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{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb3e68433180000cb06b331" }, "Name": "Protect the Imperial Forces", "NameId": "513450455335000", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Protect the Imperial Forces", "frMale": "Protection des forces imp\u00e9riales", "frFemale": "Protection des forces imp\u00e9riales", "deMale": "Schutz der imperialen Truppen", "deFemale": "Schutz der imperialen Truppen" }, "Icon": "cdx.locations.corellia.axial_park", "IsRepeatable": false, "RequiredLevel": 0, "XpLevel": 48, "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal", "CanAbandon": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsClassQuest": false, "IsBonus": true, "BonusShareable": false, "CategoryId": "2466269005611280", "LocalizedCategory": { "enMale": "Corellia", "frMale": "Corellia", "frFemale": "Corellia", "deMale": "Corellia", "deFemale": "Corellia" }, "Branches": [ { "Id": "1", "DbId": 0, "Steps": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "", "LocalizedJournalText": [], "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "ShowTracking": false, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 2, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "Shadow and the Imperial forces are pinned down in the area and could use some assistance. Stop the heavy artillery fire by destroying artillery cannons in Axial Park.", "LocalizedJournalText": { "enMale": "Shadow and the Imperial forces are pinned down in the area and could use some assistance. Stop the heavy artillery fire by destroying artillery cannons in Axial Park.", "frMale": "Shadow et les forces imp\u00e9riales sont coinc\u00e9s dans la zone et ont besoin d'aide. Arr\u00eatez le feu de l'artillerie lourde en d\u00e9truisant les canons de l'artillerie dans le parc de l'Axe.", "frFemale": "Shadow et les forces imp\u00e9riales sont coinc\u00e9s dans la zone et ont besoin d'aide. Arr\u00eatez le feu de l'artillerie lourde en d\u00e9truisant les canons de l'artillerie dans le parc de l'Axe.", "deMale": "Schattenhand und die imperialen Truppen sind in dem Gebiet festgenagelt und k\u00f6nnten Unterst\u00fctzung gebrauchen. Stoppe das schwere Artilleriefeuer, indem du die Artilleriekanonen im Axial-Park zerst\u00f6rst.", "deFemale": "Schattenhand und die imperialen Truppen sind in dem Gebiet festgenagelt und k\u00f6nnten Unterst\u00fctzung gebrauchen. Stoppe das schwere Artilleriefeuer, indem du die Artilleriekanonen im Axial-Park zerst\u00f6rst." }, "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "String": "Destroy Artillery Cannons", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Destroy Artillery Cannons", "frMale": "D\u00e9truire les canons de l'artillerie", "frFemale": "D\u00e9truire les canons de l'artillerie", "deMale": "Zerst\u00f6re die Artilleriekanonen", "deFemale": "Zerst\u00f6re die Artilleriekanonen" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": true, "CountMax": 3, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcIds": [ 1.6141069960069685e+19 ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [ "gAAk49C" ], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "VhDFL19" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ] } ], "Items": [], "Rewards": [], "ReqPrivacy": "", "CreditRewardType": "0", "CreditsRewarded": 0, "XP": 0, "SubXP": 0, "F2PXP": 0, "CommandXP": 600, "HashedIcon": "867168991_3916099594", "BranchCount": 1, "ClassesB62": [], "ConversationGains": { "CompanionsParsed": [], "NodeText": [], "AffectionGainTable": [] }, "QuestsNextB62": [], "QuestsPreviousB62": [], "Id": "16141045523629144530", "Base62Id": "qlbIWs2", "Fqn": "qst.location.corellia.bonus.protect_imperial_forces", "B62References": { "QuestMpns": [ "VhDFL19" ], "parentQuest": [ "wpKUJP2" ] }, "first_seen": "1.0.0a", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.1a", "hash": "4203862613", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "ClassesAllowed", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "1.0.0a", "1.2.0", "2.3.1", "5.0.0", "5.2.0", "5.2.1", "6.0.0", "6.2.0" ], "ClassesAllowed": [] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb3e68433180000cb06b331 ) [Name] => Protect the Imperial Forces [NameId] => 513450455335000 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Protect the Imperial Forces [frMale] => Protection des forces impériales [frFemale] => Protection des forces impériales [deMale] => Schutz der imperialen Truppen [deFemale] => Schutz der imperialen Truppen ) [Icon] => cdx.locations.corellia.axial_park [IsRepeatable] => [RequiredLevel] => 0 [XpLevel] => 48 [Difficulty] => qstDifficultyNormal [CanAbandon] => [IsHidden] => [IsClassQuest] => [IsBonus] => 1 [BonusShareable] => [CategoryId] => 2466269005611280 [LocalizedCategory] => Array ( [enMale] => Corellia [frMale] => Corellia [frFemale] => Corellia [deMale] => Corellia [deFemale] => Corellia ) [Branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [Steps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [ShowTracking] => [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [Id] => 2 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => Shadow and the Imperial forces are pinned down in the area and could use some assistance. Stop the heavy artillery fire by destroying artillery cannons in Axial Park. [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( [enMale] => Shadow and the Imperial forces are pinned down in the area and could use some assistance. Stop the heavy artillery fire by destroying artillery cannons in Axial Park. [frMale] => Shadow et les forces impériales sont coincés dans la zone et ont besoin d'aide. Arrêtez le feu de l'artillerie lourde en détruisant les canons de l'artillerie dans le parc de l'Axe. [frFemale] => Shadow et les forces impériales sont coincés dans la zone et ont besoin d'aide. Arrêtez le feu de l'artillerie lourde en détruisant les canons de l'artillerie dans le parc de l'Axe. [deMale] => Schattenhand und die imperialen Truppen sind in dem Gebiet festgenagelt und könnten Unterstützung gebrauchen. Stoppe das schwere Artilleriefeuer, indem du die Artilleriekanonen im Axial-Park zerstörst. [deFemale] => Schattenhand und die imperialen Truppen sind in dem Gebiet festgenagelt und könnten Unterstützung gebrauchen. Stoppe das schwere Artilleriefeuer, indem du die Artilleriekanonen im Axial-Park zerstörst. ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Destroy Artillery Cannons [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Destroy Artillery Cannons [frMale] => Détruire les canons de l'artillerie [frFemale] => Détruire les canons de l'artillerie [deMale] => Zerstöre die Artilleriekanonen [deFemale] => Zerstöre die Artilleriekanonen ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => 1 [CountMax] => 3 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.614106996007E+19 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => gAAk49C ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => VhDFL19 ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) [Items] => Array ( ) [Rewards] => Array ( ) [ReqPrivacy] => [CreditRewardType] => 0 [CreditsRewarded] => 0 [XP] => 0 [SubXP] => 0 [F2PXP] => 0 [CommandXP] => 600 [HashedIcon] => 867168991_3916099594 [BranchCount] => 1 [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [ConversationGains] => Array ( [CompanionsParsed] => Array ( ) [NodeText] => Array ( ) [AffectionGainTable] => Array ( ) ) [QuestsNextB62] => Array ( ) [QuestsPreviousB62] => Array ( ) [Id] => 16141045523629144530 [Base62Id] => qlbIWs2 [Fqn] => qst.location.corellia.bonus.protect_imperial_forces [B62References] => Array ( [QuestMpns] => Array ( [0] => VhDFL19 ) [parentQuest] => Array ( [0] => wpKUJP2 ) ) [first_seen] => 1.0.0a [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.1a [hash] => 4203862613 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => ClassesAllowed [1] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 1.0.0a [1] => 1.2.0 [2] => 2.3.1 [3] => 5.0.0 [4] => 5.2.0 [5] => 5.2.1 [6] => 6.0.0 [7] => 6.2.0 ) [ClassesAllowed] => Array ( ) )