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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Bioware, tonight's stream is your last chance.

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 26.01.2017 10:15AM
Originally Posted by NogueiraA View Post
1 - Bring back bolster as it was before 5.1 (you really killed my motivation to play)
2 - Reduce the grind lowering the costs to get gear using Components
3 - Remove the SHELL needed to buy T2 gear using Components, many of us sold the old shells and now we're screwed. If it was cheap like 4.0 when you reduced Wz commendation costs i'd never complain. But this time I have to deal with RNG again to get those shells.
4 - Bring back Shae Vizla customization.
5 - Make Components LEGACY, so this game becomes alt friendly again.
6 - I think this is asking too much but make Command rank legacy, this would finish many many complains from the playerbase.

5 years sub to a game that now is just RNG + Mindless grind, it's not fun anymore.
For tonight's stream, we really want to focus in on what is coming in the future (content especially). With that in mind I want to try to address the questions you raised since they may not come up on the stream.

1- Right now we are not planning on changing Bolster back as it was an intended change. I posted our reasoning here.
2 - We are definitely looking at all of the GC gearing changes we made yesterday to see where our next steps are. The rate of components earned from PvP is one of those areas we are investigating.
3 - The intent of using this method to purchase the upgrade is that it would work almost identically to how it worked before with Warzone -> Ranked upgrades. Again, we are keeping our eyes on costs and the rates of earning Components to see where changes need to be made.
4 - Shae being able to wear armor was a bug, which is why we changed/fixed it. We do know that there is a desire for characters like Shae, Lana, etc to be able to be customized like other Companions and we are always looking at when/if we could implement this.
5 - Components can be most easily compared to WZ Comms and although WZ comms weren't legacy, you could move them around through the BoL consumable. We are talking about Components and the possibility of making a similar change in the future. No promises, but it is definitely a part of the discussion!
6 - Command Rank being Legacy wide creates some problems at the same time that it is solving some. We know that we need to help out players Legacies in Galactic Command and are looking at a lot of different options. I am hoping to have some information really soon (I was trying to avoid saying that word). Potentially on the stream today, but more likely next week.

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#2 Bolster Changes in Game Update 5.1

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 25.01.2017 05:55PM
Originally Posted by MuskyBoy View Post

In 4.0 the bolstered gear rating to 200 was fine because players were not required to grind forever to get on a level playing field. You could get enough comms in lowbie PVP to go straight into 70's in full 208 and comms were transferrable between alts. Grinding for months on end to achieve a level playing field is not in the best interests of the player base and it shows to you need to go back to 2 sets of gear (PVP and PVE). My only issue with bolster pre patch was TTK on players was too high and not enough people were dying but the nerf needed to be down to 232 for everyone (making 242 gear redundant for everything bar operations and master solo) or nerf it down to 242. Gear should not be a determining factor in PVP.

We hear you on that and we are committed to continue working on improving the gearing experience in the game. Still, we want to make sure that Bolster is set up properly going forward. We don't want to not fix Bolster because of gearing issues, let's just work on improving gearing as well.

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#3 Sneaky Patch Notes Added

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 25.01.2017 05:34PM
Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post

As for your question of the Bolster changes in Warzones, I am talking with the team today to get more information.
Quoting myself! I made a post with this information, here.
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Bolster Changes in Game Update 5.1

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 25.01.2017 05:30PM
Hey folks,

For those unaware, in Game Update 5.1 we made the following change:
  • Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).

This change raised quite a few questions from the PvP community as to why we made the change. I spoke with the team about it and I want to start by confirming that this change is intended, lets talk about why! When we released Game Update 5.0, Bolster was incorrectly set to Item Rating 250. The goal of Bolster is that it gives a player a minimum bar of power. That is so that they can enter PvP and not be too far behind someone who is at maximum gear, but it allows them enough room so that if they are a more skilled player, they can prevail. Still, getting gear is important and the 250 Bolster made getting any gear virtually unneeded for PvP progression.

The reason we moved Bolster down to 232 Item Rating is because of its rating relative to the best gear in the game, which is Item Rating 242. This means that someone with brand new gear entering into a Warzone is at worst, 10 Item Rating away from the best geared players. As an example, this works almost identically to how it worked prior to Knights of the Eternal Throne. During Fallen Empire, the best PvP gear in the game was item rating 208 and Bolster would raise your character to 200, an 8 rating difference. In short, the difference in power now should be almost identical to the difference that existed prior to KOTET.

That being said, part of this issue is that we did not communicate this at all to you ahead of time. Not only that, it was similarly missed in the patch notes so you received no warning at all of this change or why it happened. We messed up communicating this to you and I apologize for that. It was never our intent to hide this from you, it was just missed. I have been talking with the team yesterday and today about the changes that were missed and what procedures we can adjust to ensure we dont miss them in the future.

Thanks everyone.

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Maintenance: 26 January 2017

Originally Posted by TaitWatson ( Original Post ) | 25.01.2017 03:51PM
Hey everyone!

We will be releasing patch 5.1a tomorrow to address the new Uprisings not being available in Group Finder, as well as a texture issue on Nar Shaddaa.

We are going to be testing through tomorrow morning, with a release to happen late morning/early afternoon CST. We will give you as much notice as possible once we have set a time - we are anticipating at least an hour of notice.

Thanks for the understanding, and we will keep you updated!

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#2 Sneaky Patch Notes Added

Originally Posted by TaitWatson ( Original Post ) | 25.01.2017 02:43PM
Hey folks,

We have tracked down a number of notes that were missing. They have been added to the notes, but they are listed below so you don't have to hunt them down:
  • Arenas that popup in the regular Warzone queue now reward less CXP than a Warzone.
  • Matches that last less than 2 minutes no longer reward CXP.
  • It is no longer possible to change Shae Vizla's armor.
  • Curative Agent and Sly Surrender no longer provide more healing than intended.
  • Cosmetic gear gained through Galactic Command can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network.
  • Warzone Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).

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Sneaky Patch Notes Added

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 25.01.2017 09:50AM
Hey folks!

I want to confirm that there were patch notes which were missed when we initially posted them. Tait and I are looking into how this happened. We have already added in any missing notes which we have caught up to this point. Before the end of the day today we will make sure to post a follow-up and list all of the notes we have added.

As for your question of the Bolster changes in Warzones, I am talking with the team today to get more information.

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#3 Quick Heads Up

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 24.01.2017 09:56AM
Quote: Originally Posted by stoopicus View Post
The retroactive command token grant seems messed up badly. My Command Rank 43 main has far fewer (220) than my command rank 11 alt (355), for example. And I thought they were legacy-wide?

Edit: I just logged in again and the two characters look the same. This seems very weird/buggy. Are they being granted the first time you log in to a character or something?
You nailed it. They are granted the first time you log into a character.

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#2 Quick Heads Up

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 24.01.2017 09:47AM
Originally Posted by Talon_strikes View Post
Thanks for the increased communication this week Eric. Will there be an emergency patch deployed by any chance?
We are looking into the issue and how long it will take to fix. Another maintenance this week with a patch to fix the issue is very likely. I suspect it will happen Thursday, but I would wait for a formal maintenance announcement for confirmed timing.

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Quick Heads Up

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 24.01.2017 09:34AM
Hey folks,

Two quick notes for you with Game Update 5.1:
  • We have some known issues for this Update, including that the new Uprisings are currently missing from Group Finder. We are working to address this ASAP, more details here:
  • The Stalwart Leader Pack is not currently live but will be in the next 30-60 minutes (from the time of this post).

Thanks everyone.

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