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3.2 Mined

An overview of some of the changes in 3.2 Including new Cartel Market Images and more!

Everything you see here is subject to change.

New Images

View post on imgur.com

Things of Note

For Ziost spoilers see the end of this post.

  • No new conversations since the PTS outside of the previously mined locked one.
  • Heart of Ruin area added since PTS.
  • Conquest schedule updated! Including Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine - 30th June
  • Golden (NiM) Collosoal Monolith decoration frame model added.
  • New effects for Torque are live.

In-Depth Changes - vs 3.2 PTS

GOM Changes
Ability Changes
Achievement Changes
Changed Areas
Changed Collections
Changed Conquests
Changed Conversations
Changed Decorations
Changed Items
Changed MTX Storefront
Changed NPCs
String Changes
Changed Quests
Changed Talents

Sentinel Changes
Marauder Changes

Juggernaught Changes
Guardian Changes

Shadow Changes
Assassin Changes

In-Depth Changes - vs Previous Live Build

GOM Changes
Ability Changes
Achievement Changes
Changed Areas
Changed Codex Category Totals
Changed Codex Entries
Changed Collections
Changed Conquests
Changed Conversations
Changed Decorations
Changed Items
Changed MTX Storefront
Changed NPCs
String Changes
Changed Quests
Changed Talents

Sentinel Changes
Marauder Changes

Juggernaught Changes
Guardian Changes

Shadow Changes
Assassin Changes

Gunslinger Changes
Sniper Changes

Vanguard Changes
Powertech Changes

Ziost Spoilers below!


  • Eyes into the Past - A GSI Survey Team was compiling archaeological data to reconstruct a holographic approximation of the nearby temple ruins when they perished in the catastrophic event that ended all life on Ziost. Completing their work could reveal a glimpse of Ziost's past. This quest has a bonus.

  • From Ashes - GSI has requested scan data that details the location and genetic disposition of those who perished in the catastrophic event that ended all life on Ziost.

  • Looking for Signs - You located an Imperial Orbital Probe that crashed in the Barren Outpost on Ziost. It appears to be part of a network that observed the catastrophic event and may have compiled useful data regarding the event's cause and nature. This quest has a bonus.

  • Dead Pulse - The wreckage of a crashed GSI transport indicates the organization was studying geomagnetic pulses beneath the surface of Ziost. Because the pulses travel at great speed, GSI provided their researchers with prototype speeders designed to deploy subsurface probes into fissures along the lifeless world. Using the GSI SJ-4 Rapid Geoanalysis Scout, travel to the four Geomagnetic Fissures across Ziost. The speeder will automatically deploy Geo-Scanning Probes when you near a Fissure. Be quick, as you are racing against the pulse as it sweeps beneath the surface of the Wastes.

  • Death of a World - You've found macrobinoculars loaded with prerecorded data. Scan various areas in the vicinity to view the data associated with those areas.

  • A weekly for completing the above Dailies and one for defeating the Collosal Monolith (Operations boss). Recommended gear for the Operations bosses is Story mode: 186, Harde Mode: 192.

  • Wrongful Owners (Doesn't seem to be attached to the weekly) - Sibba Lotto, a wealthy Ortollan merchant, is stranded on Ziost after being held hostage by pirates. He has asked you to recover his stolen merchandise from the pirates. This quest has a bonus.

Future Story

An event takes place that destroys all life on Ziost, this can be seen at 50 seconds into the latest official SWTOR trailer. The event doesn't appear to have any dialogue.
Once you go to the area that unlocks on May 4th it looks like it might block you off from returning to the older areas. You then do the dailies, Ops bosses and such on Ziost and a final Conversation with Either Theron or Lana depending on your faction takes place on the fleet.

About the Author
Author: SwtorPotato