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Kira Carsen

Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds. Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi--and a world-weary sophisticate's attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path. Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira's sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order. Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire Dislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, aiding the Sith
Kira Carsen
The Adventurous Jedi
Category: Unavailable Companions
Subcategory: Onslaught
Gear Appearance Class:
First Seen: 6.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Kira Carsen
Other Sites:
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
15 seconds4m99004.0.0
12 seconds30m98004.0.0
20 seconds3m97004.0.0
45 seconds4m30m96004.6.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
20 seconds4m100004.0.0
22.5 seconds4m99004.0.0
7 seconds30m98004.0.0
12 seconds30m97004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
4 seconds21m45m100006.0.0
20 seconds30m99906.0.0
45 seconds30m99004.0.0
10 seconds30m98004.0.0
12 seconds30m97004.0.0
7.5 seconds30m90004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
Gift TypeReactionRomanced Reaction
CourtingFavorite ++
Cultural ArtifactNone
DelicaciesIndifferent None
Imperial MemorabiliaNone
LuxuryFavorite ++Love +++
MaintenanceIndifferent None
Military GearNone
Republic MemorabiliaLove +++None
Underworld GoodFavorite ++
WeaponIndifferent None
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb486e433180000cb0a3647"
    "AcquireConditionalIds": [],
    "AcquireConditionalB62Ids": [],
    "MaxInfluenceTier": 50,
    "AllianceAlerts": [
            "ConditionId": "16140925086933574587",
            "ConditionB62Id": "kz7kb6P",
            "MissionId": "16140905830422447665",
            "MissionB62Id": "COPSfr5",
            "NcoId": "16140910628550773606",
            "NcoB62Id": "PeiOph2"
    "CategoryId": "3599878378750234",
    "InfluenceCap": 250000,
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Kira Carsen",
        "frMale": "Kira Carsen",
        "frFemale": "Kira Carsen",
        "deMale": "Kira Carsen",
        "deFemale": "Kira Carsen"
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds.\n\nThanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi--and a world-weary sophisticate's attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path.\n\nThose who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira's sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.\n\nLikes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire\nDislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, aiding the Sith",
        "frMale": "Dot\u00e9e d'un caract\u00e8re cynique et d'une grande soif d'ind\u00e9pendance, Kira Carsen est une dr\u00f4le de recrue pour l'Ordre Jedi. Le fait qu'elle n'ait commenc\u00e9 son entra\u00eenement de padawan qu'au stade de jeune adulte peut \u00eatre consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme une circonstance att\u00e9nuante. Avant d'en arriver l\u00e0, Kira a pass\u00e9 le plus clair de son temps \u00e0 vagabonder, vivant une existence mis\u00e9rable sur des mondes parmi les moins attirants de la galaxie.\n\nEn raison de ces ann\u00e9es d'infortune, Kira a consid\u00e9rablement plus d'exp\u00e9rience que la plupart des Jedi, ainsi qu'une attitude blas\u00e9e qui lui donne un air sophistiqu\u00e9. Aux yeux de ses pairs, Kira est une personne qui ne prend rien au s\u00e9rieux, pas m\u00eame la voie des Jedi.\n\nCependant, ceux qui y regardent de plus pr\u00e8s pourront d\u00e9celer un soup\u00e7on d'optimisme derri\u00e8re la fa\u00e7ade sarcastique de Kira. Malgr\u00e9 sa tendance \u00e0 remettre ses enseignements en question, elle se f\u00e9licite d'avoir rejoint l'Ordre Jedi, pour le confort et le relatif sentiment de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 qu'il lui procure.\n\nElle aime\u00a0: \u00eatre dr\u00f4le, s'impliquer, ridiculiser et vaincre l'Empire.\nElle n'aime pas\u00a0: maltraiter les autres, agir en mercenaire, coop\u00e9rer avec les Sith.",
        "frFemale": "Dot\u00e9e d'un caract\u00e8re cynique et d'une grande soif d'ind\u00e9pendance, Kira Carsen est une dr\u00f4le de recrue pour l'Ordre Jedi. Le fait qu'elle n'ait commenc\u00e9 son entra\u00eenement de padawan qu'au stade de jeune adulte peut \u00eatre consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme une circonstance att\u00e9nuante. Avant d'en arriver l\u00e0, Kira a pass\u00e9 le plus clair de son temps \u00e0 vagabonder, vivant une existence mis\u00e9rable sur des mondes parmi les moins attirants de la galaxie.\n\nEn raison de ces ann\u00e9es d'infortune, Kira a consid\u00e9rablement plus d'exp\u00e9rience que la plupart des Jedi, ainsi qu'une attitude blas\u00e9e qui lui donne un air sophistiqu\u00e9. Aux yeux de ses pairs, Kira est une personne qui ne prend rien au s\u00e9rieux, pas m\u00eame la voie des Jedi.\n\nCependant, ceux qui y regardent de plus pr\u00e8s pourront d\u00e9celer un soup\u00e7on d'optimisme derri\u00e8re la fa\u00e7ade sarcastique de Kira. Malgr\u00e9 sa tendance \u00e0 remettre ses enseignements en question, elle se f\u00e9licite d'avoir rejoint l'Ordre Jedi, pour le confort et le relatif sentiment de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 qu'il lui procure.\n\nElle aime\u00a0: \u00eatre dr\u00f4le, s'impliquer, ridiculiser et vaincre l'Empire.\nElle n'aime pas\u00a0: maltraiter les autres, agir en mercenaire, coop\u00e9rer avec les Sith.",
