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{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb3e63f33180000cb05b083" }, "NameId": "811843308224512", "Name": "Vicious Slash", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Vicious Slash", "frMale": "Fente vicieuse", "frFemale": "Fente vicieuse", "deMale": "B\u00f6sartiger Hieb", "deFemale": "B\u00f6sartiger Hieb" }, "DescriptionId": "811843308224513", "Description": "Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target.", "LocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target.", "frMale": "Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds d\u00e9g\u00e2ts \u00e0 une seule cible.", "frFemale": "Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds d\u00e9g\u00e2ts \u00e0 une seule cible.", "deMale": "Ein b\u00f6sartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht.", "deFemale": "Ein b\u00f6sartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht." }, "ParsedDescription": "Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target.", "ParsedLocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target.", "frMale": "Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds d\u00e9g\u00e2ts \u00e0 une seule cible.", "frFemale": "Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds d\u00e9g\u00e2ts \u00e0 une seule cible.", "deMale": "Ein b\u00f6sartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht.", "deFemale": "Ein b\u00f6sartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht." }, "EffectsB62": [ "oLzCw6V", "dbsPqDF" ], "EffectIds": [ 1.6140913020889555e+19, 1.6140911921377927e+19 ], "Level": 0, "Icon": "slash", "EffectZero": "16140913020889554889", "IsHidden": false, "IsPassive": false, "Version": 0, "Cooldown": 6, "CastingTime": 0, "ChannelingTime": 0, "ForceCost": 0, "EnergyCost": 0, "ApCost": 0, "ApType": 0, "MinRange": 0, "MaxRange": 0.4, "GCD": -1, "GcdOverride": false, "ModalGroup": 0, "SharedCooldown": 1.6140962386710563e+19, "TargetArc": 180, "TargetArcOffset": 0, "TargetRule": 1, "LineOfSightCheck": true, "Pushback": true, "IgnoreAlacrity": false, "AiType": 1, "CombatMode": 1, "AutoAttackMode": 0, "IsValid": true, "IsCustom": false, "AppearanceSpec": "", "UnknownInt": 0, "UnknownBool": true, "UnknownInt2": 0, "CooldownTimerSpecs": [ 1.6140962386710563e+19 ], "AbsorbParams": [], "HashedIcon": "3343454407_3555741498", "Id": "16140962386710562113", "Base62Id": "GGNJiC5", "Fqn": "abl.npc.ability.saber.vicious_slash", "first_seen": "1.0.0", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.0b", "hash": "941950137", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "removed_in" ], "previous_versions": [ "1.0.0", "1.1.0", "1.3.0", "1.4.0", "2.0.0", "2.3.0", "3.0.0", "4.0.0", "5.0.0", "5.1.0", "6.1.2b", "6.2.0" ], "B62References": { "partOfApn": [ "LDZgzJJ", "5yyQHaw", "8peSJw7", "DOiIPxA", "aWfR5V7", "q9CX5DA", "0Ot9Ds1", "dRHw5pB", "4K3e1y9", "Jl8HOc6", "x1tOKMB", "zNUONxG", "ODv6L69", "yn61kCU", "x5HkMoA", "Hn5piM5", "UO5JfkE", "I3tvEy5", "qdoLZ87", "s1sgVp4", "U0Iz3YO", "mOw1XA9", "jYFgbU2", "hPYsQP8", "f5vZac0", "OqLrMAE", "n7DxBo5", "EbIzCrP", "wXnxuK8", "hCuiVT0", "rwHeyVT", "s5ojn95", "3h5RF5A", "19gJaZD", "zX23NVF", "AkoTmW8", "NkXsSt5", "864Nxp4", "ww7yVc5", "kfv8T91", "Pl22QD2", "AKPkEc0", "QWoAzvN", "qTYy8XB", "aYZin77", "EPsXXuB", "zbIhKoO" ] }, "LocalizedCategory": { "enMale": "Npc", "frMale": "Pnj", "deMale": "Nsc" } }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb3e63f33180000cb05b083 ) [NameId] => 811843308224512 [Name] => Vicious Slash [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Vicious Slash [frMale] => Fente vicieuse [frFemale] => Fente vicieuse [deMale] => Bösartiger Hieb [deFemale] => Bösartiger Hieb ) [DescriptionId] => 811843308224513 [Description] => Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target. [LocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target. [frMale] => Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds dégâts à une seule cible. [frFemale] => Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds dégâts à une seule cible. [deMale] => Ein bösartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht. [deFemale] => Ein bösartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht. ) [ParsedDescription] => Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target. [ParsedLocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => Vicious weapon strike that deals high damage to a single target. [frMale] => Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds dégâts à une seule cible. [frFemale] => Frappe vicieuse avec une arme, qui inflige de lourds dégâts à une seule cible. [deMale] => Ein bösartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht. [deFemale] => Ein bösartiger Waffenschlag, der bei einem einzelnen Ziel hohen Schaden verursacht. ) [EffectsB62] => Array ( [0] => oLzCw6V [1] => dbsPqDF ) [EffectIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.614091302089E+19 [1] => 1.6140911921378E+19 ) [Level] => 0 [Icon] => slash [EffectZero] => 16140913020889554889 [IsHidden] => [IsPassive] => [Version] => 0 [Cooldown] => 6 [CastingTime] => 0 [ChannelingTime] => 0 [ForceCost] => 0 [EnergyCost] => 0 [ApCost] => 0 [ApType] => 0 [MinRange] => 0 [MaxRange] => 0.4 [GCD] => -1 [GcdOverride] => [ModalGroup] => 0 [SharedCooldown] => 1.6140962386711E+19 [TargetArc] => 180 [TargetArcOffset] => 0 [TargetRule] => 1 [LineOfSightCheck] => 1 [Pushback] => 1 [IgnoreAlacrity] => [AiType] => 1 [CombatMode] => 1 [AutoAttackMode] => 0 [IsValid] => 1 [IsCustom] => [AppearanceSpec] => [UnknownInt] => 0 [UnknownBool] => 1 [UnknownInt2] => 0 [CooldownTimerSpecs] => Array ( [0] => 1.6140962386711E+19 ) [AbsorbParams] => Array ( ) [HashedIcon] => 3343454407_3555741498 [Id] => 16140962386710562113 [Base62Id] => GGNJiC5 [Fqn] => abl.npc.ability.saber.vicious_slash [first_seen] => 1.0.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.0b [hash] => 941950137 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => removed_in ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 1.0.0 [1] => 1.1.0 [2] => 1.3.0 [3] => 1.4.0 [4] => 2.0.0 [5] => 2.3.0 [6] => 3.0.0 [7] => 4.0.0 [8] => 5.0.0 [9] => 5.1.0 [10] => 6.1.2b [11] => 6.2.0 ) [B62References] => Array ( [partOfApn] => Array ( [0] => LDZgzJJ [1] => 5yyQHaw [2] => 8peSJw7 [3] => DOiIPxA [4] => aWfR5V7 [5] => q9CX5DA [6] => 0Ot9Ds1 [7] => dRHw5pB [8] => 4K3e1y9 [9] => Jl8HOc6 [10] => x1tOKMB [11] => zNUONxG [12] => ODv6L69 [13] => yn61kCU [14] => x5HkMoA [15] => Hn5piM5 [16] => UO5JfkE [17] => I3tvEy5 [18] => qdoLZ87 [19] => s1sgVp4 [20] => U0Iz3YO [21] => mOw1XA9 [22] => jYFgbU2 [23] => hPYsQP8 [24] => f5vZac0 [25] => OqLrMAE [26] => n7DxBo5 [27] => EbIzCrP [28] => wXnxuK8 [29] => hCuiVT0 [30] => rwHeyVT [31] => s5ojn95 [32] => 3h5RF5A [33] => 19gJaZD [34] => zX23NVF [35] => AkoTmW8 [36] => NkXsSt5 [37] => 864Nxp4 [38] => ww7yVc5 [39] => kfv8T91 [40] => Pl22QD2 [41] => AKPkEc0 [42] => QWoAzvN [43] => qTYy8XB [44] => aYZin77 [45] => EPsXXuB [46] => zbIhKoO ) ) [LocalizedCategory] => Array ( [enMale] => Npc [frMale] => Pnj [deMale] => Nsc ) )