Let's address the bantha in the room shall we? This year will probably have less new content than last year. So, just turn all (most) of the content on and leave it on. Double Double: what does it matter at this point if you leave it on forever now? People will still level alts. Bounty Week: the traffic is mostly in the bazaar. Not many do it anyway except that first Tuesday.... Gree Event: One of my favorites. Traffic is on Ilum in its own area. Not many do it anymore. The guilds can manage their own participation accordingly. Nar Shadaa Night Life: Has its own casino area. Chat would die down after the first few weeks. Be kinda cool to have quests that go through there and real people are playing. Rakghoul Event: This one you probably need to rotate like it is. Too many players would freak about the plague. Life Day Event: see Rakghoul above but replace plague with snowballs. What do you guys think? I just don't see that it matters much anymore. |