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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Quality of gear in crates are the problem, not quantity.

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 01.02.2017 11:00AM
Originally Posted by McHondy View Post
What's in a Command crate is a bigger problem then just getting more crates.

There are way to much 'junk' in the drop table, like green 228s, 232s, and 238s. Opening a crate and seeing a item like that is more like slap in the face then a reward.

Second part is duplicates, somehow finding a way to make them useful..

Overall the randomness of gear in the crate is a bigger problem then the amount of crates you get.
The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.

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#4 Closed PTS Applications

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 04:39PM
Originally Posted by MeNaCe-NZ View Post
I fit more into this group these days - would it be worth applying initially then for this or will you let us know when you would be looking for us more "casual" puggers?
I would just apply now. I'll be compiling all applicants and grabbing from that list over time.

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#3 Closed PTS Applications

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 02:15PM
Originally Posted by SebastiaanZ View Post
I assume that ToS violation only means in game right? Not on forum? Would be rather unfair if on forums also is taken into account.
Correct, as long as you are not banned from the forums, infractions will not prevent access.

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#2 Closed PTS Applications

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 11:31AM
Originally Posted by Psychopyro View Post
You should take individuals who play ops and ask them their play times and have them form a "PUG" group... I'm sorry but this is a mistake you make OVER AND OVER....

I cannot stress enough that if you want to make the OPS more accessible, you need to see how well an actual PUG can do it. Regular OPS groups and Guilds that play together will come in screaming it's too easy, you will overtune it, and you will lock out whom you said in the stream was your intended target for SM OPS...
You make a completely fair point. We invite Ops groups of all skill levels from very casual Ops players, to top-end Guilds. We will also invite individuals who are interested in Ops (for the reasons you highlighted), but just not at the very first stages.

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Closed PTS Applications

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 11:06AM
Hey folks,

As we mentioned on the last Producer Live Stream, we are going to be putting Game Update 5.2 on PTS. For now, our plan is that the test server will be closed with the intention of opening up later on. I want to make sure that players have the opportunity to apply to get entry into this closed test, so let's talk about how to do that. Here are the requirements:
  • Being on the closed test server means signing an NDA. You must be willing to sign and abide by that agreement.
  • You must be 18 years or older to be eligible.
  • You must have an active subscription (to access the test server).
  • You must be willing to play and provide feedback.
  • You must be able to post on the forums, if you have been banned from the forums you are ineligible.
  • If you any ToS violations on your account, you are ineligible.
  • Our test server is not localized and our communication around it will be only in English, therefore this opportunity is only open to English speaking players.
Right now we are mainly looking to recruit Guilds and Ops groups to help test Tyth. Early on in the Closed PTS we will only be testing the Operation. We will open up recruiting to individuals and small groups later on if we place the daily area and Master Mode Uprisings on the test server. If your Guild or Op group is interested in applying, please follow these steps:
  • Send an email to with the subject line "Closed PTS Application"
  • Include the following information:
    • Your account name.
    • The account name of each Op member/Guild member you wish to bring into the test.
    • Any notes on why you think your Op group or Guild should be accepted into the test.
Again, for this stage we are looking for entire Ops groups/Guilds to test Tyth. Application in no way guarantees entry into the test.

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#2 SWTOR Forums Bugged Right Now?

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 10:17AM
Originally Posted by TUXs View Post
I read that in Han's voice:
"Uh, we had a slight forum malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"
Missed opportunity on my part.

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#5 Galactic Command Gearing Roadmap - Coming This Week

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 10:15AM
Originally Posted by PlasmaJohn View Post
Did you word that funny or did you actually mean that to hit the new 30 min/crate target you have to adopt the super aggressive tactics (eg. fractured spam, KotFE Master mode Ch.1 grinding, etc.)? *points back* look at that bell curve and aim for 1 standard deviation.
My bad, that's funny wording. The goal is that the average time for a crate is 30 minutes. The super-aggressive people will still be ahead of that curve.

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Are Credit Spammers ever going to be dealt with?

