More items hit the Cartel Market, including the chilling new Vulptilla mount, a Ossan Orrery decoration, festive Life Day Bundles, and more!
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- Were you awestruck by the holographic map featured in ‘Jedi Under Siege'? This jaw-dropping orbital map can now be yours to decorate in your Strongholds!
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- Quietly sneaking up behind it's prey, the Vulptilla is an apex predator of the frozen wastes. Stalk the battlefield in newfound style with this ferocious mount!
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- Have you found your disguise collection lacking in your Stronghold? You can now let your inner roar out with this new Disguise Terminal: Wookie Stronghold decoration.
Available Now!
- Gain the advantage over anyone that wanders in front of your crosshairs with the Fieldtech Gunner Armor set.
Available for a limited time!
- Decorate your Stronghold with these four new snowglobes representing Umbara, Copero, Nathema, and Ossus.
Available for a limited time!
- The 2017 Life Day Bundle makes a return! This holiday bundle features a Merry Ice Tromper Mount, Model Umbaran Train Decoration, Snowtacular Flair, Surprise Toy, and a Copero Jubilee Miniprobe Minipet.
Available for a limited time!
- The Wampa Life Day Bundle contains a Wampa Companion, Festive Tauntaun Mount, Festive Weapon Tuning, Holo Shrub Toy, and Four Droid Ecosample Decorations.