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Senya Tirall

A former Knight of Zakuul, Senya Tirall is a complex individual. Cold and unyielding on the job, kind and empathetic in private, Senya was responsible for hunting Koth Vortena and his crew after they betrayed the Eternal Empire. But Senya eventually came to recognize the same injustices in Arcann's rule that Koth had, and chose to uphold her ideals over her Emperor. After making contact with Lana Beniko, Senya joined the mission to overthrow Arcann and return peace and justice to the galaxy.
Senya Tirall
The Vengeful Enforcer
Category: Chapters
Subcategory: Chapters
Gear Appearance Class:
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Senya Tirall
Other Sites:
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
7.5 seconds30m100004.0.0
15 seconds4m99004.0.0
12 seconds30m98004.0.0
20 seconds3m97004.0.0
45 seconds4m30m96004.6.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Npc45 seconds30m100004.0.0
Npc20 seconds4m99004.0.0
Npc22.5 seconds4m98004.0.0
Npc14 seconds30m97004.0.0
Npc7 seconds30m96004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
4 seconds21m45m100006.0.0
20 seconds30m99506.0.0
45 seconds30m99004.0.0
10 seconds30m98004.0.0
12 seconds30m97004.0.0
7.5 seconds30m90004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Gift TypeReactionRomanced Reaction
CourtingIndifferent None
Cultural ArtifactFavorite ++None
Imperial MemorabiliaIndifferent None
LuxuryLove +++None
MaintenanceIndifferent None
Military GearNone
Republic MemorabiliaIndifferent None
TechnologyIndifferent None
TrophyIndifferent None
Underworld GoodIndifferent None
WeaponIndifferent None
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4481c33180000cb0955d1"
    "AcquireConditionalIds": [],
    "AcquireConditionalB62Ids": [],
    "MaxInfluenceTier": 50,
    "AllianceAlerts": [],
    "CategoryId": "3599878378750225",
    "InfluenceCap": 250000,
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Senya Tirall",
        "frMale": "Senya Tirall",
        "frFemale": "Senya Tirall",
        "deMale": "Senya Tirall",
        "deFemale": "Senya Tirall"
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "A former Knight of Zakuul, Senya Tirall is a complex individual. Cold and unyielding on the job, kind and empathetic in private, Senya was responsible for hunting Koth Vortena and his crew after they betrayed the Eternal Empire. But Senya eventually came to recognize the same injustices in Arcann's rule that Koth had, and chose to uphold her ideals over her Emperor. After making contact with Lana Beniko, Senya joined the mission to overthrow Arcann and return peace and justice to the galaxy.",
        "frMale": "Ancien Chevalier de Zakel, Senya Tirall est une femme complexe. Froide et intraitable sur le terrain, aimable et empathique dans la sph\u00e8re priv\u00e9e, Senya \u00e9tait responsable de la traque de Koth Vortena et de son \u00e9quipage apr\u00e8s qu'ils aient trahi l'Empire \u00e9ternel. Mais Senya en vint finalement \u00e0 percevoir les m\u00eames injustices que Koth dans le r\u00e8gne d'Arcann et choisit de d\u00e9fendre ses id\u00e9aux plut\u00f4t que son Empereur. Apr\u00e8s \u00eatre entr\u00e9e en contact avec Lana Beniko, Senya se joignit \u00e0 la mission visant \u00e0 d\u00e9tr\u00f4ner Arcann et \u00e0 ramener la paix et la justice dans la galaxie.",
        "frFemale": "Ancien Chevalier de Zakel, Senya Tirall est une femme complexe. Froide et intraitable sur le terrain, aimable et empathique dans la sph\u00e8re priv\u00e9e, Senya \u00e9tait responsable de la traque de Koth Vortena et de son \u00e9quipage apr\u00e8s qu'ils aient trahi l'Empire \u00e9ternel. Mais Senya en vint finalement \u00e0 percevoir les m\u00eames injustices que Koth dans le r\u00e8gne d'Arcann et choisit de d\u00e9fendre ses id\u00e9aux plut\u00f4t que son Empereur. Apr\u00e8s \u00eatre entr\u00e9e en contact avec Lana Beniko, Senya se joignit \u00e0 la mission visant \u00e0 d\u00e9tr\u00f4ner Arcann et \u00e0 ramener la paix et la justice dans la galaxie.",
        "deMale": "Als ehemaliger Ritter von Zakuul ist Senya Tirall ein komplexes Individuum. Kalt und unersch\u00fctterlich im Job, freundlich und liebevoll privat. Senya wurde auf Koth Vortena und seine Crew angesetzt, nachdem diese das Ewige Imperium verraten hatten. Letztendlich erkannte Senya aber dieselben Ungerechtigkeiten in Arcanns Herrschaft, die schon Koth erlebt hat, und stellte ihre Ideale \u00fcber die Treue zu ihrem Imperator. Nachdem sie auf Lana Beniko traf, schloss sich Senya der Mission an, Arcann zu st\u00fcrzen und f\u00fcr Frieden und Gerechtigkeit in der Galaxis zu sorgen.",
        "deFemale": "Als ehemaliger Ritter von Zakuul ist Senya Tirall ein komplexes Individuum. Kalt und unersch\u00fctterlich im Job, freundlich und liebevoll privat. Senya wurde auf Koth Vortena und seine Crew angesetzt, nachdem diese das Ewige Imperium verraten hatten. Letztendlich erkannte Senya aber dieselben Ungerechtigkeiten in Arcanns Herrschaft, die schon Koth erlebt hat, und stellte ihre Ideale \u00fcber die Treue zu ihrem Imperator. Nachdem sie auf Lana Beniko traf, schloss sich Senya der Mission an, Arcann zu st\u00fcrzen und f\u00fcr Frieden und Gerechtigkeit in der Galaxis zu sorgen."
    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "The Vengeful Enforcer",
        "frMale": "L'ex\u00e9cutrice vengeresse",
        "frFemale": "L'ex\u00e9cutrice vengeresse",
        "deMale": "Die r\u00e4chende Vollstreckerin",
        "deFemale": "Die r\u00e4chende Vollstreckerin"
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Chapters",
        "frMale": "Chapitres",
        "frFemale": "Chapitres",
        "deMale": "Kapitel",
        "deFemale": "Kapitel"
    "LocalizedSubCategory": {
        "enMale": "Chapters",
        "frMale": "Chapitres",
        "frFemale": "Chapitres",
        "deMale": "Kapitel",
        "deFemale": "Kapitel"
    "Name": "Senya Tirall",
    "NameId": "3608330874388480",
    "Description": "A former Knight of Zakuul, Senya Tirall is a complex individual. Cold and unyielding on the job, kind and empathetic in private, Senya was responsible for hunting Koth Vortena and his crew after they betrayed the Eternal Empire. But Senya eventually came to recognize the same injustices in Arcann's rule that Koth had, and chose to uphold her ideals over her Emperor. After making contact with Lana Beniko, Senya joined the mission to overthrow Arcann and return peace and justice to the galaxy.",
    "DescriptionId": "3608330874388481",
    "NpcId": "16141164880488934548",
    "Icon": "companions\/fe\/senya_tirall",
    "HashedIcon": "721255603_3077075184",
    "SubCategory": "Chapters",
    "SubCategoryId": 3599878378750225,
    "Title": "The Vengeful Enforcer",
    "TitleId": "3608330874388482",
    "Companion": {
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Maintenance",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
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        "AppearanceClassB62Id": "d1waHAE",
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Senya Tirall",
            "frMale": "Senya Tirall",
            "frFemale": "Senya Tirall",
            "deMale": "Senya Tirall",
            "deFemale": "Senya Tirall"
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        "ProfessionModifiers": [],
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        "UId": "16141164880488934548",
        "UB62Id": "bAoDSl0",
        "AllowedClasses": [
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    "Base62Id": "ikLyDgK",
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    "first_seen": "4.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0",
    "hash": "1792757386",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [