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Datacrons are force-powered stores of ancient knowledge, which when accessed provide characters with valuable rewards. Datacrons are for the most part located in places which are intentionally difficult to find or access. Below you'll find a table of all datacrons currently in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and where to find them.

Planet Datacron Location Guide Map Codex
Alderaan Blue Mastery +4 X: 1107, Y: 80 Go To Map Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Alderaan Presence +3 X: -82, Y: -268 Go To Map Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult
Alderaan Purple Mastery +3 X: -2508, Y: -427 Go To Map Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels
Alderaan Red Mastery +4 X: 2190, Y: -2019 Go To Map Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy
Alderaan Endurance +3 X: 2721, Y: 2496 Go To Map Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi
Balmorra (Empire) Red Mastery +2 X: 727, Y: 2033 Go To Map Galactic History 31: The Ritual of Nathema
Balmorra (Empire) Blue Mastery +2 X: -1017, Y: 1514 Go To Map Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud
Balmorra (Empire) Purple Mastery +2 X: 191, Y: -346 Go To Map Galactic History 32: Long Exile
Balmorra (Empire) Orange Mastery +2 X: 1853, Y: 111 Go To Map Galactic History 29: Sadow’s Escape
Balmorra (Empire) Green Matrix Shard X: -505, Y: 1990 Go To Map Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor
Balmorra (Republic) Blue Mastery +4 X: 191, Y: -342 Go To Map Galactic History 53: The Conclave at Deneba
Balmorra (Republic) Orange Mastery +4 X: -1017, Y: 1514 Go To Map Galactic History 56: The Brotherhood of the Sith
Balmorra (Republic) Presence +4 X: 730, Y: 2030 Go To Map Galactic History 57: The Brotherhood's Power Grows
Balmorra (Republic) Endurance +3 X: -485, Y: -233 Go To Map Galactic History 54: Ulic's Fall
Balmorra (Republic) Purple Mastery +4 X: -779, Y: 2069 Go To Map Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun
Belsavis Purple Mastery +4 X: -501, Y: 768 Go To Map Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant
Belsavis Endurance +4 X: -992, Y: -233 Go To Map Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars
Belsavis Presence +4 X: -1915, Y: -476 Go To Map Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts
Belsavis Blue Mastery +4 X: -785, Y: -1930 Go To Map Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return
Belsavis Green Matrix Shard X: -315, Y: -2172 Go To Map Galactic History 71: The Muur Talisman
Corellia Red Mastery +4 X: -2755, Y: -2005 Go To Map Galactic History 82: Darth Traya's Return
Corellia (Republic) Purple Mastery +4 X: 703, Y: 1717 Go To Map Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr
Corellia Blue Matrix Shard X: -2425, Y: -1063 Go To Map Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends
Corellia Presence +4 X: 3425, Y: -3209 Go To Map Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile
Corellia Blue Mastery +4 X: 3140, Y: -1790 Go To Map Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate
Corellia Orange Mastery +4 X: -2658, Y: -3114 Go To Map Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four
Corellia Green Matrix Shard X: 702, Y: -1884 Go To Map Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken
Corellia (Empire) Purple Mastery +4 X: -2404, Y: 2948 Go To Map Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr
Coruscant (Republic) Presence +2 X: 2320, Y: 1055 Go To Map Galactic History 08: Hyperspace Cannons
Coruscant (Republic) Yellow Matrix Shard X: 905, Y: 4557 Go To Map Galactic History 06: The Infinite Empire Collapses
Coruscant (Republic) Red Mastery +2 X: -3087, Y: 3030 Go To Map Galactic History 07: The First Spaceflights
Coruscant (Republic) Endurance +2 X: -3729, Y: 161 Go To Map Galactic History 04: King Adas
Coruscant (Republic) Orange Mastery +2 X: 1021, Y: 3967 Go To Map Galactic History 05: Rise of the Infinite Empire
Dromund Kaas (Empire) Red Mastery +2 X: 855, Y: 643 Go To Map Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades
Dromund Kaas (Empire) Presence +2 X: 581, Y: 798 Go To Map Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians
Dromund Kaas (Empire) Orange Mastery +2 X: -1219, Y: 209 Go To Map Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism
Dromund Kaas (Empire) Yellow Matrix Shard X: -187, Y: 1738 Go To Map Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms
Dromund Kaas (Empire) Endurance +2 X: -793, Y: 1450 Go To Map Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus
Hoth Presence +4 X: 1039, Y: -1243 Go To Map Galactic History 65: An Exile on Rhen Var
Hoth Red Matrix Shard X: -738, Y: 1705 Go To Map Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant
Hoth Endurance +4 X: 2837, Y: -375 Go To Map Galactic History 64: The Kanz Disorders
Hoth Orange Mastery +4 X: 3144, Y: 475 Go To Map Galactic History 63: The Terentatek Hunt
Hoth Red Mastery +4 X: -4102, Y: 115 Go To Map Galactic History 67: Mandalore the Ultimate
Hutta (Empire) Blue Mastery +2 X: -96, Y: 861 Go To Map Galactic History 01: The Architects
Hutta (Empire) Blue Matrix Shard X: -9, Y: 319 Go To Map Galactic History 03: The Battalions of Zhell
Hutta (Empire) Presence +2 X: 648, Y: -107 Go To Map Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations
Ilum Blue Mastery +4 X: 920, Y: 1075 Go To Map Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds
Ilum Endurance +4 X: 107, Y: -72 Go To Map Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup
Ilum Red Matrix Shard X: 543, Y: 544 Go To Map Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council
Ilum Purple Mastery +4 X: 304, Y: -1568 Go To Map Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice
Ilum Yellow Matrix Shard X: 308, Y: -380 Go To Map Galactic History 86: The Empire’s Revenge
Korriban (Empire) Purple Mastery +2 X: 529, Y: 64 Go To Map Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts
Korriban (Empire) Endurance +2 X: 150, Y: 78 Go To Map Galactic History 15: Mandalore
Korriban (Empire) Red Matrix Shard X: -55, Y: 379 Go To Map Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention
Makeb Presence +10 X: -1945, Y: 4450 Go To Map Galactic History 88: The Unlikely Champion
Makeb Endurance +10 X: 79, Y: 2556 Go To Map Galactic History 89: Capturing the Dread Masters
Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Blue Mastery +3 X: -3362, Y: -3316 Go To Map Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas
Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Presence +3 X: 3338, Y: -3287 Go To Map Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres
Nar Shaddaa Orange Mastery +3 X: 1958, Y: 3288 Go To Map Galactic History 34: The Discovery of Ryll
Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Red Mastery +3 X: 2156, Y: 3103 Go To Map Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd
Nar Shaddaa Yellow Matrix Shard X: 1781, Y: 3084 Go To Map Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War
Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Blue Mastery +3 X: -3699, Y: -1692 Go To Map Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas
Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Presence +3 X: 2930, Y: 400 Go To Map Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres
Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Red Mastery +3 X: 2017, Y: 2441 Go To Map Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd
Ord Mantell (Republic) Red Matrix Shard X: 778, Y: 133 Go To Map Galactic History 14: The Fall of Tion
Ord Mantell (Republic) Presence +2 X: -971, Y: 201 Go To Map Galactic History 13: The First Great Schism
Ord Mantell (Republic) Blue Mastery +2 X: -660, Y: -561 Go To Map Galactic History 12: The Birth of the Republic
Quesh Orange Mastery +4 X: 425, Y: -132 Go To Map Galactic History 58: Ulic's Trials
Quesh Endurance +4 X: 207, Y: 773 Go To Map Galactic History 59: Aleema's Fate
Quesh Red Mastery +4 X: 557, Y: 1422 Go To Map Galactic History 60: The Destruction of Ossus
Republic Fleet All Stats +10 X: ?, Y: ? Go To Map N/A
Imperial Fleet All Stats +10 X: ?, Y: ? Go To Map N/A
Rishi Red Mastery +10 X: -663, Y: -2249 Go To Map Galactic History 90: The Battle of Alderaan
Rishi Blue Mastery +10 X: -663, Y: -2249 Go To Map Galactic History 91: The Syndicate Wars
Rishi Orange Mastery +10 X: -663, Y: -2249 Go To Map Galactic History 92: The Hydian Way
Rishi Purple Mastery +10 X: -663, Y: -2249 Go To Map Galactic History 93: The Mandalorian Schism
Taris (Republic) Red Mastery +2 X: 1187, Y: -571 Go To Map Galactic History 25: Two Rivals
Taris (Republic) Blue Mastery +2 X: -1515, Y: -253 Go To Map Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins
Taris (Republic) Orange Mastery +2 X: 1047, Y: 454 Go To Map Galactic History 24: Empress Teta
Taris (Republic) Purple Mastery +2 X: -362, Y: -227 Go To Map Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions
Taris (Republic) Green Matrix Shard X: 1059, Y: 1039 Go To Map Galactic History 27: The Great Hyperspace War
Taris (Empire) Presence +4 X: 1187, Y: -571 Go To Map Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes
Taris (Empire) Endurance +3 X: -1515, Y: -253 Go To Map Galactic History 48: The Audiences on Onderon
Taris (Empire) Blue Mastery +4 X: 1047, Y: 454 Go To Map Galactic History 49: Exar Kun
Taris (Empire) Purple Mastery +4 X: 444, Y: -772 Go To Map Galactic History 50: Basilisk
Taris (Empire) Orange Mastery +4 X: -643, Y: 1606 Go To Map Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban
Tatooine (Republic) Orange Mastery +3 X: 2140, Y: -3671 Go To Map Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism
Tatooine Purple Mastery +3 X: 2115, Y: -596 Go To Map Galactic History 42: The Nevoota Extinction
Tatooine Blue Mastery +3 X: -628, Y: -30 Go To Map Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon
Tatooine Blue Matrix Shard X: -2391, Y: -1381 Go To Map Galactic History 40: Czerka Discovers Kashyyyk
Tatooine Red Mastery +3 X: -2391, Y: -1381 Go To Map Galactic History 41: The Droid Rights Movement
Tatooine (Empire) Orange Mastery +3 X: 726, Y: 3137 Go To Map Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism
Tython (Republic) Endurance +2 X: -33, Y: -102 Go To Map Galactic History 09: The Force Wars
Tython (Republic) Purple Mastery +2 X: -648, Y: -72 Go To Map Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster
Tython (Republic) Blue Matrix Shard X: -93, Y: 922 Go To Map Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire
Voss Purple Mastery +4 X: -29, Y: 372 Go To Map Galactic History 77: A Return to the Unknown Regions
Voss Presence +4 X: 2144, Y: -840 Go To Map Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War
Voss Endurance +4 X: -1950, Y: -2220 Go To Map Galactic History 73: The Battle of Malachor Five
Voss Red Mastery +4 X: 655, Y: 2049 Go To Map Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade
Voss Orange Mastery +4 X: 515, Y: 175 Go To Map Galactic History 74: Revan and Malak Fall
About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.