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- Catégorie : SWTOR Patch Notes
- Mis à jour : mercredi 11 mars 2015 15:46
- Publication : lundi 9 mars 2015 19:07
3.1.1 Patch Notes - Lots of bug fixes
Originally Posted by SWTOR ( Original Post ) | 03.09.2015
Jedi Knight
Sith Warrior
Jedi Consular
Imperial Agent
Bounty Hunter
Hard Mode
Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins March 17th at 04:00 PDT/11:00 GMT and ends March 24th at 04:00 PDT/11:00 GMT.General
- The second dialogue choice when speaking to Jerwo Vhob on Rishi no longer appears blank in French and German.
- The Decoration “Gree Light Pillar (Blue)” now consistently appears in the Decoration UI.
- Numerous mounts have been updated to allow similar styles to utilize the same hook types within Strongholds.
- The “Orbital Power Monitor” Decoration now has a 20% chance to drop from the final boss of Kuat Drive Yards.
- The following decorations have been added to their appropriate faction Starfighter and PvP Decoration vendor. Their purchase cost are 5 Dark Projects and 5 Universal Prefabs MK-3
- Ship Computer: Imperial (Full)
- Ship Computer: Republic (Full)
- Applied the appropriate soundsets to numerous Nova Blades on Rishi.
- The Southern Shore Crab now counts towards the "Fauna of Rishi" Achievement.
- The Achievements to defeat Commander Mokan now have proper icons.
- The Sith Warrior Shadow of Revan intro cinematic has been updated so that Vette now appears in the gear the player has selected rather than default gear.
- Conquest Points now sort by the number value instead of the first digit.
- The following emotes now play an animation when used:
- /duck
- /look
- /meditate
- /observe
- /raise
- /tap
Cartel Market
- The B-100 Cybernetic Hands no longer stretch when using the One Man Band Rest and Recharge item.
- Corrected multiple missing/stretched textures present on the “Shaggy” hair style.
- “Shaggy” hair now works on all Female Body Types.
- “Emote: No Bones Dance” and “Emote: Punt” now correctly display in Collections that they can be purchased from the Acolyte's Shadow Pack.
- The RK-4, RK-5 and RK-6 Starforged Blasters have all been recalled, and now produce a different sound when fired.
- The Holoprojector on the Hunter’s Planning Table Decoration has had its bulbs replaced and now displays longer.
- Kreia’s Robes now display properly.
Classes + Combat

- Just Pursuit has been redesigned: Leg Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds.
- Removed the Stagger and Defiance Skillful Utilities.
- New Skillful Utility: Reining Reach. Reining Reach increases the range of Leg Slash to 10 meters and reduces its focus cost by 2.
- New Skillful Utility: Adamant. You generate 4 focus when stunned, immobilized, put to sleep, or knocked down. Additionally, the cooldown of Resolute is reduced by 30 seconds.
- Removed the health penalty from Guarded by the Force. Additionally, the base cooldown of Guarded by the Force has been increased by 60 seconds.
- Force Camouflage now additionally grants immunity to controlling effects for its full duration. Dealing direct damage ends this immunity.
- The tooltip of Leg Slash now properly displays the duration of the speed reduction effect.
- Fixed the Defensive Forms Utility, and it now properly increases damage reduction in Shii-Cho Form.
- Saber Storm's tooltip now displays the correct critical strike damage bonus.
- Immaculate Force's tooltip now displays the proper Ability name for the class.

- Inescapable has been redesigned: Crippling Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds.
- Removed the Stagger and Unyielding Skillful Utilities.
- New Skillful Utility: Maiming Reach. Maiming Reach increases the range of Crippling Slash to 10 meters and reduces its rage cost by 2.
- New Skillful Utility: Inexorable. You generate 4 rage when stunned, immobilized, put to sleep, or knocked down. Additionally, the cooldown of Unleash is reduced by 30 seconds.
- Removed the health penalty from Undying Rage. Additionally, the base cooldown of Undying Rage has been increased by 60 seconds.
- Force Camouflage now additionally grants immunity to controlling effects for its full duration. Dealing direct damage ends this immunity.
- The tooltip of Crippling Slash now properly displays the duration of the speed reduction effect.

- Metaphysical Alacrity now properly increases the duration of Force Speed.
- Phase Walk now has a 10 minute duration (up from 5).
- The Utility "Mind Over Matter" now properly increases Force Speed duration.
- The Passive Ability “Rapid Recovery” now grants +100% Force Regen bonus to Double-Bladed Saber Tactics as intended.

- The critical hit chance of Laze Target now affects the full duration of Cull.

- Full Auto is now exclusive to the Commando Advanced Class and can be trained at level 15.
- Pulse Cannon can now be trained at level 3 (previously 8) and Mortar Volley can now be trained at level 8 (previously 10).
- All Troopers may want to visit their Class trainer to ensure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above.
- Increased the ability activation cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 seconds (up from .5 seconds).
- Slightly reduced the damage of Shoulder Cannon.
- Edited the tooltip for Electro Shield to indicate that it only deals retaliatory damage against direct damage, not periodic damage.
- The Shoulder Cannon tooltip now displays the proper cooldown for time between missile launches.
- Adrenaline Fueled has been redesigned: While Adrenaline Rush is active, your damage reduction is increased by 30%. Additionally, the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush is reduced by 60 seconds.
- The damage dealt by Shockstrike and Fire Pulse has been reduced.
- Rain of Fire has been redesigned: Pulse Cannon deals 10% additional damage to burning targets.
- Plasma Barrage has been redesigned: Fire Pulse makes your next Ion Pulse or Explosive Surge deplete no energy cells. Additionally, Pulse Cannon now Overwhelms the targets it damages. Overwhelmed targets take 10% more damage from area attacks.
- Plasmatic Assault now additionally increases the critical bonus of Plasmatize by 30%.
- Ionized Ignition now properly applies a Burning state to all affected targets.
- Ion Shield has been redesigned: Further increases damage reduction while Ion Cell is active by 2%. Additionally, Energy Blast damages up to 3 additional enemy targets within 5 meters of the primary target. Does not damage sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.
- Energy Blast now generates 25% additional threat.
- Cover Fire now slows the target’s movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds with each hit (up from 2 seconds).
- Fixed a bug that removed the Kolto Residue slow effect from Kolto Bomb.

- Unload is now exclusive to the Mercenary Advanced Class and can be trained at level 15.
- Flame Thrower can now be trained at level 3 (previously 8) and Death from Above can now be trained at level 8 (previously 10).
- All Bounty Hunters may want to visit their class trainer to ensure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above.
- Increased the ability activation cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 seconds (up from .5 seconds).
- Slightly reduced the damage of Shoulder Cannon.
- Edited the tooltip for Pyro Shield to indicate that it only deals retaliatory damage against direct damage, not periodic damage.
- The Shoulder Cannon tooltip now displays the proper cooldown for time between missile launches.
- Automated Defenses has been redesigned: While Kolto Overload is active, your damage reduction is increased by 30%. Additionally, the cooldown of Kolto Overload is reduced by 60 seconds.
- The damage dealt by Flaming Fist and Immolate has been reduced.
- Rain of Fire has been redesigned: Flame Thrower deals 10% additional damage to burning targets.
- Flame Barrage has been redesigned: Immolate makes your next Flame Burst or Flame Sweep generate no heat. Additionally, Flame Thrower now Overwhelms the targets it damages. Overwhelmed targets take 10% more damage from area attacks.
- Firebug now additionally increases the critical bonus of Scorch by 30%.
- Volatile Ignitor now properly applies a Burning state to all affected targets.
- Ion Screen has been redesigned: Further increases damage reduction while Ion Gas Cylinder is active by 2%. Additionally, Heat Blast damages up to 3 additional enemy targets within 5 meters of the primary target. Does not damage sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.
- Heat Blast now generates 25% additional threat.
- Pinning Fire now slows the target’s movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds with each hit (up from 2 seconds).
Flashpoints + Operations
The Ravagers- Lowered Torque’s health on 16-Player Story Mode.
- The “Devastation” debuff tooltip no longer refers to “The Rock.”
- Toned down the damage of non-boss enemies, with a bit more emphasis on the "Strong" tier enemies, in the Hard Mode version.
- Rarrook no longer Jet Charge’s at Companions or the GSI Combat Support Droid.
- Decreased the damage of Full Auto (Rarook), Suppressive Fire (Marko'Ka), and Stealth Strike (Marko'Ka).
- Decreased damage of Master Obai's Master Strike, and Lord Vodd's Ball Lightning (Both the impact damage and the subsequent DoT).
- Decreased the damage output of the Called Reinforcements during the Shield Squadron Unit 1 encounter.
- Commander Mokan's "Compound 9 Reload" channel is no longer interrupted if his main target vanishes during his Hard Mode encounter.
- Commander Mokan’s “Compound 9” now highlights as a Cleansable debuff in the Debuff Frame.
- Decreased the damage of "Compound 9" and "Compound 17."
- Increased the damage of Commander Mokan's Ranged Attack.
- Shield Squadron Unit 1’s “Orbital Laser” and “Missile Blast” damage areas now more closely match their indicators.
- Republic players can no longer repeatedly access Solo Mode Blood Hunt.
- Yustapir’s “Hurl” ability now respects a player’s knockback immunity.
- Jos and Valk Beroya no longer stay on their ledges in certain situations.
- Players who are knocked off of the platform when fighting Jos Beroya are now spawned at the correct checkpoint.
- Players, Companions, and the GSI are no longer able to leap to Jos Beroya while he is in his perch.
- Kyramela Gemas’rugam now resets if moved outside of the combat area in Solo Mode.
- Krakjya and Krakjya Stalker no longer have the Boss Immunity buff.
Hard Mode
- Decreased the damage that non-boss enemies deal by about 20%.
- Further decreased the damage dealt by Dual Saber Throw (Shasa Zealots) and Long Range Snipe (Facility Snipers) by 5% (for a total reduction of 25%). This also applies to the Shasa Zealots that appear during the Ortuno encounter.
- Sairisi has been retuned:
- Slightly reduced the overall damage done by the encounter (~4%).
- Slightly reduced the health of the Riot Suppression Droids (~5%).
- The rate at which Riot Suppression Droids auto-repair under their Riot Suppression Shield now degrades each time the shield cycles by 1/3. This means the second time they shield themselves, they'll heal at 2/3 the normal rate, the third time they'll heal at 1/3 the normal rate, and the fourth time they cease healing entirely.
- Ortuno has been retuned:
- Reduced Ortuno's Health (~15%).
- Increased the damage Ortuno direct attacks deal (except for Energy Eruption) by ~10%.
- Decreased the damage of Energy Eruption (~15%).
- Stivastin has been retuned:
- Significantly reduced the damage of the Lab Guardian droid adds (-25%).
- Increased the duration that flame jets suppress Stivastin's regeneration to 36s (up from 30s).
- Increased the damage that flame jets deal to Stivastin by 20%.
- Increased the Credit reward for “[HARD] Depths of Manaan” for both Factions to match that given by similar Flashpoints.
- The Falling Rock ability used during the Master Oric Traless / Lord Goh encounter in Assault on Tython now shows the damage at the moment of impact.
- The Mark VII Training Droids in Hard Mode Assault on Tython now correctly spawn as Strong instead of Elite.
- Lieutenant Kreshin’s ability “Slash” now hits for the correct amount of damage in Hard Mode Assault on Tython.
- The Force Push distance for both Imperial and Republic Commanders has been reduced.
- The damage increase from the Zen ability for the Republic Commander bonus boss is now the same as the Imperial Commander in Hard Mode.
- The Imperial version of “[HARD] Legacy of the Rakata” now grants the same Credit reward as the Republic version.
Items + Economy
- Level 60 Hard Mode Flashpoints and Story Mode Operations now drop MK-2 gear instead of MK-1.
- Kell Dragon Force-Master 4-Piece Set Bonus now functions properly for Sages.
- The Medical Grade Injector has been added to Mnek, the Scrap Peddler: Prototype Materials vendor.
- Deceiver Force-Lord Hood no longer has clipping issues with helmets.
- The Headhunter's Helmet now has voice modulation.
- Fixed skinning issue with Devoted Armor Boltblaster's Body Armor that caused it to distort while running.
- Fixed distortion issues on Female Body Types for Revanite, Deceiver, Pummeler, and Bulwark armor.
- The following crafting items can now be placed on the Galactic Trade Network:
- Exonium
- Matter Transubstantiator
- Increased the stats up to the correct level for the following items:
- Yavin Force-healer's MK-1 Motivator
- Deceiver Force-healer's MK-1 Motivator
- Massassi Force-healer's MK-1 Motivator
- The Veda Cloth Lower Robes no longer cause player’s legs to disappear
Missions + NPCs
- The Missions “Forged Alliances: Part I” and “Forged Alliances: Part II” are now available at the same level as “[Prelude] Shadow of Revan.” The progress on these missions has been reset.
- The Yavin 4 Bonus Mission “Chopping Block” has had its kill requirements lowered from 10 to 6. The progress on this mission has been reset.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not receive proper credit for the Mission “The Enemy Within” upon defeating the Revan encounter in Temple of Sacrifice.
- Republic players now correctly receive credit for the Mission “[WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts” when completing Hard Mode Battle of Rishi through the Group Finder.
- Level 55 Tactical Flashpoints now count towards the Mission “[WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints.”
- The lockbox on Rishi required for the Mission “Monkey-Lizard Business” can no longer become unusable.
- Troopers who have completed the Flashpoint Depths of Manaan now have their involvement acknowledged on the Mission “Eclipse Squad.”