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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#4 Maintenance: September 19th, 2017

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 19.09.2017 10:02AM
Hey folks,

We are currently experiencing an issue with purchases made via If you attempt to make a purchase, there may be a delay in delivery of the Cartel Coins or subscription time. You do not need to purchase it again as the order did go through! The exception is if you receive the message An error occurred while trying to process your request. Please try again later. In that case you will need to wait a few minutes and try the order again. To repeat, purchases from may be delayed, you do not need to place them again, simply wait and monitor your account.

We are working to address this issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

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Maintenance: September 19th, 2017

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 15.09.2017 01:51PM
Hey everyone!

We will be taking the servers offline on Thursday, September 19th for back-end maintenance. The website will also be unavailable during this time.

DATE: 19 September 2017
TIME: 5:00AM - 9:00AM PDT (1200 - 1600 GMT)

Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars: The Old Republic!

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#2 Any update in the Roadmap? What about 5.5?

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 13.09.2017 11:21AM
Originally Posted by Andryah View Post
Put "what" out exactly? the next patch, the roadmap, cookies and milk????? Please be more specific and less cryptic with responses. All it does it get people even more worked up.

And one other thing I feel it is appropriate for you to comment on ---> after the serious issues with the last patch, I do feel it would be both prudent and warranted to have Keith come in and give us an outline of what exactly the studio is doing to insure a better rollout result with the next patch. Why and how will the next patch be less troublesome for players exactly? Players deserve to have the broad brush strokes around quality addressed by the games Producer. The absence of this sort of transparency leaves players to foment and create their own negative narratives about what the studio is/is-not doing in terms of new content, quality of content, and timeliness of content release.
I will edit it into my answer, I was talking about Game Update 5.5 (as they asked about in their #2 question). I will get that updated to be more clear, thanks for catching that!

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Any update in the Roadmap? What about 5.5?

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 13.09.2017 11:07AM
Originally Posted by RevorteX View Post
Dear developers,

I know you had a lot of trouble the past couple of weeks due to certain weather issues and problems,and I hope everything worked out after all for the team.

So on to pressing matters:
1.Any news on how the Roadmap will pan out the following month/months?
2.Any news on the pending 5.5 update? We thought it will come out in September.
3.Any news on more class balancing?
4.Any news on returning companions? Some of us are eagerly waiting for certain companions.

If you give us a little hints on these notions,it would be great,cuz we are impatient to hear something. You were rather silent lately,which is understandable due to unforseen issues. Please let us know in a brief post,what is the direction.

Thank you!
Provide you with updates, I can!
  1. The roadmap is still in progress. We have been shuffling some things around with respect to 5.5 and 5.6 and we need that to settle before we can let you know exactly what is coming and when.
  2. It was our plan to put it out in late September but we have made the decision to move it into early October (currently 10/10). We did this to allow us more time to focus in on quality for our Game Updates to avoid some of the issues we had with 5.4.
  3. Class balance is still planned for 5.5. I expect I will start putting out those details starting next week.
  4. We know this is something there is great interest in. As soon as we have an announcement on any Companions coming back in a Game Update, you will be the first to know!

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#6 Character Transfer Maintenance

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 12.09.2017 01:52PM
Hey folks,

We are going to be taking character transfers offline for approximately one hour to do a quick maintenance on it. I will let you know as soon as we bring it back online.

Thanks everyone.

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#3 CXP and Daily Areas throughout September

Originally Posted by KeithKanneg ( Original Post ) | 08.09.2017 04:35PM
Originally Posted by Transcendent View Post
See, your whole post and this is what stood out to me the most in all of it. I accept that the team may well be looking at CXP rewards Keith and welcome that. However with that said, if you think that the CXP gained for dailies was "over the top" then perhaps I think the team is missing the whole point here.

You really should start asking yourselves why players flocked to do dailies for CXP, perhaps I could suggest an answer to that but I would prefer you came to the natural conclusion among yourselves.

I would also like to thank the developer that introduced this bug, they should receive a bonus for doing so, and if they would be so kind to introduce this bug to every other area of the game that rewards CXP, I highly doubt you would receive any complaints from the community. I'll let you mull over that.
You're actually reading way too much into that part of my post as we all agree with the sentiment everyone has communicated. Overall, we concur with the comments about CXP rates, incentives, and having areas of the game with high CXP values is very motivational. We also fully understand the positive impact it has had for everyone.

We know if Daily Areas are the only place to get great CXP, then rest of the content in the game gets ignored and eventually everyone will burn out. Hence, we need to make sure you can benefit from all areas of the game. We're reviewing when we can get that effort done.

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