Vous n´êtes pas identifié(e).
Slot | Item | Category | SubCategory | Level | Added In |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Waist | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
HeadHelmet | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
HeadHelmet | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
HeadHelmet | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
HeadHelmet | Armure | Armure adaptable | 70 | 5.0.0 | |
Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next |
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb45db333180000cb09acbc" }, "ShortId": 940077, "NameId": "4037599970721792", "CleanName": "Versatile_Armoring_56", "Name": "Versatile Armoring 56", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Versatile Armoring 56", "frMale": "Blindage versatile 56", "frFemale": "Blindage versatile 56", "deMale": "Vielseitige Armierung 56", "deFemale": "Vielseitige Armierung 56" }, "DescriptionId": "4037599970721793", "Description": "This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item.", "LocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item.", "frMale": "Ce blindage peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour am\u00e9liorer votre armure. Le blindage modifie le niveau de l'objet.", "frFemale": "Ce blindage peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour am\u00e9liorer votre armure. Le blindage modifie le niveau de l'objet.", "deMale": "Mit dieser Armierung kannst du deine R\u00fcstung verbessern. Armierungen \u00e4ndern die Stufe des Gegenstands.", "deFemale": "Mit dieser Armierung kannst du deine R\u00fcstung verbessern. Armierungen \u00e4ndern die Stufe des Gegenstands." }, "Value": 1390, "Durability": 0, "MaxStack": 0, "UniqueLimit": 0, "Binding": "Equip", "Icon": "kotet_armoring_red", "HashedIcon": "3215895082_3955797909", "HashedImperialIcon": "", "HashedRepublicIcon": "", "Quality": "Premium", "ItemLevel": 113, "Rating": 232, "CombinedRating": 232, "RequiredLevel": 70, "CombinedRequiredLevel": 70, "DamageType": "None", "VendorStackSize": 0, "RequiresAlignment": false, "RequiredAlignmentTier": 0, "RequiredAlignmentInverted": false, "RequiresSocial": false, "RequiredSocialTier": 0, "RequiredProfession": "None", "RequiredProfessionLevel": 0, "DisassembleCategory": "None", "EnhancementCategory": "None", "EnhancementSubCategory": "None", "EnhancementType": "Harness", "DetEnhancementType": { "DisplayName": "Armoring", "Icon": "gfx\/icons\/slot_overlay.dds", "Mount": "harness", "ModType": "itmEnhancementModificationTypeBase", "IsArmorMod": true, "IsDestroyed": false, "StringId": 1173453784744194, "Id": 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"UseAbilityB62Id": "0000000", "ModifierSpec": "0", "SchematicId": "0", "SchematicB62Id": "0000000", "TreasurePackageId": "0", "MountSpec": "0", "RequiredGender": 0, "RequiredValorRank": 0, "RequiredReputationId": 0, "RequiredReputationLevelId": 0, "ConsumedOnUse": false, "TypeBitSet": 17996, "ItmCraftedCategory": "0", "Category": "ItemMod", "SubCategory": "ItemModArmoring", "SimpleStatModifiers": { "Endurance": 175, "Mastery": 205 }, "SimpleCombinedStatModifiers": { "Endurance": 175, "Mastery": 205 }, "Slots": [ "Any" ], "StackCount": 1, "MaxDurability": 