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Cartel Market Weekly Sales - 11/25/2014

New Items

The Arneclin Masterpieces


Art: Alderaan Landscape

Art: Approach to Oricon

Art: Kaas City Landscape

Art: Hoth Starship Graveyard

Art: Rakata Prime

Art: Tatooine Lanscape

Art: The Reclaiming of Taris

Art: Underworld Casino

Sale Items

Name Discount Sale Price Regular Price
Hypercrate: Architect's Stronghold Packs 25% 5400cc 7200cc
Architect's Stonghold Pack 16% 250cc 297cc
Hypercrate: Gatekeeper's Stronghold Pack 50% 2520cc 5040cc
Gatekeeper's Stronghold Pack 40% 125cc 208cc
Builder's Stronghold Pack 40% 72cc 120cc
Unlock Inventory Module 20% 140cc 175cc
About the Author
Autor: Asana