Table of Contents
- Secret Bosses
- References
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- A Night at the Roxbury
- Batman and Robin
- Halo
- Tomb Raider
- EVE Online
- Hidden Dialogue
- Hidden Achievements
- Miscellaneous Secrets
- Acknowledgements
Secret Bosses
The Dreadful Entity
Secret boss from the 16-man hard/nightmare mode operation "Terror From Beyond." A Dreadful Amulet (guaranteed drop from 10-stack Dreadtooth) is required to spawn The Dreadful Entity. For more information, view our Dreadful Entity Guide.
The Hateful Entity
Secret boss from the 16-man hard/nightmare mode operation "Scum and Villainy." A Dreadful Orb (guaranteed drop from The Dreadful Entity) is required to spawn The Hateful Entity. For more information, view our Hateful Entity Guide.
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Let the Wookiee Win: When in Nem'ro's Palace Cantina on Hutta you can see a Wookiee and his protocol droid opponent (whose arms have both been ripped off) contemplating a game of Dejarik. This is a reference to R2-D2 and C-3PO learning an important lesson from Han Solo while playing Chewbacca in Dejarik aboard the Milennium Falcon.
Han Shot First: Inside Nem'ro the Hutt's Palace Cantina on Hutta you can find a Human Smuggler named Hun Duo conversing with a Rodian Quickshot named Greepo. This is a reference to the encounter between Han Solo and Greedo in the cantina in Mos Eisley.
326-3827: While getting the Cunning Datacron on Nar Shadaa, you will find yourself inside a garbage incinerator. To escape, you will need to choose a code in a maintenance console to open the energy door. The correct code is 326-3827, which just so happens to be the number of the Trash Compactor unit that Luke, Han, Chewbacca, and Leia were trapped in on the Death Star.
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Bounty Hunters: On the Bridge Deck of the Ziost Shadow (Imperial Fleet) you will see a group of NPCs. In this group is an imposing figure in black armor (Darth Vader) talking to a stocky man with a headwrap (Dengar), a droid that is rather tall and thin (IG-88), a person in Mandalorian armor (Boba Fett), another droid that looks more like a protocol droid than a battle droid (4-LOM), a Trandoshan in a yellow flight jacket (Bossk), and a Gand in a cloak (Zuckuss). This is a reference to the scene where Darth Vader is instructing the bounty hunters to capture Han Solo alive.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Heroes of the Republic: There is a Republic quest on Corellia in Axial Park to Restore the Statues of eight Republic heroes that have been deactivated by Mandalorians. They are none other than the non-droid heroes from KOTOR: Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi, Canderous Ordo, Juhani, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, Jolee Bindo, and Revan.
A Night at the Roxbury
What is Love?: In Nem'ro the Hutt's Palace Cantina you can see two customers and a dancer interacting in a parody of the recurring Saturday Night Live skit "The Roxbury Guys" and the spin-off 1998 movie "A Night at the Roxbury," featuring Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan dancing to Haddaway's song "What is Love?".
Batman and Robin
Nocturno and Drake Raven: In the cantina on Zakuul, two characters can be found in the cantina named Nocturno and Drake Raven that bear strong resemblence to Batman and Robin.
Master Chief: While in Talloran Village, in the hut with an NPC for the Scavenger Hunt quest, look for a table with a poster of what greatly resembles Master Chief from Halo.

Assassin's Creed
Subject 13, Subject 16: During the Subject 13 quest on Belsavis you will encounter Subject 13, an NPC trapped in a Rakata mind trap who is in a similar situation to Subject 16 (Clay Kaczmarek) from Assassin's Creed: Revelations, who is trapped as a consciousness within the Animus. Both individuals at one point wish to find a body to transport their consciousness back into the real world.
Tomb Raider
Lara Croft: On Alderaan you can find a Sith Lord NPC named Ar'al Tforc (German version), which is Lara Croft spelled backwards. He has since been renamed Ar'al Anec in the English version.
EVE Online
PLEX: In the Esseles flashpoint you can find an NPC named Navigator Plex, which is a reference to PLEX - a currency used in EVE Online.
Hidden Dialogue
Maelstrom Prison (SM/HM)
Triggered by facing Grand Moff Kilran alone:
Grand Moff Kilran: So much trouble from one Republic operative. It almost strains credulity.
The False Emperor (SM/HM)
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus alone:
Darth Malgus: You dare face me alone? How bold... and foolish.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as a Sith Inquisitor:
Darth Malgus: We meet again Darth Nox/Occulus/Imperius.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as a Sith Warrior:
Darth Malgus: The Emperors Wrath. Fitting that we meet within his Chambers. He was kind enough to keep his throne warm for me.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as an Imperial Agent:
Darth Malgus: Finally, the Empire's faithful, stubborn servant.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as a Bounty Hunter:
Darth Malgus: We meet again mercenary.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as a Jedi Knight or Jedi Consular:
Darth Malgus: Come, Master Jedi. Witness your fleet's destruction.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as a Trooper:
Darth Malgus: Your fleet has failed you, Major.
Triggered by facing Darth Malgus as a Smuggler:
Darth Malgus: Approach, Captain. Watch your fleet's final moments.
Triggered by facing HK-47 with HK-51 as your companion (Empire):
HK-51: Reassurance: This an inferior HK model master.
HK-47: Objection: Your HK is in error. I am fully upgraded to exterminator standards. I am a paragon of brutal efficiency.
Triggered by facing HK-47 with HK-51 as your companion (Republic):
HK-51: Reassurance: The 47 series is an inferior model, master. Easily dismantled.
HK-47: Correction: Inaccurate! The 47 series remains the pinnacle of Hunter-Killer models! My upgrades further secure my superiority.
Hidden Achievements
Worm Food
Jumping into the Sarlacc pit in the Dune Sea on Tatooine grants the title "Worm Food."
Data Mining
You've seen too much.
The Droids You're Looking For
Completed all of the following Macrobinocular achievements for finding MCR-99 droids.
Life of the Party
Defeated 500 enemy players while partying with the Party Jawa.
This Party's Over
Defeated 100 enemy players who were partying with the Party Jawa.
That's Just Wrong!
Defeated 100 Jawas on Tatooine while partying with the Party Jawa.
More coming soon...
Miscellaneous Secrets
Magenta Crystal
You can obtain a special Magenta color crystal by performing a series of actions on various planets. The crystal is available in three varieties, Advanced Magenta Intrepidity Crystal (+33 Endurance), Advanced Magenta Lethal Crystal (+33 Critical Rating), and Advanced Magenta Resonating Crystal (+33 Power). For more information, visit our detailed guide on how to obtain the Magenta Crystals.
Special thanks to Luckygunslinger of The Ebon Hawk for the Hateful Entity image.