0, "TeachesRef": "0", "TeachesRefB62": "0000000", "IsUnknownBool": true, "SetBonusId": "0", "SetBonusB62Id": "0000000", "ChildId": "0", "ChildBase62Id": "", "IsDecoration": false, "BindsToSlot": true, "RepFactionId": 0, "LocalizedRepFactionDictionary": [], "RequiredPermission": 0, "ReqArtEquipAuth": false, "DisintegrateCmdXP": 0, "TypeBitFlags": { "IsArmor": false, "IsWeapon": false, "HasGTNCategory": true, "Unk8": true, "HasConversation": false, "IsCrafted": false, "CanBeDisassembled": true, "HasDurability": false, "IsModdable": false, "IsMod": true, "CanHaveStats": true, "Unk800": false, "IsGift": false, "IsMissionItem": false, "Unk4000": true, "IsShipPart": false, "Unk10000": false, "IsCmpCstmztn": false, "HasUniqueLimit": false, "HasOnUse": false, "IsEquipable": false, "IsCurrency": false, "IsMtxItem": false, "IsRepTrophy": false }, "HasRocketFX": false, "ImperialRocketFX": false, "RepublicRocketFX": false, "Id": "16141061367484008388", "Base62Id": "n4UgSiB", "Fqn": "itm.mod.armoring.ilvl_0113.premium.att_mast_end", "B62References": { "extractedFrom": [ "TZv876C", "Mgz4UEF", "KrU6bHE", "A2MP7X4", "vCsQy9A", "RqTMNl3", "QdxUc6E", "GEEsaeA", "UUskeVA", "YMgvJXE", "vvyNEhN", "7hZHN62", "VYHn9v4", "AVUWEH5", "UR9MbmD", "IziAxpM", "DiuIwO3", "G5Q6Cx5", "kFvife7", "GagRskC", "AuvqDn9", "uv64dA1", "STDsn34", "YLVb3yP", "ylv7VMT", "fkMDl0C", "BC9y5NH", "gPfhRg3", "WjcTow3", "PnvS519", "WZVe43A", "E04HKU0", "3STpK48", "WmSBZNC", "W4udjA8", "082QyjA", "0wWynGJ", "nmvW9w0", "VmjHNk3", "jYou74E", "jQ1SaoF", "EhLMmBB", "LaQErUB", "dspLDOE", "6Aci6q2", "ZyTykBO", "D27cGVA", "trpnZW2", "2AZl2g7", "DavWRiD", "bMq4bqD", "hnpBgY4", "hmrUJn9", "4zZ9fSA", "ck39WN0", "DmRF2W7", "xOj9tn3", "eVFSypT", "rmP9Qh5", "YJRlU33", "8J4Jy1T", "lMOIhCA", "AhzvGa4", "mz1qolA", "NX6zgVU", "dNyYzy0", "5tDtbJ4", "kHiRTv7", "MMn5gh8", "4cxn7k6", "GITwC0B", "yiQjzAS", "RqH0AV0", "yHo5SjU", "kuCSwyE", "ikYkyVK", "L9hkyiP", "YuJ4rwB", "7b4cqV2", "RZ5wWID", "TmyQIy0", "wUqTwzR", "VFR0Uq0", "DFACQ0A", "IU7CHA3", "GN9yLbS", "iEPH1BD", "yFVhakI", "ybEodRQ", "yXvleVM", "b3n3f32", "31b8YNA", "DvYsHj1", "c6HIo30", "aOPHnIB", "JIUx8LF", "IqHS9RA", "ofAboP5", "KnqFVF6", "7n5oMTE", "P3Ono90", "Uc5rLm5", "SoBoTg0", "Q72wQRB", "aOvZY86", "tbk1qA7", "hPRdns0", "6yvBt63", "a8gftX1", "JozaUT0", "yRFGdFG", "JbwV4m5", "sVVvMZE", "yl6hlL9", "KqObZfD", "dY8HW2E", "b3lSty5", "lSvizyZ", "SZ3rGAA", "Ql6H9tA", "lTnu0e6", "dlxif24", "gyNcIVQ", 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Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb45db333180000cb09acbc ) [ShortId] => 940077 [NameId] => 4037599970721792 [CleanName] => Versatile_Armoring_56 [Name] => Versatile Armoring 56 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Versatile Armoring 56 [frMale] => Blindage versatile 56 [frFemale] => Blindage versatile 56 [deMale] => Vielseitige Armierung 56 [deFemale] => Vielseitige Armierung 56 ) [DescriptionId] => 4037599970721793 [Description] => This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item. [LocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item. [frMale] => Ce blindage peut être utilisé pour améliorer votre armure. Le blindage modifie le niveau de l'objet. [frFemale] => Ce blindage peut être utilisé pour améliorer votre armure. Le blindage modifie le niveau de l'objet. [deMale] => Mit