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"Zenith" is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra's oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces.
Category: Alliance Recruit
Subcategory: Alliance
Gear Appearance Class:
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Zenith
Other Sites:
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
7.5 seconds30m100004.0.0
15 seconds4m99004.0.0
12 seconds30m98004.0.0
20 seconds30m97004.0.0
45 seconds4m30m96004.6.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Npc45 seconds30m100004.0.0
Npc20 seconds30m99004.0.0
Npc22.5 seconds30m98004.0.0
Npc12 seconds30m97004.0.0
Npc7 seconds30m96004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
4 seconds21m45m100006.0.0
20 seconds30m99906.0.0
45 seconds30m99004.0.0
10 seconds30m98004.0.0
12 seconds30m97004.0.0
7.5 seconds30m90004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Gift TypeReactionRomanced Reaction
CourtingIndifferent None
Cultural ArtifactIndifferent None
DelicaciesIndifferent None
Imperial MemorabiliaIndifferent None
LuxuryIndifferent None
MaintenanceIndifferent None
Military GearNone
Republic MemorabiliaIndifferent None
TechnologyIndifferent None
TrophyIndifferent None
Underworld GoodLove +++None
WeaponFavorite ++None
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4481c33180000cb0955c2"
    "AcquireConditionalIds": [
    "AcquireConditionalB62Ids": [
    "MaxInfluenceTier": 50,
    "AllianceAlerts": [],
    "CategoryId": "3599878378750246",
    "InfluenceCap": 250000,
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Zenith",
        "frMale": "Zenith",
        "frFemale": "Zenith",
        "deMale": "Zenith",
        "deFemale": "Zenith"
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "\"Zenith\" is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra's oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces. ",
        "frMale": "\"Zenith\" est le nom de code d'un guerrier r\u00e9volutionnaire Balmorr\u00e9en devenu ennemi professionnel de l'Empire. Autrefois membre d'une cellule de r\u00e9sistance dissoute par des agents infiltr\u00e9s imp\u00e9riaux, Zenith a choisi de contre-attaquer, recrutant des partisans parmi les opprim\u00e9s de Balmorra pour effectuer des actions discr\u00e8tes, des attaques \u00e9clair et des attentats \u00e0 l'encontre des forces d'occupation imp\u00e9riales. ",
        "frFemale": "\"Zenith\" est le nom de code d'un guerrier r\u00e9volutionnaire Balmorr\u00e9en devenu ennemi professionnel de l'Empire. Autrefois membre d'une cellule de r\u00e9sistance dissoute par des agents infiltr\u00e9s imp\u00e9riaux, Zenith a choisi de contre-attaquer, recrutant des partisans parmi les opprim\u00e9s de Balmorra pour effectuer des actions discr\u00e8tes, des attaques \u00e9clair et des attentats \u00e0 l'encontre des forces d'occupation imp\u00e9riales. ",
        "deMale": "\"Zenith\" ist der Codename eines balmorranischen Revolution\u00e4rs, der eine Karriere daraus machte, dem Imperium weh zu tun. Zenith war fr\u00fcher Mitglied einer m\u00e4chtigen Widerstandszelle, die von imperialen Infiltratoren gesprengt wurde. Nun hat er seine eigene gegr\u00fcndet und sammelt Mitglieder in Balmorras unterdr\u00fcckter Bev\u00f6lkerung, um Schleichangriffe, \u00dcberf\u00e4lle und Bombenanschl\u00e4ge gegen die imperialen Besatzer durchzuf\u00fchren. ",
        "deFemale": "\"Zenith\" ist der Codename eines balmorranischen Revolution\u00e4rs, der eine Karriere daraus machte, dem Imperium weh zu tun. Zenith war fr\u00fcher Mitglied einer m\u00e4chtigen Widerstandszelle, die von imperialen Infiltratoren gesprengt wurde. Nun hat er seine eigene gegr\u00fcndet und sammelt Mitglieder in Balmorras unterdr\u00fcckter Bev\u00f6lkerung, um Schleichangriffe, \u00dcberf\u00e4lle und Bombenanschl\u00e4ge gegen die imperialen Besatzer durchzuf\u00fchren. "
    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "",
        "frMale": "",
        "frFemale": "",
        "deMale": "",
        "deFemale": ""
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Alliance Recruit",
        "frMale": "Recrues de l'Alliance",
        "frFemale": "Recrues de l'Alliance",
        "deMale": "Allianz-Rekrut",
        "deFemale": "Allianz-Rekrut"
    "LocalizedSubCategory": {
        "enMale": "Alliance",
        "frMale": "Alliance",
        "frFemale": "Alliance",
        "deMale": "Allianz",
        "deFemale": "Allianz"
    "Name": "Zenith",
    "NameId": "3652470253289472",
    "Description": "\"Zenith\" is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra's oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces. ",
    "DescriptionId": "3652470253289473",
    "NpcId": "16141068057054451183",
    "Icon": "Companions\/Rep_Companions\/Zenith_light",
    "HashedIcon": "2619110186_2287302754",
    "SubCategory": "Alliance",
    "SubCategoryId": 3599878378750250,
    "Title": "",
    "TitleId": "3652470253289474",
    "Companion": {
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        "ConversationMultiplier": 1,
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        "FactionId": "0",
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                "GiftType": "MilitaryGear",
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Courting",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Luxury",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Technology",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "RepublicMemorabilia",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "ImperialMemorabilia",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "CulturalArtifact",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Trophy",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "UnderworldGood",
                "Reaction": "Love",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Delicacies",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Maintenance",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
        "Id": "-2305676016655100433",
        "IsGenderMale": true,
        "AppearanceClassB62Id": "oUmW3P6",
        "IsRomanceable": false,
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Zenith",
            "frMale": "Zenith",
            "frFemale": "Zenith",
            "deMale": "Zenith",
            "deFemale": "Zenith"
        "ProfessionModifiers": [],
        "SpaceAbilityId": "0",
        "SpaceAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
        "UId": "16141068057054451183",
        "UB62Id": "xvKYzd0",
        "AllowedClasses": [
        "NcoId": "16140901207308942815",
        "TankApcId": "16140984653047457062",
        "TankApcB62Id": "9kNiz85",
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        "DpsApcB62Id": "tIHIs03",
        "HealApcId": "16141146309862527001",
        "HealApcB62Id": "6P3seWC",
        "Base62Id": "xvKYzd0",
        "Name": "Zenith"
    "InteractionList": [],
    "Id": "16140901207308942815",
    "Base62Id": "txrIG21",
    "Fqn": "nco.companions_updated.zenith_updated",
    "first_seen": "4.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0",
    "hash": "1564119798",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [