- Details
- Kategorie: World Boss Guides
- Zuletzt aktualisiert: Montag, 01. Juni 2015 07:52
- Veröffentlicht: Dienstag, 26. Mai 2015 16:13
- Geschrieben von Hayward
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SD-0 is a world boss found in a Heroic Area on Coruscant (Republic only) in the Old Galactic Market. He is designed for players level 18 or above.
Planet: Coruscant
Level: 18
Coordinates: (X: 2500, Y: 1000)
Faction: Republic Only
Health: 194,569
Enrage Timer: 8 minutes
Boss Immunity
Description: ?
Style: Single-target
Application: Instant
Timing: ?
Damage Output: ?
Damage Sub-divisions: ?
Effects: ?
Description: Two red crosshairs will target two random raid members, and a laser will connect the two players.
Style: Dual-target proximity AOE
Application: Instant
Timing: Repeats every ? seconds
Damage Output: ?
Damage Sub-divisions: ?
Effects: Will damage nearby players in addition to the two targeted. The closer the two who are targeted stand together, the more damage the surrounding players will take. The laser changes color based on how close the two targeted players are to each other.
Description: High damage, interruptable blast on the tank
Style: Single-target
Application: Instant
Timing: Repeats every ? seconds
Damage Output: ?
Damage Sub-divisions: 1 hit
Damage Type: ?
Effects: None
SD-0 is one of the easiest world bosses in the game, but at lower levels can still be a challenge. It is recommended to bring the standard group composition of both a main-tank and an off-tank, and a fair amount of DPS and healers.
The enrage timer is 8 minutes, so if you're all around level 18 you'll need a large group of people to successfully kill SD-0.
This fight is a simple tank-and-spank, with very few mechanics.Proximity Laser will place a red target reticule on two of the people in your operations group and will damage anyone who is near to these two players. The closer the two who are targeted stand together, the more damage the surrounding players will take.
The laser changes color based on how close the two targeted players are to each other. Have the two people who are targeted run away from the rest of the ops group and away from each other to minimize damage taken.
The stack-able Ionized Stream debuff SD-0 applies to the tank will increase damage taken by 5% per stack, so the off-tank should taunt SD-0 off the main-tank before the debuff reaches 5 stacks. Have the off-tank hold aggro until the debuff wears off before swapping back.
There is nothing to cleanse in this fight, so focus your heals on the tank with the most stacks of Ionized Stream and any DPS who are taking damage from Proximity Laser.