dieser Armierung kannst du deine Rüstung verbessern. Armierungen ändern die Stufe des Gegenstands. [deFemale] => Mit dieser Armierung kannst du deine Rüstung verbessern. Armierungen ändern die Stufe des Gegenstands. ) [Value] => 1390 [Durability] => 0 [MaxStack] => 0 [UniqueLimit] => 0 [Binding] => Equip [Icon] => kotet_armoring_red [HashedIcon] => 3215895082_3955797909 [HashedImperialIcon] => [HashedRepublicIcon] => [Quality] => Premium [ItemLevel] => 113 [Rating] => 232 [CombinedRating] => 232 [RequiredLevel] => 70 [CombinedRequiredLevel] => 70 [DamageType] => None [VendorStackSize] => 0 [RequiresAlignment] => [RequiredAlignmentTier] => 0 [RequiredAlignmentInverted] => [RequiresSocial] => [RequiredSocialTier] => 0 [RequiredProfession] => None [RequiredProfessionLevel] => 0 [DisassembleCategory] => None [EnhancementCategory] => None [EnhancementSubCategory] => None [EnhancementType] => Harness [DetEnhancementType] => Array ( [DisplayName] => Armoring [Icon] => gfx/icons/slot_overlay.dds [Mount] => harness [ModType] => itmEnhancementModificationTypeBase [IsArmorMod] => 1 [IsDestroyed] => [StringId] => 1173453784744194 [Id] => 1173453784744194 [LocalizedDisplayName] => Array ( [enMale] => Armoring [frMale] => Blindage [frFemale] => Blindage [deMale] => Armierung [deFemale] => Armierung ) ) [GiftType] => None [GiftRank] => None [GiftRankNum] => 0 [AuctionCategoryId] => 10 [AuctionCategory] => Array ( [NameId] => 1002634345447472 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Item Modification [frMale] => Modification d'objet [frFemale] => Modification d'objet [deMale] => Gegenstands-Modifikation [deFemale] => Gegenstands-Modifikation ) [Id] => 10 [Base62Id] => 2W00000 [Name] => Item Modification ) [AuctionSubCategoryId] => 40 [AuctionSubCategory] => Array ( [IntId] => 40 [SId] => -8209690750727833032 [NameId] => 1002634345447727 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Armoring [frMale] => Blindage [frFemale] => Blindage [deMale] => Armierung [deFemale] => Armierung ) [SlotCategories] => Array ( ) [Id] => 40 [Base62Id] => A000000 [Name] => Armoring ) [DyeId] => 0 [EquipAbilityId] => 0 [EquipAbilityB62Id] => 0000000 [UseAbilityId] => 0 [UseAbilityB62Id] => 0000000 [ModifierSpec] => 0 [SchematicId] => 0 [SchematicB62Id] => 0000000 [TreasurePackageId] => 0 [MountSpec] => 0 [RequiredGender] => 0 [RequiredValorRank] => 0 [RequiredReputationId] => 0 [RequiredReputationLevelId] => 0 [ConsumedOnUse] => [TypeBitSet] => 17996 [ItmCraftedCategory] => 0 [Category] => ItemMod [SubCategory] => ItemModArmoring [SimpleStatModifiers] => Array ( [Endurance] => 175 [Mastery] => 205 ) [SimpleCombinedStatModifiers] => Array ( [Endurance] => 175 [Mastery] => 205 ) [Slots] => Array ( [0] => Any ) [StackCount] => 1 [MaxDurability] => 0 [TeachesRef] => 0 [TeachesRefB62] => 0000000 [IsUnknownBool] => 1 [SetBonusId] => 0 [SetBonusB62Id] => 0000000 [ChildId] => 0 [ChildBase62Id] => [IsDecoration] => [BindsToSlot] => 1 [RepFactionId] => 0 [LocalizedRepFactionDictionary] => Array ( ) [RequiredPermission] => 0 [ReqArtEquipAuth] => [DisintegrateCmdXP] => 0 [TypeBitFlags] => Array ( [IsArmor] => [IsWeapon] => [HasGTNCategory] => 1 [Unk8] => 1 [HasConversation] => [IsCrafted] => [CanBeDisassembled] => 1 [HasDurability] => [IsModdable] => [IsMod] => 1 [CanHaveStats] => 1 [Unk800] => [IsGift] => [IsMissionItem] => [Unk4000] => 1 [IsShipPart] => [Unk10000] => [IsCmpCstmztn] => [HasUniqueLimit] => [HasOnUse] => [IsEquipable] => [IsCurrency] => [IsMtxItem] => [IsRepTrophy] => ) [HasRocketFX] => [ImperialRocketFX] => [RepublicRocketFX] => [Id] => 16141061367484008388 [Base62Id] => n4UgSiB [Fqn] => itm.mod.armoring.ilvl_0113.premium.att_mast_end [B62References] => Array ( [extractedFrom] => Array ( [0] => TZv876C [1] => Mgz4UEF [2] => KrU6bHE [3] => A2MP7X4 [4] => vCsQy9A [5] => RqTMNl3 [6] => QdxUc6E [7] => GEEsaeA [8] => UUskeVA [9] => YMgvJXE [10] => vvyNEhN [11] => 7hZHN62 [12] => VYHn9v4 [13] => AVUWEH5 [14] => UR9MbmD [15] => IziAxpM [16] => DiuIwO3 [17] => G5Q6Cx5 [18] => kFvife7 [19] => GagRskC [20] => AuvqDn9 [21] => uv64dA1 [22] => STDsn34 [23] => YLVb3yP [24] => ylv7VMT [25] => fkMDl0C [26] => BC9y5NH [27] => gPfhRg3 [28] => WjcTow3 [29] => PnvS519 [30] => WZVe43A [31] => E04HKU0 [32] => 3STpK48 [33] => WmSBZNC [34] => W4udjA8 [35] => 082QyjA [36] => 0wWynGJ [37] => nmvW9w0 [38] => VmjHNk3 [39] => jYou74E [40] => jQ1SaoF [41] => EhLMmBB [42] => LaQErUB [43] => dspLDOE [44] => 6Aci6q2 [45] => ZyTykBO [46] => D27cGVA [47] => trpnZW2 [48] => 2AZl2g7 [49] => DavWRiD [50] => bMq4bqD [51] => hnpBgY4 [52] => hmrUJn9 [53] => 4zZ9fSA [54] => ck39WN0 [55] => DmRF2W7 [56] => xOj9tn3 [57] => eVFSypT [58] => rmP9Qh5 [59] => YJRlU33 [60] => 8J4Jy1T [61] => lMOIhCA [62] => AhzvGa4 [63] => mz1qolA [64] => NX6zgVU [65] => dNyYzy0 [66] => 5tDtbJ4 [67] => kHiRTv7 [68] => MMn5gh8 [69] => 4cxn7k6 [70] => GITwC0B [71] => yiQjzAS [72] => RqH0AV0 [73] => yHo5SjU [74] => kuCSwyE [75] => ikYkyVK [76] => L9hkyiP [77] => YuJ4rwB [78] => 7b4cqV2 [79] => RZ5wWID [80] => TmyQIy0 [81] => wUqTwzR [82] => VFR0Uq0 [83] => DFACQ0A [84] => IU7CHA3 [85] => GN9yLbS [86] => iEPH1BD [87] => yFVhakI [88] => ybEodRQ [89] => yXvleVM [90] => b3n3f32 [91] => 31b8YNA [92] => DvYsHj1 [93] => c6HIo30 [94] => aOPHnIB [95] => JIUx8LF [96] => IqHS9RA [97] => ofAboP5 [98] => KnqFVF6 [99] => 7n5oMTE [100] => P3Ono90 [101] => Uc5rLm5 [102] => SoBoTg0 [103] => Q72wQRB [104] => aOvZY86 [105] => tbk1qA7 [106] => hPRdns0 [107] => 6yvBt63 [108] => a8gftX1 [109] => JozaUT0 [110] => yRFGdFG [111] => JbwV4m5 [112] => sVVvMZE [113] => yl6hlL9 [114] => KqObZfD [115] => dY8HW2E [116] => b3lSty5 [117] => lSvizyZ [118] => SZ3rGAA [119] => Ql6H9tA [120] => lTnu0e6 [121] => dlxif24 [122] => gyNcIVQ [123] => uPAFyKC [124] => wXxwJc3 [125] => U7NQ1a9 [126] => W9euzB8 [127] => 1Cs21g7 [128] => ryWWQlA [129] => 5Olecs5 [130] => z5heEE7 [131] => zXm9AzW [132] => phyDZKD [133] => yTR7nDV [134] => iPbLwD1 [135] => MCIOK8A [136] => xhLWNZ6 [137] => 4cvN9VB [138] => zFBnkyQ [139] => 7B7iFl2 [140] => lXMkmmB [141] => qObQQtE [142] => I0JplnC [143] => tAUZuC9 [144] => DL7ZptC [145] => xYlQ7X1 [146] => 8syd7oE [147] => zgCzf8X [148] => lj4l943 [149] => jdiDvU9 [150] => q4CNsa9 [151] => yQ4zl4f [152] => z92ix8I [153] => 0cC9cV9 [154] => suUOS43 [155] => MwVkLxE [156] => 290VRT1 [157] => wAtDykM ) ) [first_seen] => 5.0.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.0b [hash] => 131782671 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => removed_in ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 5.0.0 [1] => 5.10.0 [2] => 6.0.0 ) )