You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
To reach Gambo, you'll need to provoke Zooki, his Rodian lookout. Zooki spends his time at the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
2) Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen. ...
Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. Führe ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.
Sprich mit Gambo
3) Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen....
Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aufgespürt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugeführt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle von Gambos Niederlage.
- Das Kommando wird die Gewalt sicher nicht begrüßen, aber es ist nicht meine Schuld, dass er sich mit jemandem angelegt hat, ohne eine Chance zu haben.
"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb3e68733180000cb06bf07"
"Name": "Cantina Contusions",
"NameId": "446156907741272",
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "Cantina Contusions",
"frMale": "Contusions \u00e0 la cantina",
"frFemale": "Contusions \u00e0 la cantina",
"deMale": "Cantina-Knatsch",
"deFemale": "Cantina-Knatsch"
"Icon": "cdx.location.coruscant.old_galactic_market",
"IsRepeatable": false,
"RequiredLevel": 6,
"XpLevel": 9,
"Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
"CanAbandon": true,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsClassQuest": false,
"IsBonus": false,
"BonusShareable": false,
"CategoryId": "2466269005611279",
"LocalizedCategory": {
"enMale": "Coruscant",
"frMale": "Coruscant",
"frFemale": "Coruscant",
"deMale": "Coruscant",
"deFemale": "Coruscant"
"Branches": [
"Id": "1",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": true,
"JournalText": "",
"LocalizedJournalText": [],
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": true,
"JournalText": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.\n\nTo reach Gambo, you'll need to provoke Zooki, his Rodian lookout. Zooki spends his time at the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.\n\nTo reach Gambo, you'll need to provoke Zooki, his Rodian lookout. Zooki spends his time at the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.",
"frMale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nPour trouver Gambo, vous devez provoquer Zooki, son guetteur Rodien. Zooki passe son temps dans la Taverne des Marchands.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nPour trouver Gambo, vous devez provoquer Zooki, son guetteur Rodien. Zooki passe son temps dans la Taverne des Marchands.",
"deMale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.\n\nUm an Gambo heranzukommen, musst du Zooki, seine rodianische Wache, provozieren. Zooki verbringt seine Zeit in der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle.",
"deFemale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.\n\nUm an Gambo heranzukommen, musst du Zooki, seine rodianische Wache, provozieren. Zooki verbringt seine Zeit in der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Speak to Zooki",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Speak to Zooki",
"frMale": "Parler \u00e0 Zooki",
"frFemale": "Parler \u00e0 Zooki",
"deMale": "Sprich mit Zooki",
"deFemale": "Sprich mit Zooki"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": "2",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "",
"LocalizedJournalText": [],
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.\n\nYou tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.\n\nYou tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.",
"frMale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez retrouv\u00e9 Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de la Taverne des Marchands.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez retrouv\u00e9 Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de la Taverne des Marchands.",
"deMale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.\n\nDu hast Gambo aufgesp\u00fcrt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugef\u00fchrt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle von Gambos Niederlage.",
"deFemale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.\n\nDu hast Gambo aufgesp\u00fcrt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugef\u00fchrt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle von Gambos Niederlage."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Return to Officer Anstiss",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Return to Officer Anstiss",
"frMale": "Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss",
"deMale": "Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zur\u00fcck",
"deFemale": "Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zur\u00fcck"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": "3",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "",
"LocalizedJournalText": [],
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo. \n\nYou lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina, but he refused to turn himself in. Bring him to justice.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo. \n\nYou lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina, but he refused to turn himself in. Bring him to justice.",
"frMale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands, mais il refuse de se rendre. Veillez \u00e0 ce que justice soit faite.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands, mais il refuse de se rendre. Veillez \u00e0 ce que justice soit faite.",
