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KOTFE Bounty Hunter / Trooper Class Changes

An overview of the Bounty Hunter / Trooper class changes in 4.0 KOTFE.

Everything you see here is subject to change and will infact probably go through several iterations before live.

Merc changes (all specs)


  • Rocket Out
    • Jet backward 20 meters, gaining immunity to controlling effects while jetting. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered. Requires two blasters.
    • 20 sec cooldown
    • Only triggers one sec GCD
    • Ignores Alacrity
    • Level 61

  • Utilities:

    • Adhesive Supplements
      • Power Shot and Tracer Missile reduce the movement speed of targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds.
      • Skilful tier

    • Supercharged Defense
      • Activating Supercharged Gas increases your defense chance by 15% for 10 seconds.
      • Masterful tier

    • Smoke Screen
      • Rocket Out generates a Smoke Screen when used, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 4 seconds.
      • Heroic tier


    • Peacekeeper
      • Increases the healing done by Kolto Missile and Progressive Scan by 5%.


    • Honed Lock
      • Tracer Lock increases the critical chance of the next Rail Shot or Rapid Scan by 3% per stack

    Innovative Ordnance:

    • Surging Shots
      • Dealing periodic damage grants Surging Shots, increasing the damage dealt by your next Power Shot or Sweeping Blasters by 1%. This effect can stack up to 10 times and lasts up to 15 seconds.

    Commando changes (all specs)


  • Propulsion Round
    • Fire a specially compressed round, propelling you backward 20 meters, gaining immunity to controlling effects while jetting. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered. Requires Assault Cannon.
    • 20 sec cooldown
    • Only triggers one sec GCD
    • Ignores Alacrity
    • Level 61

  • Utilities:

    • Sticky Mods
      • Charged Bolts and Grav Round reduce the movement speed of targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds.
      • Skilful tier

    • Supercharged Defense
      • Activating Supercharged Cell increases your defense chance by 15% for 10 seconds.
      • Masterful tier

    • Smoke Screen
      • Propulsion Round generates a Smoke Screen when used, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 4 seconds.
      • Heroic tier

    Combat Medic:

    • Frontline Medic
      • Increases the healing done by Kolto Bomb and Successive Treatment by 5%.


    • Supercharged Barrel
      • Charged Barrel increases the critical chance of the next High Impact Bolt or Medical Probe by 3% per stack

    Assault Specialist:

    • Boosted Bolts
      • Dealing periodic damage grants Boosted Bolts, increasing the damage dealt by your next Charged Bolts or Hail of Bolts by 1%. This effect can stack up to 10 times and lasts up to 15 seconds.

    Vanguard (all specs)

  • Storm is now base line (available to all specs)


    • Neural Delay:
      • Neural Jolt slows the target by 30% for 6 seconds.
      • Skilful tier

    • Surveyed Terrain:
      • Stealth Scan increases the movement speed of all allies within the scan area, excluding yourself, by 50% for as long as they remain within it and for 6 seconds after it expires or they leave the area.
      • Masterful tier

    • Blitz:
      • Activating Storm grants Blitz, increasing movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. The duration of Blitz is refreshed if attacked while it is active.
      • Heroic tier

    Shield Specialist:

    • Transpose:
      • Swap places with a group member and bestow a benign presence upon them for up to 6 seconds. Targets with a benign presence are ignored by most enemies, cannot be leapt to or pulled, and are immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback until they use an aggressive or healing ability.
      • Level 64
      • Min Range 5
      • Max Range 30
      • 1.5 second cast
      • 1 min 30s cooldown
    • Energized Absorbers
      • Energy Blast increases shield absorption by an additional 5%.


    • Hazardous Heat:
      • Increases the critical chance of Fire Pulse by 15%.
      • Passive
      • Level 64


    • Cell Burn:
      • Cell Burst causes the target to burn for elemental damage over 3 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times on the target, and each Energy Lode unleashed generates one stack.
      • Passive
      • Level 64

    Powertech (all specs)

  • Jet Charge is now base line (available to all specs)


    • Neural Delay:
      • Neural Dart slows the target by 30% for 6 seconds.
      • Skilful tier

    • Explored Area:
      • Stealth Scan increases the movement speed of all allies within the scan area, excluding yourself, by 50% for as long as they remain within it and for 6 seconds after it expires or they leave the area.
      • Masterful tier

    • Jet Speed:
      • Activating Jet Charge grants Jet Speed, increasing movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. The duration of Jet Speed is refreshed if attacked while it is active.
      • Heroic tier

    Shield Tech:

    • Translocate:
      • Swap places with a group member and bestow a benign presence upon them for up to 6 seconds. Targets with a benign presence are ignored by most enemies, cannot be leapt to or pulled, and are immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback until they use an aggressive or healing ability.
      • Level 64
      • Min Range 5
      • Max Range 30
      • 1.5 second cast
      • 1 min 30s cooldown
    • Heated Absorbers
      • Heat Blast increases shield absorption by an additional 5%.


    • Perilous Flames:
      • Increases the critical chance of Immolate by 15%.
      • Passive
      • Level 64

    Advanced Prototype:

    • Energy Burn:
      • Energy Burst causes the target to burn for elemental damage over 3 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times on the target, and each Energy Lode unleashed generates one stack.
      • Passive
      • Level 64

  • About the Author
    Author: SwtorPotato