Gearing & Stats
The tables on this page were generated using optimizer scripts created by Bant aka Goblin_Lackey. The stats were calculated to give the maximum theoretical DPS/HPS/DTPS for each discipline, however you may wish to alter the builds depending on your play style or what content you are facing in SWTOR. Each table assumes you have a full set of the specified gear.
Suggested Best-in-Slot Stats
"E" = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece
"A" = Advanced _ Augment 45
"C" = Advanced _ _ Color Crystal (+41 ones)
Discipline Statistics
HPS Rankings
Note: HPS rankings assume best-in-slot 242-rating gear.
Suggested Best-in-Slot Gear & Items
Set Bonuses
Suggested Utility Skills
Suggested PvE Utility Build
Suggested PvP Utility Build
Recuperative Nanotech > Filler > Kolto Wave > Kolto Wave* > Kolto Injection > Kolto Infusion > Filler > Filler
Recuperative Nanotech > Filler > Filler > Filler > Kolto Injection > Kolto Infusion > Filler > Filler
Filler: Surgical Probe (79%) / Kolto Probe (0%) / Diagnostic Scan (21%)
Minor Rotation: 8+ GCDs
Major Rotation: 36+ GCDs
Comments: Healers are tough to determine when there is not a set rotation and they just respond to situations. That is why Orderken's models are nice because they work in the opposite direction from the way I am calculating. He starts with the assumption that he knows the % of healing each ability will do and he works backwards to find the activation rate that matches those percentages. Healers should be warned that the gearing assumes a static rotation that is not representative of an actual fight. This rotation is only slightly valid for 3 targets. The new utility for making Kolto Infusion Instant decreases the total healing of the move by ~7% but it front loads the healing
References: Orderken
Advanced Tactics
Advanced Tactics
- Evasion - Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 200% for 3 seconds and self-cleanses DOTS. Doesn't break stealth.
- Shield Probe - it puts a protective shield around you absorbing a moderate amount of damage for 10 seconds.
- Exfiltrate - Roll forward 12 meters. Activating Exfiltrate a second time within 10 seconds allows you to roll again, but puts the ability on CD for 10 seconds. While rolling, your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks is increased by 30%. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.
- Holotraverse - Supercharge your stealth generator, quickly moving you to a friendly or enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used against enemy targets in cover.
- Escape - Purges all incapacitating and movement-impairing effects.
- Distraction - Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds. It’s important to save this when necessary in an operation or when it’s called for by the leader of the group.
Energy Management
Operative healers only hold up to 100 energy so it's important to keep your energy up around 50-60%. In order to do that you can use Diagnostic Scan which rebuilds energy pretty quickly. If you are DPSing use Rifle Shot, however it rebuilds energy up at a slower rate.
- Adrenaline Probe - Summons a droid that helps you recover 50 energy over 3 seconds. This should only be used as your backup energy regeneration in an emergency. The cooldown is 1 minute so use it sparingly.
Single Target Healing
For single target healing I like to start with Kolto Injection which gives you a Tactical Advantage, then onto Kolto Infusion, then Diagnostic Scan (which you channel while moving and it helps keep your energy where you need it. It''s recommended you try to maintain your energy at 50-60%) and then Surgical Probe, if necessary.
Kolto Injection > Kolto Infusion > Diagnostic Scan > Surgical Probe
Multiple Target Healing
For multiple target healing I usually start off hitting the tanks with Recuperative Nanotech (which heals up to 3 targets for 8423 over 9 seconds). It provides a HOT and adds more healing to targets that are close to it.
Typically, when you use Recuperative Nanotech (this effect also procs a Tactical Advantage) in the middle of a fight, hit Kolto Waves right after. It is a channeled AOE effect that heals up to 8 targets and is best to be used when everyone is grouped up.
Recuperative Nanotech > Kolto Waves
When using either Multiple or Single Target Healing try to keep Kolto Probes on each target as much as possible.
Burst Healing
Stim Boost will proc your Kolto Injection and/or Kolto Infusion to be cast instantly. It also gives you a Tactical Advantage and boosts alacrity by 10% for 15 seconds.
Kolto Injection > Diagnostic Scan > Surgical Probe > Recuperative Nanotech > Kolto Waves
Procs and Buffs
Making sure you time using your procs and buffs at the right moment because they are critical for your HPS.
- Countermeasures - Periodic healing over 10 seconds and procs Kolto Probe (this only heals for 10 seconds if you have Curative Agent set in utilities).
- Critical Surge - Critical rating increased. This occurs when you hit Recuperative Nanotech.
- Field Medic's Critical Bonus - You receive this bonus from having a 2 set piece. It can only be activated once every 30 seconds and will make your next Kolto Injection or Underworld Medicine will critically heal.
- Invigorated - Healing received increased. It lasts up to 42 seconds and increases healing received from your co healer as well.
- Mastery Surge - Mastery increased. It occurs when you heal either yourself or friendly targets.
- Tactical Superiority - It Executes your Tactical Advantage to grant Tactical Superiority to the whole raid group within 40 meters. It increases critical chance by 10% for 10 seconds. Usually used at the beginning of a boss fight or when the raid leader calls for it.
- Tactical Advantage - Executions enabled. It stack up to 3 times and it lasts 23 seconds. It can be gained over time through stacking your HOTS or placing Kolto Probe on targets.
- Tactical Medicine - Increases all healing output by 3% for 6 seconds.
- Resistant - Internal and elemental damage reduction increased over 44 sec when you use Kolto Infusion.
- Kolto Probe - Procs Critical Surge, Field Medic's Critical Bonus and Tactical Advantage.
Reviving Targets During Combat
As a stealth class there are two ways to revive a target during combat:
- Combat Revive: Combat reviving a dead player in your group using Resuscitation Probe causes a buff on all members in the raid group so that they can’t use combat reviving again until the cooldown runs out for 4.25 minutes. Usually, this is reserved for tanks and, if the fight is heavy on dps checks, a dps.
- Stealth Revive: Make sure your HOTs are not active before using Cloaking Screen to revive a dead player otherwise it will put you back into combat therefore not allowing you to revive the player. Once you have revived the player you (or the revived player) can revive more before entering combat.
DPSing in Heal Spec
There will be certain fights that require healers to dps as well. Dps’ing depletes your energy more quickly than healing.
Single Targets: Corrosive Dart > Backstab > Shiv > Noxious Knives > Overload Shot > Debilitate (deals 2392-2692 energy dmg and on a weaker target stuns them) > Rifle Shot
Multiple Targets: Fragmentation Grenade > Corrosive Dart > Shiv > Toxic Haze (Requires and consumes Tactical Advantage) > Noxious Knives > Overload Shot > Rifle Shot
Use Rifle Shot to regain energy.
Make sure to look at your discipline paths next to the utilities and read through them. It will be extremely helpful in knowing your class better, which in turn will make you more effective as a healer.