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C2-N2 is a model of gentlemanly manners and polite efficiency. A Hollis-series steward droid that served one of the Republic's most famous heroes, he will do everything in his considerable programming power to ensure that his master's starship always maintains the proper air of respectability. This includes high-powered dusting capabilities, monitoring the crew's caloric intake and a selection of aromas from across the galaxy to satisfy even the pickiest of noses.
Foremost Authority on Comfort
Category: Unavailable Companions
Subcategory: Alliance
Gear Appearance Class:
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: C2-N2
Other Sites:
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
7.5 seconds30m100004.0.0
15 seconds4m99004.0.0
12 seconds30m98004.0.0
20 seconds30m97004.0.0
45 seconds4m30m96004.6.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
45 seconds30m100004.0.0
20 seconds30m99004.0.0
22.5 seconds30m98004.0.0
12 seconds30m97004.0.0
7 seconds30m96004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
4 seconds21m45m100006.0.0
20 seconds30m99906.0.0
45 seconds30m99004.0.0
Npc10 seconds30m98004.0.0
Npc12 seconds30m97004.0.0
Npc7.5 seconds30m90004.0.0
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Gift TypeReactionRomanced Reaction
CourtingIndifferent None
Cultural ArtifactLove +++None
DelicaciesIndifferent None
Imperial MemorabiliaIndifferent None
MaintenanceLove +++None
Military GearIndifferent None
Republic MemorabiliaNone
TechnologyFavorite ++None
TrophyIndifferent None
Underworld GoodIndifferent None
WeaponIndifferent None
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4481c33180000cb0955e1"
    "AcquireConditionalIds": [
    "AcquireConditionalB62Ids": [
    "MaxInfluenceTier": 50,
    "AllianceAlerts": [],
    "CategoryId": "3599878378750234",
    "InfluenceCap": 250000,
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "C2-N2",
        "frMale": "C2-N2",
        "frFemale": "C2-N2",
        "deMale": "C2-N2",
        "deFemale": "C2-N2"
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "C2-N2 is a model of gentlemanly manners and polite efficiency. A Hollis-series steward droid that served one of the Republic's most famous heroes, he will do everything in his considerable programming power to ensure that his master's starship always maintains the proper air of respectability. This includes high-powered dusting capabilities, monitoring the crew's caloric intake and a selection of aromas from across the galaxy to satisfy even the pickiest of noses.",
        "frMale": "C2-N2 est un mod\u00e8le de courtoisie, de politesse et d'efficacit\u00e9. Ce dro\u00efde d'intendance de type Hollis a servi l'un des h\u00e9ros les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres de la R\u00e9publique. Il fera tout ce qui est en son incroyable pouvoir de programmation pour veiller \u00e0 ce que le vaisseau de son ma\u00eetre conserve un air de respectabilit\u00e9. Il est dot\u00e9 de capacit\u00e9s d'\u00e9poussetage puissantes, surveille la consommation calorique de l'\u00e9quipage et dispose d'un vaste choix d'ar\u00f4mes provenant de toute la galaxie afin de satisfaire les nez les plus exigeants.",
        "frFemale": "C2-N2 est un mod\u00e8le de courtoisie, de politesse et d'efficacit\u00e9. Ce dro\u00efde d'intendance de type Hollis a servi l'un des h\u00e9ros les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres de la R\u00e9publique. Il fera tout ce qui est en son incroyable pouvoir de programmation pour veiller \u00e0 ce que le vaisseau de son ma\u00eetre conserve un air de respectabilit\u00e9. Il est dot\u00e9 de capacit\u00e9s d'\u00e9poussetage puissantes, surveille la consommation calorique de l'\u00e9quipage et dispose d'un vaste choix d'ar\u00f4mes provenant de toute la galaxie afin de satisfaire les nez les plus exigeants.",
        "deMale": "C2-N2 ist ein Beispiel geschliffener Umgangsformen und h\u00f6flicher Effizienz. Als Steward-Droide der Hollis-Reihe, der schon den ber\u00fchmtesten Helden der Republik gedient hat, tut er alles, was in seiner umfangreichen Programmierung steht, um daf\u00fcr zu sorgen, dass auf dem Raumschiff seines Herrn stets ein angenehmes Klima herrscht. Dazu geh\u00f6ren leistungsstarke Staubwisch-Programme, die \u00dcberwachung der Kalorienaufnahme der Crew und eine Auswahl an Duftstoffen aus der ganzen Galaxis, die sogar die anspruchsvollste Nase verw\u00f6hnen.",
        "deFemale": "C2-N2 ist ein Beispiel geschliffener Umgangsformen und h\u00f6flicher Effizienz. Als Steward-Droide der Hollis-Reihe, der schon den ber\u00fchmtesten Helden der Republik gedient hat, tut er alles, was in seiner umfangreichen Programmierung steht, um daf\u00fcr zu sorgen, dass auf dem Raumschiff seines Herrn stets ein angenehmes Klima herrscht. Dazu geh\u00f6ren leistungsstarke Staubwisch-Programme, die \u00dcberwachung der Kalorienaufnahme der Crew und eine Auswahl an Duftstoffen aus der ganzen Galaxis, die sogar die anspruchsvollste Nase verw\u00f6hnen."
    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "Foremost Authority on Comfort",
        "frMale": "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence en termes de confort",
        "frFemale": "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence en termes de confort",
        "deMale": "Oberster Komfort-Sachverst\u00e4ndiger",
        "deFemale": "Oberster Komfort-Sachverst\u00e4ndiger"
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Unavailable Companions",
        "frMale": "Partenaires indisponibles",
        "frFemale": "Partenaires indisponibles",
        "deMale": "Nicht verf\u00fcgbare Gef\u00e4hrten",
        "deFemale": "Nicht verf\u00fcgbare Gef\u00e4hrten"
    "LocalizedSubCategory": {
        "enMale": "Alliance",
        "frMale": "Alliance",
        "frFemale": "Alliance",
        "deMale": "Allianz",
        "deFemale": "Allianz"
    "Name": "C2-N2",
    "NameId": "3658792445149184",
    "Description": "C2-N2 is a model of gentlemanly manners and polite efficiency. A Hollis-series steward droid that served one of the Republic's most famous heroes, he will do everything in his considerable programming power to ensure that his master's starship always maintains the proper air of respectability. This includes high-powered dusting capabilities, monitoring the crew's caloric intake and a selection of aromas from across the galaxy to satisfy even the pickiest of noses.",
    "DescriptionId": "3658792445149185",
    "NpcId": "16140933160191174160",
    "Icon": "Companions\/Crafting_Droids_BlueLight\/DDS\/C_2N2",
    "HashedIcon": "1606480101_2007954977",
    "SubCategory": "Alliance",
    "SubCategoryId": 3599878378750250,
    "Title": "Foremost Authority on Comfort",
    "TitleId": "3658792445149186",
    "Companion": {
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        "Classes": [],
        "ConversationMultiplier": 1,
        "CrewAbilityB62Ids": [],
        "FactionId": "0",
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                "GiftType": "Courting",
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Luxury",
                "Reaction": "Like",
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                "GiftType": "Technology",
                "Reaction": "Favorite",
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                "GiftType": "RepublicMemorabilia",
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "ImperialMemorabilia",
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                "RomancedReaction": "None"
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                "GiftType": "UnderworldGood",
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                "GiftType": "Delicacies",
                "Reaction": "Indifferent",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
                "GiftType": "Maintenance",
                "Reaction": "Love",
                "RomancedReaction": "None"
        "Id": "-2305810913518377456",
        "IsGenderMale": true,
        "AppearanceClassB62Id": "8WjWQl8",
        "IsRomanceable": false,
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "C2-N2",
            "frMale": "C2-N2",
            "frFemale": "C2-N2",
            "deMale": "C2-N2",
            "deFemale": "C2-N2"
        "Portrait": "companions\/crafting_droids_bluelight\/dds\/",
        "ProfessionModifiers": [],
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        "SpaceAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
        "UId": "16140933160191174160",
        "UB62Id": "4AQ4t30",
        "AllowedClasses": [
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        "Name": "C2-N2"
    "InteractionList": [],
    "Id": "16140974260390452454",
    "Base62Id": "vjnBFv2",
    "Fqn": "nco.companions_updated.c2_n2_updated",
    "first_seen": "4.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0",
    "hash": "3186652437",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [