- Details
- Category: Event Guides
- Last Updated: Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
- Published: Monday, February 9th, 2015
- Written by Geir
What's New
Schematic: Deep Brown and Deep Red Dye Module
Schematic: White and Medium Pink Dye Module
- BoP
- 50 Contracts
Getting Started

Search near the elevators on fleet for a carbonite person and click on it to start.
The Bounty Brokers Association
Speak to BBA Relations droid BH-7X in the Fleet's Cartel Bazaar to establish a working relationship with the Bounty Brokers Association.
- Speak to BH-7X in the Cartel Bazaar
Restrictions: Once per day per toon.
Completed Bounty Contract
2 Basic Coms
Bounty Broker Mark of Service (green rep item)
BBA Official Certificate of Achievements (blue rep item)
BBA Fleet Transport Authorization (free port to fleet)
- Speak to Dariana Frayus on Alderaan
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Alderaan
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Tam Daral on Coruscant
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Coruscant
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Officer Manus on Dromund Kaas
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Dromund Kaas
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Lo'tar on Hutta
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Hutta
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Otheros on Nar Shaddaa
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Nar Shaddaa
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Ariavos on Ord Mantell
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Ord Mantell
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Meerko on Tatooine
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Tatooine
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Sama Zo on Voss
- Collect Information from Shady Characters on Voss
- Turn In Completed Contract
Restrictions: One per week per toon.
Requires 5 Completed Bounty Contracts each to unlock.
Completed Bounty Contract
BBA Official Token of Exemplary Achievement (purple rep item)
BBA Official Certificate of Achievement (blue rep item)
3 Basic Coms
BBA Fleet Transport Authorization (free port to fleet)
- Speak to Dariana Frayus on Alderaan
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Tam Daral on Coruscant
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Officer Manus on Dromund Kaas
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Lo'tar on Hutta
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Otheros on Nar Shaddaa
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Ariavos on Ord Mantell
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Meerko on Tatooine
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Turn In Completed Contract
- Speak to Sama Zo on Voss
- Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region
- Bounty Seeker Probes Scanning Area...
- Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes
- Borrow a Piece of the Priceless Voss Cultural Artifact
- Turn In Completed Contract
Legacy Armors
Bounty Tracker

Reputation: Newcomer
- Armguards 1 Contract
- Belt 1 Contract
- Boots 2 Contracts
- Gloves 2 Contracts
- Hat 3 Contracts
- Jacket 3 Contracts
- Leggings 3 Contracts
Contract Hunter

Reputation: Hero
- Boots 2 Contracts
- Bracers 2 Contracts
- Chestguard 4 Contracts
- Gloves 2 Contracts
- Headgear 4 Contracts
- Leggings 4 Contracts
- Vest 4 Contracts
- Waistcord 2 Contracts
Master Hunter's Headgear

- Reputation: Champion
- Cost: 5 Contracts
Legacy Weapons
Crime Lords - 120
5 points each - Collect Bounty, Capture, Kill the folowing Crime Lords
- Samovan Bann - Coruscant
- Lord Trok - Dromund Kaas
- Grov the Destroyer - Hutta
- Claw - Alderaan
- Brogon - Ord Mantell
- Kreegan Ramar - Tatooine
- Eryn Talosa - Voss
- Arkan - Nar Shaddaa
Henchmen - 120
5 points each - Collect Bounty, Capture, Kill the folowing Henchmen
- T'rubba - Hutta, OM, NS, Voss
- Aja Novar - Hutta, OM, NS, Ald, Voss
- D-3X - Hutta, OM, DK, Coru, Ald, Voss
- Udo Ensh - Hutta, OM, NS, Tat
- Sogar Sur - DK, Cor, Ald, Tat, Voss
- Novane - DK, Cor, NS, Ald, Tat
- Zinda Kent - DK, COru, NS, ald, Tat
- Kar'wa - Hutt, OM, DK, Coru, Tat , Voss
General - 210
- Wanted: Dead or Alive - 100 - Captured and killed all Available bounties - 20cc Title: Wanted: Dead or Alive
- Bring'em All In - 25 - Captured all bounties alive - 20cc
- Take'em All Down - 25 Killed all available bounties - 20cc
- Crime Lord Contracts - 25 - Collected bounty on every avaiable crime lord - 20cc
- Fully Authroized - 25 - Authorized to pursue all available Kingpin Contracts - 20cc Title: Death Mark in Seven Systems
- Greet the Overwatch - 10 - Kept the Cartel hangar sniper company for a bit - Title: Cartel Security
Greet the Overwatch

Bounty Broker's Association
- Green
BBA Official Mark of Service
- Blue
BBA Official Certificate of Accomplishment
- Purple
BBA Official Token of Exemplary Achievement
- Friend - Title: For Hire
- Legend - Title: The Professional
Guild Reputation Bonus: %
Green | Blue | Purple | |
Current # of Reputation Items: |
Total Reputation Obtainable from Current Reputation Items: 0
Current Reputation Rank:
Current Reputation:
Reputation needed to reach next (Outsider) rank: 2500
Total Reputation needed to reach Legend rank: 70000
Total # of weeks to reach Outsider rank: 0
Total # of weeks to reach max (Legend) rank: 5
About the Author
Author: Asana