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 10:13AM
This is a topic we have certainly talked about quite a bit in the past. Our fight against credit spammers is always on-going and something that will be tricky to ever resolve 100%. Sometimes we wait to take action to take down entire "rings" of sellers at one time, other times we take more direct frequent action, typically against compromised accounts.

We know it can be frustrating and it is something we are constantly looking to address. Always report them when you see them, it helps us immensely in taking them down.

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SWTOR Forums Bugged Right Now?

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 10:09AM
Originally Posted by Talon_strikes View Post
This just happened about 10 minutes ago. The website suddenly logged me off. I tried to post something and got the "you may not be logged in" page. Tried logging in, it would take me to the page, and if I tried going somewhere else it would instantly log me out. Deleting the cache and cookies didn't work, but I logged off from the panel at the top-right corner and logged back in on the home screen and managed to post this.
We had a blip of weirdness on our side too. Everything seems to be running fine now though, let us know if any you notice any other issues.

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#4 Galactic Command Gearing Roadmap - Coming This Week

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 08:49AM
Originally Posted by Screaming_Ziva View Post
I still don't see how this is going to be possible. As things are right now, aren't we supposed to be averaging one crate every hour according to them? Is anyone even currently earning one crate an hour without farming Fractured with a premade group of 4?
Our goal at launch was 60 minutes per crate. Right now we are seeing times both below and above that goal with an average time per crate being little higher than our target, but not much. It is one of the data points we looked at to plan for our new target. Which if you are math savvy, our new goal is you will get crates twice as fast as before (or more).

For reference, people doing aggressive CXP farming are already doing so at a rate quite a bit faster than every 60 minutes. Our new targets are that someone will get a crate every 30 minutes, without a boost.

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#3 Galactic Command Gearing Roadmap - Coming This Week

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 31.01.2017 08:28AM
Originally Posted by snave View Post
Hi Eric,

I'm not some fancy game developer but these changes would seem to encourage players to not play the game until they're implemented. For example, if someone said to me there was an expected price drop in something I'm looking to buy in a month then I'd probably just not buy it for a month.

Now I've never developed an mmo so excuse me if I'm oversimplifying things here but why on earth would a player not just unsub and then resub when you finally get around to fixing this clearly broken from implementation system?

I've never managed a shoe shop so maybe I'm missing the instant "keep paying money for the game" part of this post but all I read is:

1: Stop playing the game for now, do something else! We'll reward your time far better soon (tm)
2: Please stop PvPing! If you do it in a month you'll get much greater rewards - And for the love of God don't buy anything for the next 6 weeks
3: You know those alts we massively encouraged to level for 12x XP and DvL? Well leave them on the shelf for a while longer and perhaps we'll help them.

Any chance you could possibly address these pretty gosh darn valid concerns?
These are pretty gosh darn valid concerns .

It is fair to say that if someone solely cares about gearing their character, they would consider waiting for these changes to go in place before playing. That is why we had a few goals in making my post yesterday:
  1. We are being open that changes are coming.
  2. We are going to provide details on what is changing, and when, so that you know what to expect.
  3. We want to start rolling these changes out ASAP. I said the changes will start in the next few weeks, but the goal is the first changes will happen very soon (likely next week).
If someone really wants to wait for changes to take affect before playing, that's ok! However, I think there is other fun to be had without just gearing their 70 (level an alt to 70 in prep for the changes, finish up legendary status, etc).

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#2 Galactic Command Gearing Roadmap - Coming This Week

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 30.01.2017 04:39PM
Originally Posted by TUXs View Post
I thought that was the goal of 5.1?
The goal of 5.1 was to give a method for people to supplement Galactic Command so that aside from Command Crates, they could work towards a specific piece of gear. We did that through introducing Unassembled Pieces and Unassembled Tokens. We also added the start of some help for Legacies with Command Tokens as a Legacy Currency and the Legacy Perks.

5.1 was just the start of the changes though, and my post above was to let you know when to expect more specifics!

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