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Riot Strike
Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.
First Seen: 1.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Aufruhrschlag
Other Sites:
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e64233180000cb05ccca"
    "NameId": "2204391964672000",
    "Name": "Riot Strike",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Riot Strike",
        "frMale": "Frappe anti-\u00e9meute",
        "frFemale": "Frappe anti-\u00e9meute",
        "deMale": "Aufruhrschlag",
        "deFemale": "Aufruhrschlag"
    "DescriptionId": "2204391964672001",
    "Description": "Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.",
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.",
        "frMale": "Interrompt l'action de la cible et l'emp\u00eache d'utiliser ce pouvoir pendant les 4 prochaines secondes.",
        "frFemale": "Interrompt l'action de la cible et l'emp\u00eache d'utiliser ce pouvoir pendant les 4 prochaines secondes.",
        "deMale": "Unterbricht die aktuelle Aktion des Ziels und verhindert 4 Sekunden lang die Anwendung dieser F\u00e4higkeit.",
        "deFemale": "Unterbricht die aktuelle Aktion des Ziels und verhindert 4 Sekunden lang die Anwendung dieser F\u00e4higkeit."
    "ParsedDescription": "Interrupts the target\\'s current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.",
    "ParsedLocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.",
        "frMale": "Interrompt l'action de la cible et l'emp\u00eache d'utiliser ce pouvoir pendant les 4 prochaines secondes.",
        "frFemale": "Interrompt l'action de la cible et l'emp\u00eache d'utiliser ce pouvoir pendant les 4 prochaines secondes.",
        "deMale": "Unterbricht die aktuelle Aktion des Ziels und verhindert 4 Sekunden lang die Anwendung dieser F\u00e4higkeit.",
        "deFemale": "Unterbricht die aktuelle Aktion des Ziels und verhindert 4 Sekunden lang die Anwendung dieser F\u00e4higkeit."
    "EffectsB62": [
    "EffectIds": [
    "Level": 0,
    "Icon": "battlefrenzy",
    "EffectZero": "16141127863843406822",
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsPassive": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "Cooldown": 12,
    "CastingTime": 0,
    "ChannelingTime": 0,
    "ForceCost": 0,
    "EnergyCost": 0,
    "ApCost": 0,
    "ApType": 0,
    "MinRange": 0,
    "MaxRange": 0.4,
    "GCD": -1,
    "GcdOverride": false,
    "ModalGroup": 0,
    "SharedCooldown": 1.6141016704820068e+19,
    "TargetArc": 270,
    "TargetArcOffset": 0,
    "TargetRule": 1,
    "LineOfSightCheck": true,
    "Pushback": true,
    "IgnoreAlacrity": true,
    "DescriptionTokens": {
        "1": {
            "ablParsedDescriptionToken": [],
            "ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier": 1,
            "ablDescriptionTokenType": "ablDescriptionTokenTypeDamage",
            "ablDescriptionTokenEffect": -1,
            "ablDescriptionTokenSubEffect": -1
        "2": {
            "ablParsedDescriptionToken": 0,
            "ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier": 1,
            "ablDescriptionTokenType": "ablDescriptionTokenTypeDuration",
            "ablDescriptionTokenEffect": 3,
            "ablDescriptionTokenSubEffect": -1
    "ModDescriptionTokens": {
        "1": {
            "Value": [],
            "Multiplier": 1,
            "Type": "Damage",
            "Effect": -1,
            "SubEffect": -1
        "2": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Multiplier": 1,
            "Type": "Duration",
            "Effect": 3,
            "SubEffect": -1
    "AiType": 1,
    "CombatMode": 2,
    "AutoAttackMode": 0,
    "IsValid": true,
    "IsCustom": false,
    "AppearanceSpec": "",
    "UnknownInt": 0,
    "UnknownBool": true,
    "UnknownInt2": 0,
    "CooldownTimerSpecs": [
    "AbsorbParams": [],
    "HashedIcon": "1027077100_1291210233",
    "Id": "16141016704820067474",
    "Base62Id": "aZnod2C",
    "Fqn": "abl.trooper.riot_strike",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.1a",
    "hash": "1661852835",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [