Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins March 17th at 04:00 PDT/11:00 GMT and ends March 24th at 04:00 PDT/11:00 GMT.General
- The second dialogue choice when speaking to Jerwo Vhob on Rishi no longer appears blank in French and German.
- The Decoration “Gree Light Pillar (Blue)” now consistently appears in the Decoration UI.
- Numerous mounts have been updated to allow similar styles to utilize the same hook types within Strongholds.
- The “Orbital Power Monitor” Decoration now has a 20% chance to drop from the final boss of Kuat Drive Yards.
- The following decorations have been added to their appropriate faction Starfighter and PvP Decoration vendor. Their purchase cost are 5 Dark Projects and 5 Universal Prefabs MK-3
- Ship Computer: Imperial (Full)
- Ship Computer: Republic (Full)
- Applied the appropriate soundsets to numerous Nova Blades on Rishi.
- The Southern Shore Crab now counts towards the "Fauna of Rishi" Achievement.
- The Achievements to defeat Commander Mokan now have proper icons.
- The Sith Warrior Shadow of Revan intro cinematic has been updated so that Vette now appears in the gear the player has selected rather than default gear.
- Conquest Points now sort by the number value instead of the first digit.
- The following emotes now play an animation when used:
- /duck
- /look
- /meditate
- /observe
- /raise
- /tap
Cartel Market
- The B-100 Cybernetic Hands no longer stretch when using the One Man Band Rest and Recharge item.
- Corrected multiple missing/stretched textures present on the “Shaggy” hair style.
- “Shaggy” hair now works on all Female Body Types.
- “Emote: No Bones Dance” and “Emote: Punt” now correctly display in Collections that they can be purchased from the Acolyte's Shadow Pack.
- The RK-4, RK-5 and RK-6 Starforged Blasters have all been recalled, and now produce a different sound when fired.
- The Holoprojector on the Hunter’s Planning Table Decoration has had its bulbs replaced and now displays longer.
- Kreia’s Robes now display properly.
Classes + Combat

- Just Pursuit has been redesigned: Leg Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds.
- Removed the Stagger and Defiance Skillful Utilities.
- New Skillful Utility: Reining Reach. Reining Reach increases the range of Leg Slash to 10 meters and reduces its focus cost by 2.
- New Skillful Utility: Adamant. You generate 4 focus when stunned, immobilized, put to sleep, or knocked down. Additionally, the cooldown of Resolute is reduced by 30 seconds.
- Removed the health penalty from Guarded by the Force. Additionally, the base cooldown of Guarded by the Force has been increased by 60 seconds.
- Force Camouflage now additionally grants immunity to controlling effects for its full duration. Dealing direct damage ends this immunity.
- The tooltip of Leg Slash now properly displays the duration of the speed reduction effect.
- Fixed the Defensive Forms Utility, and it now properly increases damage reduction in Shii-Cho Form.
- Saber Storm's tooltip now displays the correct critical strike damage bonus.
- Immaculate Force's tooltip now displays the proper Ability name for the class.

- Inescapable has been redesigned: Crippling Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds.
- Removed the Stagger and Unyielding Skillful Utilities.
- New Skillful Utility: Maiming Reach. Maiming Reach increases the range of Crippling Slash to 10 meters and reduces its rage cost by 2.
- New Skillful Utility: Inexorable. You generate 4 rage when stunned, immobilized, put to sleep, or knocked down. Additionally, the cooldown of Unleash is reduced by 30 seconds.
- Removed the health penalty from Undying Rage. Additionally, the base cooldown of Undying Rage has been increased by 60 seconds.
- Force Camouflage now additionally grants immunity to controlling effects for its full duration. Dealing direct damage ends this immunity.
- The tooltip of Crippling Slash now properly displays the duration of the speed reduction effect.

- Metaphysical Alacrity now properly increases the duration of Force Speed.
- Phase Walk now has a 10 minute duration (up from 5).
- The Utility "Mind Over Matter" now properly increases Force Speed duration.
- The Passive Ability “Rapid Recovery” now grants +100% Force Regen bonus to Double-Bladed Saber Tactics as intended.

- The critical hit chance of Laze Target now affects the full duration of Cull.

