Note: This is the Game Update 6.X version of the guide.
You can view the 5.X version
You can view the pre-4.X
version here.
Table of Contents
Synthweaving is the art of creating lighter outfits and armors that are imbued with supernatural qualities.
This Synthweaving Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Synthweaving Crew Skill from 1 to maxlevel using the least amount of materials.
The Synthweaving crew skill is used to craft armor for all Force users, including Jedi Knights, Jedi Consulars, Sith Warriors, and Sith Inquisitors. This means all three armor types including light, medium, and heavy armor.
Complementary Crew Skills
- Archaeology Crew Skill
- Underworld Trading Crew Skill
What to Make
To start, visit any Synthweaving Trainer and learn the Synthweaving Crew Skill. All of the schematics listed in this guide are available to purchase from the Trainer as you level.
Note: In Game Update 4.1, you can use the Bonded Attachments you craft at lower levels to craft items at higher levels, thus the exact amount of materials used will vary significantly from player to player. This section of the guide gives an overview of when you should switch to the next item to craft and depends very much on which Bonded Attachments you have available. If you run out of Bonded Attachments, craft more as you go (they have a very large difficulty level buffer).
Example: Craft Rubat Synth Bonded Attachment until level 20. Then craft Versatile Armoring 3 until you run out of Rubat Synth Bonded Attachment OR until you hit level 35, then switch back to Rubat Synth Bonded Attachment, craft more Versatile Armoring 3 with what you make until level 35, and then switch entirely to the filler Rubat Synth Bonded Attachment until you reach the next tier (level 60 with Versatile Armoring 5).
Note: Sometimes there is an overlap, in which two different items may both be viable to craft at a certain level. In these cases, it is up to personal preference. Ex: Alacrity Augment 5 and Critical Augment 5 at level 70 are both possible crafting options. All optimal items in a tier require the same materials (we've listed these at the bottom of each tier).
Companion Crafting Bonuses
Since Game Update 4.1, companion crafting bonuses are now based on Influence rating with each companion.
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