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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

When will PTS get turned back on?

Originally Posted by JackieKo ( Original Post ) | 06.07.2021 03:07PM
Originally Posted by cblodgett View Post
According to the Live stream, they said they were going to have it back up and running yesterday 7/5, but it is as of yet still not up and running. I know they also said this was a "planned" schedule and we all know things change.

I know there are tons of people just like me salivating over an opportunity to really see what these class/combat changes are all about and figure out exactly what we can/cant do with them. so any update on a timeframe would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Hi cblodgett,

The presentation shown on the livestream indicated the week of 7/5, so PTS will be happening this week. Once PTS is live, we will be messaging that out to players and there were be threads posted in the Public Test Server sub-forum that will go over all the relevant info for this phase of PTS.
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