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Huttball: Advanced Critical Healer

Huttball: Advanced Critical Healer [ 10 ]
Healed for 4000 health with a single ability in a "Huttball" warzone match.
0/1 4000 Heal Point Ability
Achievement Points: 10
Category: Player Vs. Player
SubCategory: Huttball
Tertiary Category: Critical Healing
First Seen: 2.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Huttball: Advanced Critical Healer
Other Sites:
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4101833180000cb080e8a"
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Huttball: Advanced Critical Healer",
        "frMale": "Huttball\u00a0: Gu\u00e9risseur critique expert",
        "frFemale": "Huttball\u00a0: Gu\u00e9risseur critique expert",
        "deMale": "Huttenball: Fortgeschrittener kritischer Heiler",
        "deFemale": "Huttenball: Fortgeschrittene kritische Heilerin"
    "NameId": "3226022950469632",
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "Healed for 4000 health with a single ability in a \"Huttball\" warzone match.",
        "frMale": "Vous avez redonn\u00e9 4\u00a0000\u00a0points de sant\u00e9 avec un seul pouvoir dans un match de la zone de guerre \"Huttball\".",
        "frFemale": "Vous avez redonn\u00e9 4\u00a0000\u00a0points de sant\u00e9 avec un seul pouvoir dans un match de la zone de guerre \"Huttball\".",
        "deMale": "Du hast in einem Spiel im Kriegsgebiet 'Huttenball' mit einer einzigen F\u00e4higkeit 4.000 Gesundheit wiederhergestellt.",
        "deFemale": "Du hast in einem Spiel im Kriegsgebiet 'Huttenball' mit einer einzigen F\u00e4higkeit 4.000 Gesundheit wiederhergestellt."
    "DescriptionId": "3226022950469633",
    "LocalizedNonSpoilerDesc": {
        "enMale": "",
        "frMale": "",
        "frFemale": "",
        "deMale": "",
        "deFemale": ""
    "NonSpoilerId": "3226022950469648",
    "Level": 0,
    "Icon": "koltoinjection",
    "HashedIcon": "3530208373_1958816423",
    "Visibility": "Always",
    "AchId": 1647,
    "RewardsId": -1112369988816603222,
    "Rewards": {
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        "CartelCoins": 0,
        "AchievementPoints": 10,
        "Requisition": 0,
        "ItemRewardListB62": [],
        "Id": "0",
        "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "Tasks": [
            "Index": 1,
            "Index2": 0,
            "Count": 1,
            "Name": "4000 Heal Point Ability",
            "LocalizedNames": {
                "enMale": "4000 Heal Point Ability",
                "frMale": "Pouvoir \u00e0 4\u00a0000\u00a0points de sant\u00e9",
                "frFemale": "Pouvoir \u00e0 4\u00a0000\u00a0points de sant\u00e9",
                "deMale": "4.000-Heilungspunkte-F\u00e4higkeit",
                "deFemale": "4.000-Heilungspunkte-F\u00e4higkeit"
            "Events": [
                    "Value": 7,
                    "Id": "4611686073553282778",
                    "Base62Id": "scR2rGC"
                    "Value": 7,
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                    "Base62Id": "xZrP5aD"
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "Conditions": [
            "UnknownBoolean": false,
            "Type": "PvPScoreboard",
            "Target": "Player",
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000"
            "UnknownBoolean": true,
            "Type": 20,
            "Target": "Player",
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "CategoryData": {
        "Category": {
            "CatId": 3152110858273517,
            "Icon": "pvpkill",
            "CodexIcon": "cdx.achievements.pvp.hutball.killball",
            "NameId": 3144671974916358,
            "LocalizedName": {
                "enMale": "Player Vs. Player",
                "frMale": "Joueur contre Joueur",
                "frFemale": "Joueur contre Joueur",
                "deMale": "Player-vs-Player",
                "deFemale": "Player-vs-Player"
            "Index": 1,
            "ParentCategory": 0,
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000",
            "Name": "Player Vs. Player"
        "SubCategory": {
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            "LocalizedName": {
                "enMale": "Huttball",
                "frMale": "Huttball",
                "frFemale": "Huttball",
                "deMale": "Huttenball",
                "deFemale": "Huttenball"
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            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000",
            "Name": "Huttball"
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            "Icon": "koltoinfusion",
            "CodexIcon": "",
            "NameId": 3144671974916534,
            "LocalizedName": {
                "enMale": "Critical Healing",
                "frMale": "Soins critiques",
                "frFemale": "Soins critiques",
                "deMale": "Kritische Heilung",
                "deFemale": "Kritische Heilung"
            "Index": 1,
            "ParentCategory": 3152110858273524,
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000",
            "Name": "Critical Healing"
        "Row": 1,
        "Position": 1
    "ItemReward": false,
    "MtxReward": false,
    "TitleReward": false,
    "GsfReward": false,
    "Id": "16140921497917069357",
    "Base62Id": "BHZGXf5",
    "Fqn": "ach.pvp.general.huttball.single.healing_crit_02",
    "first_seen": "2.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.1.4",
    "hash": "4182505260",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [