlische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen" }, "Events": [ { "NodePrefix": "ach", "Value": 0, "Id": "16141110760736778083", "Base62Id": "OsVpjR7" } ], "Id": "16141110760736778083", "Base62Id": "OsVpjR7" }, { "Index": 3, "Index2": 1, "Count": 1, "Name": "Finish Screaming Perfection on Tatooine", "LocalizedNames": { "enMale": "Finish Screaming Perfection on Tatooine", "frMale": "Terminer la perfection des Crieurs sur Tatooine", "frFemale": "Terminer la perfection des Crieurs sur Tatooine", "deMale": "Kreischende Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen", "deFemale": "Kreischende Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen" }, "Events": [ { "NodePrefix": "ach", "Value": 0, "Id": "16141002173312680481", "Base62Id": "8K8SEzL" } ], "Id": "16141002173312680481", "Base62Id": "8K8SEzL" } ], "Conditions": [], "CategoryData": { "Category": { "CatId": 3152110858273906, "Icon": "jediholocommunicator", "CodexIcon": "cdx.event.gree.gray_secant", "NameId": 3144671974916601, "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Events", "frMale": "\u00c9v\u00e9nements", "frFemale": "\u00c9v\u00e9nements", "deMale": "Events", "deFemale": "Events" }, "Index": 7, "ParentCategory": 0, "Id": "0", "Base62Id": "0000000", "Name": "Events" }, "SubCategory": { "CatId": 3152110858274614, "Icon": "mount_kakkran_daggerstar", "CodexIcon": "cdx.event.swoop_gang.swoop_rally", "NameId": 3144671974916812, "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally", "frMale": "Le Rassemblement universel ultime de fonceurs", "frFemale": "Le Rassemblement universel ultime de fonceurs", "deMale": "Die ultimative galaktische Swoop-Rallye", "deFemale": "Die ultimative galaktische Swoop-Rallye" }, "Index": 5, "ParentCategory": 3152110858273906, "Id": "0", "Base62Id": "0000000", "Name": "The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally" }, "TertiaryCategory": { "CatId": 3152110858274615, "Icon": "mount_kakkran_daggerstar", "CodexIcon": "cdx.planets.tatooine", "NameId": 3144671974916376, "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Tatooine", "frMale": "Tatooine", "frFemale": "Tatooine", "deMale": "Tatooine", "deFemale": "Tatooine" }, "Index": 3, "ParentCategory": 3152110858274614, "Id": "0", "Base62Id": "0000000", "Name": "Tatooine" }, "Row": 3, "Position": 3 }, "ItemReward": false, "MtxReward": false, "TitleReward": false, "GsfReward": false, "Id": "16140967577340823697", "Base62Id": "aKXzdJU", "Fqn": "ach.event.swoop_gang.tatooine_all_perfect", "first_seen": "6.1.2", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.1.4", "hash": "3225490598", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "CategoryData", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "6.1.2", "6.1.3" ] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb4921633180000cb0a49e4 ) [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Tatooine Perfection [frMale] => Perfection sur Tatooine [frFemale] => Perfection sur Tatooine [deMale] => Perfektion auf Tatooine [deFemale] => Perfektion auf Tatooine ) [NameId] => 4408131094315008 [LocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => Achieve perfect rallies for all swoop gangs on Tatooine. [frMale] => Réalisez des rassemblements parfaits pour tous les gangs de fonceurs sur Tatooine. [frFemale] => Réalisez des rassemblements parfaits pour tous les gangs de fonceurs sur Tatooine. [deMale] => Du hast perfekte Rallyes für alle Swoop-Banden auf Tatooine erreicht. [deFemale] => Du hast perfekte Rallyes für alle Swoop-Banden auf Tatooine erreicht. ) [DescriptionId] => 4408131094315009 [LocalizedNonSpoilerDesc] => Array ( [enMale] => [frMale] => [frFemale] => [deMale] => [deFemale] => ) [NonSpoilerId] => 4408131094315024 [Level] => 0 [Icon] => repuation [HashedIcon] => 2707727266_1409766382 [Visibility] => Always [AchId] => 5279 [RewardsId] => -1108578872723288594 [Rewards] => Array ( [LocalizedLegacyTitle] => Array ( ) [CartelCoins] => 0 [AchievementPoints] => 50 [Requisition] => 