Revel in the arrival of Star Wars™ Celebration with a Double XP Week! Get twice the experience from April 16th at 11:00 PDT/18:00 GMT to April 22nd at 00:01 PDT/07:00 GMT!
Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event! The event begins April 21st at 05:00 PDT/12:00 GMT and ends April 28th at 05:00 PST/12:00 GMT!
- Frameworks from any Guild Bank tab can now be used to purchase Guild Flagship Room unlocks.
Cartel Market
- Vehicles with the new "Flourish" functionality will be available in the Cartel Market soon!
- Bright Yellow and Vibrant Green Eyes are now available for Cyborgs.
- Short Wavy Hair no longer distorts on any body types.
- The Bright Blue Eyes appearance has been fixed and is now available for Female Human and Cyborg characters.
- The "Tempest Cutter" now correctly displays an icon and a Collection image.
Classes + Combat

- Focused Defense now grants 12 charges (up from 10) and lasts for 15 seconds (up from 10).
- Zealous Ward now properly heals when using Saber Ward.

- Enraged Defense now grants 12 charges (up from 10) and lasts for 15 seconds (up from 10).

- The range of Mind Crush has been reduced to 10 meters (down from 30 meters).
- Force Reach now additionally increases the range of Mind Crush, Force in Balance, and Vanquish by 20 meters (from the base range of 10 meters).
- Redesigned the Upheaval utility: Project gains a 25% chance to produce a second Project that deals 25% damage.
- The damage dealt by Forcequake has been decreased.
- Forcequake now consumes 60 Force (down from 120) over the duration of the channel (3 seconds, down from 6 seconds). Additionally, the snare on targets damaged by Forcequake has been removed.
- Abilities affected by Telekinetic Momentum now have a 25% chance (down from 30%) to trigger a second telekinetic charge that deals 25% damage to a target.
- Mental Momentum now grants a 25% chance for Mind Crush to tick twice (down from 30%). Additionally, Mental Momentum now grants Turbulence a 25% chance to produce a second blast that strikes the same target for 25% damage (both down from 30%, respectively).
- The damage dealt by Telekinetic Gust has been increased. Additionally, the cooldown of Telekinetic Gust has been increased to 15 seconds (up from 12 seconds).
- The damage dealt by Telekinetic Burst has been slightly decreased. Additionally, Telekinetic Burst now costs 33 Force (up from 30).
- Fixed an issue that caused Tremors to apply Unshakable early, negating interrupts.
- Mind Warp now increases the duration of Mind Crush and Vanquish by 3 seconds (up from 2 seconds).
- Updated the Phase Walk tooltip for consistency with the Sith Assassin mirror.
Kinetic Combat
- Force Break now increases the damage dealt by Combat Technique's Force Breach and Slow Time by 40% (up from 30%).
- Kinetic Field now increases damage reduction by 3% for 15 seconds (up from 2%) when dealing critical damage. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
- Low Slash now has a 30 meter range (up from 4 meters), and the damage it deals has been reduced.
- Force in Balance and Vanquish now have a maximum range of 10 meters (down from 30 meters).
- The life redirected by Psychic Absorption for Sever Force and Force Technique's Force Breach has been reduced to 10% of the damage dealt (down from 25%).
- Serenity Strike no longer benefits from Mind Quell.
- Targets can no longer suffer from the periodic effects of Mind Crush and Vanquish simultaneously.
- Crush Spirit will no longer occur more than once every 15 seconds, as the tooltip states.

- The range of Crushing Darkness has been reduced to 10 meters (down from 30 meters).
- Transmission now additionally increases the range of Crushing Darkness, Death Field, and Demolish by 20 meters (from the base range of 10 meters).
- Redesigned the Chain Shock utility: Shock gains a 25% chance to produce a second Shock that deals 25% damage.
- The damage dealt by Force Storm has been decreased.
- Force Storm now consumes 60 Force (down from 120) over the duration of the channel (3 seconds, down from 6 seconds). Additionally, the snare on targets damaged by Force Storm has been removed.
- Abilities affected by Forked Lightning now have a 25% chance (down from 30%) to trigger a second arc of lightning that deals 25% damage to a target.
- Forked Darkness now grants a 25% chance for Crushing Darkness to tick twice (down from 30%). Additionally, Forked Darkness now grants Thundering Blast a 25% chance to produce a second blast that strikes the same target for 25% damage (both down from 30%, respectively).
- The damage dealt by Lightning Flash has been increased. Additionally, the cooldown of Lightning Flash has been increased to 15 seconds (up from 12 seconds).
- The damage dealt by Lightning Bolt has been slightly decreased. Additionally, Lightning Bolt now costs 33 Force (up from 30).
- Fixed an issue that caused Conduction to apply Unshakable early, negating interrupts.
- Lingering Nightmares now increases the duration of Crushing Darkness and Demolish by 3 seconds (up from 2 seconds).
- Mounting Darkness now increases the damage dealt by Dark Charge's Discharge and Wither by 40% (up from 30%).
- Entropic Field now increases damage reduction by 3% for 15 seconds (up from 2%) when dealing critical damage. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
- Low Slash now has a 30 meter range (up from 4 meters), and the damage it deals has been reduced.
- Death Field and Demolish now have a maximum range of 10 meters (down from 30 meters).
- The life steal granted by Imbibe to Creeping Terror and Lightning Charge's Discharge has been reduced to 10% of the damage dealt (down from 25%).
- Leeching Strike no longer benefits from Dreadful Nightmares.
- Targets can no longer suffer from the periodic effects of Crushing Darkness and Demolish simultaneously.

- Adrenaline Rush now triggers when your health is reduced to 40% or less (up from 35%). Once triggered, Adrenaline Rush heals you to 40% (up from 35%) of your max health for 8 seconds, but will not exceed 40% (up from 35%) of your max health.
- Incendiary Round and Serrated Bolt no longer benefit from Assault Trooper.
- Degauss now increases defense chance by 35% (up from 25%) when activating Diversion. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.
- Rapid Recharge no longer grants 2% alacrity.
- Redesigned Decoy: Diversion grants 5 charges of Decoy. Each charge of Decoy intercepts and absorbs an incoming Force or tech attack. Each time you absorb a Force or tech attack in this manner, Decoy loses 1 charge. Lasts up to 10 seconds.
- Curtain of Fire may now be triggered by activating Hail of Bolts, in addition to Grav Round.
- Soldier's Grit has been updated to match the changes to Adrenaline Rush, and now heals every second while above 40% of your maximum health (up from 35%).

- Kolto Overload now triggers when your health is reduced to 40% or less (up from 35%). Once triggered, Kolto Overload heals you to 40% (up from 35%) of your max health for 8 seconds, but will not exceed 40% (up from 35%) of your max health.
- Incendiary Missile and Serrated Shot no longer benefit from Ordnance Expert.
- Degauss now increases defense chance by 35% (up from 25%) when activating Chaff Flare. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.
- Rapid Venting no longer grants 2% alacrity.
- Redesigned Decoy: Chaff Flare grants 5 charges of Decoy. Each charge of Decoy intercepts and absorbs an incoming Force or tech attack. Each time you absorb a Force or tech attack in this manner, Decoy loses 1 charge. Lasts up to 10 seconds.
- Barrage may now be triggered by activating Sweeping Blasters, in addition to Tracer Missile.
- Coolant has been updated to match the changes to Kolto Overload, and now heals every second while above 40% of your maximum health (up from 35%).
Flashpoints + Operations
- Solo Mode Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan Flashpoints are now repeatable and can be picked up at any time from the access quest NPCs. Furthermore, any players who were unable to progress past the Forged Alliances Solo Arc due to having completed the solo mode Flashpoint prior should now be able to progress. The Mission "Torch's Flame" will be reset by this change.
- The XP and credits reward for Solo Mode Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan Flashpoints have been adjusted as they are now repeatable.
Blood Hunt
- Players can no longer get trapped inside of the beast cages during the Jos and Valk Beroya encounter in some cases.
Legacy of the Rakata
- Republic Players are now able to enter the Flashpoint.
Depths of Manaan
- Reduced the damage of Hard Mode M2-AUX Foreman Droid's Logistics Enforcement Laser by 20%.
- It is no longer possible to avoid damage from Demolition Probes by standing in a specific spot.
Items + Economy
- The item "Stronghold Title: Chamber of Truth" can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network.
- The "Trophy Hunter's Mask" available from the I.C.E. reputation vendor now unlocks in Collections.
- Resurrected Relic of Focused Retribution is no longer triggered by healing and dealing damage separately.
- The following Decorations now have more detailed Sources in the Decoration UI:
- D5-Mantis Patrol Craft
- X-70B Phantom
- Defender-Class Light Corvette
- Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor
- XS Stock Light Freighter
- BT-7 Thunderclap
- Imperial Transport Shuttle
- Ship Computer: Imperial (Full)
- Ship Computer: Republic (Full)
- The Gree Light Pillar (Blue) Decoration now correctly unlocks when the Decoration is used.
- Using the Czerka Crate-O-Matic now hides equipped weapons.
- Using the Holo-Shrub Disguise now hides equipped weapons.
- The following vehicles will now unlock a Stronghold decoration if owned:
- The "Holocall Kiosk" Decoration can now be listed on the Galactic Trade Network.
- The following Stronghold Titles are now Bind on Pickup:
Missions + NPCs
- The guards on Yavin 4 now correctly count towards the "Yavin 4: Raiding the Republic" and "Yavin 4: Attacking the Empire" Conquest Objectives.
- Jedi Knights now receive a message after their encounter with Captain Milenec as intended.
- The Bioanalysis Mission "Fishing for Trouble" now provides Grade 11 Samples, and the Mission "Storms of Orleon" now provides Grade 11 Compounds.
- The camera no longer shows an invalid camera angle during the Belsavis Mission "Inner Power."
- The follow-up messages for several Missions now reward Basic Commendations instead of Planetary Commendations.
- Level 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints no longer count towards the Mission "[WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts."
- Solo and Tactical Blood Hunt Flashpoint Missions are now fixed at Level 57. The Hard Mode version remains at Level 60.