        "deMale": "Kira Carsen ist eine f\u00fcr den Jedi-Orden eher untypische Rekrutin - sie neigt zum Zynismus und hat einen sturen, eigensinnigen Charakter. Dies l\u00e4sst sich zum Teil dadurch entschuldigen, dass sie ihre Padawan-Ausbildung erst als junge Erwachsene begann; Kira verbrachte den Gro\u00dfteil ihres Lebens davor als heimatlose Streunerin und f\u00fchrte ein armseliges Leben auf einigen der unangenehmsten Welten der Galaxis.\n\nDank ihrer schweren Kindheit verf\u00fcgt Kira \u00fcber deutlich mehr Lebenserfahrung als die meisten anderen Jedi - und eine dazu passende verbitterte Einstellung. In den Augen der anderen Jedi ist Kira jemand, der nichts ernst nimmt und sich nicht ganz auf den Weg der Jedi einl\u00e4sst.\n\nWer jedoch genauer hinsieht, der entdeckt einen Schimmer von Optimismus hinter Kiras sarkastischer Fassade. Obwohl sie die Lehren des Jedi-Ordens immer wieder in Frage stellt, wei\u00df sie das Ma\u00df an Sicherheit und Komfort zu sch\u00e4tzen, das der Orden ihr bietet.\n\nVorlieben: lustig sein, sich einmischen, das Imperium verspotten und besiegen\nAbneigungen: Einsch\u00fcchterung, sich wie ein S\u00f6ldner benehmen, mit den Sith zusammenarbeiten",
        "deFemale": "Kira Carsen ist eine f\u00fcr den Jedi-Orden eher untypische Rekrutin - sie neigt zum Zynismus und hat einen sturen, eigensinnigen Charakter. Dies l\u00e4sst sich zum Teil dadurch entschuldigen, dass sie ihre Padawan-Ausbildung erst als junge Erwachsene begann; Kira verbrachte den Gro\u00dfteil ihres Lebens davor als heimatlose Streunerin und f\u00fchrte ein armseliges Leben auf einigen der unangenehmsten Welten der Galaxis.\n\nDank ihrer schweren Kindheit verf\u00fcgt Kira \u00fcber deutlich mehr Lebenserfahrung als die meisten anderen Jedi - und eine dazu passende verbitterte Einstellung. In den Augen der anderen Jedi ist Kira jemand, der nichts ernst nimmt und sich nicht ganz auf den Weg der Jedi einl\u00e4sst.\n\nWer jedoch genauer hinsieht, der entdeckt einen Schimmer von Optimismus hinter Kiras sarkastischer Fassade. Obwohl sie die Lehren des Jedi-Ordens immer wieder in Frage stellt, wei\u00df sie das Ma\u00df an Sicherheit und Komfort zu sch\u00e4tzen, das der Orden ihr bietet.\n\nVorlieben: lustig sein, sich einmischen, das Imperium verspotten und besiegen\nAbneigungen: Einsch\u00fcchterung, sich wie ein S\u00f6ldner benehmen, mit den Sith zusammenarbeiten"
    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "The Adventurous Jedi",
        "frMale": "Le Jedi aventureux",
        "frFemale": "Le Jedi aventureux",
        "deMale": "Der abenteuerlustige Jedi",
        "deFemale": "Der abenteuerlustige Jedi"
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Unavailable Companions",
        "frMale": "Partenaires indisponibles",
        "frFemale": "Partenaires indisponibles",
        "deMale": "Nicht verf\u00fcgbare Gef\u00e4hrten",
        "deFemale": "Nicht verf\u00fcgbare Gef\u00e4hrten"
    "LocalizedSubCategory": {
        "enMale": "Onslaught",
        "frMale": "Onslaught",
        "frFemale": "Onslaught",
        "deMale": "Onslaught",
        "deFemale": "Onslaught"
    "Name": "Kira Carsen",
    "NameId": "4349118243667968",
    "Description": "Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds.\n\nThanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi--and a world-weary sophisticate's attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path.\n\nThose who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira's sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.\n\nLikes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire\nDislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, aiding the Sith",
    "DescriptionId": "4349118243667969",
    "NpcId": "16141137048697967931",
    "Icon": "Companions\/Rep_Companions\/Kira_Carsen_light",
    "HashedIcon": "4164026879_1820436039",
    "SubCategory": "Onslaught",
    "SubCategoryId": 3599878378750254,
    "Title": "The Adventurous Jedi",
    "TitleId": "4349118243667970",
    "Companion": {
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                "GiftType": "Courting",
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                "RomancedReaction": "Love"
                "GiftType": "Technology",
                "Reaction": "Like",
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                "GiftType": "RepublicMemorabilia",
                "Reaction": "Love",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "ImperialMemorabilia",
                "Reaction": "Like",
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                "GiftType": "UnderworldGood",
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                "RomancedReaction": "Favorite"
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Maintenance",
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Kira Carsen",
            "frMale": "Kira Carsen",
            "frFemale": "Kira Carsen",
            "deMale": "Kira Carsen",
            "deFemale": "Kira Carsen"
        "Portrait": "companions\/rep_companions\/",
        "ProfessionModifiers": [],
        "SpaceAbilityId": "0",
        "SpaceAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
        "UId": "16141137048697967931",
        "UB62Id": "EnMAMg0",
        "AllowedClasses": [
        "NcoId": "16140910628550773606",
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        "TankApcB62Id": "Jo0zbU4",
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        "DpsApcB62Id": "azhJhMM",
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        "HealApcB62Id": "iOQ2rJ1",
        "Base62Id": "EnMAMg0",
        "Name": "Kira Carsen"
    "InteractionList": [],
    "Id": "16140910628550773606",
    "Base62Id": "PeiOph2",
    "Fqn": "nco.companions_updated.kira_carsen_updated",
    "first_seen": "6.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0",
    "hash": "170124191",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [