- This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training--become something greater--you will feel the full weight of their rage.
69. Option - The Jedi Order prepared me.Player - You act like I didn't leave Tython as a fully-trained Jedi.
Link to Node 59
68. Option - I passed basic training.Player - I graduated from the Academy with top honors--and they don't hand out ranks like mine to just anyone.
Link to Node 59
67. Option - I already know all I need.Player - I've been to every school of hard knocks in the galaxy. You've got nothing I need, old man.
Link to Node 59
66. Option - I have mastered the dark side.Player - Training? I know every secret of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and all the other worlds that dared challenge me.
Link to Node 59
70. Option - Training? You're funny.Player - I've taken down common thugs, giant monsters, and everything in-between. I'd say I'm done training.
Link to Node 59
57. Option - My skills are well-honed.Player - Imperial Intelligence prepared me for anything, and I haven't lost my edge.
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"Text": "Pitiful. Why did I ever believe you could change anything?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Pitiful. Why did I ever believe you could change anything?",
"frMale": "C'est pitoyable. Comment ai-je pu croire que vous parviendriez \u00e0 changer la donne\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "C'est pitoyable. Comment ai-je pu croire que vous parviendriez \u00e0 changer la donne\u00a0?",
"deMale": "J\u00e4mmerlich. Wie konnte ich nur glauben, dass Ihr etwas \u00e4ndern k\u00f6nntet?",
"deFemale": "J\u00e4mmerlich. Wie konnte ich nur glauben, dass Ihr etwas \u00e4ndern k\u00f6nntet?"
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"Text": "You want me dead? If that's what it takes to get rid of you... do it!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You want me dead? If that's what it takes to get rid of you... do it!",
"frMale": "Vous voulez ma mort\u00a0? Si je dois en passer par l\u00e0 pour me d\u00e9barrasser de vous... Faites-le\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Vous voulez ma mort\u00a0? Si je dois en passer par l\u00e0 pour me d\u00e9barrasser de vous... Faites-le\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Ihr wollt mich t\u00f6ten? Wenn das der einzige Weg ist, Euch loszuwerden, dann tut es!",
"deFemale": "Ihr wollt mich t\u00f6ten? Wenn das der einzige Weg ist, Euch loszuwerden, dann tut es!"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Shut up, or finish the job!",
"frMale": "Taisez-vous ou finissez le travail\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Taisez-vous ou finissez le travail\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Haltet den Mund oder bringt es zu Ende.",
"deFemale": "Haltet den Mund oder bringt es zu Ende."
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"Text": "I will not gift you that release. Not yet.",
"LocalizedText": {
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"frMale": "Je ne vous ferai pas ce plaisir. Pas encore.",
"frFemale": "Je ne vous ferai pas ce plaisir. Pas encore.",
"deMale": "Ich werde Euch diesen Wunsch nicht erf\u00fcllen. Noch nicht.",
"deFemale": "Ich werde Euch diesen Wunsch nicht erf\u00fcllen. Noch nicht."
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"Text": "This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training, you will feel the full weight of their rage.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training, you will feel the full weight of their rage.",
"frMale": "C'\u00e9tait une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous n\u00e9gligez de finir votre formation, vous conna\u00eetrez toute la puissance de leur rage.",
"frFemale": "C'\u00e9tait une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous n\u00e9gligez de finir votre formation, vous conna\u00eetrez toute la puissance de leur rage.",
"deMale": "Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zuf\u00fcgen k\u00f6nnen. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet, werdet Ihr die ganze H\u00e4rte ihrer Wut sp\u00fcren.",
"deFemale": "Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zuf\u00fcgen k\u00f6nnen. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet, werdet Ihr die ganze H\u00e4rte ihrer Wut sp\u00fcren."
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"Text": "This is your idea of training? Thrash me half to death until I learn my lesson?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "This is your idea of training? Thrash me half to death until I learn my lesson?",
"frMale": "C'est \u00e7a votre formation\u00a0? Vous me battez \u00e0 mort jusqu'\u00e0 ce que je comprenne la le\u00e7on\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "C'est \u00e7a votre formation\u00a0? Vous me battez \u00e0 mort jusqu'\u00e0 ce que je comprenne la le\u00e7on\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ist das Eure Vorstellung von Training? Mich halbtot zu pr\u00fcgeln, bis ich meine Lektion gelernt habe?",
"deFemale": "Ist das Eure Vorstellung von Training? Mich halbtot zu pr\u00fcgeln, bis ich meine Lektion gelernt habe?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "You're a terrible teacher.",
"frMale": "Vous \u00eates un mauvais professeur.",
"frFemale": "Vous \u00eates un mauvais professeur.",
"deMale": "Ihr seid ein schrecklicher Lehrer.",
"deFemale": "Ihr seid ein schrecklicher Lehrer."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "I honored my obligation, prepared you for what will come.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I honored my obligation, prepared you for what will come.",
"frMale": "J'ai respect\u00e9 mes engagements en vous pr\u00e9parant \u00e0 ce qui vous attend.",
"frFemale": "J'ai respect\u00e9 mes engagements en vous pr\u00e9parant \u00e0 ce qui vous attend.",
"deMale": "Ich habe meine Pflicht erf\u00fcllt und Euch auf das Kommende vorbereitet.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe meine Pflicht erf\u00fcllt und Euch auf das Kommende vorbereitet."
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"Text": "I cannot stay to protect you any longer. There are matters to which I must attend... but I will leave you with a final token of my favor.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I cannot stay to protect you any longer. There are matters to which I must attend... but I will leave you with a final token of my favor.",
"frMale": "Je ne puis rester vous prot\u00e9ger plus longtemps. D'autres affaires requi\u00e8rent mon attention... mais je vous laisse un dernier gage de mon soutien.",
"frFemale": "Je ne puis rester vous prot\u00e9ger plus longtemps. D'autres affaires requi\u00e8rent mon attention... mais je vous laisse un dernier gage de mon soutien.",
"deMale": "Ich kann nicht bleiben, um Euch l\u00e4nger zu besch\u00fctzen. Es gibt Dinge, um die ich mich k\u00fcmmern muss ... aber ich gew\u00e4hre Euch ein letztes Zeichen meiner Gunst.",
"deFemale": "Ich kann nicht bleiben, um Euch l\u00e4nger zu besch\u00fctzen. Es gibt Dinge, um die ich mich k\u00fcmmern muss ... aber ich gew\u00e4hre Euch ein letztes Zeichen meiner Gunst."
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"Text": "Fulfill your destiny, and I promise to return.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Fulfill your destiny, and I promise to return.",
"frMale": "Accomplissez votre destin, et je promets de revenir.",
"frFemale": "Accomplissez votre destin, et je promets de revenir.",
"deMale": "Erf\u00fcllt Euer Schicksal und ich verspreche, dass ich zur\u00fcckkehren werde.",
"deFemale": "Erf\u00fcllt Euer Schicksal und ich verspreche, dass ich zur\u00fcckkehren werde."
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"Text": "I've had enough of your threats. I never wanted this in the first place. You can stay gone.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I've had enough of your threats. I never wanted this in the first place. You can stay gone.",
"frMale": "J'en ai assez de vos menaces. Je n'ai rien voulu de tout \u00e7a. Fichez-moi la paix.",
"frFemale": "J'en ai assez de vos menaces. Je n'ai rien voulu de tout \u00e7a. Fichez-moi la paix.",
"deMale": "Ich habe genug von Euren Drohungen. Das hier habe ich von Anfang an nicht gewollt. Von mir aus m\u00fcsst Ihr nicht wiederkommen.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe genug von Euren Drohungen. Das hier habe ich von Anfang an nicht gewollt. Von mir aus m\u00fcsst Ihr nicht wiederkommen."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Stop trying to scare me.",
"frMale": "Arr\u00eatez d'essayer de m'effrayer.",
"frFemale": "Arr\u00eatez d'essayer de m'effrayer.",
"deMale": "H\u00f6rt auf, mir Angst machen zu wollen.",
"deFemale": "H\u00f6rt auf, mir Angst machen zu wollen."
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"Text": "I hope this is not the end of our journey--and one day, so will you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I hope this is not the end of our journey--and one day, so will you.",
"frMale": "J'esp\u00e8re que ce n'est pas l\u00e0 la fin de notre voyage... Un jour, vous vous rangerez \u00e0 mon avis.",
"frFemale": "J'esp\u00e8re que ce n'est pas l\u00e0 la fin de notre voyage... Un jour, vous vous rangerez \u00e0 mon avis.",
"deMale": "Ich hoffe, dass das nicht das Ende unserer Reise ist - und dass Ihr das eines Tages genauso sehen werdet.",
"deFemale": "Ich hoffe, dass das nicht das Ende unserer Reise ist - und dass Ihr das eines Tages genauso sehen werdet."
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"Text": "Cheer up, big brother. You're making me sad.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Cheer up, big brother. You're making me sad.",
"frMale": "Haut les c\u0153urs, grand fr\u00e8re. Tu me d\u00e9primes.",
"frFemale": "Haut les c\u0153urs, grand fr\u00e8re. Tu me d\u00e9primes.",
"deMale": "Kopf hoch, gro\u00dfer Bruder. Du machst mich traurig.",
"deFemale": "Kopf hoch, gro\u00dfer Bruder. Du machst mich traurig."
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"Text": "Father won't face me himself.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Father won't face me himself.",
"frMale": "P\u00e8re refuse de m'affronter en personne.",
"frFemale": "P\u00e8re refuse de m'affronter en personne.",
"deMale": "Vater wird sich mir nicht selbst stellen.",
"deFemale": "Vater wird sich mir nicht selbst stellen."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "qmoezGL",
"Text": "He's punishing you for stealing his chair.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He's punishing you for stealing his chair.",
"frMale": "Il te punit pour lui avoir vol\u00e9 son tr\u00f4ne.",
"frFemale": "Il te punit pour lui avoir vol\u00e9 son tr\u00f4ne.",
"deMale": "Er bestraft dich, weil du seinen Sessel gestohlen hast.",
"deFemale": "Er bestraft dich, weil du seinen Sessel gestohlen hast."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "EVswf59",
"Text": "He isn't angry. Father never feels anything. Not even when I... when Thexan died.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He isn't angry. Father never feels anything. Not even when I... when Thexan died.",
"frMale": "Il n'est pas en col\u00e8re. Il n'a jamais rien ressenti. Pas m\u00eame quand j'ai... quand Thexan est mort.\u00a0",
"frFemale": "Il n'est pas en col\u00e8re. Il n'a jamais rien ressenti. Pas m\u00eame quand j'ai... quand Thexan est mort.\u00a0",
"deMale": "Er ist nicht w\u00fctend. Vater f\u00fchlt nie irgendwas. Nicht mal als ich ... als Thexan gestorben ist.",
"deFemale": "Er ist nicht w\u00fctend. Vater f\u00fchlt nie irgendwas. Nicht mal als ich ... als Thexan gestorben ist."
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"Text": "He was a good brother. Brought me gifts from all the worlds he conquered.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He was a good brother. Brought me gifts from all the worlds he conquered.",
"frMale": "C'\u00e9tait un bon fr\u00e8re. Il me rapportait des cadeaux des mondes qu'il conqu\u00e9rait.",
"frFemale": "C'\u00e9tait un bon fr\u00e8re. Il me rapportait des cadeaux des mondes qu'il conqu\u00e9rait.",
"deMale": "Er war ein guter Bruder. Er hat mir von allen Welten, die er erobert hat, Geschenke mitgebracht.",
"deFemale": "Er war ein guter Bruder. Er hat mir von allen Welten, die er erobert hat, Geschenke mitgebracht."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "EVswf59",
"Text": "I freed you from Father's control. I hope that earned your... support.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I freed you from Father's control. I hope that earned your... support.",
"frMale": "Je t'ai lib\u00e9r\u00e9e de l'emprise de P\u00e8re. J'esp\u00e8re que \u00e7a me vaut ton... soutien.",
"frFemale": "Je t'ai lib\u00e9r\u00e9e de l'emprise de P\u00e8re. J'esp\u00e8re que \u00e7a me vaut ton... soutien.",
"deMale": "Ich habe dich von Vaters Kontrolle befreit. Ich hoffe, damit habe ich deine ... Unterst\u00fctzung verdient.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe dich von Vaters Kontrolle befreit. Ich hoffe, damit habe ich deine ... Unterst\u00fctzung verdient."
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"Text": "My loyalties lie here, Arcann. Always.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "My loyalties lie here, Arcann. Always.",
"frMale": "Ma loyaut\u00e9 t'est acquise, Arcann. Pour toujours.",
"frFemale": "Ma loyaut\u00e9 t'est acquise, Arcann. Pour toujours.",
"deMale": "Meine Loyalit\u00e4t geh\u00f6rt dir, Arcann. F\u00fcr immer.",
"deFemale": "Meine Loyalit\u00e4t geh\u00f6rt dir, Arcann. F\u00fcr immer."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"Text": "Now what?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Now what?",
"frMale": "Et maintenant\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Et maintenant\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Und jetzt?",
"deFemale": "Und jetzt?"
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"Text": "You have no idea what I'm capable of.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You have no idea what I'm capable of.",
"frMale": "Vous ignorez totalement de quoi je suis capable.",
"frFemale": "Vous ignorez totalement de quoi je suis capable.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was ich f\u00e4hig bin.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was ich f\u00e4hig bin."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "You don't know me at all.",
"frMale": "Vous ne me connaissez pas.",
"frFemale": "Vous ne me connaissez pas.",
"deMale": "Ihr kennt mich \u00fcberhaupt nicht.",
"deFemale": "Ihr kennt mich \u00fcberhaupt nicht."
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"Text": "Give me some credit. It's not easy to kill a man who's already dead.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Give me some credit. It's not easy to kill a man who's already dead.",
"frMale": "Un peu d'indulgence... Difficile de tuer quelqu'un qui est d\u00e9j\u00e0 mort.",
"frFemale": "Un peu d'indulgence... Difficile de tuer quelqu'un qui est d\u00e9j\u00e0 mort.",
"deMale": "Ihr m\u00fcsst schon zugeben, es ist nicht einfach, einen Mann zu t\u00f6ten, der bereits tot ist.",
"deFemale": "Ihr m\u00fcsst schon zugeben, es ist nicht einfach, einen Mann zu t\u00f6ten, der bereits tot ist."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "This wasn't a fair fight.",
"frMale": "Ce n'\u00e9tait pas un combat \u00e9quitable.",
"frFemale": "Ce n'\u00e9tait pas un combat \u00e9quitable.",
"deMale": "Das war kein fairer Kampf.",
"deFemale": "Das war kein fairer Kampf."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "Do not mistake your defiance for courage. I do not.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Do not mistake your defiance for courage. I do not.",
"frMale": "Ne confondez pas d\u00e9fiance et courage. Je ne le fais pas.",
"frFemale": "Ne confondez pas d\u00e9fiance et courage. Je ne le fais pas.",
"deMale": "Verwechselt Euren Trotz nicht mit Mut. Ich tue das nicht.",
"deFemale": "Verwechselt Euren Trotz nicht mit Mut. Ich tue das nicht."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "And neither do you. Therein lies the problem.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "And neither do you. Therein lies the problem.",
"frMale": "Tout comme vous. Voil\u00e0 le probl\u00e8me.",
"frFemale": "Tout comme vous. Voil\u00e0 le probl\u00e8me.",
"deMale": "Ihr auch nicht. Und darin liegt das Problem.",
"deFemale": "Ihr auch nicht. Und darin liegt das Problem."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "You can exist outside my head? Where are you going--and why?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You can exist outside my head? Where are you going--and why?",
"frMale": "Vous pouvez exister hors de mon esprit\u00a0? O\u00f9 allez-vous\u00a0? Et pour faire quoi\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous pouvez exister hors de mon esprit\u00a0? O\u00f9 allez-vous\u00a0? Et pour faire quoi\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ihr k\u00f6nnt au\u00dferhalb meines Kopfes existieren? Wohin wollt Ihr gehen? Und warum?",
"deFemale": "Ihr k\u00f6nnt au\u00dferhalb meines Kopfes existieren? Wohin wollt Ihr gehen? Und warum?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "How are you able to leave?",
"frMale": "Comment faites-vous pour partir\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Comment faites-vous pour partir\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Wie wollt Ihr das tun?",
"deFemale": "Wie wollt Ihr das tun?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "When you come back, I'll be ready to finish this fight. You won't survive.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "When you come back, I'll be ready to finish this fight. You won't survive.",
"frMale": "Quand vous reviendrez, je mettrai un point final \u00e0 ce combat. Vous n'en r\u00e9chapperez pas.",
"frFemale": "Quand vous reviendrez, je mettrai un point final \u00e0 ce combat. Vous n'en r\u00e9chapperez pas.",
"deMale": "Wenn Ihr zur\u00fcckkommt, bin ich bereit, um diesen Kampf zu beenden. Das werdet Ihr nicht \u00fcberleben.",
"deFemale": "Wenn Ihr zur\u00fcckkommt, bin ich bereit, um diesen Kampf zu beenden. Das werdet Ihr nicht \u00fcberleben."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Return, and I'll destroy you.",
"frMale": "Si vous revenez, je vous d\u00e9truis.",
"frFemale": "Si vous revenez, je vous d\u00e9truis.",
"deMale": "Wenn Ihr zur\u00fcckkehrt, vernichte ich Euch.",
"deFemale": "Wenn Ihr zur\u00fcckkehrt, vernichte ich Euch."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
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"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "I have never been your enemy. Remember that, and be victorious.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I have never been your enemy. Remember that, and be victorious.",
"frMale": "Je n'ai jamais \u00e9t\u00e9 votre ennemi. Ne l'oubliez pas. Et triomphez.",
"frFemale": "Je n'ai jamais \u00e9t\u00e9 votre ennemi. Ne l'oubliez pas. Et triomphez.",
"deMale": "Ich war nie Euer Feind. Erinnert Euch daran und seid siegreich.",
"deFemale": "Ich war nie Euer Feind. Erinnert Euch daran und seid siegreich."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
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"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "It is pointless to explain. You will understand, when the time comes.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "It is pointless to explain. You will understand, when the time comes.",
"frMale": "Je n'ai pas \u00e0 m'expliquer. Le moment venu, vous comprendrez.",
"frFemale": "Je n'ai pas \u00e0 m'expliquer. Le moment venu, vous comprendrez.",
"deMale": "Es macht keinen Sinn, es zu erkl\u00e4ren. Ihr werdet es verstehen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist.",
"deFemale": "Es macht keinen Sinn, es zu erkl\u00e4ren. Ihr werdet es verstehen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "Imperial Intelligence prepared me for anything, and I haven't lost my edge.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Imperial Intelligence prepared me for anything, and I haven't lost my edge.",
"frMale": "Les Services Secrets de l'Empire m'ont par\u00e9 \u00e0 toute \u00e9ventualit\u00e9.",
"frFemale": "Les Services Secrets de l'Empire m'ont par\u00e9e \u00e0 toute \u00e9ventualit\u00e9.",
"deMale": "Der Imperiale Geheimdienst hat mich auf alles vorbereitet - und ich bin immer noch in Topform.",
"deFemale": "Der Imperiale Geheimdienst hat mich auf alles vorbereitet - und ich bin immer noch in Topform."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "My skills are well-honed.",
"frMale": "Je suis au sommet de mon art.",
"frFemale": "Je suis au sommet de mon art.",
"deMale": "Meine F\u00e4higkeiten sind makellos.",
"deFemale": "Meine F\u00e4higkeiten sind makellos."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "There's nothing you or your children can do to me that I won't survive.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "There's nothing you or your children can do to me that I won't survive.",
"frMale": "Rien de ce que vous ou vos enfants pourrez me faire ne pourra m'abattre.",
"frFemale": "Rien de ce que vous ou vos enfants pourrez me faire ne pourra m'abattre.",
"deMale": "Egal, was Ihr oder Eure Kinder mir antun werden, ich werde es \u00fcberleben.",
"deFemale": "Egal, was Ihr oder Eure Kinder mir antun werden, ich werde es \u00fcberleben."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "I can endure anything.",
"frMale": "Je suis pr\u00eat \u00e0 tout.",
"frFemale": "Je suis pr\u00eate \u00e0 tout.",
"deMale": "Ich kann alles ertragen.",
"deFemale": "Ich kann alles ertragen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "You do not perceive the path ahead, even when it is obvious. Let that be your first lesson.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You do not perceive the path ahead, even when it is obvious. Let that be your first lesson.",
"frMale": "Vous ne voyez pas le chemin qui vous attend. Que cela vous serve de le\u00e7on.",
"frFemale": "Vous ne voyez pas le chemin qui vous attend. Que cela vous serve de le\u00e7on.",
"deMale": "Ihr seht den Weg nicht, den Ihr gehen m\u00fcsst - selbst dann nicht, wenn er genau vor Euch liegt. Lasst das Eure erste Lektion sein.",
"deFemale": "Ihr seht den Weg nicht, den Ihr gehen m\u00fcsst - selbst dann nicht, wenn er genau vor Euch liegt. Lasst das Eure erste Lektion sein."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "Your goal is not to survive. It is to win. There is nothing else.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Your goal is not to survive. It is to win. There is nothing else.",
"frMale": "Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre. Mais de gagner. C'est tout ce qui compte.",
"frFemale": "Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre. Mais de gagner. C'est tout ce qui compte.",
"deMale": "Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu \u00fcberleben. Euer Ziel ist der Sieg. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht.",
"deFemale": "Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu \u00fcberleben. Euer Ziel ist der Sieg. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "Training? I know every secret of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and all the other worlds that dared challenge me.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Training? I know every secret of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and all the other worlds that dared challenge me.",
"frMale": "Une formation\u00a0? J'ai d\u00e9couvert tous les secrets de Korriban, Dromund Kaas et de tous les autres mondes qui se sont pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s devant moi.",
"frFemale": "Une formation\u00a0? J'ai d\u00e9couvert tous les secrets de Korriban, Dromund Kaas et de tous les autres mondes qui se sont pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s devant moi.",
"deMale": "Training? Ich kenne jedes Geheimnis von Korriban, Dromund Kaas und all den anderen Welten, die es gewagt haben, mich herauszufordern.",
"deFemale": "Training? Ich kenne jedes Geheimnis von Korriban, Dromund Kaas und all den anderen Welten, die es gewagt haben, mich herauszufordern."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "I have mastered the dark side.",
"frMale": "Je ma\u00eetrise le c\u00f4t\u00e9 obscur.",
"frFemale": "Je ma\u00eetrise le c\u00f4t\u00e9 obscur.",
"deMale": "Ich habe die dunkle Seite gemeistert.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe die dunkle Seite gemeistert."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
"ChildIds": [
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "I've been to every school of hard knocks in the galaxy. You've got nothing I need, old man.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I've been to every school of hard knocks in the galaxy. You've got nothing I need, old man.",
"frMale": "J'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9lev\u00e9 \u00e0 l'\u00e9cole de la vie. Vous n'avez rien \u00e0 m'apprendre, vieillard.",
"frFemale": "J'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9lev\u00e9e \u00e0 l'\u00e9cole de la vie. Vous n'avez rien \u00e0 m'apprendre, vieillard.",
"deMale": "Ich habe von den h\u00e4rtesten Typen der Galaxis gelernt. Ihr habt nichts, was ich brauche, alter Mann.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe von den h\u00e4rtesten Typen der Galaxis gelernt. Ihr habt nichts, was ich brauche, alter Mann."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "I already know all I need.",
"frMale": "Je sais tout ce qu'il y a \u00e0 savoir.",
"frFemale": "Je sais tout ce qu'il y a \u00e0 savoir.",
"deMale": "Ich wei\u00df bereits alles, was ich wissen muss.",
"deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df bereits alles, was ich wissen muss."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
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"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "I graduated from the Academy with top honors--and they don't hand out ranks like mine to just anyone.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I graduated from the Academy with top honors--and they don't hand out ranks like mine to just anyone.",
"frMale": "J'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 dipl\u00f4m\u00e9 de l'Acad\u00e9mie avec mention. Les galons ne s'obtiennent pas au hasard.",
"frFemale": "J'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 dipl\u00f4m\u00e9e de l'Acad\u00e9mie avec mention. Les galons ne s'obtiennent pas au hasard.",
"deMale": "Ich habe die Akademie mit den h\u00f6chsten Auszeichnungen abgeschlossen - und R\u00e4nge wie meinen h\u00e4ndigen sie nicht jedem aus.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe die Akademie mit den h\u00f6chsten Auszeichnungen abgeschlossen - und R\u00e4nge wie meinen h\u00e4ndigen sie nicht jedem aus."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "I passed basic training.",
"frMale": "J'ai fait mes classes.",
"frFemale": "J'ai fait mes classes.",
"deMale": "Ich brauche keine Grundausbildung.",
"deFemale": "Ich brauche keine Grundausbildung."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"69": {
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "You act like I didn't leave Tython as a fully-trained Jedi.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You act like I didn't leave Tython as a fully-trained Jedi.",
"frMale": "\u00c0 vous entendre, j'ai quitt\u00e9 Tython avant d'avoir achev\u00e9 ma formation de Jedi.",
"frFemale": "\u00c0 vous entendre, j'ai quitt\u00e9 Tython avant d'avoir achev\u00e9 ma formation de Jedi.",
"deMale": "Ihr tut so, als h\u00e4tte ich Tython nicht als vollwertiger Jedi verlassen.",