- Full Auto is now exclusive to the Commando Advanced Class and can be trained at level 15.
- Pulse Cannon can now be trained at level 3 (previously 8) and Mortar Volley can now be trained at level 8 (previously 10).
- All Troopers may want to visit their Class trainer to ensure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above.
- Increased the ability activation cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 seconds (up from .5 seconds).
- Slightly reduced the damage of Shoulder Cannon.
- Edited the tooltip for Electro Shield to indicate that it only deals retaliatory damage against direct damage, not periodic damage.
- The Shoulder Cannon tooltip now displays the proper cooldown for time between missile launches.
- Adrenaline Fueled has been redesigned: While Adrenaline Rush is active, your damage reduction is increased by 30%. Additionally, the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush is reduced by 60 seconds.
- The damage dealt by Shockstrike and Fire Pulse has been reduced.
- Rain of Fire has been redesigned: Pulse Cannon deals 10% additional damage to burning targets.
- Plasma Barrage has been redesigned: Fire Pulse makes your next Ion Pulse or Explosive Surge deplete no energy cells. Additionally, Pulse Cannon now Overwhelms the targets it damages. Overwhelmed targets take 10% more damage from area attacks.
- Plasmatic Assault now additionally increases the critical bonus of Plasmatize by 30%.
- Ionized Ignition now properly applies a Burning state to all affected targets.
- Ion Shield has been redesigned: Further increases damage reduction while Ion Cell is active by 2%. Additionally, Energy Blast damages up to 3 additional enemy targets within 5 meters of the primary target. Does not damage sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.
- Energy Blast now generates 25% additional threat.
- Cover Fire now slows the target’s movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds with each hit (up from 2 seconds).
- Fixed a bug that removed the Kolto Residue slow effect from Kolto Bomb.

- Unload is now exclusive to the Mercenary Advanced Class and can be trained at level 15.
- Flame Thrower can now be trained at level 3 (previously 8) and Death from Above can now be trained at level 8 (previously 10).
- All Bounty Hunters may want to visit their class trainer to ensure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above.
- Increased the ability activation cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 seconds (up from .5 seconds).
- Slightly reduced the damage of Shoulder Cannon.
- Edited the tooltip for Pyro Shield to indicate that it only deals retaliatory damage against direct damage, not periodic damage.
- The Shoulder Cannon tooltip now displays the proper cooldown for time between missile launches.
- Automated Defenses has been redesigned: While Kolto Overload is active, your damage reduction is increased by 30%. Additionally, the cooldown of Kolto Overload is reduced by 60 seconds.
- The damage dealt by Flaming Fist and Immolate has been reduced.
- Rain of Fire has been redesigned: Flame Thrower deals 10% additional damage to burning targets.
- Flame Barrage has been redesigned: Immolate makes your next Flame Burst or Flame Sweep generate no heat. Additionally, Flame Thrower now Overwhelms the targets it damages. Overwhelmed targets take 10% more damage from area attacks.
- Firebug now additionally increases the critical bonus of Scorch by 30%.
- Volatile Ignitor now properly applies a Burning state to all affected targets.
- Ion Screen has been redesigned: Further increases damage reduction while Ion Gas Cylinder is active by 2%. Additionally, Heat Blast damages up to 3 additional enemy targets within 5 meters of the primary target. Does not damage sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.
- Heat Blast now generates 25% additional threat.
- Pinning Fire now slows the target’s movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds with each hit (up from 2 seconds).
Flashpoints + Operations
The Ravagers- Lowered Torque’s health on 16-Player Story Mode.
- The “Devastation” debuff tooltip no longer refers to “The Rock.”
- Toned down the damage of non-boss enemies, with a bit more emphasis on the "Strong" tier enemies, in the Hard Mode version.
- Rarrook no longer Jet Charge’s at Companions or the GSI Combat Support Droid.
- Decreased the damage of Full Auto (Rarook), Suppressive Fire (Marko'Ka), and Stealth Strike (Marko'Ka).
- Decreased damage of Master Obai's Master Strike, and Lord Vodd's Ball Lightning (Both the impact damage and the subsequent DoT).
- Decreased the damage output of the Called Reinforcements during the Shield Squadron Unit 1 encounter.
- Commander Mokan's "Compound 9 Reload" channel is no longer interrupted if his main target vanishes during his Hard Mode encounter.
- Commander Mokan’s “Compound 9” now highlights as a Cleansable debuff in the Debuff Frame.
- Decreased the damage of "Compound 9" and "Compound 17."
- Increased the damage of Commander Mokan's Ranged Attack.
- Shield Squadron Unit 1’s “Orbital Laser” and “Missile Blast” damage areas now more closely match their indicators.
- Republic players can no longer repeatedly access Solo Mode Blood Hunt.
- Yustapir’s “Hurl” ability now respects a player’s knockback immunity.
- Jos and Valk Beroya no longer stay on their ledges in certain situations.
- Players who are knocked off of the platform when fighting Jos Beroya are now spawned at the correct checkpoint.
- Players, Companions, and the GSI are no longer able to leap to Jos Beroya while he is in his perch.
- Kyramela Gemas’rugam now resets if moved outside of the combat area in Solo Mode.
- Krakjya and Krakjya Stalker no longer have the Boss Immunity buff.
Hard Mode
- Decreased the damage that non-boss enemies deal by about 20%.
- Further decreased the damage dealt by Dual Saber Throw (Shasa Zealots) and Long Range Snipe (Facility Snipers) by 5% (for a total reduction of 25%). This also applies to the Shasa Zealots that appear during the Ortuno encounter.
- Sairisi has been retuned:
- Slightly reduced the overall damage done by the encounter (~4%).
- Slightly reduced the health of the Riot Suppression Droids (~5%).
- The rate at which Riot Suppression Droids auto-repair under their Riot Suppression Shield now degrades each time the shield cycles by 1/3. This means the second time they shield themselves, they'll heal at 2/3 the normal rate, the third time they'll heal at 1/3 the normal rate, and the fourth time they cease healing entirely.
- Ortuno has been retuned:
- Reduced Ortuno's Health (~15%).
- Increased the damage Ortuno direct attacks deal (except for Energy Eruption) by ~10%.
- Decreased the damage of Energy Eruption (~15%).
- Stivastin has been retuned:
- Significantly reduced the damage of the Lab Guardian droid adds (-25%).
- Increased the duration that flame jets suppress Stivastin's regeneration to 36s (up from 30s).
- Increased the damage that flame jets deal to Stivastin by 20%.
- Increased the Credit reward for “[HARD] Depths of Manaan” for both Factions to match that given by similar Flashpoints.
- The Falling Rock ability used during the Master Oric Traless / Lord Goh encounter in Assault on Tython now shows the damage at the moment of impact.
- The Mark VII Training Droids in Hard Mode Assault on Tython now correctly spawn as Strong instead of Elite.
- Lieutenant Kreshin’s ability “Slash” now hits for the correct amount of damage in Hard Mode Assault on Tython.
- The Force Push distance for both Imperial and Republic Commanders has been reduced.
- The damage increase from the Zen ability for the Republic Commander bonus boss is now the same as the Imperial Commander in Hard Mode.
- The Imperial version of “[HARD] Legacy of the Rakata” now grants the same Credit reward as the Republic version.
Items + Economy
- Level 60 Hard Mode Flashpoints and Story Mode Operations now drop MK-2 gear instead of MK-1.
- Kell Dragon Force-Master 4-Piece Set Bonus now functions properly for Sages.
- The Medical Grade Injector has been added to Mnek, the Scrap Peddler: Prototype Materials vendor.
- Deceiver Force-Lord Hood no longer has clipping issues with helmets.
- The Headhunter's Helmet now has voice modulation.
- Fixed skinning issue with Devoted Armor Boltblaster's Body Armor that caused it to distort while running.
- Fixed distortion issues on Female Body Types for Revanite, Deceiver, Pummeler, and Bulwark armor.
- The following crafting items can now be placed on the Galactic Trade Network:
- Exonium
- Matter Transubstantiator
- Increased the stats up to the correct level for the following items:
- Yavin Force-healer's MK-1 Motivator
- Deceiver Force-healer's MK-1 Motivator
- Massassi Force-healer's MK-1 Motivator
- The Veda Cloth Lower Robes no longer cause player’s legs to disappear
Missions + NPCs
- The Missions “Forged Alliances: Part I” and “Forged Alliances: Part II” are now available at the same level as “[Prelude] Shadow of Revan.” The progress on these missions has been reset.
- The Yavin 4 Bonus Mission “Chopping Block” has had its kill requirements lowered from 10 to 6. The progress on this mission has been reset.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not receive proper credit for the Mission “The Enemy Within” upon defeating the Revan encounter in Temple of Sacrifice.
- Republic players now correctly receive credit for the Mission “[WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts” when completing Hard Mode Battle of Rishi through the Group Finder.
- Level 55 Tactical Flashpoints now count towards the Mission “[WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints.”
- The lockbox on Rishi required for the Mission “Monkey-Lizard Business” can no longer become unusable.
- Troopers who have completed the Flashpoint Depths of Manaan now have their involvement acknowledged on the Mission “Eclipse Squad.”