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SWTOR Storyline Progression

Galactic Republic
Sith Empire
3643 BBY | 10 ATC

3643 BBY | 10 ATC
Chapter 1

3642 BBY | 11 ATC
Chapter 2

3640 BBY | 13 ATC
Chapter 3

3640 BBY | 13 ATC
Chapter 3 Epilogue

The Ilum Front

3638 BBY | 15 ATC
Chapter 4

Rise of the Hutt Cartel

3638 BBY | 15 ATC
Chapter 4 Interlude

The Dread War

3637 BBY | 16 ATC
Chapter 5 Prelude

Forged Alliances

3637 BBY | 16 ATC
Chapter 5

Shadow of Revan

3636 BBY | 17 ATC
Chapter 5 Epilogue

Rise of the Emperor

3636 BBY | 17 ATC
Chapter 6

Knights of the Fallen Empire

3630 BBY | 23 ATC
Chapter 7

Knights of the Eternal Throne

3629 BBY | 24 ATC
Chapter 7 Interlude

Fractured Alliances

3628 BBY | 25 ATC
Chapter 8 Prelude

Jedi Under Siege

3627 BBY | 26 ATC
Chapter 8


Level 70

About the Author
Autor: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.