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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "Emperor Valkorion talks to you, right? He have any advice?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Emperor Valkorion talks to you, right? He have any advice?",
"frMale": "L'Empereur Valkorion vous parle, c'est \u00e7a\u00a0? Il a un conseil\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "L'Empereur Valkorion vous parle, c'est \u00e7a\u00a0? Il a un conseil\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Imperator Valkorion spricht mit Euch, oder? Hat er irgendwelche Ratschl\u00e4ge?",
"deFemale": "Imperator Valkorion spricht mit Euch, oder? Hat er irgendwelche Ratschl\u00e4ge?"
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"Text": "He's giving me the silent treatment.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He's giving me the silent treatment.",
"frMale": "Il me fait le coup du silence.",
"frFemale": "Il me fait le coup du silence.",
"deMale": "Er straft mich mit Schweigen.",
"deFemale": "Er straft mich mit Schweigen."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Not at the moment, no.",
"frMale": "Pas en ce moment, non.",
"frFemale": "Pas en ce moment, non.",
"deMale": "Im Moment nicht, nein.",
"deFemale": "Im Moment nicht, nein."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"Text": "He's very annoyed it's taking so long to hot-wire that speeder.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He's very annoyed it's taking so long to hot-wire that speeder.",
"frMale": "Il est tr\u00e8s contrari\u00e9 qu'il faille autant de temps pour d\u00e9marrer ce speeder.",
"frFemale": "Il est tr\u00e8s contrari\u00e9 qu'il faille autant de temps pour d\u00e9marrer ce speeder.",
"deMale": "Er ist sehr ver\u00e4rgert, dass wir so lange brauchen, diesen Gleiter kurzzuschlie\u00dfen.",
"deFemale": "Er ist sehr ver\u00e4rgert, dass wir so lange brauchen, diesen Gleiter kurzzuschlie\u00dfen."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "[Lie] He says to hurry up.",
"frMale": "[Mentir] Il dit de faire vite.",
"frFemale": "[Mentir] Il dit de faire vite.",
"deMale": "[L\u00fcgen] Er meint, wir sollen uns beeilen.",
"deFemale": "[L\u00fcgen] Er meint, wir sollen uns beeilen."
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"Text": "Fine, don't tell me. I'm just saying....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Fine, don't tell me. I'm just saying....",
"frMale": "D'accord, comme vous voulez. C'\u00e9tait juste pour dire...",
"frFemale": "D'accord, comme vous voulez. C'\u00e9tait juste pour dire...",
"deMale": "Wem sagt Ihr das. Ich meine ja nur ...",
"deFemale": "Wem sagt Ihr das. Ich meine ja nur ..."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "The Emperor is a great man. If anyone can help you take down Arcann, it's him.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "The Emperor is a great man. If anyone can help you take down Arcann, it's him.",
"frMale": "L'Empereur est un grand homme. Si quelqu'un peut vous aider \u00e0 vaincre Arcann, c'est lui.",
"frFemale": "L'Empereur est un grand homme. Si quelqu'un peut vous aider \u00e0 vaincre Arcann, c'est lui.",
"deMale": "Der Imperator ist ein gro\u00dfer Mann. Wenn jemand Euch helfen kann, Arcann auszuschalten, dann er.",
"deFemale": "Der Imperator ist ein gro\u00dfer Mann. Wenn jemand Euch helfen kann, Arcann auszuschalten, dann er."
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"Text": "He has opinions about everything. I'm getting tired of it.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He has opinions about everything. I'm getting tired of it.",
"frMale": "Il a toujours des opinions sur tout. \u00c7a devient lassant.",
"frFemale": "Il a toujours des opinions sur tout. \u00c7a devient lassant.",
"deMale": "Er gibt zu allem seine Kommentare ab. Langsam habe ich genug davon.",
"deFemale": "Er gibt zu allem seine Kommentare ab. Langsam habe ich genug davon."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Constantly. It's annoying.",
"frMale": "Constamment. C'est fatigant.",
"frFemale": "Constamment. C'est fatigant.",
"deMale": "Andauernd. Es ist ziemlich l\u00e4stig.",
"deFemale": "Andauernd. Es ist ziemlich l\u00e4stig."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "You should feel honored he cares so much.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You should feel honored he cares so much.",
"frMale": "Vous devriez vous sentir honor\u00e9 qu'il soit aussi pr\u00e9venant.",
"frFemale": "Vous devriez vous sentir honor\u00e9e qu'il soit aussi pr\u00e9venant.",
"deMale": "Ihr solltet Euch geehrt f\u00fchlen, dass er sich so einsetzt.",
"deFemale": "Ihr solltet Euch geehrt f\u00fchlen, dass er sich so einsetzt."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "He's probably got a lot on your mind.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He's probably got a lot on your mind.",
"frMale": "Il a sans doute beaucoup de choses en t\u00eate... enfin, dans la v\u00f4tre.",
"frFemale": "Il a sans doute beaucoup de choses en t\u00eate... enfin, dans la v\u00f4tre.",
"deMale": "Wahrscheinlich geht ihm gerade viel durch Euren Kopf.",
"deFemale": "Wahrscheinlich geht ihm gerade viel durch Euren Kopf."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"Text": "His power comes at a high price. I won't be in debt to him.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "His power comes at a high price. I won't be in debt to him.",
"frMale": "Sa puissance a un prix \u00e9lev\u00e9. Je ne veux pas avoir de dette envers lui.",
"frFemale": "Sa puissance a un prix \u00e9lev\u00e9. Je ne veux pas avoir de dette envers lui.",
"deMale": "Seine Macht hat einen hohen Preis. Ich will ihm nichts schuldig sein.",
"deFemale": "Seine Macht hat einen hohen Preis. Ich will ihm nichts schuldig sein."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "I don't want his help.",
"frMale": "Je ne veux pas de son aide.",
"frFemale": "Je ne veux pas de son aide.",
"deMale": "Ich will seine Hilfe nicht.",
"deFemale": "Ich will seine Hilfe nicht."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "We're talking about it right now. I wish you could hear us.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "We're talking about it right now. I wish you could hear us.",
"frMale": "On en parle en ce moment m\u00eame. Dommage que vous ne puissiez pas nous entendre.",
"frFemale": "On en parle en ce moment m\u00eame. Dommage que vous ne puissiez pas nous entendre.",
"deMale": "Wir sprechen gerade dar\u00fcber. Ich w\u00fcnschte, Ihr k\u00f6nntet uns h\u00f6ren.",
"deFemale": "Wir sprechen gerade dar\u00fcber. Ich w\u00fcnschte, Ihr k\u00f6nntet uns h\u00f6ren."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "[Lie] We're working on a plan.",
"frMale": "[Mentir] On travaille \u00e0 un plan.",
"frFemale": "[Mentir] On travaille \u00e0 un plan.",
"deMale": "[L\u00fcgen] Wir arbeiten an einem Plan.",
"deFemale": "[L\u00fcgen] Wir arbeiten an einem Plan."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 200,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> approves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> stimmt zu.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
"IsAmbient": false,
"ChildIds": [
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"Text": "If you knew what I do about him, you'd run. The man killed billions.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "If you knew what I do about him, you'd run. The man killed billions.",
"frMale": "Si vous saviez ce que je sais \u00e0 son sujet, vous fuiriez. Cet homme a tu\u00e9 des milliards de gens.",
"frFemale": "Si vous saviez ce que je sais \u00e0 son sujet, vous fuiriez. Cet homme a tu\u00e9 des milliards de gens.",
"deMale": "Wenn Ihr w\u00fcsstet, was ich wei\u00df, w\u00fcrdet Ihr Rei\u00dfaus nehmen. Der Mann hat Milliarden get\u00f6tet.",
"deFemale": "Wenn Ihr w\u00fcsstet, was ich wei\u00df, w\u00fcrdet Ihr Rei\u00dfaus nehmen. Der Mann hat Milliarden get\u00f6tet."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "You hero-worship a monster.",
"frMale": "Vous v\u00e9n\u00e9rez un monstre.",
"frFemale": "Vous v\u00e9n\u00e9rez un monstre.",
"deMale": "Ihr himmelt ein Monster an.",
"deFemale": "Ihr himmelt ein Monster an."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "Debts can be paid. Do what's best for the galaxy.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Debts can be paid. Do what's best for the galaxy.",
"frMale": "Les dettes peuvent \u00eatre rembours\u00e9es. Faites ce qu'il y a de mieux pour la galaxie.",
"frFemale": "Les dettes peuvent \u00eatre rembours\u00e9es. Faites ce qu'il y a de mieux pour la galaxie.",
"deMale": "Schulden kann man bezahlen. Tut, was f\u00fcr die Galaxis am besten ist.",
"deFemale": "Schulden kann man bezahlen. Tut, was f\u00fcr die Galaxis am besten ist."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "When you two hit Arcann, I plan to be there.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "When you two hit Arcann, I plan to be there.",
"frMale": "J'ai bien l'intention d'\u00eatre l\u00e0 quand vous attaquerez Arcann.",
"frFemale": "J'ai bien l'intention d'\u00eatre l\u00e0 quand vous attaquerez Arcann.",
"deMale": "Wenn Ihr beide auf Arcann trefft, will ich dabei sein.",
"deFemale": "Wenn Ihr beide auf Arcann trefft, will ich dabei sein."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "He was always good to Zakuul.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He was always good to Zakuul.",
"frMale": "Il a toujours \u00e9t\u00e9 bon pour Zakel.",
"frFemale": "Il a toujours \u00e9t\u00e9 bon pour Zakel.",
"deMale": "Er war immer gut zu Zakuul.",
"deFemale": "Er war immer gut zu Zakuul."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"Text": "Reminder: The Gravestone remains under siege.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Reminder: The Gravestone remains under siege.",
"frMale": "Rappel\u00a0: le C\u00e9notaphe est toujours assi\u00e9g\u00e9.",
"frFemale": "Rappel\u00a0: le C\u00e9notaphe est toujours assi\u00e9g\u00e9.",
"deMale": "Erinnerung: Die Gravestone wird immer noch belagert.",
"deFemale": "Erinnerung: Die Gravestone wird immer noch belagert."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"Text": "Everyone's a critic!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Everyone's a critic!",
"frMale": "C'est facile de critiquer !",
"frFemale": "C'est facile de critiquer !",
"deMale": "Kritisieren kann ja jeder!",
"deFemale": "Kritisieren kann ja jeder!"
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"SpeakerB62Id": "t07OCTF",
"Text": "You're free from your father's control. You don't have to serve Arcann. You can stop this mad war.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You're free from your father's control. You don't have to serve Arcann. You can stop this mad war.",
"frMale": "Vous n'\u00eates plus sous le contr\u00f4le de votre p\u00e8re. Vous n'avez pas \u00e0 servir Arcann. Vous pouvez mettre un terme \u00e0 la folie de cette guerre.",
"frFemale": "Vous n'\u00eates plus sous le contr\u00f4le de votre p\u00e8re. Vous n'avez pas \u00e0 servir Arcann. Vous pouvez mettre un terme \u00e0 la folie de cette guerre.",
"deMale": "Du bist frei von der Kontrolle deines Vaters. Du musst Arcann nicht dienen. Du kannst diesen wahnsinnigen Krieg aufhalten.",
"deFemale": "Du bist frei von der Kontrolle deines Vaters. Du musst Arcann nicht dienen. Du kannst diesen wahnsinnigen Krieg aufhalten."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"Text": "We didn't follow when you left Father. Why would we listen to you now?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "We didn't follow when you left Father. Why would we listen to you now?",
"frMale": "Nous ne vous avons pas suivie quand vous avez quitt\u00e9 P\u00e8re. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous \u00e9couter maintenant\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Nous ne vous avons pas suivie quand vous avez quitt\u00e9 P\u00e8re. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous \u00e9couter maintenant\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Wir sind dir nicht gefolgt, als du Vater verlassen hast. Warum sollten wir jetzt auf dich h\u00f6ren?",
"deFemale": "Wir sind dir nicht gefolgt, als du Vater verlassen hast. Warum sollten wir jetzt auf dich h\u00f6ren?"
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"Text": "I don't want to hurt you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I don't want to hurt you.",
"frMale": "Je ne veux pas vous faire de mal.",
"frFemale": "Je ne veux pas vous faire de mal.",
"deMale": "Ich will dir nicht wehtun.",
"deFemale": "Ich will dir nicht wehtun."
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"Text": "I liked you better when you were dead.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I liked you better when you were dead.",
"frMale": "Je vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rais quand vous \u00e9tiez morte.",
"frFemale": "Je vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rais quand vous \u00e9tiez morte.",
"deMale": "Ich mochte dich lieber, als du tot warst.",
"deFemale": "Ich mochte dich lieber, als du tot warst."
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"Text": "Haha....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Haha....",
"frMale": "Ha ha...",
"frFemale": "Ha ha...",
"deMale": "Hahaha ...",
"deFemale": "Hahaha ..."
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"Text": "You're not the easiest person to work with, Outlander, but I've got your back. ",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You're not the easiest person to work with, Outlander, but I've got your back. ",
"frMale": "Ce n'est pas toujours facile de travailler avec vous, \u00c9tranger, mais je suis avec vous.",
"frFemale": "Ce n'est pas toujours facile de travailler avec vous, \u00c9trang\u00e8re, mais je suis avec vous.",
"deMale": "Die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch ist nicht immer gerade einfach, Fremdling, aber ich stehe hinter Euch. ",
"deFemale": "Die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch ist nicht immer gerade einfach, Fremdling, aber ich stehe hinter Euch. "
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "I know I complain sometimes, but you've done good so far. Keep it up.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I know I complain sometimes, but you've done good so far. Keep it up.",
"frMale": "Je sais que je me plains parfois, mais vous avez fait du bon travail jusqu'\u00e0 maintenant. Continuez comme \u00e7a.",
"frFemale": "Je sais que je me plains parfois, mais vous avez fait du bon travail jusqu'\u00e0 maintenant. Continuez comme \u00e7a.",
"deMale": "Ich wei\u00df, dass ich mich manchmal beschwere, aber Ihr habt Euch bisher gut geschlagen. Weiter so.",
"deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df, dass ich mich manchmal beschwere, aber Ihr habt Euch bisher gut geschlagen. Weiter so."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "Whatever happens, I want you to know... it's an honor to fight alongside you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Whatever happens, I want you to know... it's an honor to fight alongside you.",
"frMale": "Quoi qu'il se passe, je veux que vous sachiez... que \u00e7a a \u00e9t\u00e9 un honneur de me battre \u00e0 vos c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
"frFemale": "Quoi qu'il se passe, je veux que vous sachiez... que \u00e7a a \u00e9t\u00e9 un honneur de me battre \u00e0 vos c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
"deMale": "Was immer geschieht, ich m\u00f6chte, dass Ihr eins wisst: Es ist eine Ehre, an Eurer Seite zu k\u00e4mpfen.",
"deFemale": "Was immer geschieht, ich m\u00f6chte, dass Ihr eins wisst: Es ist eine Ehre, an Eurer Seite zu k\u00e4mpfen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "The main override control station's just ahead.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "The main override control station's just ahead.",
"frMale": "Le poste de commande manuel principal est juste l\u00e0.",
"frFemale": "Le poste de commande manuel principal est juste l\u00e0.",
"deMale": "Die Haupt-\u00dcberbr\u00fcckungsstation ist direkt voraus.",
"deFemale": "Die Haupt-\u00dcberbr\u00fcckungsstation ist direkt voraus."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"Text": "Careful, Koth. You'll make me blush.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Careful, Koth. You'll make me blush.",
"frMale": "Attention, Koth. Vous allez me faire rougir.",
"frFemale": "Attention, Koth. Vous allez me faire rougir.",
"deMale": "Koth, seid blo\u00df vorsichtig. Sonst werde ich noch rot.",
"deFemale": "Koth, seid blo\u00df vorsichtig. Sonst werde ich noch rot."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "[Flirt] Flatterer.",
"frMale": "[S\u00e9duire] Vous me flattez.",
"frFemale": "[S\u00e9duire] Vous me flattez.",
"deMale": "[Flirten] Schmeichler.",
"deFemale": "[Flirten] Schmeichler."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 200,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> approves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> stimmt zu.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "XsbcCP7",
"Text": "This is why I don't give compliments.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "This is why I don't give compliments.",
"frMale": "C'est pour \u00e7a que je ne fais jamais de compliment.",
"frFemale": "C'est pour \u00e7a que je ne fais jamais de compliment.",
"deMale": "Darum mache ich keine Komplimente.",
"deFemale": "Darum mache ich keine Komplimente."
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"frMale": "Allons trouver ce dro\u00efde.",
"frFemale": "Allons trouver ce dro\u00efde.",
"deMale": "Finden wir diesen Droiden.",
"deFemale": "Finden wir diesen Droiden."
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"Text": "Follow me. I'll get you through this alive.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Follow me. I'll get you through this alive.",
"frMale": "Suivez-moi. Je vous ferai sortir de l\u00e0 en vie.",
"frFemale": "Suivez-moi. Je vous ferai sortir de l\u00e0 en vie.",
"deMale": "Folgt mir. Ich bringe Euch hier lebend raus.",
"deFemale": "Folgt mir. Ich bringe Euch hier lebend raus."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Stay close. We're a team.",
"frMale": "Ne vous \u00e9loignez pas. Nous sommes une \u00e9quipe.",
"frFemale": "Ne vous \u00e9loignez pas. Nous sommes une \u00e9quipe.",
"deMale": "Bleibt in der N\u00e4he. Wir sind ein Team.",
"deFemale": "Bleibt in der N\u00e4he. Wir sind ein Team."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
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"Text": "Just do your part and keep staying out of my way.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Just do your part and keep staying out of my way.",
"frMale": "Contentez-vous de faire votre boulot et de ne pas vous mettre en travers de ma route.",
"frFemale": "Contentez-vous de faire votre boulot et de ne pas vous mettre en travers de ma route.",
"deMale": "Macht einfach Eure Arbeit und kommt mir nicht in die Quere.",
"deFemale": "Macht einfach Eure Arbeit und kommt mir nicht in die Quere."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Don't fail me.",
"frMale": "Ne me d\u00e9cevez pas.",
"frFemale": "Ne me d\u00e9cevez pas.",
"deMale": "Lasst mich nicht im Stich.",
"deFemale": "Lasst mich nicht im Stich."
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"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
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"Text": "You stole my battle cry.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You stole my battle cry.",
"frMale": "Vous m'avez piqu\u00e9 mon cri de guerre.",
"frFemale": "Vous m'avez piqu\u00e9 mon cri de guerre.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt mir meinen Kampfschrei geklaut.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt mir meinen Kampfschrei geklaut."
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"enMale": "Inspiring words. Really.",
"frMale": "Voil\u00e0 des mots qui inspirent. Vraiment.",
"frFemale": "Voil\u00e0 des mots qui inspirent. Vraiment.",
"deMale": "Inspirierende Worte. Wirklich.",
"deFemale": "Inspirierende Worte. Wirklich."
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"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "We've learned to combine our powers. All we need now is to focus them on Arcann.",
"frMale": "Nous avons appris \u00e0 combiner nos pouvoirs. Tout ce qu'il nous faut maintenant, c'est les concentrer sur Arcann.",
"frFemale": "Nous avons appris \u00e0 combiner nos pouvoirs. Tout ce qu'il nous faut maintenant, c'est les concentrer sur Arcann.",
"deMale": "Wir haben gelernt, unsere Kr\u00e4fte zu vereinen. Jetzt m\u00fcssen wir sie nur noch auf Arcann konzentrieren.",
"deFemale": "Wir haben gelernt, unsere Kr\u00e4fte zu vereinen. Jetzt m\u00fcssen wir sie nur noch auf Arcann konzentrieren."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "We're working out a plan.",
"frMale": "On travaille \u00e0 un plan.",
"frFemale": "On travaille \u00e0 un plan.",
"deMale": "Wir arbeiten an einem Plan.",
"deFemale": "Wir arbeiten an einem Plan."
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"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
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"frMale": "Je veux \u00eatre au premier rang pour voir \u00e7a.",
"frFemale": "Je veux \u00eatre au premier rang pour voir \u00e7a.",
"deMale": "Reserviert mir einen Platz in der ersten Reihe, wenn es soweit ist.",
"deFemale": "Reserviert mir einen Platz in der ersten Reihe, wenn es soweit ist."
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"Text": "This will get us where we need to go. Let's see if we can get it fired up.",
"LocalizedText": {
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"frMale": "Voil\u00e0 qui nous emm\u00e8nera o\u00f9 nous voulons aller. Voyons si nous parvenons \u00e0 le d\u00e9marrer.",
"frFemale": "Voil\u00e0 qui nous emm\u00e8nera o\u00f9 nous voulons aller. Voyons si nous parvenons \u00e0 le d\u00e9marrer.",
"deMale": "Damit sollten wir an unser Ziel kommen. Mal sehen, ob wir es zum Laufen bringen.",
"deFemale": "Damit sollten wir an unser Ziel kommen. Mal sehen, ob wir es zum Laufen bringen."
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[frFemale] => L'Empereur Valkorion vous parle, c'est ça ? Il a un conseil ?
[deMale] => Imperator Valkorion spricht mit Euch, oder? Hat er irgendwelche Ratschläge?
[deFemale] => Imperator Valkorion spricht mit Euch, oder? Hat er irgendwelche Ratschläge?
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => He's giving me the silent treatment.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He's giving me the silent treatment.
[frMale] => Il me fait le coup du silence.
[frFemale] => Il me fait le coup du silence.
[deMale] => Er straft mich mit Schweigen.
[deFemale] => Er straft mich mit Schweigen.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Not at the moment, no.
[frMale] => Pas en ce moment, non.
[frFemale] => Pas en ce moment, non.
[deMale] => Im Moment nicht, nein.
[deFemale] => Im Moment nicht, nein.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 12
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[5] => Array
[NodeId] => 5
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => He's very annoyed it's taking so long to hot-wire that speeder.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He's very annoyed it's taking so long to hot-wire that speeder.
[frMale] => Il est très contrarié qu'il faille autant de temps pour démarrer ce speeder.
[frFemale] => Il est très contrarié qu'il faille autant de temps pour démarrer ce speeder.
[deMale] => Er ist sehr verärgert, dass wir so lange brauchen, diesen Gleiter kurzzuschließen.
[deFemale] => Er ist sehr verärgert, dass wir so lange brauchen, diesen Gleiter kurzzuschließen.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => [Lie] He says to hurry up.
[frMale] => [Mentir] Il dit de faire vite.
[frFemale] => [Mentir] Il dit de faire vite.
[deMale] => [Lügen] Er meint, wir sollen uns beeilen.
[deFemale] => [Lügen] Er meint, wir sollen uns beeilen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 6
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[6] => Array
[NodeId] => 6
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Fine, don't tell me. I'm just saying....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Fine, don't tell me. I'm just saying....
[frMale] => D'accord, comme vous voulez. C'était juste pour dire...
[frFemale] => D'accord, comme vous voulez. C'était juste pour dire...
[deMale] => Wem sagt Ihr das. Ich meine ja nur ...
[deFemale] => Wem sagt Ihr das. Ich meine ja nur ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 7
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[7] => Array
[NodeId] => 7
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[8] => Array
[NodeId] => 8
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => The Emperor is a great man. If anyone can help you take down Arcann, it's him.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => The Emperor is a great man. If anyone can help you take down Arcann, it's him.
[frMale] => L'Empereur est un grand homme. Si quelqu'un peut vous aider à vaincre Arcann, c'est lui.
[frFemale] => L'Empereur est un grand homme. Si quelqu'un peut vous aider à vaincre Arcann, c'est lui.
[deMale] => Der Imperator ist ein großer Mann. Wenn jemand Euch helfen kann, Arcann auszuschalten, dann er.
[deFemale] => Der Imperator ist ein großer Mann. Wenn jemand Euch helfen kann, Arcann auszuschalten, dann er.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 16
[1] => 18
[2] => 71
[3] => 17
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[9] => Array
[NodeId] => 9
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => He has opinions about everything. I'm getting tired of it.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He has opinions about everything. I'm getting tired of it.
[frMale] => Il a toujours des opinions sur tout. Ça devient lassant.
[frFemale] => Il a toujours des opinions sur tout. Ça devient lassant.
[deMale] => Er gibt zu allem seine Kommentare ab. Langsam habe ich genug davon.
[deFemale] => Er gibt zu allem seine Kommentare ab. Langsam habe ich genug davon.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Constantly. It's annoying.
[frMale] => Constamment. C'est fatigant.
[frFemale] => Constamment. C'est fatigant.
[deMale] => Andauernd. Es ist ziemlich lästig.
[deFemale] => Andauernd. Es ist ziemlich lästig.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 10
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[10] => Array
[NodeId] => 10
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => You should feel honored he cares so much.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You should feel honored he cares so much.
[frMale] => Vous devriez vous sentir honoré qu'il soit aussi prévenant.
[frFemale] => Vous devriez vous sentir honorée qu'il soit aussi prévenant.
[deMale] => Ihr solltet Euch geehrt fühlen, dass er sich so einsetzt.
[deFemale] => Ihr solltet Euch geehrt fühlen, dass er sich so einsetzt.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 11
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[11] => Array
[NodeId] => 11
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 15
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[12] => Array
[NodeId] => 12
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => He's probably got a lot on your mind.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He's probably got a lot on your mind.
[frMale] => Il a sans doute beaucoup de choses en tête... enfin, dans la vôtre.
[frFemale] => Il a sans doute beaucoup de choses en tête... enfin, dans la vôtre.
[deMale] => Wahrscheinlich geht ihm gerade viel durch Euren Kopf.
[deFemale] => Wahrscheinlich geht ihm gerade viel durch Euren Kopf.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 13
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[13] => Array
[NodeId] => 13
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 8
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[16] => Array
[NodeId] => 16
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => His power comes at a high price. I won't be in debt to him.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => His power comes at a high price. I won't be in debt to him.
[frMale] => Sa puissance a un prix élevé. Je ne veux pas avoir de dette envers lui.
[frFemale] => Sa puissance a un prix élevé. Je ne veux pas avoir de dette envers lui.
[deMale] => Seine Macht hat einen hohen Preis. Ich will ihm nichts schuldig sein.
[deFemale] => Seine Macht hat einen hohen Preis. Ich will ihm nichts schuldig sein.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => I don't want his help.
[frMale] => Je ne veux pas de son aide.
[frFemale] => Je ne veux pas de son aide.
[deMale] => Ich will seine Hilfe nicht.
[deFemale] => Ich will seine Hilfe nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 19
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[17] => Array
[NodeId] => 17
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => We're talking about it right now. I wish you could hear us.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We're talking about it right now. I wish you could hear us.
[frMale] => On en parle en ce moment même. Dommage que vous ne puissiez pas nous entendre.
[frFemale] => On en parle en ce moment même. Dommage que vous ne puissiez pas nous entendre.
[deMale] => Wir sprechen gerade darüber. Ich wünschte, Ihr könntet uns hören.
[deFemale] => Wir sprechen gerade darüber. Ich wünschte, Ihr könntet uns hören.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => [Lie] We're working on a plan.
[frMale] => [Mentir] On travaille à un plan.
[frFemale] => [Mentir] On travaille à un plan.
[deMale] => [Lügen] Wir arbeiten an einem Plan.
[deFemale] => [Lügen] Wir arbeiten an einem Plan.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 21
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[18] => Array
[NodeId] => 18
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => If you knew what I do about him, you'd run. The man killed billions.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => If you knew what I do about him, you'd run. The man killed billions.
[frMale] => Si vous saviez ce que je sais à son sujet, vous fuiriez. Cet homme a tué des milliards de gens.
[frFemale] => Si vous saviez ce que je sais à son sujet, vous fuiriez. Cet homme a tué des milliards de gens.
[deMale] => Wenn Ihr wüsstet, was ich weiß, würdet Ihr Reißaus nehmen. Der Mann hat Milliarden getötet.
[deFemale] => Wenn Ihr wüsstet, was ich weiß, würdet Ihr Reißaus nehmen. Der Mann hat Milliarden getötet.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => You hero-worship a monster.
[frMale] => Vous vénérez un monstre.
[frFemale] => Vous vénérez un monstre.
[deMale] => Ihr himmelt ein Monster an.
[deFemale] => Ihr himmelt ein Monster an.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 23
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[19] => Array
[NodeId] => 19
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Debts can be paid. Do what's best for the galaxy.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Debts can be paid. Do what's best for the galaxy.
[frMale] => Les dettes peuvent être remboursées. Faites ce qu'il y a de mieux pour la galaxie.
[frFemale] => Les dettes peuvent être remboursées. Faites ce qu'il y a de mieux pour la galaxie.
[deMale] => Schulden kann man bezahlen. Tut, was für die Galaxis am besten ist.
[deFemale] => Schulden kann man bezahlen. Tut, was für die Galaxis am besten ist.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 26
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[21] => Array
[NodeId] => 21
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => When you two hit Arcann, I plan to be there.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => When you two hit Arcann, I plan to be there.
[frMale] => J'ai bien l'intention d'être là quand vous attaquerez Arcann.
[frFemale] => J'ai bien l'intention d'être là quand vous attaquerez Arcann.
[deMale] => Wenn Ihr beide auf Arcann trefft, will ich dabei sein.
[deFemale] => Wenn Ihr beide auf Arcann trefft, will ich dabei sein.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 24
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[23] => Array
[NodeId] => 23
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => He was always good to Zakuul.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He was always good to Zakuul.
[frMale] => Il a toujours été bon pour Zakel.
[frFemale] => Il a toujours été bon pour Zakel.
[deMale] => Er war immer gut zu Zakuul.
[deFemale] => Er war immer gut zu Zakuul.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 27
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[24] => Array
[NodeId] => 24
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 25
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[25] => Array
[NodeId] => 25
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => k0lz3tU
[Text] => Reminder: The Gravestone remains under siege.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Reminder: The Gravestone remains under siege.
[frMale] => Rappel : le Cénotaphe est toujours assiégé.
[frFemale] => Rappel : le Cénotaphe est toujours assiégé.
[deMale] => Erinnerung: Die Gravestone wird immer noch belagert.
[deFemale] => Erinnerung: Die Gravestone wird immer noch belagert.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 28
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[28] => Array
[NodeId] => 28
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 81
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[29] => Array
[NodeId] => 29
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Everyone's a critic!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Everyone's a critic!
[frMale] => C'est facile de critiquer !
[frFemale] => C'est facile de critiquer !
[deMale] => Kritisieren kann ja jeder!
[deFemale] => Kritisieren kann ja jeder!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[30] => Array
[NodeId] => 30
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 31
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[31] => Array
[NodeId] => 31
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 32
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[32] => Array
[NodeId] => 32
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 34
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[34] => Array
[NodeId] => 34
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => t07OCTF
[Text] => You're free from your father's control. You don't have to serve Arcann. You can stop this mad war.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You're free from your father's control. You don't have to serve Arcann. You can stop this mad war.
[frMale] => Vous n'êtes plus sous le contrôle de votre père. Vous n'avez pas à servir Arcann. Vous pouvez mettre un terme à la folie de cette guerre.
[frFemale] => Vous n'êtes plus sous le contrôle de votre père. Vous n'avez pas à servir Arcann. Vous pouvez mettre un terme à la folie de cette guerre.
[deMale] => Du bist frei von der Kontrolle deines Vaters. Du musst Arcann nicht dienen. Du kannst diesen wahnsinnigen Krieg aufhalten.
[deFemale] => Du bist frei von der Kontrolle deines Vaters. Du musst Arcann nicht dienen. Du kannst diesen wahnsinnigen Krieg aufhalten.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 35
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[35] => Array
[NodeId] => 35
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 36
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[36] => Array
[NodeId] => 36
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => wf3zpmP
[Text] => We didn't follow when you left Father. Why would we listen to you now?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We didn't follow when you left Father. Why would we listen to you now?
[frMale] => Nous ne vous avons pas suivie quand vous avez quitté Père. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous écouter maintenant ?
[frFemale] => Nous ne vous avons pas suivie quand vous avez quitté Père. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous écouter maintenant ?
[deMale] => Wir sind dir nicht gefolgt, als du Vater verlassen hast. Warum sollten wir jetzt auf dich hören?
[deFemale] => Wir sind dir nicht gefolgt, als du Vater verlassen hast. Warum sollten wir jetzt auf dich hören?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 37
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[37] => Array
[NodeId] => 37
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 42
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[38] => Array
[NodeId] => 38
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => t07OCTF
[Text] => I don't want to hurt you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I don't want to hurt you.
[frMale] => Je ne veux pas vous faire de mal.
[frFemale] => Je ne veux pas vous faire de mal.
[deMale] => Ich will dir nicht wehtun.
[deFemale] => Ich will dir nicht wehtun.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 39
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[39] => Array
[NodeId] => 39
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 40
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[40] => Array
[NodeId] => 40
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => wf3zpmP
[Text] => I liked you better when you were dead.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I liked you better when you were dead.
[frMale] => Je vous préférais quand vous étiez morte.
[frFemale] => Je vous préférais quand vous étiez morte.
[deMale] => Ich mochte dich lieber, als du tot warst.
[deFemale] => Ich mochte dich lieber, als du tot warst.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 41
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[41] => Array
[NodeId] => 41
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[42] => Array
[NodeId] => 42
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => wf3zpmP
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 43
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[43] => Array
[NodeId] => 43
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 84
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[44] => Array
[NodeId] => 44
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => wf3zpmP
[Text] => Haha....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Haha....
[frMale] => Ha ha...
[frFemale] => Ha ha...
[deMale] => Hahaha ...
[deFemale] => Hahaha ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[45] => Array
[NodeId] => 45
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 82
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[46] => Array
[NodeId] => 46
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => You're not the easiest person to work with, Outlander, but I've got your back.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You're not the easiest person to work with, Outlander, but I've got your back.
[frMale] => Ce n'est pas toujours facile de travailler avec vous, Étranger, mais je suis avec vous.
[frFemale] => Ce n'est pas toujours facile de travailler avec vous, Étrangère, mais je suis avec vous.
[deMale] => Die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch ist nicht immer gerade einfach, Fremdling, aber ich stehe hinter Euch.
[deFemale] => Die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch ist nicht immer gerade einfach, Fremdling, aber ich stehe hinter Euch.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 59
[1] => 51
[2] => 60
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[47] => Array
[NodeId] => 47
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => I know I complain sometimes, but you've done good so far. Keep it up.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I know I complain sometimes, but you've done good so far. Keep it up.
[frMale] => Je sais que je me plains parfois, mais vous avez fait du bon travail jusqu'à maintenant. Continuez comme ça.
[frFemale] => Je sais que je me plains parfois, mais vous avez fait du bon travail jusqu'à maintenant. Continuez comme ça.
[deMale] => Ich weiß, dass ich mich manchmal beschwere, aber Ihr habt Euch bisher gut geschlagen. Weiter so.
[deFemale] => Ich weiß, dass ich mich manchmal beschwere, aber Ihr habt Euch bisher gut geschlagen. Weiter so.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 68
[1] => 57
[2] => 69
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[48] => Array
[NodeId] => 48
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Whatever happens, I want you to know... it's an honor to fight alongside you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Whatever happens, I want you to know... it's an honor to fight alongside you.
[frMale] => Quoi qu'il se passe, je veux que vous sachiez... que ça a été un honneur de me battre à vos côtés.
[frFemale] => Quoi qu'il se passe, je veux que vous sachiez... que ça a été un honneur de me battre à vos côtés.
[deMale] => Was immer geschieht, ich möchte, dass Ihr eins wisst: Es ist eine Ehre, an Eurer Seite zu kämpfen.
[deFemale] => Was immer geschieht, ich möchte, dass Ihr eins wisst: Es ist eine Ehre, an Eurer Seite zu kämpfen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 67
[1] => 58
[2] => 70
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[49] => Array
[NodeId] => 49
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => The main override control station's just ahead.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => The main override control station's just ahead.
[frMale] => Le poste de commande manuel principal est juste là.
[frFemale] => Le poste de commande manuel principal est juste là.
[deMale] => Die Haupt-Überbrückungsstation ist direkt voraus.
[deFemale] => Die Haupt-Überbrückungsstation ist direkt voraus.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 50
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[50] => Array
[NodeId] => 50
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 48
[1] => 47
[2] => 46
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[51] => Array
[NodeId] => 51
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 1.6140914310397E+19
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Careful, Koth. You'll make me blush.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Careful, Koth. You'll make me blush.
[frMale] => Attention, Koth. Vous allez me faire rougir.
[frFemale] => Attention, Koth. Vous allez me faire rougir.
[deMale] => Koth, seid bloß vorsichtig. Sonst werde ich noch rot.
[deFemale] => Koth, seid bloß vorsichtig. Sonst werde ich noch rot.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => [Flirt] Flatterer.
[frMale] => [Séduire] Vous me flattez.
[frFemale] => [Séduire] Vous me flattez.
[deMale] => [Flirten] Schmeichler.
[deFemale] => [Flirten] Schmeichler.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 52
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[52] => Array
[NodeId] => 52
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => This is why I don't give compliments.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => This is why I don't give compliments.
[frMale] => C'est pour ça que je ne fais jamais de compliment.
[frFemale] => C'est pour ça que je ne fais jamais de compliment.
[deMale] => Darum mache ich keine Komplimente.
[deFemale] => Darum mache ich keine Komplimente.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 53
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[53] => Array
[NodeId] => 53
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 65
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[54] => Array
[NodeId] => 54
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Let's find that droid.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Let's find that droid.
[frMale] => Allons trouver ce droïde.
[frFemale] => Allons trouver ce droïde.
[deMale] => Finden wir diesen Droiden.
[deFemale] => Finden wir diesen Droiden.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 55
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[55] => Array
[NodeId] => 55
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 56
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[56] => Array
[NodeId] => 56
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[59] => Array
[NodeId] => 59
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Follow me. I'll get you through this alive.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Follow me. I'll get you through this alive.
[frMale] => Suivez-moi. Je vous ferai sortir de là en vie.
[frFemale] => Suivez-moi. Je vous ferai sortir de là en vie.
[deMale] => Folgt mir. Ich bringe Euch hier lebend raus.
[deFemale] => Folgt mir. Ich bringe Euch hier lebend raus.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Stay close. We're a team.
[frMale] => Ne vous éloignez pas. Nous sommes une équipe.
[frFemale] => Ne vous éloignez pas. Nous sommes une équipe.
[deMale] => Bleibt in der Nähe. Wir sind ein Team.
[deFemale] => Bleibt in der Nähe. Wir sind ein Team.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 61
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[60] => Array
[NodeId] => 60
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Just do your part and keep staying out of my way.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Just do your part and keep staying out of my way.
[frMale] => Contentez-vous de faire votre boulot et de ne pas vous mettre en travers de ma route.
[frFemale] => Contentez-vous de faire votre boulot et de ne pas vous mettre en travers de ma route.
[deMale] => Macht einfach Eure Arbeit und kommt mir nicht in die Quere.
[deFemale] => Macht einfach Eure Arbeit und kommt mir nicht in die Quere.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Don't fail me.
[frMale] => Ne me décevez pas.
[frFemale] => Ne me décevez pas.
[deMale] => Lasst mich nicht im Stich.
[deFemale] => Lasst mich nicht im Stich.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 62
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[61] => Array
[NodeId] => 61
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => You stole my battle cry.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You stole my battle cry.
[frMale] => Vous m'avez piqué mon cri de guerre.
[frFemale] => Vous m'avez piqué mon cri de guerre.
[deMale] => Ihr habt mir meinen Kampfschrei geklaut.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt mir meinen Kampfschrei geklaut.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 64
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[62] => Array
[NodeId] => 62
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Inspiring words. Really.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Inspiring words. Really.
[frMale] => Voilà des mots qui inspirent. Vraiment.
[frFemale] => Voilà des mots qui inspirent. Vraiment.
[deMale] => Inspirierende Worte. Wirklich.
[deFemale] => Inspirierende Worte. Wirklich.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 63
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[63] => Array
[NodeId] => 63
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 54
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[64] => Array
[NodeId] => 64
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 66
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[71] => Array
[NodeId] => 71
[QuestRewardB62] => PAK8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => We've learned to combine our powers. All we need now is to focus them on Arcann.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We've learned to combine our powers. All we need now is to focus them on Arcann.
[frMale] => Nous avons appris à combiner nos pouvoirs. Tout ce qu'il nous faut maintenant, c'est les concentrer sur Arcann.
[frFemale] => Nous avons appris à combiner nos pouvoirs. Tout ce qu'il nous faut maintenant, c'est les concentrer sur Arcann.
[deMale] => Wir haben gelernt, unsere Kräfte zu vereinen. Jetzt müssen wir sie nur noch auf Arcann konzentrieren.
[deFemale] => Wir haben gelernt, unsere Kräfte zu vereinen. Jetzt müssen wir sie nur noch auf Arcann konzentrieren.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => We're working out a plan.
[frMale] => On travaille à un plan.
[frFemale] => On travaille à un plan.
[deMale] => Wir arbeiten an einem Plan.
[deFemale] => Wir arbeiten an einem Plan.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 72
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[72] => Array
[NodeId] => 72
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => Save me a front-row seat for that.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Save me a front-row seat for that.
[frMale] => Je veux être au premier rang pour voir ça.
[frFemale] => Je veux être au premier rang pour voir ça.
[deMale] => Reserviert mir einen Platz in der ersten Reihe, wenn es soweit ist.
[deFemale] => Reserviert mir einen Platz in der ersten Reihe, wenn es soweit ist.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 73
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[74] => Array
[NodeId] => 74
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 75
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[75] => Array
[NodeId] => 75
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 44
[1] => 38
[2] => 29
[3] => 76
[4] => 80
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[76] => Array
[NodeId] => 76
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[Text] => This will get us where we need to go. Let's see if we can get it fired up.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => This will get us where we need to go. Let's see if we can get it fired up.
[frMale] => Voilà qui nous emmènera où nous voulons aller. Voyons si nous parvenons à le démarrer.
[frFemale] => Voilà qui nous emmènera où nous voulons aller. Voyons si nous parvenons à le démarrer.
[deMale] => Damit sollten wir an unser Ziel kommen. Mal sehen, ob wir es zum Laufen bringen.
[deFemale] => Damit sollten wir an unser Ziel kommen. Mal sehen, ob wir es zum Laufen bringen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[77] => Array
[NodeId] => 77
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 3
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[79] => Array
[NodeId] => 79
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 77
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[80] => Array
[NodeId] => 80
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => XsbcCP7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 5
[1] => 9
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[81] => Array
[NodeId] => 81
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => k0lz3tU
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 30
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[82] => Array
[NodeId] => 82
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => wf3zpmP
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 83
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[83] => Array
[NodeId] => 83
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 49
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[84] => Array
[NodeId] => 84
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => wf3zpmP
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 45
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[NodeLinkList] => Array
[15] => 8
[26] => 24
[27] => 24
[57] => 51
[58] => 51
[65] => 54
[66] => 54
[67] => 59
[68] => 59
[69] => 60
[70] => 60
[73] => 24
[DefaultSpeakerId] => 0
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[IsKOTORStyle] =>
[AffectionNpcB62] => Array
[AffectionNcoB62] => Array
[0] => c87LB0A
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[frMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[deMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[Id] => 16141013289950809639
[Base62Id] => 9uvWXX1
[Fqn] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_08.scene_08_koth_senya_vaylin
[B62References] => Array
[ProgressesQuest] => Array
[0] => PAK8oz6
[first_seen] => 4.0.0
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.0b
[hash] => 2996304297
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => removed_in
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 4.0.0