0 [ItemRewardListB62] => Array ( ) [Id] => 0 [Base62Id] => 0000000 ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Index] => 1 [Index2] => 1 [Count] => 1 [Name] => Finish Blatant Perfection on Tatooine [LocalizedNames] => Array ( [enMale] => Finish Blatant Perfection on Tatooine [frMale] => Terminer la perfection effrontée sur Tatooine [frFemale] => Terminer la perfection effrontée sur Tatooine [deMale] => Bombastische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen [deFemale] => Bombastische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen ) [Events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [NodePrefix] => ach [Value] => 0 [Id] => 16140983834716728552 [Base62Id] => wEoSSK7 ) ) [Id] => 16140983834716728552 [Base62Id] => wEoSSK7 ) [1] => Array ( [Index] => 2 [Index2] => 1 [Count] => 1 [Name] => Finish Horizon's Perfection on Tatooine [LocalizedNames] => Array ( [enMale] => Finish Horizon's Perfection on Tatooine [frMale] => Terminer la perfection de l'horizon sur Tatooine [frFemale] => Terminer la perfection de l'horizon sur Tatooine [deMale] => Himmlische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen [deFemale] => Himmlische Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen ) [Events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [NodePrefix] => ach [Value] => 0 [Id] => 16141110760736778083 [Base62Id] => OsVpjR7 ) ) [Id] => 16141110760736778083 [Base62Id] => OsVpjR7 ) [2] => Array ( [Index] => 3 [Index2] => 1 [Count] => 1 [Name] => Finish Screaming Perfection on Tatooine [LocalizedNames] => Array ( [enMale] => Finish Screaming Perfection on Tatooine [frMale] => Terminer la perfection des Crieurs sur Tatooine [frFemale] => Terminer la perfection des Crieurs sur Tatooine [deMale] => Kreischende Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen [deFemale] => Kreischende Perfektion' auf Tatooine abgeschlossen ) [Events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [NodePrefix] => ach [Value] => 0 [Id] => 16141002173312680481 [Base62Id] => 8K8SEzL ) ) [Id] => 16141002173312680481 [Base62Id] => 8K8SEzL ) ) [Conditions] => Array ( ) [CategoryData] => Array ( [Category] => Array ( [CatId] => 3152110858273906 [Icon] => jediholocommunicator [CodexIcon] => cdx.event.gree.gray_secant [NameId] => 3144671974916601 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Events [frMale] => Événements [frFemale] => Événements [deMale] => Events [deFemale] => Events ) [Index] => 7 [ParentCategory] => 0 [Id] => 0 [Base62Id] => 0000000 [Name] => Events ) [SubCategory] => Array ( [CatId] => 3152110858274614 [Icon] => mount_kakkran_daggerstar [CodexIcon] => cdx.event.swoop_gang.swoop_rally [NameId] => 3144671974916812 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally [frMale] => Le Rassemblement universel ultime de fonceurs [frFemale] => Le Rassemblement universel ultime de fonceurs [deMale] => Die ultimative galaktische Swoop-Rallye [deFemale] => Die ultimative galaktische Swoop-Rallye ) [Index] => 5 [ParentCategory] => 3152110858273906 [Id] => 0 [Base62Id] => 0000000 [Name] => The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally ) [TertiaryCategory] => Array ( [CatId] => 3152110858274615 [Icon] => mount_kakkran_daggerstar [CodexIcon] => cdx.planets.tatooine [NameId] => 3144671974916376 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Tatooine [frMale] => Tatooine [frFemale] => Tatooine [deMale] => Tatooine [deFemale] => Tatooine ) [Index] => 3 [ParentCategory] => 3152110858274614 [Id] => 0 [Base62Id] => 0000000 [Name] => Tatooine ) [Row] => 3 [Position] => 3 ) [ItemReward] => [MtxReward] => [TitleReward] => [GsfReward] => [Id] => 16140967577340823697 [Base62Id] => aKXzdJU [Fqn] => ach.event.swoop_gang.tatooine_all_perfect [first_seen] => 6.1.2 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.1.4 [hash] => 3225490598 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => CategoryData [1] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 6.1.2 [1] => 6.1.3 ) )