Sie sind nicht eingeloggt.
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb4023833180000cb07e576" }, "NameId": "3031100154707968", "Name": "Unnatural Preservation", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Unnatural Preservation", "frMale": "Pr\u00e9servation anormale", "frFemale": "Pr\u00e9servation anormale", "deMale": "Unnat\u00fcrliche Erhaltung", "deFemale": "Unnat\u00fcrliche Erhaltung" }, "DescriptionId": "3031100154707969", "Description": "Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others.", "LocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others.", "frMale": "Vous restaure imm\u00e9diatement <<1[$d point\/$d point\/$d points]>> de sant\u00e9. Ne peut pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 sur les autres.", "frFemale": "Vous restaure imm\u00e9diatement <<1[$d point\/$d point\/$d points]>> de sant\u00e9. Ne peut pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 sur les autres.", "deMale": "Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden.", "deFemale": "Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden." }, "ParsedDescription": "Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others.", "ParsedLocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others.", "frMale": "Vous restaure imm\u00e9diatement <<1[$d point\/$d point\/$d points]>> de sant\u00e9. Ne peut pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 sur les autres.", "frFemale": "Vous restaure imm\u00e9diatement <<1[$d point\/$d point\/$d points]>> de sant\u00e9. Ne peut pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 sur les autres.", "deMale": "Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden.", "deFemale": "Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden." }, "EffectsB62": [ "4Py4KPU", "ff48epE" ], "EffectIds": [ 1.6140924423263265e+19, 1.6140923323751633e+19 ], "Level": 0, "Icon": "prioritymedevac2", "EffectZero": "16140924423263264529", "IsHidden": false, "IsPassive": false, "Version": 0, "Cooldown": 30, "CastingTime": 0, "ChannelingTime": 0, "ForceCost": 0, "EnergyCost": 0, "ApCost": 0, "ApType": 0, "MinRange": 0, "MaxRange": 0, "GCD": -1, "GcdOverride": false, "ModalGroup": 0, "SharedCooldown": 1.6140947611231672e+19, "TargetArc": 0, "TargetArcOffset": 0, "TargetRule": 0, "LineOfSightCheck": true, "Pushback": true, "IgnoreAlacrity": true, "DescriptionTokens": { "1": { "ablParsedDescriptionToken": [ { "Key": "effAction_Heal", "Value": [ { "effParam_DisableCritRoll": "False" }, { "effParam_SpellType": "3", "effParam_LevelCap": "0" }, { "effParam_AmountMax": "0", "effParam_AmountMin": "0", "effParam_AmountPercent": "0", "effParam_ThreatPercent": "-1", "effParam_StandardHealthPercentMax": "0.166", "effParam_StandardHealthPercentMin": "0.126", "effParam_HealingPowerCoefficient": "2.92" }, { "ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier": "1" } ] } ], "ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier": 1, "ablDescriptionTokenType": "ablDescriptionTokenTypeHealing", "ablDescriptionTokenEffect": 1, "ablDescriptionTokenSubEffect": -1 } }, "ModDescriptionTokens": { "1": { "Value": [ { "Key": "effAction_Heal", "Value": [ { "effParam_DisableCritRoll": "False" }, { "effParam_SpellType": "3", "effParam_LevelCap": "0" }, { "effParam_AmountMax": "0", "effParam_AmountMin": "0", "effParam_AmountPercent": "0", "effParam_ThreatPercent": "-1", "effParam_StandardHealthPercentMax": "0.166", "effParam_StandardHealthPercentMin": "0.126", "effParam_HealingPowerCoefficient": "2.92" }, { "ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier": "1" } ] } ], "Multiplier": 1, "Type": "Healing", "Effect": 1, "SubEffect": -1 } }, "AiType": 1, "CombatMode": 1, "AutoAttackMode": 0, "IsValid": true, "IsCustom": false, "AppearanceSpec": "", "UnknownInt": 0, "UnknownBool": true, "UnknownInt2": 0, "CooldownTimerSpecs": [ 1.6140947611231672e+19 ], "AbsorbParams": [], "HashedIcon": "498146284_215861979", "Id": "16140947611231673284", "Base62Id": "n5kdWL5", "Fqn": "abl.sith_inquisitor.unnatural_preservation", "first_seen": "1.4.0", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.1.3", "hash": "1207721703", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "EffectsB62", "EffectIds", "EffectZero", "DescriptionTokens", "ModDescriptionTokens", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "1.4.0", "2.10.0", "3.0.0", "4.0.0", "5.6.0", "5.6.1", "6.0.0", "6.1.1" ] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb4023833180000cb07e576 ) [NameId] => 3031100154707968 [Name] => Unnatural Preservation [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Unnatural Preservation [frMale] => Préservation anormale [frFemale] => Préservation anormale [deMale] => Unnatürliche Erhaltung [deFemale] => Unnatürliche Erhaltung ) [DescriptionId] => 3031100154707969 [Description] => Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others. [LocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others. [frMale] => Vous restaure immédiatement <<1[$d point/$d point/$d points]>> de santé. Ne peut pas être utilisé sur les autres. [frFemale] => Vous restaure immédiatement <<1[$d point/$d point/$d points]>> de santé. Ne peut pas être utilisé sur les autres. [deMale] => Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden. [deFemale] => Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden. ) [ParsedDescription] => Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others. [ParsedLocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => Immediately restores <<1>> health to you. Cannot be used on others. [frMale] => Vous restaure immédiatement <<1[$d point/$d point/$d points]>> de santé. Ne peut pas être utilisé sur les autres. [frFemale] => Vous restaure immédiatement <<1[$d point/$d point/$d points]>> de santé. Ne peut pas être utilisé sur les autres. [deMale] => Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden. [deFemale] => Stellt sofort <<1>> Gesundheit bei dir wieder her. Kann nicht bei anderen eingesetzt werden. ) [EffectsB62] => Array ( [0] => 4Py4KPU [1] => ff48epE ) [EffectIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.6140924423263E+19 [1] => 1.6140923323752E+19 ) [Level] => 0 [Icon] => prioritymedevac2 [EffectZero] => 16140924423263264529 [IsHidden] => [IsPassive] => [Version] => 0 [Cooldown] => 30 [CastingTime] => 0 [ChannelingTime] => 0 [ForceCost] => 0 [EnergyCost] => 0 [ApCost] => 0 [ApType] => 0 [MinRange] => 0 [MaxRange] => 0 [GCD] => -1 [GcdOverride] => [ModalGroup] => 0 [SharedCooldown] => 1.6140947611232E+19 [TargetArc] => 0 [TargetArcOffset] => 0 [TargetRule] => 0 [LineOfSightCheck] => 1 [Pushback] => 1 [IgnoreAlacrity] => 1 [DescriptionTokens] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [ablParsedDescriptionToken] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Key] => effAction_Heal [Value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [effParam_DisableCritRoll] => False ) [1] => Array ( [effParam_SpellType] => 3 [effParam_LevelCap] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [effParam_AmountMax] => 0 [effParam_AmountMin] => 0 [effParam_AmountPercent] => 0 [effParam_ThreatPercent] => -1 [effParam_StandardHealthPercentMax] => 0.166 [effParam_StandardHealthPercentMin] => 0.126 [effParam_HealingPowerCoefficient] => 2.92 ) [3] => Array ( [ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier] => 1 ) ) ) ) [ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier] => 1 [ablDescriptionTokenType] => ablDescriptionTokenTypeHealing [ablDescriptionTokenEffect] => 1 [ablDescriptionTokenSubEffect] => -1 ) ) [ModDescriptionTokens] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [Value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Key] => effAction_Heal [Value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [effParam_DisableCritRoll] => False ) [1] => Array ( [effParam_SpellType] => 3 [effParam_LevelCap] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [effParam_AmountMax] => 0 [effParam_AmountMin] => 0 [effParam_AmountPercent] => 0 [effParam_ThreatPercent] => -1 [effParam_StandardHealthPercentMax] => 0.166 [effParam_StandardHealthPercentMin] => 0.126 [effParam_HealingPowerCoefficient] => 2.92 ) [3] => Array ( [ablDescriptionTokenMultiplier] => 1 ) ) ) ) [Multiplier] => 1 [Type] => Healing [Effect] => 1 [SubEffect] => -1 ) ) [AiType] => 1 [CombatMode] => 1 [AutoAttackMode] => 0 [IsValid] => 1 [IsCustom] => [AppearanceSpec] => [UnknownInt] => 0 [UnknownBool] => 1 [UnknownInt2] => 0 [CooldownTimerSpecs] => Array ( [0] => 1.6140947611232E+19 ) [AbsorbParams] => Array ( ) [HashedIcon] => 498146284_215861979 [Id] => 16140947611231673284 [Base62Id] => n5kdWL5 [Fqn] => abl.sith_inquisitor.unnatural_preservation [first_seen] => 1.4.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.1.3 [hash] => 1207721703 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => EffectsB62 [1] => EffectIds [2] => EffectZero [3] => DescriptionTokens [4] => ModDescriptionTokens [5] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 1.4.0 [1] => 2.10.0 [2] => 3.0.0 [3] => 4.0.0 [4] => 5.6.0 [5] => 5.6.1 [6] => 6.0.0 [7] => 6.1.1 ) )