"deFemale": "Ihr tut so, als h\u00e4tte ich Tython nicht als vollwertiger Jedi verlassen."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "The Jedi Order prepared me.",
"frMale": "L'Ordre Jedi m'a form\u00e9.",
"frFemale": "L'Ordre Jedi m'a form\u00e9e.",
"deMale": "Der Jedi-Orden hat mich vorbereitet.",
"deFemale": "Der Jedi-Orden hat mich vorbereitet."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "I've taken down common thugs, giant monsters, and everything in-between. I'd say I'm done training.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I've taken down common thugs, giant monsters, and everything in-between. I'd say I'm done training.",
"frMale": "J'ai tout combattu, du voyou de bas \u00e9tage au monstre g\u00e9ant. Je ne connais pas plus formateur que \u00e7a.",
"frFemale": "J'ai tout combattu, du voyou de bas \u00e9tage au monstre g\u00e9ant. Je ne connais pas plus formateur que \u00e7a.",
"deMale": "Von einfachen Schl\u00e4gern bis zu gigantischen Monstern habe ich alles besiegt. Ich glaube, das Training habe ich hinter mir.",
"deFemale": "Von einfachen Schl\u00e4gern bis zu gigantischen Monstern habe ich alles besiegt. Ich glaube, das Training habe ich hinter mir."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Training? You're funny.",
"frMale": "Une formation\u00a0? Ne me faites pas rire.",
"frFemale": "Une formation\u00a0? Ne me faites pas rire.",
"deMale": "Training? Ihr seid lustig.",
"deFemale": "Training? Ihr seid lustig."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"IsEmpty": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "I bent my knee to you. I gave you my loyalty in exchange for your power.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I bent my knee to you. I gave you my loyalty in exchange for your power.",
"frMale": "Je me suis agenouill\u00e9 devant vous. Je vous ai pr\u00eat\u00e9 all\u00e9geance en \u00e9change de votre pouvoir.",
"frFemale": "Je me suis agenouill\u00e9e devant vous. Je vous ai pr\u00eat\u00e9 all\u00e9geance en \u00e9change de votre pouvoir.",
"deMale": "Ich bin vor Euch niedergekniet. Ich habe Euch meine Loyalit\u00e4t im Austausch f\u00fcr Eure Macht zugesagt.",
"deFemale": "Ich bin vor Euch niedergekniet. Ich habe Euch meine Loyalit\u00e4t im Austausch f\u00fcr Eure Macht zugesagt."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "You promised we'd be allies.",
"frMale": "Vous avez promis de m'aider.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez promis de m'aider.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt mir versprochen, dass wir Verb\u00fcndete sein w\u00fcrden.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt mir versprochen, dass wir Verb\u00fcndete sein w\u00fcrden."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"77": {
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "You have received all that I can give--for now. One day, there may be more. Until then....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You have received all that I can give--for now. One day, there may be more. Until then....",
"frMale": "Vous avez re\u00e7u tout ce que je pouvais vous donner. Pour l'instant. Vous recevrez peut-\u00eatre davantage... un jour. En attendant...",
"frFemale": "Vous avez re\u00e7u tout ce que je pouvais vous donner. Pour l'instant. Vous recevrez peut-\u00eatre davantage... un jour. En attendant...",
"deMale": "Ihr habt alles bekommen, was ich Euch im Moment geben kann. Eines Tages wird es vielleicht mehr geben. Bis dahin ...",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt alles bekommen, was ich Euch im Moment geben kann. Eines Tages wird es vielleicht mehr geben. Bis dahin ..."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
"ChildIds": [
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "Your goal is not to survive. It is to rule. There is nothing else.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Your goal is not to survive. It is to rule. There is nothing else.",
"frMale": "Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre mais de r\u00e9gner. C'est tout ce qui compte.",
"frFemale": "Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre mais de r\u00e9gner. C'est tout ce qui compte.",
"deMale": "Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu \u00fcberleben. Euer Ziel ist die Herrschaft. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht.",
"deFemale": "Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu \u00fcberleben. Euer Ziel ist die Herrschaft. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training--become something greater--you will feel the full weight of their rage.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training--become something greater--you will feel the full weight of their rage.",
"frMale": "C'\u00e9tait une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous n\u00e9gligez de finir votre formation, si vous refusez de vous \u00e9lever, vous conna\u00eetrez toute la puissance de leur rage.",
"frFemale": "C'\u00e9tait une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous n\u00e9gligez de finir votre formation, si vous refusez de vous \u00e9lever, vous conna\u00eetrez toute la puissance de leur rage.",
"deMale": "Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zuf\u00fcgen k\u00f6nnen. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet und zu etwas Gr\u00f6\u00dferem werdet, werdet Ihr die ganze H\u00e4rte ihrer Wut sp\u00fcren.",
"deFemale": "Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zuf\u00fcgen k\u00f6nnen. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet und zu etwas Gr\u00f6\u00dferem werdet, werdet Ihr die ganze H\u00e4rte ihrer Wut sp\u00fcren."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
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"90": {
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
"ChoiceDisabledForHolocom": false,
"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "You keep saying I have to become more than I am, but you never explain what that means.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You keep saying I have to become more than I am, but you never explain what that means.",
"frMale": "Vous n'arr\u00eatez pas de dire que je dois me sublimer sans jamais expliquer ce que \u00e7a signifie.",
"frFemale": "Vous n'arr\u00eatez pas de dire que je dois me sublimer sans jamais expliquer ce que \u00e7a signifie.",
"deMale": "Ihr sagt andauernd, dass ich zu etwas Gr\u00f6\u00dferem werden muss, aber Ihr verratet mir nicht, was das bedeutet.",
"deFemale": "Ihr sagt andauernd, dass ich zu etwas Gr\u00f6\u00dferem werden muss, aber Ihr verratet mir nicht, was das bedeutet."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Something greater?",
"frMale": "M'\u00e9lever\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "M'\u00e9lever\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Etwas Gr\u00f6\u00dferem?",
"deFemale": "Etwas Gr\u00f6\u00dferem?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
"ChildIds": [
"Stb": "str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin",
"GenericNodeNumber": 0
"91": {
"NodeId": 91,
"QuestRewardB62": "0000000",
"ActionQuest": 0,
"MinLevel": -1,
"MaxLevel": -1,
"AlignmentGain": "None",
"CreditsGained": 0,
"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
"ChoiceDisabledForHolocom": false,
"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "jYPSWM7",
"Text": "You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure.",
"frMale": "Vous exigez une r\u00e9ponse simple mais refusez de la chercher en vous-m\u00eame. Voil\u00e0 pourquoi vous \u00e9chouez.",
"frFemale": "Vous exigez une r\u00e9ponse simple mais refusez de la chercher en vous-m\u00eame. Voil\u00e0 pourquoi vous \u00e9chouez.",
"deMale": "Ihr verlangt eine einfache Antwort, ohne sie in Euch selbst zu suchen. Das ist die Essenz Eures Scheiterns.",
"deFemale": "Ihr verlangt eine einfache Antwort, ohne sie in Euch selbst zu suchen. Das ist die Essenz Eures Scheiterns."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
"ChildIds": [
"Stb": "str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin",
"GenericNodeNumber": 0
"92": {
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"ActionQuest": 0,
"MinLevel": -1,
"MaxLevel": -1,
"AlignmentGain": "None",
"CreditsGained": 0,
"IsEmpty": true,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
"ChoiceDisabledForHolocom": false,
"AbortsConversation": false,
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"DefaultSpeakerId": 0,
"Stb": "str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin",
"IsKOTORStyle": false,
"AffectionNpcB62": [],
"AffectionNcoB62": [],
"LocalizedName": {
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"frMale": "cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin",
"deMale": "cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin"
"Id": "16140933612072150349",
"Base62Id": "JIMv4fA",
"Fqn": "cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin",
"first_seen": "4.0.0",
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"QuestB62Progressed": [
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[qmoezGL] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.story.vaylin
[EVswf59] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.story.arcann
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[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => Pitiful. Why did I ever believe you could change anything?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Pitiful. Why did I ever believe you could change anything?
[frMale] => C'est pitoyable. Comment ai-je pu croire que vous parviendriez à changer la donne ?
[frFemale] => C'est pitoyable. Comment ai-je pu croire que vous parviendriez à changer la donne ?
[deMale] => Jämmerlich. Wie konnte ich nur glauben, dass Ihr etwas ändern könntet?
[deFemale] => Jämmerlich. Wie konnte ich nur glauben, dass Ihr etwas ändern könntet?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 45
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[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You want me dead? If that's what it takes to get rid of you... do it!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You want me dead? If that's what it takes to get rid of you... do it!
[frMale] => Vous voulez ma mort ? Si je dois en passer par là pour me débarrasser de vous... Faites-le !
[frFemale] => Vous voulez ma mort ? Si je dois en passer par là pour me débarrasser de vous... Faites-le !
[deMale] => Ihr wollt mich töten? Wenn das der einzige Weg ist, Euch loszuwerden, dann tut es!
[deFemale] => Ihr wollt mich töten? Wenn das der einzige Weg ist, Euch loszuwerden, dann tut es!
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Shut up, or finish the job!
[frMale] => Taisez-vous ou finissez le travail !
[frFemale] => Taisez-vous ou finissez le travail !
[deMale] => Haltet den Mund oder bringt es zu Ende.
[deFemale] => Haltet den Mund oder bringt es zu Ende.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 5
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
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[NodeId] => 5
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => I will not gift you that release. Not yet.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I will not gift you that release. Not yet.
[frMale] => Je ne vous ferai pas ce plaisir. Pas encore.
[frFemale] => Je ne vous ferai pas ce plaisir. Pas encore.
[deMale] => Ich werde Euch diesen Wunsch nicht erfüllen. Noch nicht.
[deFemale] => Ich werde Euch diesen Wunsch nicht erfüllen. Noch nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 6
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[NodeId] => 6
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 89
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[7] => Array
[NodeId] => 7
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[MaxLevel] => -1
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training, you will feel the full weight of their rage.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training, you will feel the full weight of their rage.
[frMale] => C'était une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous négligez de finir votre formation, vous connaîtrez toute la puissance de leur rage.
[frFemale] => C'était une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous négligez de finir votre formation, vous connaîtrez toute la puissance de leur rage.
[deMale] => Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zufügen können. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet, werdet Ihr die ganze Härte ihrer Wut spüren.
[deFemale] => Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zufügen können. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet, werdet Ihr die ganze Härte ihrer Wut spüren.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 8
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[8] => Array
[NodeId] => 8
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => This is your idea of training? Thrash me half to death until I learn my lesson?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => This is your idea of training? Thrash me half to death until I learn my lesson?
[frMale] => C'est ça votre formation ? Vous me battez à mort jusqu'à ce que je comprenne la leçon ?
[frFemale] => C'est ça votre formation ? Vous me battez à mort jusqu'à ce que je comprenne la leçon ?
[deMale] => Ist das Eure Vorstellung von Training? Mich halbtot zu prügeln, bis ich meine Lektion gelernt habe?
[deFemale] => Ist das Eure Vorstellung von Training? Mich halbtot zu prügeln, bis ich meine Lektion gelernt habe?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => You're a terrible teacher.
[frMale] => Vous êtes un mauvais professeur.
[frFemale] => Vous êtes un mauvais professeur.
[deMale] => Ihr seid ein schrecklicher Lehrer.
[deFemale] => Ihr seid ein schrecklicher Lehrer.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 9
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[9] => Array
[NodeId] => 9
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => I honored my obligation, prepared you for what will come.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I honored my obligation, prepared you for what will come.
[frMale] => J'ai respecté mes engagements en vous préparant à ce qui vous attend.
[frFemale] => J'ai respecté mes engagements en vous préparant à ce qui vous attend.
[deMale] => Ich habe meine Pflicht erfüllt und Euch auf das Kommende vorbereitet.
[deFemale] => Ich habe meine Pflicht erfüllt und Euch auf das Kommende vorbereitet.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 10
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[10] => Array
[NodeId] => 10
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 63
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[11] => Array
[NodeId] => 11
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => I cannot stay to protect you any longer. There are matters to which I must attend... but I will leave you with a final token of my favor.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I cannot stay to protect you any longer. There are matters to which I must attend... but I will leave you with a final token of my favor.
[frMale] => Je ne puis rester vous protéger plus longtemps. D'autres affaires requièrent mon attention... mais je vous laisse un dernier gage de mon soutien.
[frFemale] => Je ne puis rester vous protéger plus longtemps. D'autres affaires requièrent mon attention... mais je vous laisse un dernier gage de mon soutien.
[deMale] => Ich kann nicht bleiben, um Euch länger zu beschützen. Es gibt Dinge, um die ich mich kümmern muss ... aber ich gewähre Euch ein letztes Zeichen meiner Gunst.
[deFemale] => Ich kann nicht bleiben, um Euch länger zu beschützen. Es gibt Dinge, um die ich mich kümmern muss ... aber ich gewähre Euch ein letztes Zeichen meiner Gunst.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 12
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[12] => Array
[NodeId] => 12
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 13
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[13] => Array
[NodeId] => 13
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => Fulfill your destiny, and I promise to return.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Fulfill your destiny, and I promise to return.
[frMale] => Accomplissez votre destin, et je promets de revenir.
[frFemale] => Accomplissez votre destin, et je promets de revenir.
[deMale] => Erfüllt Euer Schicksal und ich verspreche, dass ich zurückkehren werde.
[deFemale] => Erfüllt Euer Schicksal und ich verspreche, dass ich zurückkehren werde.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 51
[1] => 14
[2] => 76
[3] => 52
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[14] => Array
[NodeId] => 14
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I've had enough of your threats. I never wanted this in the first place. You can stay gone.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I've had enough of your threats. I never wanted this in the first place. You can stay gone.
[frMale] => J'en ai assez de vos menaces. Je n'ai rien voulu de tout ça. Fichez-moi la paix.
[frFemale] => J'en ai assez de vos menaces. Je n'ai rien voulu de tout ça. Fichez-moi la paix.
[deMale] => Ich habe genug von Euren Drohungen. Das hier habe ich von Anfang an nicht gewollt. Von mir aus müsst Ihr nicht wiederkommen.
[deFemale] => Ich habe genug von Euren Drohungen. Das hier habe ich von Anfang an nicht gewollt. Von mir aus müsst Ihr nicht wiederkommen.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Stop trying to scare me.
[frMale] => Arrêtez d'essayer de m'effrayer.
[frFemale] => Arrêtez d'essayer de m'effrayer.
[deMale] => Hört auf, mir Angst machen zu wollen.
[deFemale] => Hört auf, mir Angst machen zu wollen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 15
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[15] => Array
[NodeId] => 15
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => I hope this is not the end of our journey--and one day, so will you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I hope this is not the end of our journey--and one day, so will you.
[frMale] => J'espère que ce n'est pas là la fin de notre voyage... Un jour, vous vous rangerez à mon avis.
[frFemale] => J'espère que ce n'est pas là la fin de notre voyage... Un jour, vous vous rangerez à mon avis.
[deMale] => Ich hoffe, dass das nicht das Ende unserer Reise ist - und dass Ihr das eines Tages genauso sehen werdet.
[deFemale] => Ich hoffe, dass das nicht das Ende unserer Reise ist - und dass Ihr das eines Tages genauso sehen werdet.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 56
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[16] => Array
[NodeId] => 16
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 17
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[17] => Array
[NodeId] => 17
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 18
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[18] => Array
[NodeId] => 18
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 19
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[19] => Array
[NodeId] => 19
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 20
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[20] => Array
[NodeId] => 20
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 21
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[21] => Array
[NodeId] => 21
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => qmoezGL
[Text] => Cheer up, big brother. You're making me sad.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Cheer up, big brother. You're making me sad.
[frMale] => Haut les cœurs, grand frère. Tu me déprimes.
[frFemale] => Haut les cœurs, grand frère. Tu me déprimes.
[deMale] => Kopf hoch, großer Bruder. Du machst mich traurig.
[deFemale] => Kopf hoch, großer Bruder. Du machst mich traurig.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 22
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[22] => Array
[NodeId] => 22
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 25
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[25] => Array
[NodeId] => 25
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => EVswf59
[Text] => Father won't face me himself.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Father won't face me himself.
[frMale] => Père refuse de m'affronter en personne.
[frFemale] => Père refuse de m'affronter en personne.
[deMale] => Vater wird sich mir nicht selbst stellen.
[deFemale] => Vater wird sich mir nicht selbst stellen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 26
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[26] => Array
[NodeId] => 26
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 27
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[27] => Array
[NodeId] => 27
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => qmoezGL
[Text] => He's punishing you for stealing his chair.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He's punishing you for stealing his chair.
[frMale] => Il te punit pour lui avoir volé son trône.
[frFemale] => Il te punit pour lui avoir volé son trône.
[deMale] => Er bestraft dich, weil du seinen Sessel gestohlen hast.
[deFemale] => Er bestraft dich, weil du seinen Sessel gestohlen hast.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 28
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[28] => Array
[NodeId] => 28
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 29
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[29] => Array
[NodeId] => 29
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => EVswf59
[Text] => He isn't angry. Father never feels anything. Not even when I... when Thexan died.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He isn't angry. Father never feels anything. Not even when I... when Thexan died.
[frMale] => Il n'est pas en colère. Il n'a jamais rien ressenti. Pas même quand j'ai... quand Thexan est mort.
[frFemale] => Il n'est pas en colère. Il n'a jamais rien ressenti. Pas même quand j'ai... quand Thexan est mort.
[deMale] => Er ist nicht wütend. Vater fühlt nie irgendwas. Nicht mal als ich ... als Thexan gestorben ist.
[deFemale] => Er ist nicht wütend. Vater fühlt nie irgendwas. Nicht mal als ich ... als Thexan gestorben ist.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 30
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[30] => Array
[NodeId] => 30
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 35
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[35] => Array
[NodeId] => 35
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => qmoezGL
[Text] => He was a good brother. Brought me gifts from all the worlds he conquered.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He was a good brother. Brought me gifts from all the worlds he conquered.
[frMale] => C'était un bon frère. Il me rapportait des cadeaux des mondes qu'il conquérait.
[frFemale] => C'était un bon frère. Il me rapportait des cadeaux des mondes qu'il conquérait.
[deMale] => Er war ein guter Bruder. Er hat mir von allen Welten, die er erobert hat, Geschenke mitgebracht.
[deFemale] => Er war ein guter Bruder. Er hat mir von allen Welten, die er erobert hat, Geschenke mitgebracht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 36
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[36] => Array
[NodeId] => 36
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 37
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[37] => Array
[NodeId] => 37
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => EVswf59
[Text] => I freed you from Father's control. I hope that earned your... support.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I freed you from Father's control. I hope that earned your... support.
[frMale] => Je t'ai libérée de l'emprise de Père. J'espère que ça me vaut ton... soutien.
[frFemale] => Je t'ai libérée de l'emprise de Père. J'espère que ça me vaut ton... soutien.
[deMale] => Ich habe dich von Vaters Kontrolle befreit. Ich hoffe, damit habe ich deine ... Unterstützung verdient.
[deFemale] => Ich habe dich von Vaters Kontrolle befreit. Ich hoffe, damit habe ich deine ... Unterstützung verdient.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 38
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[38] => Array
[NodeId] => 38
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 39
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[39] => Array
[NodeId] => 39
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => qmoezGL
[Text] => My loyalties lie here, Arcann. Always.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => My loyalties lie here, Arcann. Always.
[frMale] => Ma loyauté t'est acquise, Arcann. Pour toujours.
[frFemale] => Ma loyauté t'est acquise, Arcann. Pour toujours.
[deMale] => Meine Loyalität gehört dir, Arcann. Für immer.
[deFemale] => Meine Loyalität gehört dir, Arcann. Für immer.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 40
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[40] => Array
[NodeId] => 40
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 41
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[41] => Array
[NodeId] => 41
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 42
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[42] => Array
[NodeId] => 42
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Now what?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Now what?
[frMale] => Et maintenant ?
[frFemale] => Et maintenant ?
[deMale] => Und jetzt?
[deFemale] => Und jetzt?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 43
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[43] => Array
[NodeId] => 43
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 44
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[44] => Array
[NodeId] => 44
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 1.6141032897628E+19
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[45] => Array
[NodeId] => 45
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You have no idea what I'm capable of.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You have no idea what I'm capable of.
[frMale] => Vous ignorez totalement de quoi je suis capable.
[frFemale] => Vous ignorez totalement de quoi je suis capable.
[deMale] => Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was ich fähig bin.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was ich fähig bin.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => You don't know me at all.
[frMale] => Vous ne me connaissez pas.
[frFemale] => Vous ne me connaissez pas.
[deMale] => Ihr kennt mich überhaupt nicht.
[deFemale] => Ihr kennt mich überhaupt nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 49
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[46] => Array
[NodeId] => 46
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Give me some credit. It's not easy to kill a man who's already dead.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Give me some credit. It's not easy to kill a man who's already dead.
[frMale] => Un peu d'indulgence... Difficile de tuer quelqu'un qui est déjà mort.
[frFemale] => Un peu d'indulgence... Difficile de tuer quelqu'un qui est déjà mort.
[deMale] => Ihr müsst schon zugeben, es ist nicht einfach, einen Mann zu töten, der bereits tot ist.
[deFemale] => Ihr müsst schon zugeben, es ist nicht einfach, einen Mann zu töten, der bereits tot ist.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => This wasn't a fair fight.
[frMale] => Ce n'était pas un combat équitable.
[frFemale] => Ce n'était pas un combat équitable.
[deMale] => Das war kein fairer Kampf.
[deFemale] => Das war kein fairer Kampf.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 47
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[47] => Array
[NodeId] => 47
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => Do not mistake your defiance for courage. I do not.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Do not mistake your defiance for courage. I do not.
[frMale] => Ne confondez pas défiance et courage. Je ne le fais pas.
[frFemale] => Ne confondez pas défiance et courage. Je ne le fais pas.
[deMale] => Verwechselt Euren Trotz nicht mit Mut. Ich tue das nicht.
[deFemale] => Verwechselt Euren Trotz nicht mit Mut. Ich tue das nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 48
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[49] => Array
[NodeId] => 49
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => And neither do you. Therein lies the problem.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => And neither do you. Therein lies the problem.
[frMale] => Tout comme vous. Voilà le problème.
[frFemale] => Tout comme vous. Voilà le problème.
[deMale] => Ihr auch nicht. Und darin liegt das Problem.
[deFemale] => Ihr auch nicht. Und darin liegt das Problem.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 50
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[51] => Array
[NodeId] => 51
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You can exist outside my head? Where are you going--and why?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You can exist outside my head? Where are you going--and why?
[frMale] => Vous pouvez exister hors de mon esprit ? Où allez-vous ? Et pour faire quoi ?
[frFemale] => Vous pouvez exister hors de mon esprit ? Où allez-vous ? Et pour faire quoi ?
[deMale] => Ihr könnt außerhalb meines Kopfes existieren? Wohin wollt Ihr gehen? Und warum?
[deFemale] => Ihr könnt außerhalb meines Kopfes existieren? Wohin wollt Ihr gehen? Und warum?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => How are you able to leave?
[frMale] => Comment faites-vous pour partir ?
[frFemale] => Comment faites-vous pour partir ?
[deMale] => Wie wollt Ihr das tun?
[deFemale] => Wie wollt Ihr das tun?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 54
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[52] => Array
[NodeId] => 52
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => When you come back, I'll be ready to finish this fight. You won't survive.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => When you come back, I'll be ready to finish this fight. You won't survive.
[frMale] => Quand vous reviendrez, je mettrai un point final à ce combat. Vous n'en réchapperez pas.
[frFemale] => Quand vous reviendrez, je mettrai un point final à ce combat. Vous n'en réchapperez pas.
[deMale] => Wenn Ihr zurückkommt, bin ich bereit, um diesen Kampf zu beenden. Das werdet Ihr nicht überleben.
[deFemale] => Wenn Ihr zurückkommt, bin ich bereit, um diesen Kampf zu beenden. Das werdet Ihr nicht überleben.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Return, and I'll destroy you.
[frMale] => Si vous revenez, je vous détruis.
[frFemale] => Si vous revenez, je vous détruis.
[deMale] => Wenn Ihr zurückkehrt, vernichte ich Euch.
[deFemale] => Wenn Ihr zurückkehrt, vernichte ich Euch.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 53
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[53] => Array
[NodeId] => 53
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => I have never been your enemy. Remember that, and be victorious.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I have never been your enemy. Remember that, and be victorious.
[frMale] => Je n'ai jamais été votre ennemi. Ne l'oubliez pas. Et triomphez.
[frFemale] => Je n'ai jamais été votre ennemi. Ne l'oubliez pas. Et triomphez.
[deMale] => Ich war nie Euer Feind. Erinnert Euch daran und seid siegreich.
[deFemale] => Ich war nie Euer Feind. Erinnert Euch daran und seid siegreich.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 16
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[54] => Array
[NodeId] => 54
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => It is pointless to explain. You will understand, when the time comes.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => It is pointless to explain. You will understand, when the time comes.
[frMale] => Je n'ai pas à m'expliquer. Le moment venu, vous comprendrez.
[frFemale] => Je n'ai pas à m'expliquer. Le moment venu, vous comprendrez.
[deMale] => Es macht keinen Sinn, es zu erklären. Ihr werdet es verstehen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist.
[deFemale] => Es macht keinen Sinn, es zu erklären. Ihr werdet es verstehen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 55
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[57] => Array
[NodeId] => 57
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Imperial Intelligence prepared me for anything, and I haven't lost my edge.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Imperial Intelligence prepared me for anything, and I haven't lost my edge.
[frMale] => Les Services Secrets de l'Empire m'ont paré à toute éventualité.
[frFemale] => Les Services Secrets de l'Empire m'ont parée à toute éventualité.
[deMale] => Der Imperiale Geheimdienst hat mich auf alles vorbereitet - und ich bin immer noch in Topform.
[deFemale] => Der Imperiale Geheimdienst hat mich auf alles vorbereitet - und ich bin immer noch in Topform.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => My skills are well-honed.
[frMale] => Je suis au sommet de mon art.
[frFemale] => Je suis au sommet de mon art.
[deMale] => Meine Fähigkeiten sind makellos.
[deFemale] => Meine Fähigkeiten sind makellos.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 59
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[58] => Array
[NodeId] => 58
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => There's nothing you or your children can do to me that I won't survive.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => There's nothing you or your children can do to me that I won't survive.
[frMale] => Rien de ce que vous ou vos enfants pourrez me faire ne pourra m'abattre.
[frFemale] => Rien de ce que vous ou vos enfants pourrez me faire ne pourra m'abattre.
[deMale] => Egal, was Ihr oder Eure Kinder mir antun werden, ich werde es überleben.
[deFemale] => Egal, was Ihr oder Eure Kinder mir antun werden, ich werde es überleben.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => I can endure anything.
[frMale] => Je suis prêt à tout.
[frFemale] => Je suis prête à tout.
[deMale] => Ich kann alles ertragen.
[deFemale] => Ich kann alles ertragen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 83
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[59] => Array
[NodeId] => 59
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => You do not perceive the path ahead, even when it is obvious. Let that be your first lesson.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You do not perceive the path ahead, even when it is obvious. Let that be your first lesson.
[frMale] => Vous ne voyez pas le chemin qui vous attend. Que cela vous serve de leçon.
[frFemale] => Vous ne voyez pas le chemin qui vous attend. Que cela vous serve de leçon.
[deMale] => Ihr seht den Weg nicht, den Ihr gehen müsst - selbst dann nicht, wenn er genau vor Euch liegt. Lasst das Eure erste Lektion sein.
[deFemale] => Ihr seht den Weg nicht, den Ihr gehen müsst - selbst dann nicht, wenn er genau vor Euch liegt. Lasst das Eure erste Lektion sein.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 62
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[60] => Array
[NodeId] => 60
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => Your goal is not to survive. It is to win. There is nothing else.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Your goal is not to survive. It is to win. There is nothing else.
[frMale] => Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre. Mais de gagner. C'est tout ce qui compte.
[frFemale] => Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre. Mais de gagner. C'est tout ce qui compte.
[deMale] => Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu überleben. Euer Ziel ist der Sieg. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht.
[deFemale] => Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu überleben. Euer Ziel ist der Sieg. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[61] => Array
[NodeId] => 61
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 11
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[62] => Array
[NodeId] => 62
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 64
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[66] => Array
[NodeId] => 66
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Training? I know every secret of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and all the other worlds that dared challenge me.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Training? I know every secret of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and all the other worlds that dared challenge me.
[frMale] => Une formation ? J'ai découvert tous les secrets de Korriban, Dromund Kaas et de tous les autres mondes qui se sont présentés devant moi.
[frFemale] => Une formation ? J'ai découvert tous les secrets de Korriban, Dromund Kaas et de tous les autres mondes qui se sont présentés devant moi.
[deMale] => Training? Ich kenne jedes Geheimnis von Korriban, Dromund Kaas und all den anderen Welten, die es gewagt haben, mich herauszufordern.
[deFemale] => Training? Ich kenne jedes Geheimnis von Korriban, Dromund Kaas und all den anderen Welten, die es gewagt haben, mich herauszufordern.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => I have mastered the dark side.
[frMale] => Je maîtrise le côté obscur.
[frFemale] => Je maîtrise le côté obscur.
[deMale] => Ich habe die dunkle Seite gemeistert.
[deFemale] => Ich habe die dunkle Seite gemeistert.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 72
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[67] => Array
[NodeId] => 67
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I've been to every school of hard knocks in the galaxy. You've got nothing I need, old man.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I've been to every school of hard knocks in the galaxy. You've got nothing I need, old man.
[frMale] => J'ai été élevé à l'école de la vie. Vous n'avez rien à m'apprendre, vieillard.
[frFemale] => J'ai été élevée à l'école de la vie. Vous n'avez rien à m'apprendre, vieillard.
[deMale] => Ich habe von den härtesten Typen der Galaxis gelernt. Ihr habt nichts, was ich brauche, alter Mann.
[deFemale] => Ich habe von den härtesten Typen der Galaxis gelernt. Ihr habt nichts, was ich brauche, alter Mann.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => I already know all I need.
[frMale] => Je sais tout ce qu'il y a à savoir.
[frFemale] => Je sais tout ce qu'il y a à savoir.
[deMale] => Ich weiß bereits alles, was ich wissen muss.
[deFemale] => Ich weiß bereits alles, was ich wissen muss.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 73
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[68] => Array
[NodeId] => 68
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I graduated from the Academy with top honors--and they don't hand out ranks like mine to just anyone.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I graduated from the Academy with top honors--and they don't hand out ranks like mine to just anyone.
[frMale] => J'ai été diplômé de l'Académie avec mention. Les galons ne s'obtiennent pas au hasard.
[frFemale] => J'ai été diplômée de l'Académie avec mention. Les galons ne s'obtiennent pas au hasard.
[deMale] => Ich habe die Akademie mit den höchsten Auszeichnungen abgeschlossen - und Ränge wie meinen händigen sie nicht jedem aus.
[deFemale] => Ich habe die Akademie mit den höchsten Auszeichnungen abgeschlossen - und Ränge wie meinen händigen sie nicht jedem aus.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => I passed basic training.
[frMale] => J'ai fait mes classes.
[frFemale] => J'ai fait mes classes.
[deMale] => Ich brauche keine Grundausbildung.
[deFemale] => Ich brauche keine Grundausbildung.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 74
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[69] => Array
[NodeId] => 69
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You act like I didn't leave Tython as a fully-trained Jedi.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You act like I didn't leave Tython as a fully-trained Jedi.
[frMale] => À vous entendre, j'ai quitté Tython avant d'avoir achevé ma formation de Jedi.
[frFemale] => À vous entendre, j'ai quitté Tython avant d'avoir achevé ma formation de Jedi.
[deMale] => Ihr tut so, als hätte ich Tython nicht als vollwertiger Jedi verlassen.
[deFemale] => Ihr tut so, als hätte ich Tython nicht als vollwertiger Jedi verlassen.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => The Jedi Order prepared me.
[frMale] => L'Ordre Jedi m'a formé.
[frFemale] => L'Ordre Jedi m'a formée.
[deMale] => Der Jedi-Orden hat mich vorbereitet.
[deFemale] => Der Jedi-Orden hat mich vorbereitet.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 75
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[70] => Array
[NodeId] => 70
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I've taken down common thugs, giant monsters, and everything in-between. I'd say I'm done training.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I've taken down common thugs, giant monsters, and everything in-between. I'd say I'm done training.
[frMale] => J'ai tout combattu, du voyou de bas étage au monstre géant. Je ne connais pas plus formateur que ça.
[frFemale] => J'ai tout combattu, du voyou de bas étage au monstre géant. Je ne connais pas plus formateur que ça.
[deMale] => Von einfachen Schlägern bis zu gigantischen Monstern habe ich alles besiegt. Ich glaube, das Training habe ich hinter mir.
[deFemale] => Von einfachen Schlägern bis zu gigantischen Monstern habe ich alles besiegt. Ich glaube, das Training habe ich hinter mir.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Training? You're funny.
[frMale] => Une formation ? Ne me faites pas rire.
[frFemale] => Une formation ? Ne me faites pas rire.
[deMale] => Training? Ihr seid lustig.
[deFemale] => Training? Ihr seid lustig.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 71
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[76] => Array
[NodeId] => 76
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I bent my knee to you. I gave you my loyalty in exchange for your power.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I bent my knee to you. I gave you my loyalty in exchange for your power.
[frMale] => Je me suis agenouillé devant vous. Je vous ai prêté allégeance en échange de votre pouvoir.
[frFemale] => Je me suis agenouillée devant vous. Je vous ai prêté allégeance en échange de votre pouvoir.
[deMale] => Ich bin vor Euch niedergekniet. Ich habe Euch meine Loyalität im Austausch für Eure Macht zugesagt.
[deFemale] => Ich bin vor Euch niedergekniet. Ich habe Euch meine Loyalität im Austausch für Eure Macht zugesagt.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => You promised we'd be allies.
[frMale] => Vous avez promis de m'aider.
[frFemale] => Vous avez promis de m'aider.
[deMale] => Ihr habt mir versprochen, dass wir Verbündete sein würden.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt mir versprochen, dass wir Verbündete sein würden.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 77
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[77] => Array
[NodeId] => 77
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => You have received all that I can give--for now. One day, there may be more. Until then....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You have received all that I can give--for now. One day, there may be more. Until then....
[frMale] => Vous avez reçu tout ce que je pouvais vous donner. Pour l'instant. Vous recevrez peut-être davantage... un jour. En attendant...
[frFemale] => Vous avez reçu tout ce que je pouvais vous donner. Pour l'instant. Vous recevrez peut-être davantage... un jour. En attendant...
[deMale] => Ihr habt alles bekommen, was ich Euch im Moment geben kann. Eines Tages wird es vielleicht mehr geben. Bis dahin ...
[deFemale] => Ihr habt alles bekommen, was ich Euch im Moment geben kann. Eines Tages wird es vielleicht mehr geben. Bis dahin ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 78
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[79] => Array
[NodeId] => 79
[QuestsProgressedB62] => Array
[0] => Y5G4oz6
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 88
[1] => 82
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[82] => Array
[NodeId] => 82
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 60
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[83] => Array
[NodeId] => 83
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => Your goal is not to survive. It is to rule. There is nothing else.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Your goal is not to survive. It is to rule. There is nothing else.
[frMale] => Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre mais de régner. C'est tout ce qui compte.
[frFemale] => Votre objectif n'est pas de survivre mais de régner. C'est tout ce qui compte.
[deMale] => Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu überleben. Euer Ziel ist die Herrschaft. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht.
[deFemale] => Euer Ziel ist es nicht, zu überleben. Euer Ziel ist die Herrschaft. Etwas anderes gibt es nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 61
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[88] => Array
[NodeId] => 88
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 7
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[89] => Array
[NodeId] => 89
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training--become something greater--you will feel the full weight of their rage.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training--become something greater--you will feel the full weight of their rage.
[frMale] => C'était une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous négligez de finir votre formation, si vous refusez de vous élever, vous connaîtrez toute la puissance de leur rage.
[frFemale] => C'était une fraction de la douleur que mes enfants peuvent infliger. Si vous négligez de finir votre formation, si vous refusez de vous élever, vous connaîtrez toute la puissance de leur rage.
[deMale] => Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zufügen können. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet und zu etwas Größerem werdet, werdet Ihr die ganze Härte ihrer Wut spüren.
[deFemale] => Das war nur ein Bruchteil der Schmerzen, die meine Kinder Euch zufügen können. Wenn Ihr Euer Training nicht beendet und zu etwas Größerem werdet, werdet Ihr die ganze Härte ihrer Wut spüren.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 69
[1] => 68
[2] => 67
[3] => 66
[4] => 70
[5] => 57
[6] => 90
[7] => 58
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[90] => Array
[NodeId] => 90
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You keep saying I have to become more than I am, but you never explain what that means.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You keep saying I have to become more than I am, but you never explain what that means.
[frMale] => Vous n'arrêtez pas de dire que je dois me sublimer sans jamais expliquer ce que ça signifie.
[frFemale] => Vous n'arrêtez pas de dire que je dois me sublimer sans jamais expliquer ce que ça signifie.
[deMale] => Ihr sagt andauernd, dass ich zu etwas Größerem werden muss, aber Ihr verratet mir nicht, was das bedeutet.
[deFemale] => Ihr sagt andauernd, dass ich zu etwas Größerem werden muss, aber Ihr verratet mir nicht, was das bedeutet.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Something greater?
[frMale] => M'élever ?
[frFemale] => M'élever ?
[deMale] => Etwas Größerem?
[deFemale] => Etwas Größerem?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 91
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[91] => Array
[NodeId] => 91
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => jYPSWM7
[Text] => You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You demand a simple answer, refusing to look for it within. That is the essence of your failure.
[frMale] => Vous exigez une réponse simple mais refusez de la chercher en vous-même. Voilà pourquoi vous échouez.
[frFemale] => Vous exigez une réponse simple mais refusez de la chercher en vous-même. Voilà pourquoi vous échouez.
[deMale] => Ihr verlangt eine einfache Antwort, ohne sie in Euch selbst zu suchen. Das ist die Essenz Eures Scheiterns.
[deFemale] => Ihr verlangt eine einfache Antwort, ohne sie in Euch selbst zu suchen. Das ist die Essenz Eures Scheiterns.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 92
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[92] => Array
[NodeId] => 92
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 93
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[NodeLinkList] => Array
[48] => 6
[50] => 6
[55] => 16
[56] => 16
[63] => 11
[64] => 11
[71] => 59
[72] => 59
[73] => 59
[74] => 59
[75] => 59
[78] => 16
[93] => 11
[DefaultSpeakerId] => 0
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[IsKOTORStyle] =>
[AffectionNpcB62] => Array
[AffectionNcoB62] => Array
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[frMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[deMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[Id] => 16140933612072150349
[Base62Id] => JIMv4fA
[Fqn] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_12.scene_04_valkorion_arcann_vaylin
[first_seen] => 4.0.0
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.0b
[hash] => 3655599576
[removed_in] =>
[B62References] => Array
[ProgressesQuest] => Array
[0] => Y5G4oz6
[npcStartsCnv] => Array
[0] => pQDyDTH
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => removed_in
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 4.0.0
[1] => 4.1.0
[2] => 4.2.0
[3] => 4.3.0
[4] => 4.7.0
[5] => 4.7.2
[6] => 6.0.0
[QuestB62Progressed] => Array
[0] => Y5G4oz6
[1] => Y5G4oz6