Vous n´êtes pas identifié(e).
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb3e68733180000cb06bd48" }, "Name": "Thunderstruck", "NameId": "499032250122328", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Thunderstruck", "frMale": "Stup\u00e9faction", "frFemale": "Stup\u00e9faction", "deMale": "Donnerschlag", "deFemale": "Donnerschlag" }, "Icon": "cdx.location.tatooine.jundland", "IsRepeatable": true, "RequiredLevel": 1, "XpLevel": 28, "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyVeryHard", "CanAbandon": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsClassQuest": false, "IsBonus": true, "BonusShareable": false, "CategoryId": "2466269005611270", "LocalizedCategory": { "enMale": "Tatooine", "frMale": "Tatooine", "frFemale": "Tatooine", "deMale": "Tatooine", "deFemale": "Tatooine" }, "Branches": [ { "Id": "1", "DbId": 0, "Steps": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "", "LocalizedJournalText": [], "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "ShowTracking": false, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 2, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "While storming the Togorothe Smuggling Operation, slaughter the Exchange anti-aircraft gunners for their insolence.", "LocalizedJournalText": { "enMale": "While storming the Togorothe Smuggling Operation, slaughter the Exchange anti-aircraft gunners for their insolence.", "frMale": "Alors que vous frappez l'organisation contrebandi\u00e8re de Togorothe, massacrez les tireurs antia\u00e9riens pour leur insolence.", "frFemale": "Alors que vous frappez l'organisation contrebandi\u00e8re de Togorothe, massacrez les tireurs antia\u00e9riens pour leur insolence.", "deMale": "Strecke beim Sturm auf den Togorothe-Schmugglerring die Luftabwehrsch\u00fctzen der Exchange f\u00fcr ihre Unversch\u00e4mtheit nieder.", "deFemale": "Strecke beim Sturm auf den Togorothe-Schmugglerring die Luftabwehrsch\u00fctzen der Exchange f\u00fcr ihre Unversch\u00e4mtheit nieder." }, "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "String": "Defeat Exchange Anti-aircraft Gunners", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Defeat Exchange Anti-aircraft Gunners", "frMale": "Vaincre les tireurs antia\u00e9riens de l'\u00c9change", "frFemale": "Vaincre les tireurs antia\u00e9riens de l'\u00c9change", "deMale": "Beseitige die Luftabwehrsch\u00fctzen der Exchange", "deFemale": "Beseitige die Luftabwehrsch\u00fctzen der Exchange" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": true, "CountMax": 12, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcIds": [ 1.6140968710601531e+19 ], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [ "yR0CYq6" ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "MBuJQh1" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ] } ], "Items": [], "Rewards": [], "ReqPrivacy": "", "CreditRewardType": "589686270506543030", "CreditsRewarded": 1885, "XP": 0, "SubXP": 0, "F2PXP": 0, "CommandXP": 600, "HashedIcon": "447768034_3051612759", "BranchCount": 1, "ClassesB62": [], "ConversationGains": { "CompanionsParsed": [], "NodeText": [], "AffectionGainTable": [] }, "QuestsNextB62": [], "QuestsPreviousB62": [], "Id": "16141041478757617238", "Base62Id": "Leunlh4", "Fqn": "qst.location.tatooine.bonus.imperial.thunderstrike", "B62References": { "parentQuest": [ "aBzxN9I" ], "QuestMpns": [ "MBuJQh1" ] }, "first_seen": "1.0.0a", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.1a", "hash": "450952197", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "ClassesAllowed", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "1.0.0a", "1.2.0", "2.3.1", "4.0.0", "5.0.0", "5.2.0", "5.2.1", "6.0.0" ], "ClassesAllowed": [] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb3e68733180000cb06bd48 ) [Name] => Thunderstruck [NameId] => 499032250122328 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Thunderstruck [frMale] => Stupéfaction [frFemale] => Stupéfaction [deMale] => Donnerschlag [deFemale] => Donnerschlag ) [Icon] => cdx.location.tatooine.jundland [IsRepeatable] => 1 [RequiredLevel] => 1 [XpLevel] => 28 [Difficulty] => qstDifficultyVeryHard [CanAbandon] => [IsHidden] => [IsClassQuest] => [IsBonus] => 1 [BonusShareable] => [CategoryId] => 2466269005611270 [LocalizedCategory] => Array ( [enMale] => Tatooine [frMale] => Tatooine [frFemale] => Tatooine [deMale] => Tatooine [deFemale] => Tatooine ) [Branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [Steps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [ShowTracking] => [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [Id] => 2 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => While storming the Togorothe Smuggling Operation, slaughter the Exchange anti-aircraft gunners for their insolence. [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( [enMale] => While storming the Togorothe Smuggling Operation, slaughter the Exchange anti-aircraft gunners for their insolence. [frMale] => Alors que vous frappez l'organisation contrebandière de Togorothe, massacrez les tireurs antiaériens pour leur insolence. [frFemale] => Alors que vous frappez l'organisation contrebandière de Togorothe, massacrez les tireurs antiaériens pour leur insolence. [deMale] => Strecke beim Sturm auf den Togorothe-Schmugglerring die Luftabwehrschützen der Exchange für ihre Unverschämtheit nieder. [deFemale] => Strecke beim Sturm auf den Togorothe-Schmugglerring die Luftabwehrschützen der Exchange für ihre Unverschämtheit nieder. ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Defeat Exchange Anti-aircraft Gunners [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Defeat Exchange Anti-aircraft Gunners [frMale] => Vaincre les tireurs antiaériens de l'Échange [frFemale] => Vaincre les tireurs antiaériens de l'Échange [deMale] => Beseitige die Luftabwehrschützen der Exchange [deFemale] => Beseitige die Luftabwehrschützen der Exchange ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => 1 [CountMax] => 12 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.6140968710602E+19 ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => yR0CYq6 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => MBuJQh1 ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) [Items] => Array ( ) [Rewards] => Array ( ) [ReqPrivacy] => [CreditRewardType] => 589686270506543030 [CreditsRewarded] => 1885 [XP] => 0 [SubXP] => 0 [F2PXP] => 0 [CommandXP] => 600 [HashedIcon] => 447768034_3051612759 [BranchCount] => 1 [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [ConversationGains] => Array ( [CompanionsParsed] => Array ( ) [NodeText] => Array ( ) [AffectionGainTable] => Array ( ) ) [QuestsNextB62] => Array ( ) [QuestsPreviousB62] => Array ( ) [Id] => 16141041478757617238 [Base62Id] => Leunlh4 [Fqn] => qst.location.tatooine.bonus.imperial.thunderstrike [B62References] => Array ( [parentQuest] => Array ( [0] => aBzxN9I ) [QuestMpns] => Array ( [0] => MBuJQh1 ) ) [first_seen] => 1.0.0a [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.1a [hash] => 450952197 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => ClassesAllowed [1] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 1.0.0a [1] => 1.2.0 [2] => 2.3.1 [3] => 4.0.0 [4] => 5.0.0 [5] => 5.2.0 [6] => 5.2.1 [7] => 6.0.0 ) [ClassesAllowed] => Array ( ) )