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Trial and Error: Adrenal Assault

Trial and Error: Adrenal Assault [ 10 ]
Defeated 100 opponents while infused with the combat adrenal in the "Trial and Error" uprising.
0/100 Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal.
Achievement Points: 10
Category: Uprisings
SubCategory: Trial and Error
Tertiary Category: Miscellaneous
First Seen: 5.1.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Trial and Error: Adrenal Assault
Other Sites:
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. NPC
    "_id": {
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    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Trial and Error: Adrenal Assault",
        "frMale": "Essai et erreur\u00a0: l'attaque des hormones",
        "frFemale": "Essai et erreur\u00a0: l'attaque des hormones",
        "deMale": "Versuch macht klug: Aufgeputschter Angriff",
        "deFemale": "Versuch macht klug: Aufgeputschter Angriff"
    "NameId": "4077019180564480",
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "Defeated 100 opponents while infused with the combat adrenal in the \"Trial and Error\" uprising.",
        "frMale": "Vous avez vaincu 100\u00a0adversaires sous l'effet de l'hormone de combat lors du soul\u00e8vement \"Essai et erreur\".",
        "frFemale": "Vous avez vaincu 100\u00a0adversaires sous l'effet de l'hormone de combat lors du soul\u00e8vement \"Essai et erreur\".",
        "deMale": "Du hast 100 Gegner im \"Versuch macht klug\"-Aufstand besiegt, w\u00e4hrend du unter dem Einfluss des Gefechtsaufputschers standest.",
        "deFemale": "Du hast 100 Gegner im \"Versuch macht klug\"-Aufstand besiegt, w\u00e4hrend du unter dem Einfluss des Gefechtsaufputschers standest."
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            "Name": "Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. ",
            "LocalizedNames": {
                "enMale": "Defeated opponents while infused with the combat adrenal. ",
                "frMale": "Vous avez vaincu des adversaires sous l'effet de l'hormone de combat. ",
                "frFemale": "Vous avez vaincu des adversaires sous l'effet de l'hormone de combat. ",
                "deMale": "Gegner unter dem Einfluss des Gefechtsaufputschers besiegt ",
                "deFemale": "Gegner unter dem Einfluss des Gefechtsaufputschers besiegt "
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    "Fqn": "ach.uprisings.trial_and_error.misc.powerup_kill_clarity_100",
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    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
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