"deMale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen. \n\nDu hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. F\u00fchre ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.",
"deFemale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen. \n\nDu hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. F\u00fchre ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Defeat Gambo",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Defeat Gambo",
"frMale": "Vaincre Gambo",
"frFemale": "Vaincre Gambo",
"deMale": "Besiege Gambo",
"deFemale": "Besiege Gambo"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcIds": [
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Defeat Gambo's Gang",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Defeat Gambo's Gang",
"frMale": "Vaincre le gang de Gambo",
"frFemale": "Vaincre le gang de Gambo",
"deMale": "Besiege Gambos Bande",
"deFemale": "Besiege Gambos Bande"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo. \n\nYou lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse and defeated him. See what the defeated Gambo has to say now.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo. \n\nYou lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse and defeated him. See what the defeated Gambo has to say now.",
"frMale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands et vous l'avez vaincu. \u00c9coutez ce que Gambo a \u00e0 vous dire d\u00e9sormais.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands et vous l'avez vaincu. \u00c9coutez ce que Gambo a \u00e0 vous dire d\u00e9sormais.",
"deMale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen. \n\nDu hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. F\u00fchre ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.",
"deFemale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen. \n\nDu hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. F\u00fchre ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Speak to Gambo",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Speak to Gambo",
"frMale": "Parler \u00e0 Gambo",
"frFemale": "Parler \u00e0 Gambo",
"deMale": "Sprich mit Gambo",
"deFemale": "Sprich mit Gambo"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 4,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.\n\nYou tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.\n\nYou tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.",
"frMale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez retrouv\u00e9 Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de la Taverne des Marchands.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider l'officier Anstiss \u00e0 appr\u00e9hender un suspect Houk en fuite r\u00e9pondant au nom de Gambo.\n\nVous avez retrouv\u00e9 Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de la Taverne des Marchands.",
"deMale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.\n\nDu hast Gambo aufgesp\u00fcrt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugef\u00fchrt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle von Gambos Niederlage.",
"deFemale": "Du hast dich dazu bereiterkl\u00e4rt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verd\u00e4chtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.\n\nDu hast Gambo aufgesp\u00fcrt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugef\u00fchrt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerh\u00f6hle von Gambos Niederlage."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Return to Officer Anstiss",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Return to Officer Anstiss",
"frMale": "Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss",
"deMale": "Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zur\u00fcck",
"deFemale": "Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zur\u00fcck"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
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"ClassesB62": [
"ConversationGains": {
"CompanionsParsed": {
"BIWNCz6": {
"enMale": "Corso Riggs",
"frMale": "Corso Riggs",
"frFemale": "Corso Riggs",
"deMale": "Corso Riggs",
"deFemale": "Corso Riggs"
"Z2FFed2": {
"enMale": "T7-O1",
"frMale": "T7-O1",
"frFemale": "T7-O1",
"deMale": "T7-O1",
"deFemale": "T7-O1"
"5FtJ3I7": {
"enMale": "Aric Jorgan",
"frMale": "Aric Jorgan",
"frFemale": "Aric Jorgan",
"deMale": "Aric Jorgan",
"deFemale": "Aric Jorgan"
"iZ4l338": {
"enMale": "Qyzen Fess",
"frMale": "Qyzen Fess",
"frFemale": "Qyzen Fess",
"deMale": "Qyzen Fess",
"deFemale": "Qyzen Fess"
"NodeText": {
"Ey2LVf7_20": {
"enMale": "I'll go talk to Gambo. You should get to a medcenter.",
"frMale": "J'irai parler \u00e0 Gambo. Rendez-vous \u00e0 un centre m\u00e9dical.",
"frFemale": "J'irai parler \u00e0 Gambo. Rendez-vous \u00e0 un centre m\u00e9dical.",
"deMale": "Ich werde mit Gambo sprechen. Und Ihr solltet ein Medicenter aufsuchen.",
"deFemale": "Ich werde mit Gambo sprechen. Und Ihr solltet ein Medicenter aufsuchen."
"Ey2LVf7_31": {
"enMale": "Are you hurt?",
"frMale": "Vous \u00eates bless\u00e9\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous \u00eates bless\u00e9e\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Verletzt?",
"deFemale": "Verletzt?"
"Ey2LVf7_36": {
"enMale": "Sounds dangerous. I'm in.",
"frMale": "Rien de tel qu'un peu de danger. J'accepte.",
"frFemale": "Rien de tel qu'un peu de danger. J'accepte.",
"deMale": "Klingt riskant. Da mache ich mit!",
"deFemale": "Klingt riskant. Da mache ich mit!"
"Ey2LVf7_52": {
"enMale": "If an attack fails, you don't keep using it.",
"frMale": "Si une attaque \u00e9choue, ne la reproduisez pas.",
"frFemale": "Si une attaque \u00e9choue, ne la reproduisez pas.",
"deMale": "Wenn ein Angriff scheitert, muss man seine Taktik \u00e4ndern.",
"deFemale": "Wenn ein Angriff scheitert, muss man seine Taktik \u00e4ndern."
"Ey2LVf7_56": {
"enMale": "What does this have to do with me?",
"frMale": "Qu'est-ce que \u00e7a a \u00e0 voir avec moi\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Qu'est-ce que \u00e7a a \u00e0 voir avec moi\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Und was hat das alles mit mir zu tun?",
"deFemale": "Und was hat das alles mit mir zu tun?"
"Ey2LVf7_92": {
"enMale": "Maybe I should talk to Gambo.",
"frMale": "Je devrais aller parler \u00e0 Gambo.",
"frFemale": "Je devrais aller parler \u00e0 Gambo.",
"deMale": "Vielleicht sollte ich mit Gambo reden.",
"deFemale": "Vielleicht sollte ich mit Gambo reden."
"ES8tI43_9": {
"enMale": "You don't want to fight me. You want to turn yourself in.",
"frMale": "Vous ne voulez pas vous battre avec moi. Vous voulez vous rendre.",
"frFemale": "Vous ne voulez pas vous battre avec moi. Vous voulez vous rendre.",
"deMale": "Ihr wollt nicht mit mir k\u00e4mpfen. Ihr wollt Euch ergeben.",
"deFemale": "Ihr wollt nicht mit mir k\u00e4mpfen. Ihr wollt Euch ergeben."
"ES8tI43_10": {
"enMale": "You've got the attention of Havoc Squad now. It can only get worse from here.",
"frMale": "L'escouade du Chaos est apr\u00e8s vous, maintenant. Les choses ne vont faire qu'empirer.",
"frFemale": "L'escouade du Chaos est apr\u00e8s vous, maintenant. Les choses ne vont faire qu'empirer.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt jetzt die Aufmerksamkeit vom Chaostrupp. Von jetzt an kann es nur schlimmer werden.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt jetzt die Aufmerksamkeit vom Chaostrupp. Von jetzt an kann es nur schlimmer werden."
"ES8tI43_13": {
"enMale": "I can handle Gambo. He won't hurt you.",
"frMale": "Je m'occupe de Gambo, il ne vous frappera pas.",
"frFemale": "Je m'occupe de Gambo, il ne vous frappera pas.",
"deMale": "Ich komme mit Gambo klar. Ihr werdet nicht verletzt.",
"deFemale": "Ich komme mit Gambo klar. Ihr werdet nicht verletzt."
"ES8tI43_23": {
"enMale": "Do what I say, or you die.",
"frMale": "Pour rester en vie, il va falloir faire ce que je dis.",
"frFemale": "Pour rester en vie, il va falloir faire ce que je dis.",
"deMale": "Kooperation oder Tod.",
"deFemale": "Kooperation oder Tod."
"ES8tI43_37": {
"enMale": "You've beaten enough people, Gambo. You're coming with me.",
"frMale": "Vous avez martyris\u00e9 assez de personnes, Gambo. Suivez-moi.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez martyris\u00e9 assez de personnes, Gambo. Suivez-moi.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt genug Leute verpr\u00fcgelt, Gambo. Ihr kommt mit mir.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt genug Leute verpr\u00fcgelt, Gambo. Ihr kommt mit mir."
"ES8tI43_58": {
"enMale": "Do you really think you can take me?",
"frMale": "Vous croyez vraiment \u00eatre \u00e0 la hauteur\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous croyez vraiment \u00eatre \u00e0 la hauteur\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Andere haben auch schon geglaubt, mich besiegen zu k\u00f6nnen.",
"deFemale": "Andere haben auch schon geglaubt, mich besiegen zu k\u00f6nnen."
"ES8tI43_59": {
"enMale": "I'm sure we can work this out peacefully.",
"frMale": "La violence n'est pas la solution.",
"frFemale": "La violence n'est pas la solution.",
"deMale": "Es gibt doch sicher eine friedliche L\u00f6sung.",
"deFemale": "Es gibt doch sicher eine friedliche L\u00f6sung."
"AffectionGainTable": {
"Ey2LVf7_20": [
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"Ey2LVf7_31": [
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"Ey2LVf7_36": [
"CompanionId": "iZ4l338",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"Ey2LVf7_52": [
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"Ey2LVf7_56": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"Ey2LVf7_92": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"ES8tI43_9": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"ES8tI43_10": [
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"ES8tI43_13": [
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"ES8tI43_23": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "iZ4l338",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"ES8tI43_37": [
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"ES8tI43_58": [
"CompanionId": "iZ4l338",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"ES8tI43_59": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"QuestsNextB62": [
"QuestsPreviousB62": [
"Id": "16140911245051181278",
"Base62Id": "tZXYM42",
"Fqn": "qst.location.coruscant.bronze.cantina_contusions",
"B62References": {
"conversationProgresses": [
"conversationStarts": [
"conversationEnds": [
"QuestMpns": [
"first_seen": "1.0.0a",
"last_seen": "6.2.1a",
"current_version": "6.2.1a",
"hash": "2422260390",
"removed_in": "",
"changed_fields": [
"previous_versions": [
"ClassesAllowed": [
"Jedi Knight",
"Jedi Consular"
[_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object
[oid] => 5fb3e68733180000cb06bf07
[Name] => Cantina Contusions
[NameId] => 446156907741272
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => Cantina Contusions
[frMale] => Contusions à la cantina
[frFemale] => Contusions à la cantina
[deMale] => Cantina-Knatsch
[deFemale] => Cantina-Knatsch
[Icon] => cdx.location.coruscant.old_galactic_market
[IsRepeatable] =>
[RequiredLevel] => 6
[XpLevel] => 9
[Difficulty] => qstDifficultyNormal
[CanAbandon] => 1
[IsHidden] =>
[IsClassQuest] =>
[IsBonus] =>
[BonusShareable] =>
[CategoryId] => 2466269005611279
[LocalizedCategory] => Array
[enMale] => Coruscant
[frMale] => Coruscant
[frFemale] => Coruscant
[deMale] => Coruscant
[deFemale] => Coruscant
[Branches] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] => 1
[JournalText] =>
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] => 1
[JournalText] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
To reach Gambo, you'll need to provoke Zooki, his Rodian lookout. Zooki spends his time at the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
To reach Gambo, you'll need to provoke Zooki, his Rodian lookout. Zooki spends his time at the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
[frMale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Pour trouver Gambo, vous devez provoquer Zooki, son guetteur Rodien. Zooki passe son temps dans la Taverne des Marchands.
[frFemale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Pour trouver Gambo, vous devez provoquer Zooki, son guetteur Rodien. Zooki passe son temps dans la Taverne des Marchands.
[deMale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Um an Gambo heranzukommen, musst du Zooki, seine rodianische Wache, provozieren. Zooki verbringt seine Zeit in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle.
[deFemale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Um an Gambo heranzukommen, musst du Zooki, seine rodianische Wache, provozieren. Zooki verbringt seine Zeit in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Speak to Zooki
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Speak to Zooki
[frMale] => Parler à Zooki
[frFemale] => Parler à Zooki
[deMale] => Sprich mit Zooki
[deFemale] => Sprich mit Zooki
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] =>
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
[frMale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez retrouvé Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend à l'extérieur de la Taverne des Marchands.
[frFemale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez retrouvé Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend à l'extérieur de la Taverne des Marchands.
[deMale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aufgespürt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugeführt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle von Gambos Niederlage.
[deFemale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aufgespürt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugeführt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle von Gambos Niederlage.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Return to Officer Anstiss
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Return to Officer Anstiss
[frMale] => Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss
[frFemale] => Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss
[deMale] => Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zurück
[deFemale] => Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zurück
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] =>
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina, but he refused to turn himself in. Bring him to justice.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina, but he refused to turn himself in. Bring him to justice.
[frMale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez réussi à attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands, mais il refuse de se rendre. Veillez à ce que justice soit faite.
[frFemale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez réussi à attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands, mais il refuse de se rendre. Veillez à ce que justice soit faite.
[deMale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. Führe ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.
[deFemale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. Führe ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Defeat Gambo
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Defeat Gambo
[frMale] => Vaincre Gambo
[frFemale] => Vaincre Gambo
[deMale] => Besiege Gambo
[deFemale] => Besiege Gambo
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcIds] => Array
[0] => 1.61411811867E+19
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[0] => wwnzX65
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => fIPQi4D
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Defeat Gambo's Gang
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Defeat Gambo's Gang
[frMale] => Vaincre le gang de Gambo
[frFemale] => Vaincre le gang de Gambo
[deMale] => Besiege Gambos Bande
[deFemale] => Besiege Gambos Bande
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => fIPQi4D
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse and defeated him. See what the defeated Gambo has to say now.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You lured Gambo out of hiding in the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse and defeated him. See what the defeated Gambo has to say now.
[frMale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez réussi à attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands et vous l'avez vaincu. Écoutez ce que Gambo a à vous dire désormais.
[frFemale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez réussi à attirer Gambo dans la Taverne des Marchands et vous l'avez vaincu. Écoutez ce que Gambo a à vous dire désormais.
[deMale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. Führe ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.
[deFemale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aus seinem Versteck in der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle gelockt, aber er hat sich geweigert, sich zu stellen. Führe ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zu.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Speak to Gambo
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Speak to Gambo
[frMale] => Parler à Gambo
[frFemale] => Parler à Gambo
[deMale] => Sprich mit Gambo
[deFemale] => Sprich mit Gambo
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[3] => Array
[Id] => 4
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You agreed to help Officer Anstiss apprehend an elusive Houk suspect by the name of Gambo.
You tracked Gambo down and brought him to justice. Report Gambo's surrender to Officer Anstiss outside the Dealer's Den cantina in the old Galactic Market Concourse.
[frMale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez retrouvé Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend à l'extérieur de la Taverne des Marchands.
[frFemale] => Vous avez accepté d'aider l'officier Anstiss à appréhender un suspect Houk en fuite répondant au nom de Gambo.
Vous avez retrouvé Gambo et l'avez remis aux mains de la justice. Informez l'officier Anstiss de la reddition de Gambo. Il attend à l'extérieur de la Taverne des Marchands.
[deMale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aufgespürt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugeführt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle von Gambos Niederlage.
[deFemale] => Du hast dich dazu bereiterklärt, Offizier Anstiss dabei zu helfen, einen schwer zu fassenden verdächtigen Houk namens Gambo zu schnappen.
Du hast Gambo aufgespürt und ihn seiner gerechten Strafe zugeführt. Berichte Offizier Anstiss vor der Cantina Schmugglerhöhle von Gambos Niederlage.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Return to Officer Anstiss
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Return to Officer Anstiss
[frMale] => Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss
[frFemale] => Rejoindre l'officier Anstiss
[deMale] => Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zurück
[deFemale] => Kehre zu Offizier Anstiss zurück
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[Items] => Array
[667192873688367301] => Array
[Name] => itm_02x1200
[Id] => 16141142893292398702
[Base62Id] => RgY39zH
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 446156907741384
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 667192873688367304
[UnknownLong] => 0
[667192873688367302] => Array
[Name] => itm_02x1200
[Id] => 16141142893292398702
[Base62Id] => RgY39zH
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 446156907741384
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 667192873688367304
[UnknownLong] => 0
[667192873688367303] => Array
[Name] => itm_02x1200
[Id] => 16141142893292398702
[Base62Id] => RgY39zH
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 446156907741384
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 667192873688367304
[UnknownLong] => 0
[667192873688367304] => Array
[Name] => itm_02x1200
[Id] => 16141142893292398702
[Base62Id] => RgY39zH
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 446156907741384
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 667192873688367304
[UnknownLong] => 0
[Rewards] => Array
[ReqPrivacy] =>
[CreditRewardType] => 589686270506543030
[CreditsRewarded] => 175
[XP] => 0
[SubXP] => 0
[F2PXP] => 0
[CommandXP] => 600
[HashedIcon] => 1089366619_1459047929
[BranchCount] => 3
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => oUmW3P6
[1] => 8WjWQl8
[2] => d1waHAE
[3] => O1SBiJ5
[ConversationGains] => Array
[CompanionsParsed] => Array
[BIWNCz6] => Array
[enMale] => Corso Riggs
[frMale] => Corso Riggs
[frFemale] => Corso Riggs
[deMale] => Corso Riggs
[deFemale] => Corso Riggs
[Z2FFed2] => Array
[enMale] => T7-O1
[frMale] => T7-O1
[frFemale] => T7-O1
[deMale] => T7-O1
[deFemale] => T7-O1
[5FtJ3I7] => Array
[enMale] => Aric Jorgan
[frMale] => Aric Jorgan
[frFemale] => Aric Jorgan
[deMale] => Aric Jorgan
[deFemale] => Aric Jorgan
[iZ4l338] => Array
[enMale] => Qyzen Fess
[frMale] => Qyzen Fess
[frFemale] => Qyzen Fess
[deMale] => Qyzen Fess
[deFemale] => Qyzen Fess
[NodeText] => Array
[Ey2LVf7_20] => Array
[enMale] => I'll go talk to Gambo. You should get to a medcenter.
[frMale] => J'irai parler à Gambo. Rendez-vous à un centre médical.
[frFemale] => J'irai parler à Gambo. Rendez-vous à un centre médical.
[deMale] => Ich werde mit Gambo sprechen. Und Ihr solltet ein Medicenter aufsuchen.
[deFemale] => Ich werde mit Gambo sprechen. Und Ihr solltet ein Medicenter aufsuchen.
[Ey2LVf7_31] => Array
[enMale] => Are you hurt?
[frMale] => Vous êtes blessé ?
[frFemale] => Vous êtes blessée ?
[deMale] => Verletzt?
[deFemale] => Verletzt?
[Ey2LVf7_36] => Array
[enMale] => Sounds dangerous. I'm in.
[frMale] => Rien de tel qu'un peu de danger. J'accepte.
[frFemale] => Rien de tel qu'un peu de danger. J'accepte.
[deMale] => Klingt riskant. Da mache ich mit!
[deFemale] => Klingt riskant. Da mache ich mit!
[Ey2LVf7_52] => Array
[enMale] => If an attack fails, you don't keep using it.
[frMale] => Si une attaque échoue, ne la reproduisez pas.
[frFemale] => Si une attaque échoue, ne la reproduisez pas.
[deMale] => Wenn ein Angriff scheitert, muss man seine Taktik ändern.
[deFemale] => Wenn ein Angriff scheitert, muss man seine Taktik ändern.
[Ey2LVf7_56] => Array
[enMale] => What does this have to do with me?
[frMale] => Qu'est-ce que ça a à voir avec moi ?
[frFemale] => Qu'est-ce que ça a à voir avec moi ?
[deMale] => Und was hat das alles mit mir zu tun?
[deFemale] => Und was hat das alles mit mir zu tun?
[Ey2LVf7_92] => Array
[enMale] => Maybe I should talk to Gambo.
[frMale] => Je devrais aller parler à Gambo.
[frFemale] => Je devrais aller parler à Gambo.
[deMale] => Vielleicht sollte ich mit Gambo reden.
[deFemale] => Vielleicht sollte ich mit Gambo reden.
[ES8tI43_9] => Array
[enMale] => You don't want to fight me. You want to turn yourself in.
[frMale] => Vous ne voulez pas vous battre avec moi. Vous voulez vous rendre.
[frFemale] => Vous ne voulez pas vous battre avec moi. Vous voulez vous rendre.
[deMale] => Ihr wollt nicht mit mir kämpfen. Ihr wollt Euch ergeben.
[deFemale] => Ihr wollt nicht mit mir kämpfen. Ihr wollt Euch ergeben.
[ES8tI43_10] => Array
[enMale] => You've got the attention of Havoc Squad now. It can only get worse from here.
[frMale] => L'escouade du Chaos est après vous, maintenant. Les choses ne vont faire qu'empirer.
[frFemale] => L'escouade du Chaos est après vous, maintenant. Les choses ne vont faire qu'empirer.
[deMale] => Ihr habt jetzt die Aufmerksamkeit vom Chaostrupp. Von jetzt an kann es nur schlimmer werden.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt jetzt die Aufmerksamkeit vom Chaostrupp. Von jetzt an kann es nur schlimmer werden.
[ES8tI43_13] => Array
[enMale] => I can handle Gambo. He won't hurt you.
[frMale] => Je m'occupe de Gambo, il ne vous frappera pas.
[frFemale] => Je m'occupe de Gambo, il ne vous frappera pas.
[deMale] => Ich komme mit Gambo klar. Ihr werdet nicht verletzt.
[deFemale] => Ich komme mit Gambo klar. Ihr werdet nicht verletzt.
[ES8tI43_23] => Array
[enMale] => Do what I say, or you die.
[frMale] => Pour rester en vie, il va falloir faire ce que je dis.
[frFemale] => Pour rester en vie, il va falloir faire ce que je dis.
[deMale] => Kooperation oder Tod.
[deFemale] => Kooperation oder Tod.
[ES8tI43_37] => Array
[enMale] => You've beaten enough people, Gambo. You're coming with me.
[frMale] => Vous avez martyrisé assez de personnes, Gambo. Suivez-moi.
[frFemale] => Vous avez martyrisé assez de personnes, Gambo. Suivez-moi.
[deMale] => Ihr habt genug Leute verprügelt, Gambo. Ihr kommt mit mir.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt genug Leute verprügelt, Gambo. Ihr kommt mit mir.
[ES8tI43_58] => Array
[enMale] => Do you really think you can take me?
[frMale] => Vous croyez vraiment être à la hauteur ?
[frFemale] => Vous croyez vraiment être à la hauteur ?
[deMale] => Andere haben auch schon geglaubt, mich besiegen zu können.
[deFemale] => Andere haben auch schon geglaubt, mich besiegen zu können.
[ES8tI43_59] => Array
[enMale] => I'm sure we can work this out peacefully.
[frMale] => La violence n'est pas la solution.
[frFemale] => La violence n'est pas la solution.
[deMale] => Es gibt doch sicher eine friedliche Lösung.
[deFemale] => Es gibt doch sicher eine friedliche Lösung.
[AffectionGainTable] => Array
[Ey2LVf7_20] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[Ey2LVf7_31] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[Ey2LVf7_36] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => iZ4l338
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[Ey2LVf7_52] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[Ey2LVf7_56] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[Ey2LVf7_92] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[ES8tI43_9] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[ES8tI43_10] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[ES8tI43_13] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[ES8tI43_23] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => iZ4l338
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[3] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[ES8tI43_37] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[ES8tI43_58] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => iZ4l338
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[ES8tI43_59] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[QuestsNextB62] => Array
[0] => tZXYM42
[QuestsPreviousB62] => Array
[0] => tZXYM42
[Id] => 16140911245051181278
[Base62Id] => tZXYM42
[Fqn] => qst.location.coruscant.bronze.cantina_contusions
[B62References] => Array
[conversationProgresses] => Array
[0] => fQ0WBz0
[1] => ES8tI43
[conversationStarts] => Array
[0] => Ey2LVf7
[conversationEnds] => Array
[0] => Ey2LVf7
[QuestMpns] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[1] => fIPQi4D
[first_seen] => 1.0.0a
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.1a
[hash] => 2422260390
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => ClassesAllowed
[1] => hash
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 1.0.0a
[1] => 1.2.0
[2] => 2.1.1
[3] => 2.3.1
[4] => 3.0.0
[5] => 4.0.0
[6] => 4.1.0
[7] => 5.0.0
[8] => 5.2.0
[9] => 5.2.1
[10] => 5.2.2
[11] => 5.7.0
[12] => 6.0.0
[ClassesAllowed] => Array
[0] => Smuggler
[1] => Trooper
[2] => Jedi Knight
[3] => Jedi Consular