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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Behind-The-Scenes Look at SWTOR Cutscenes

Originally Posted by AshleyRuhl ( Original Post ) | 22.07.2021 12:13PM
Hello everyone!

I'm Ashley, I'm the Lead Cinematic Designer on SWTOR. I'm so grateful that y'all are here celebrating TEN YEARS (holy cow) of SWTOR with us, and I feel blessed that this is a story we are still building together.

Bringing the Star Wars universe to life in a way that I can share with all of you is truly a privilege. One of the best parts of my job is crafting meaningful moments with our characters, surpassed only by the joy I feel seeing all of your reactions and experiences with our stories. With that, I'm excited to present y'all with a "behind-the-scenes" look at how we build cutscenes in SWTOR.

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