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Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk [ 10 ]
Defeated the Lance Squadron Command Unit on Yavin 4 5 times.
0/5 Lance Squadron Command Unit
Achievement Points: 10
Category: Location
SubCategory: Yavin 4
Tertiary Category: General
First Seen: 3.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Walking the Walk
Other Sites:
Lance Squadron Command UnitNPC
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4382a33180000cb08af10"
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Walking the Walk",
        "frMale": "Marcher sur le Walker",
        "frFemale": "Marcher sur le Walker",
        "deMale": "Das war noch nicht alles",
        "deFemale": "Das war noch nicht alles"
    "NameId": "3440586631675904",
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "Defeated the Lance Squadron Command Unit on Yavin 4 5 times.",
        "frMale": "Vous avez vaincu 5\u00a0fois l'unit\u00e9 de commandement de l'escouade Lance sur Yavin\u00a04.",
        "frFemale": "Vous avez vaincu 5\u00a0fois l'unit\u00e9 de commandement de l'escouade Lance sur Yavin\u00a04.",
        "deMale": "Du hast die Lanzenstaffel-Kommandoeinheit auf Yavin 4 5-mal besiegt.",
        "deFemale": "Du hast die Lanzenstaffel-Kommandoeinheit auf Yavin 4 5-mal besiegt."
    "DescriptionId": "3440586631675905",
    "LocalizedNonSpoilerDesc": {
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        "frMale": "",
        "frFemale": "",
        "deMale": "",
        "deFemale": ""
    "NonSpoilerId": "3440586631675920",
    "Level": 0,
    "Icon": "killnpchumanoid",
    "HashedIcon": "406125690_3151341629",
    "Visibility": "Always",
    "AchId": 3074,
    "RewardsId": -1112369988816603222,
    "Rewards": {
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        "CartelCoins": 0,
        "AchievementPoints": 10,
        "Requisition": 0,
        "ItemRewardListB62": [],
        "Id": "0",
        "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "Tasks": [
            "Index": 1,
            "Index2": 0,
            "Count": 5,
            "Name": "Lance Squadron Command Unit",
            "LocalizedNames": {
                "enMale": "Lance Squadron Command Unit",
                "frMale": "Unit\u00e9 de commandement de l'escouade Lance",
                "frFemale": "Unit\u00e9 de commandement de l'escouade Lance",
                "deMale": "Lanzenstaffel-Kommandoeinheit",
                "deFemale": "Lanzenstaffel-Kommandoeinheit"
            "Events": [
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                    "Base62Id": "WZuT0E1"
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "Conditions": [
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            "Type": "Area",
            "Target": "Player",
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "CategoryData": {
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            "Icon": "worldarc",
            "CodexIcon": "cdx.planets.tatooine",
            "NameId": 3144671974916353,
            "LocalizedName": {
                "enMale": "Location",
                "frMale": "Plan\u00e8tes",
                "frFemale": "Plan\u00e8tes",
                "deMale": "Ort",
                "deFemale": "Ort"
            "Index": 4,
            "ParentCategory": 0,
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            "Base62Id": "0000000",
            "Name": "Location"
        "SubCategory": {
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            "Icon": "story",
            "CodexIcon": "cdx.lore.yavin_4.sanctuary",
            "NameId": 3144671974916673,
            "LocalizedName": {
                "enMale": "Yavin 4",
                "frMale": "Yavin\u00a04",
                "frFemale": "Yavin\u00a04",
                "deMale": "Yavin 4",
                "deFemale": "Yavin 4"
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            "NameId": 3144671974916366,
            "LocalizedName": {
                "enMale": "General",
                "frMale": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ral",
                "frFemale": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ral",
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                "deFemale": "Allgemein"
            "Index": 0,
            "ParentCategory": 3152110858274094,
            "Id": "0",
            "Base62Id": "0000000",
            "Name": "General"
        "Row": 4,
        "Position": 2
    "ItemReward": false,
    "MtxReward": false,
    "TitleReward": false,
    "GsfReward": false,
    "Id": "16141024807268047179",
    "Base62Id": "IypyXkB",
    "Fqn": "ach.location.yavin_4.bestiary.kill_world_boss_02",
    "first_seen": "3.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.1.4",
    "hash": "3426617582",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [