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The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years. Whatever HK-51's original programming dictated, he pledged absolute loyalty to his new master upon his reactivation. HK-51 is a model of ruthless efficiency. His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK-51 has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics.
The Finest in Automated Assassination
Category: Unavailable Companions
Subcategory: Discovered
Gear Appearance Class:
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: HK-51
Other Sites:
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
20 seconds30m100006.2.0
15 seconds30m99004.0.0
15 seconds4m98004.0.0
8 seconds30m97004.0.0
6 seconds30m96004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
20 seconds30m100004.0.0
45 seconds30m99004.0.0
15 seconds30m98004.0.0
8 seconds30m97004.0.0
6 seconds30m96004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
4 seconds21m45m100006.0.0
20 seconds30m99906.0.0
12 seconds30m98004.0.0
10 seconds30m97004.0.0
7.5 seconds30m90004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Gift TypeReactionRomanced Reaction
CourtingIndifferent None
Cultural ArtifactIndifferent None
DelicaciesIndifferent None
Imperial MemorabiliaIndifferent None
LuxuryIndifferent None
MaintenanceFavorite ++None
Military GearLove +++None
Republic MemorabiliaIndifferent None
Underworld GoodIndifferent None
WeaponFavorite ++None
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4481c33180000cb09558d"
    "AcquireConditionalIds": [],
    "AcquireConditionalB62Ids": [],
    "MaxInfluenceTier": 50,
    "AllianceAlerts": [],
    "CategoryId": "3599878378750234",
    "InfluenceCap": 250000,
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "HK-51",
        "frMale": "HK-51",
        "frFemale": "HK-51",
        "deMale": "HK-51",
        "deFemale": "HK-51"
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years. Whatever HK-51's original programming dictated, he pledged absolute loyalty to his new master upon his reactivation.\n\nHK-51 is a model of ruthless efficiency. His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK-51 has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics.",
        "frMale": "Le dro\u00efde d\u00e9nomm\u00e9 HK-51 est froid, calculateur et extr\u00eamement redoutable. Log\u00e9 dans un ch\u00e2ssis rappelant une unit\u00e9 protocolaire antique de la corporation Systech, ce dro\u00efde assassin de la s\u00e9rie HK est rest\u00e9 en sommeil dans la soute d'un vaisseau imp\u00e9rial pendant des ann\u00e9es. Quoi qu'ait pu lui dicter sa programmation d'origine, il jura fid\u00e9lit\u00e9 \u00e0 son nouveau ma\u00eetre lors de sa r\u00e9activation.\n\nHK-51 est un mod\u00e8le d'efficacit\u00e9 impitoyable. Ses protocoles d'assassinat se d\u00e9t\u00e9riorent s'ils ne sont pas utilis\u00e9s fr\u00e9quemment. Ainsi, il cherche en permanence \u00e0 acqu\u00e9rir, poursuivre et neutraliser des cibles, ce qui pourrait \u00eatre consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'\u00e9quivalent d'une obsession chez les \u00eatres vivants. En plus d'exprimer sa fiert\u00e9 lorsqu'il ex\u00e9cute des cibles, HK-51 pr\u00e9sente peu d'int\u00e9r\u00eat pour les probl\u00e8mes \u00e9motionnels des organiques.",
        "frFemale": "Le dro\u00efde d\u00e9nomm\u00e9 HK-51 est froid, calculateur et extr\u00eamement redoutable. Log\u00e9 dans un ch\u00e2ssis rappelant une unit\u00e9 protocolaire antique de la corporation Systech, ce dro\u00efde assassin de la s\u00e9rie HK est rest\u00e9 en sommeil dans la soute d'un vaisseau imp\u00e9rial pendant des ann\u00e9es. Quoi qu'ait pu lui dicter sa programmation d'origine, il jura fid\u00e9lit\u00e9 \u00e0 son nouveau ma\u00eetre lors de sa r\u00e9activation.\n\nHK-51 est un mod\u00e8le d'efficacit\u00e9 impitoyable. Ses protocoles d'assassinat se d\u00e9t\u00e9riorent s'ils ne sont pas utilis\u00e9s fr\u00e9quemment. Ainsi, il cherche en permanence \u00e0 acqu\u00e9rir, poursuivre et neutraliser des cibles, ce qui pourrait \u00eatre consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'\u00e9quivalent d'une obsession chez les \u00eatres vivants. En plus d'exprimer sa fiert\u00e9 lorsqu'il ex\u00e9cute des cibles, HK-51 pr\u00e9sente peu d'int\u00e9r\u00eat pour les probl\u00e8mes \u00e9motionnels des organiques.",
        "deMale": "Der HK-51-Droide ist kalt, berechnend und unglaublich t\u00f6dlich. Dieser Attent\u00e4terdroide der HK-Serie, ausgestattet mit einem geschmeidigen K\u00f6rper, der einer alten Protokolleinheit der Systech Corporation \u00e4hnelt, lag viele Jahre deaktiviert im Lagerraum eines imperialen Raumschiffs. Was immer HK-51s urspr\u00fcngliche Programmierung auch vorgegeben hatte, er schwor seinem neuen Herrn nach seiner Reaktivierung absolute Treue.\n\nHK-51 ist die Personifizierung unbarmherziger Effizienz. Seine T\u00f6tungsprotokolle verschlechtern sich, wenn sie nicht regelm\u00e4\u00dfig eingesetzt werden. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einer st\u00e4ndigen Erfassung, Verfolgung und permanenten Beseitigung von qualifizierten Zielen - ein Verhalten, das bei Lebewesen als Besessenheit aufgefasst w\u00fcrde. Abgesehen von einem gewissen Stolz auf erfolgreiche Beseitigungen hat HK-51 keine Geduld f\u00fcr die trivialen emotionalen Probleme von Organismen.",
        "deFemale": "Der HK-51-Droide ist kalt, berechnend und unglaublich t\u00f6dlich. Dieser Attent\u00e4terdroide der HK-Serie, ausgestattet mit einem geschmeidigen K\u00f6rper, der einer alten Protokolleinheit der Systech Corporation \u00e4hnelt, lag viele Jahre deaktiviert im Lagerraum eines imperialen Raumschiffs. Was immer HK-51s urspr\u00fcngliche Programmierung auch vorgegeben hatte, er schwor seinem neuen Herrn nach seiner Reaktivierung absolute Treue.\n\nHK-51 ist die Personifizierung unbarmherziger Effizienz. Seine T\u00f6tungsprotokolle verschlechtern sich, wenn sie nicht regelm\u00e4\u00dfig eingesetzt werden. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einer st\u00e4ndigen Erfassung, Verfolgung und permanenten Beseitigung von qualifizierten Zielen - ein Verhalten, das bei Lebewesen als Besessenheit aufgefasst w\u00fcrde. Abgesehen von einem gewissen Stolz auf erfolgreiche Beseitigungen hat HK-51 keine Geduld f\u00fcr die trivialen emotionalen Probleme von Organismen."
    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "The Finest in Automated Assassination",
        "frMale": "Le fin du fin de l'assassinat automatis\u00e9",
        "frFemale": "Le fin du fin de l'assassinat automatis\u00e9",
        "deMale": "Automatisierte Attentate in Perfektion",
        "deFemale": "Automatisierte Attentate in Perfektion"
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Unavailable Companions",
        "frMale": "Partenaires indisponibles",
        "frFemale": "Partenaires indisponibles",
        "deMale": "Nicht verf\u00fcgbare Gef\u00e4hrten",
        "deFemale": "Nicht verf\u00fcgbare Gef\u00e4hrten"
    "LocalizedSubCategory": {
        "enMale": "Discovered",
        "frMale": "D\u00e9couvert",
        "frFemale": "D\u00e9couvert",
        "deMale": "Entdeckt",
        "deFemale": "Entdeckt"
    "Name": "HK-51",
    "NameId": "3754398417158144",
    "Description": "The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years. Whatever HK-51's original programming dictated, he pledged absolute loyalty to his new master upon his reactivation.\n\nHK-51 is a model of ruthless efficiency. His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK-51 has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics.",
    "DescriptionId": "3754398417158145",
    "NpcId": "16140983028740274642",
    "Icon": "Companions\/Crafting_Droids_BlueLight\/DDS\/HK-51",
    "HashedIcon": "3796088164_563730925",
    "SubCategory": "Discovered",
    "SubCategoryId": 3599878378750257,
    "Title": "The Finest in Automated Assassination",
    "TitleId": "3754398417158146",
    "Companion": {
        "AffectionRanks": [],
        "Classes": [],
        "ConversationMultiplier": 1,
        "CrewAbilityB62Ids": [],
        "FactionId": "0",
        "GiftInterest": [
                "GiftType": "Weapon",
                "Reaction": "Favorite",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "MilitaryGear",
                "Reaction": "Love",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Courting",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Luxury",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Technology",
                "Reaction": "Like",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "RepublicMemorabilia",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "ImperialMemorabilia",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "CulturalArtifact",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Trophy",
                "Reaction": "Like",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "UnderworldGood",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Delicacies",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Maintenance",
                "Reaction": "Favorite",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
        "Id": "-2305761044969276974",
        "IsGenderMale": true,
        "AppearanceClassB62Id": "5ZtRBpE",
        "IsRomanceable": false,
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "HK-51",
            "frMale": "HK-51",
            "frFemale": "HK-51",
            "deMale": "HK-51",
            "deFemale": "HK-51"
        "Portrait": "companions\/crafting_droids_bluelight\/dds\/",
        "ProfessionModifiers": [],
        "SpaceAbilityId": "0",
        "SpaceAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
        "UId": "16140983028740274642",
        "UB62Id": "qZcioOB",
        "AllowedClasses": [
        "NcoId": "16141110513157666527",
        "TankApcId": "16141168015570515113",
        "TankApcB62Id": "gJJwOyA",
        "DpsApcId": "16140992006141697849",
        "DpsApcB62Id": "ETyzW2s",
        "HealApcId": "16140942521530991143",
        "HealApcB62Id": "9qBQTx4",
        "Base62Id": "qZcioOB",
        "Name": "HK-51"
    "InteractionList": [],
    "Id": "16141110513157666527",
    "Base62Id": "tziAYBU",
    "Fqn": "nco.companions_updated.hk_51_imp_updated",
    "first_seen": "4.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0",
    "hash": "3533315917",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [