"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb3e66033180000cb064683"
"ShortId": 610959,
"NameId": "2624048924196864",
"CleanName": "Yellow_Sharp_Crystal",
"Name": "Yellow Sharp Crystal",
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "Yellow Sharp Crystal",
"frMale": "Cristal Tranchant jaune",
"frFemale": "Cristal Tranchant jaune",
"deMale": "Gelber scharfkantiger Kristall",
"deFemale": "Gelber scharfkantiger Kristall"
"DescriptionId": "2624048924196865",
"Description": "This Color Crystal can be used to change the color of your weapon.",
"LocalizedDescription": {
"enMale": "This Color Crystal can be used to change the color of your weapon.",
"frMale": "Ce cristal peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour changer la couleur de votre arme.",
"frFemale": "Ce cristal peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour changer la couleur de votre arme.",
"deMale": "Mit diesem Farbkristall kannst du die Farbe deiner Waffe \u00e4ndern.",
"deFemale": "Mit diesem Farbkristall kannst du die Farbe deiner Waffe \u00e4ndern."
"Value": 30,
"Durability": 0,
"MaxStack": 0,
"UniqueLimit": 0,
"Binding": "Equip",
"Icon": "yellowminorlightsabercrystal",
"HashedIcon": "2180801547_1915812584",
"HashedImperialIcon": "",
"HashedRepublicIcon": "",
"Quality": "Premium",
"ItemLevel": 16,
"Rating": 38,
"CombinedRating": 38,
"RequiredLevel": 15,
"CombinedRequiredLevel": 15,
"DamageType": "None",
"VendorStackSize": 0,
"RequiresAlignment": false,
"RequiredAlignmentTier": 0,
"RequiredAlignmentInverted": false,
"RequiresSocial": false,
"RequiredSocialTier": 0,
"RequiredProfession": "None",
"RequiredProfessionLevel": 0,
"DisassembleCategory": "ArtificeFocusCrystal",
"EnhancementCategory": "None",
"EnhancementSubCategory": "None",
"EnhancementType": "ColorCrystal",
"DetEnhancementType": {
"DisplayName": "Color Crystal",
"Icon": "gfx\/icons\/slot_color_crystal.dds",
"Mount": "colorCrystal",
"ModType": "itmEnhancementModificationTypeAppearance",
"IsArmorMod": false,
"IsDestroyed": false,
"StringId": 1173453784743941,
"Id": 1173453784743941,
"LocalizedDisplayName": {
"enMale": "Color Crystal",
"frMale": "Cristal de couleur",
"frFemale": "Cristal de couleur",
"deMale": "Farbkristall",
"deFemale": "Farbkristall"
"GiftType": "None",
"GiftRank": "None",
"GiftRankNum": 0,
"AuctionCategoryId": 10,
"AuctionCategory": {
"NameId": 1002634345447472,
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "Item Modification",
"frMale": "Modification d'objet",
"frFemale": "Modification d'objet",
"deMale": "Gegenstands-Modifikation",
"deFemale": "Gegenstands-Modifikation"
"Id": "10",
"Base62Id": "2W00000",
"Name": "Item Modification"
"AuctionSubCategoryId": 39,
"AuctionSubCategory": {
"IntId": 39,
"SId": 952959784508461023,
"NameId": 1002634345447451,
"LocalizedName": {
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"frMale": "Cristal de couleur",
"frFemale": "Cristal de couleur",
"deMale": "Farbkristall",
"deFemale": "Farbkristall"
"SlotCategories": [],
"Id": "39",
"Base62Id": "9m00000",
"Name": "Color Crystal"
"AppearanceColor": "YELLOW",
"DyeId": 5,
"EquipAbilityId": "0",
"EquipAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
"UseAbilityId": "0",
"UseAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
"ModifierSpec": "0",
"SchematicId": "0",
"SchematicB62Id": "0000000",
"TreasurePackageId": "0",
"MountSpec": "0",
"RequiredGender": 0,
"RequiredValorRank": 0,
"RequiredReputationId": 0,
"RequiredReputationLevelId": 0,
"ConsumedOnUse": false,
"TypeBitSet": 17996,
"ItmCraftedCategory": "0",
"Category": "ItemMod",
"SubCategory": "ItemModColorCrystal",
"SimpleStatModifiers": {
"Power": 4
"SimpleCombinedStatModifiers": {
"Power": 4
"Slots": [
"StackCount": 1,
"MaxDurability": 0,
"TeachesRef": "0",
"TeachesRefB62": "0000000",
"IsUnknownBool": true,
"SetBonusId": "0",
"SetBonusB62Id": "0000000",
"ChildId": "0",
"ChildBase62Id": "",
"IsDecoration": false,
"BindsToSlot": false,
"RepFactionId": 0,
"LocalizedRepFactionDictionary": [],
"RequiredPermission": 0,
"ReqArtEquipAuth": false,
"DisintegrateCmdXP": 0,
"TypeBitFlags": {
"IsArmor": false,
"IsWeapon": false,
"HasGTNCategory": true,
"Unk8": true,
"HasConversation": false,
"IsCrafted": false,
"CanBeDisassembled": true,
"HasDurability": false,
"IsModdable": false,
"IsMod": true,
"CanHaveStats": true,
"Unk800": false,
"IsGift": false,
"IsMissionItem": false,
"Unk4000": true,
"IsShipPart": false,
"Unk10000": false,
"IsCmpCstmztn": false,
"HasUniqueLimit": false,
"HasOnUse": false,
"IsEquipable": false,
"IsCurrency": false,
"IsMtxItem": false,
"IsRepTrophy": false
"HasRocketFX": false,
"ImperialRocketFX": false,
"RepublicRocketFX": false,
"Id": "16140964633634806775",
"Base62Id": "yutvQzG",
"Fqn": "itm.mod.color_crystal.att_pwr.yellow.premium.basemod_03",
"first_seen": "1.0.0a",
"last_seen": "6.2.1a",
"current_version": "6.2.1a",
"hash": "1489266960",
"removed_in": "",
"changed_fields": [
"previous_versions": [
"B62References": {
"extractedFrom": [
"DyeColor": {
"ColorNameId": 1395142816694278,
"ColorName": "Yellow",
"LocalizedColorName": {
"enMale": "Yellow",
"frMale": "Jaune",
"frFemale": "Jaune",
"deMale": "Gelb",
"deFemale": "Gelb"
"Palette1Rep": "255, 128, 0",
"Palette2Rep": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"UnknownBool1": false,
"UnknownBool2": true,
"ColorSchemeId": 0,
"ColorId": -802565765900834520,
"ShortId": 5,
"HueName": "YELLOW"
[_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object
[oid] => 5fb3e66033180000cb064683
[ShortId] => 610959
[NameId] => 2624048924196864
[CleanName] => Yellow_Sharp_Crystal
[Name] => Yellow Sharp Crystal
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => Yellow Sharp Crystal
[frMale] => Cristal Tranchant jaune
[frFemale] => Cristal Tranchant jaune
[deMale] => Gelber scharfkantiger Kristall
[deFemale] => Gelber scharfkantiger Kristall
[DescriptionId] => 2624048924196865
[Description] => This Color Crystal can be used to change the color of your weapon.
[LocalizedDescription] => Array
[enMale] => This Color Crystal can be used to change the color of your weapon.
[frMale] => Ce cristal peut être utilisé pour changer la couleur de votre arme.
[frFemale] => Ce cristal peut être utilisé pour changer la couleur de votre arme.
[deMale] => Mit diesem Farbkristall kannst du die Farbe deiner Waffe ändern.
[deFemale] => Mit diesem Farbkristall kannst du die Farbe deiner Waffe ändern.
[Value] => 30
[Durability] => 0
[MaxStack] => 0
[UniqueLimit] => 0
[Binding] => Equip
[Icon] => yellowminorlightsabercrystal
[HashedIcon] => 2180801547_1915812584
[HashedImperialIcon] =>
[HashedRepublicIcon] =>
[Quality] => Premium
[ItemLevel] => 16
[Rating] => 38
[CombinedRating] => 38
[RequiredLevel] => 15
[CombinedRequiredLevel] => 15
[DamageType] => None
[VendorStackSize] => 0
[RequiresAlignment] =>
[RequiredAlignmentTier] => 0
[RequiredAlignmentInverted] =>
[RequiresSocial] =>
[RequiredSocialTier] => 0
[RequiredProfession] => None
[RequiredProfessionLevel] => 0
[DisassembleCategory] => ArtificeFocusCrystal
[EnhancementCategory] => None
[EnhancementSubCategory] => None
[EnhancementType] => ColorCrystal
[DetEnhancementType] => Array
[DisplayName] => Color Crystal
[Icon] => gfx/icons/slot_color_crystal.dds
[Mount] => colorCrystal
[ModType] => itmEnhancementModificationTypeAppearance
[IsArmorMod] =>
[IsDestroyed] =>
[StringId] => 1173453784743941
[Id] => 1173453784743941
[LocalizedDisplayName] => Array
[enMale] => Color Crystal
[frMale] => Cristal de couleur
[frFemale] => Cristal de couleur
[deMale] => Farbkristall
[deFemale] => Farbkristall
[GiftType] => None
[GiftRank] => None
[GiftRankNum] => 0
[AuctionCategoryId] => 10
[AuctionCategory] => Array
[NameId] => 1002634345447472
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => Item Modification
[frMale] => Modification d'objet
[frFemale] => Modification d'objet
[deMale] => Gegenstands-Modifikation
[deFemale] => Gegenstands-Modifikation
[Id] => 10
[Base62Id] => 2W00000
[Name] => Item Modification
[AuctionSubCategoryId] => 39
[AuctionSubCategory] => Array
[IntId] => 39
[SId] => 952959784508461023
[NameId] => 1002634345447451
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => Color Crystal
[frMale] => Cristal de couleur
[frFemale] => Cristal de couleur
[deMale] => Farbkristall
[deFemale] => Farbkristall
[SlotCategories] => Array
[Id] => 39
[Base62Id] => 9m00000
[Name] => Color Crystal
[AppearanceColor] => YELLOW
[DyeId] => 5
[EquipAbilityId] => 0
[EquipAbilityB62Id] => 0000000
[UseAbilityId] => 0
[UseAbilityB62Id] => 0000000
[ModifierSpec] => 0
[SchematicId] => 0
[SchematicB62Id] => 0000000
[TreasurePackageId] => 0
[MountSpec] => 0
[RequiredGender] => 0
[RequiredValorRank] => 0
[RequiredReputationId] => 0
[RequiredReputationLevelId] => 0
[ConsumedOnUse] =>
[TypeBitSet] => 17996
[ItmCraftedCategory] => 0
[Category] => ItemMod
[SubCategory] => ItemModColorCrystal
[SimpleStatModifiers] => Array
[Power] => 4
[SimpleCombinedStatModifiers] => Array
[Power] => 4
[Slots] => Array
[0] => Any
[StackCount] => 1
[MaxDurability] => 0
[TeachesRef] => 0
[TeachesRefB62] => 0000000
[IsUnknownBool] => 1
[SetBonusId] => 0
[SetBonusB62Id] => 0000000
[ChildId] => 0
[ChildBase62Id] =>
[IsDecoration] =>
[BindsToSlot] =>
[RepFactionId] => 0
[LocalizedRepFactionDictionary] => Array
[RequiredPermission] => 0
[ReqArtEquipAuth] =>
[DisintegrateCmdXP] => 0
[TypeBitFlags] => Array
[IsArmor] =>
[IsWeapon] =>
[HasGTNCategory] => 1
[Unk8] => 1
[HasConversation] =>
[IsCrafted] =>
[CanBeDisassembled] => 1
[HasDurability] =>
[IsModdable] =>
[IsMod] => 1
[CanHaveStats] => 1
[Unk800] =>
[IsGift] =>
[IsMissionItem] =>
[Unk4000] => 1
[IsShipPart] =>
[Unk10000] =>
[IsCmpCstmztn] =>
[HasUniqueLimit] =>
[HasOnUse] =>
[IsEquipable] =>
[IsCurrency] =>
[IsMtxItem] =>
[IsRepTrophy] =>
[HasRocketFX] =>
[ImperialRocketFX] =>
[RepublicRocketFX] =>
[Id] => 16140964633634806775
[Base62Id] => yutvQzG
[Fqn] => itm.mod.color_crystal.att_pwr.yellow.premium.basemod_03
[first_seen] => 1.0.0a
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.1a
[hash] => 1489266960
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => AppearanceColor
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 1.0.0a
[1] => 1.0.0a
[2] => 1.2.0
[3] => 1.3.0
[4] => 1.4.0
[5] => 2.1.0
[6] => 2.1.0a
[7] => 2.1.0b
[8] => 2.1.1
[9] => 2.2.0
[10] => 2.2.0a
[11] => 2.2.1
[12] => 2.2.2
[13] => 2.2.2a
[14] => 2.2.3
[15] => 2.3.0
[16] => 2.3.0a
[17] => 2.3.0b
[18] => 2.3.0c
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[20] => 2.3.1a
[21] => 2.3.2
[22] => 2.3.2a
[23] => 2.3.2b
[24] => 2.3.3
[25] => 2.3.3a
[26] => 2.4.0
[27] => 2.4.0a
[28] => 2.4.0b
[29] => 2.4.1
[30] => 2.4.1a
[31] => 2.4.1b
[32] => 2.4.2
[33] => 2.4.3
[34] => 2.4.3a
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[36] => 2.5.0a
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[38] => 2.5.1
[39] => 2.5.1a
[40] => 2.5.2
[41] => 2.5.2a
[42] => 2.6.0
[43] => 2.6.0a
[44] => 2.6.1
[45] => 2.6.1a
[46] => 2.6.2
[47] => 2.7.0
[48] => 2.7.1
[49] => 2.7.2
[50] => 2.8.0
[51] => 2.8.0a
[52] => 2.8.0b
[53] => 2.8.1
[54] => 2.8.2
[55] => 2.9.0
[56] => 2.9.0a
[57] => 2.9.0b
[58] => 2.9.0c
[59] => 2.9.0d
[60] => 2.10.0
[61] => 2.10.1
[62] => 2.10.1a
[63] => 2.10.1c
[64] => 2.10.2
[65] => 2.10.2a
[66] => 2.10.3
[67] => 2.10.3a
[68] => 3.0.0
[69] => 3.0.0a
[70] => 3.0.0b
[71] => 3.0.1
[72] => 3.0.2
[73] => 3.0.2a
[74] => 3.0.2b
[75] => 3.1.0
[76] => 3.1.0a
[77] => 3.1.1
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[80] => 3.2.0
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[82] => 3.2.0b
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[84] => 3.2.1
[85] => 3.2.2
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[87] => 3.3.0
[88] => 3.3.0a
[89] => 3.3.1
[90] => 3.3.2
[91] => 4.0.0
[92] => 4.0.0a
[93] => 4.0.1
[94] => 4.0.1a
[95] => 4.0.2
[96] => 4.0.2a
[97] => 4.0.3
[98] => 4.0.3a
[99] => 4.0.4
[100] => 4.1.0
[101] => 4.1.0a
[102] => 4.1.0b
[103] => 4.2.0
[104] => 4.2.0a
[105] => 4.2.0b
[106] => 4.3.0
[107] => 4.3.0a
[108] => 4.4.0
[109] => 4.5.0
[110] => 4.6.0
[111] => 4.6.0a
[112] => 4.7.0
[113] => 4.7.0a
[114] => 4.7.1
[115] => 4.7.2
[116] => 4.7.3
[117] => 4.7.3a
[118] => 5.0.0
[119] => 5.0.0a
[120] => 5.0.1
[121] => 5.0.1a
[122] => 5.1.0
[123] => 5.1.1
[124] => 5.1.2
[125] => 5.1.3
[126] => 5.2.0
[127] => 5.2.1
[128] => 5.2.2
[129] => 5.3.0
[130] => 5.3.0a
[131] => 5.4.0
[132] => 5.4.0a
[133] => 5.5.0
[134] => 5.5.0a
[135] => 5.5.1
[136] => 5.5.1a
[137] => 5.6.0
[138] => 5.6.1
[139] => 5.7.0
[140] => 5.7.0a
[141] => 5.7.0b
[142] => 5.8.0
[143] => 5.9.0
[144] => 5.9.0a
[145] => 5.9.1
[146] => 5.9.1a
[147] => 5.9.2
[148] => 5.9.2a
[149] => 5.9.2b
[150] => 5.9.3
[151] => 5.9.3a
[152] => 5.10.0
[153] => 5.10.0a
[154] => 5.10.0b
[155] => 5.10.1
[156] => 5.10.1a
[157] => 5.10.2
[158] => 5.10.2a
[159] => 5.10.2b
[160] => 5.10.3
[161] => 5.10.3a
[162] => 5.10.4
[163] => 6.0.0
[164] => 6.0.0a
[165] => 6.0.1
[166] => 6.0.1a
[167] => 6.0.2
[168] => 6.0.2a
[169] => 6.1.0
[170] => 6.1.0a
[171] => 6.1.0b
[172] => 6.1.0c
[173] => 6.1.1
[174] => 6.1.1a
[175] => 6.1.1b
[176] => 6.1.2
[177] => 6.1.2a
[178] => 6.1.2b
[179] => 6.1.2c
[180] => 6.1.2d
[181] => 6.1.3
[182] => 6.1.4
[183] => 6.1.4a
[184] => 6.1.4b
[185] => 6.1.4c
[186] => 6.2.0
[187] => 6.2.0a
[188] => 6.2.0b
[189] => 6.2.0a
[190] => 6.2.0b
[191] => 6.2.1
[B62References] => Array
[extractedFrom] => Array
[0] => 3ytnOUC
[1] => gTRYmyC
[2] => zHfrOUC
[DyeColor] => Array
[ColorNameId] => 1395142816694278
[ColorName] => Yellow
[LocalizedColorName] => Array
[enMale] => Yellow
[frMale] => Jaune
[frFemale] => Jaune
[deMale] => Gelb
[deFemale] => Gelb
[Palette1Rep] => 255, 128, 0
[Palette2Rep] => 0, 0, 0, 0
[UnknownBool1] =>
[UnknownBool2] => 1
[ColorSchemeId] => 0
[ColorId] => -802565765900834520
[ShortId] => 5
[HueName] => YELLOW