I wanted to address some of the questions / concerns here in the thread. First, we have made no adjustments to the drop rate of items from Command Crates since we introduced Tier 4 and rebalanced the drops from Tier 1-3. If you see that there seems to be a change in what you are experiencing at some point, throw that in bug reports and we can look into it.
Second, it is definitely our intent that 248 Legendary items are pretty uncommon from Command Crates but keep in mind that you can consistently get them from other sources. You can upgrade into one from using Unassembled Components or get them as drops from Master Mode final bosses and Veteran Gods From the Machine. This happened as part of our shift to make Galactic Command more supplementary to your gearing.
However, as with all things, please keep feedback coming! We are always open to making further changes where and if they are needed.