- Détails
- Catégorie : Game Update Previews
- Mis à jour : samedi 8 août 2015 19:34
- Publication : jeudi 6 août 2015 17:38
- Écrit par Potato
An overview of the Imperial Agent / Smuggler class changes in 4.0 KOTFE.
Everything you see here is subject to change and will infact probably go through several iterations before live.
Operative Changes (All Disciplines)
- Supercharge your stealth generator, quickly moving you to a friendly or enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used against enemy targets in cover.
- 45 sec cooldown
- 30 meter range
- Ignores Alacrity
- Target must be within 270 degree angle of player.
- Level 61
- Curbing Shots
- Overload Shot and Carbine Burst reduce the movement speed of targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds.
- Skilful tier
- Fortified Kolto
- While your Kolto Probe is active on yourself, your damage reduction is increased by 3% per stack.
- Masterful tier
- Circumvention
- Holotraverse can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when used.
- Heroic tier
- Enduring Kolto
- Increases the duration of Kolto Probe by 3 seconds. Additionally, Stim Boost grants Enduring Kolto when activated, making your next Kolto Infusion activate instantly.
- Prey on the Weak
- Laceration deals 5% more damage to targets affected by your Acid Blade
- Acidic Compounds
- Toxic Blast deals 5% more damage and Corrosive Grenade has a 10% chance to deal its damage twice whenever it harms a target.
Scoundrel Changes (All Disciplines)
- Override your stealth generator, quickly moving you to a friendly or enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used against enemy targets in cover.
- 45 sec cooldown
- 30 meter range
- Ignores Alacrity
- Target must be within 270 degree angle of player.
- Level 61
- Curbing Shots
- Quick Shot and Blaster Volley reduce the movement speed of targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds.
- Skilful tier
- Supplemented Medpac
- While your Slow-release Medpac is active on yourself, your damage reduction is increased by 3% per stack.
- Masterful tier
- Sleight of Foot
- Trick Move can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when used.
- Heroic tier
- Prolonged Prescription
- Increases the duration of Slow-release Medpac by 3 seconds. Additionally, Pugnacity grants Prolonged Prescription when activated, making your next Kolto Infusion activate instantly.
- Prey on the Weak
- Laceration deals 5% more damage to targets affected by your Acid Blade
- Pierce and Batter
- Sucker Punch deals 5% more damage to targets affected by your Flechette Round.
Sniper Changes (All Disciplines)
- Immediately finishes the active cooldowns on Evasion, Countermeasures, Shield Probe, Cover Pulse, Entrench, and Covered Escape.
- 3 min cooldown
- Ignores Alacrity
- Level 61
- Reestablish Range moved from Skilful to Masterful tier.
- Calculated Pursuit moved from Masterful to Skilful tier.
- Pulse Screen:
- Activating Cover Pulse increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 20% for 6 seconds
- Skilful tier
- Lumbering Impact:
- Shatter Shot reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 10 seconds.
- Masterful tier
- Over-prepared:
- Reduces the cooldown of Imperial Preparation by 30 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 10% for 10 seconds after activating Imperial Preparation.
- Heroic tier
- Marksman's Finesse:
- Snipe grants Marksman's Finesse, increasing the armor penetration and damage dealt by your next Followthrough by 10%. Stacks up to 2 times.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Field Command:
- Increases the critical chance of your area attacks by 15%.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Caustic Substances:
- Weakening Blast deals 5% more damage and Corrosive Grenade has a 10% chance to deal its damage twice whenever it harms a target.
- Passive
- Level 64
Gunslinger Changes (All Disciplines)
- Immediately finishes the active cooldowns on Dodge, Surrender, Defense Screen, Pulse Detonator, Hunker Down, and Hightail It.
- 3 min cooldown
- Ignores Alacrity
- Level 61
- Reset Engagement moved from Skilful to Masterful tier.
- Hot Pursuit moved from Masterful to Skilful tier.
- Pulse Screen:
- Activating Pulse Detonator increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 20% for 6 seconds
- Skilful tier
- Lumbering Impact:
- Flourish Shot reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 10 seconds.
- Masterful tier
- Perfect Scheme:
- Reduces the cooldown of Bag of Tricks by 30 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 10% for 10 seconds after activating Imperial Preparation.
- Heroic tier
- Sharpshooter's Touch:
- Charged Burst grants Sharpshooter's Touch, increasing the armor penetration and damage dealt by your next Followthrough by 10%. Stacks up to 2 times.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Conflagration:
- Increases the critical chance of your area attacks by 15%.
- Passive
- Level 64
Dirty Fighting:
- Gushing Wounds:
- Hemorrhaging Blast deals 5% more damage and Shrap Bomb has a 10% chance to deal its damage twice whenever it harms a target.
- Passive
- Level 64
Advanced Targeting and Avoidance Training got removed but I don't think these passive abilities was actually in use on the live server. Please correct me if I am wrong.