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"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Omnicannon's up. There's a capital ship near the center--",
"frMale": "L'omnicanon est pr\u00eat. Il y a un b\u00e2timent de ligne au centre...",
"frFemale": "L'omnicanon est pr\u00eat. Il y a un b\u00e2timent de ligne au centre...",
"deMale": "Die Omnikanone ist bereit. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein Gro\u00dfkampfschiff ...",
"deFemale": "Die Omnikanone ist bereit. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein Gro\u00dfkampfschiff ..."
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"frMale": "C'est ce que je vois.",
"frFemale": "C'est ce que je vois.",
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"frFemale": "Parfait. Tirez, maintenant\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Gut. Dann mal los!",
"deFemale": "Gut. Dann mal los!"
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"Text": "It's real. We could take the whole fleet.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "It's real. We could take the whole fleet.",
"frMale": "C'\u00e9tait donc vrai. On pourrait vaincre la flotte toute enti\u00e8re.",
"frFemale": "C'\u00e9tait donc vrai. On pourrait vaincre la flotte toute enti\u00e8re.",
"deMale": "Unglaublich. Wir k\u00f6nnten es mit der ganzen Flotte aufnehmen.",
"deFemale": "Unglaublich. Wir k\u00f6nnten es mit der ganzen Flotte aufnehmen."
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"frMale": "Affirmation\u00a0: l'hyperpropulseur r\u00e9pond d\u00e9sormais aux crit\u00e8res de fonctionnement minimum.",
"frFemale": "Affirmation\u00a0: l'hyperpropulseur r\u00e9pond d\u00e9sormais aux crit\u00e8res de fonctionnement minimum.",
"deMale": "Bemerkung: Der Hyperantrieb erf\u00fcllt jetzt die minimalen Funktionalit\u00e4tsvoraussetzungen.",
"deFemale": "Bemerkung: Der Hyperantrieb erf\u00fcllt jetzt die minimalen Funktionalit\u00e4tsvoraussetzungen."
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"Text": "Why didn't you say so? All right, let's get out of here.",
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"enMale": "Why didn't you say so? All right, let's get out of here.",
"frMale": "Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas dit plus t\u00f4t\u00a0? Allez, on met les voiles\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas dit plus t\u00f4t\u00a0? Allez, on met les voiles\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt? Also gut, verschwinden wir von hier.",
"deFemale": "Warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt? Also gut, verschwinden wir von hier."
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"Text": "So that's the Gravestone. It's as powerful as they say.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "So that's the Gravestone. It's as powerful as they say.",
"frMale": "C'est donc \u00e7a, le C\u00e9notaphe. Il est aussi puissant qu'on le raconte.",
"frFemale": "C'est donc \u00e7a, le C\u00e9notaphe. Il est aussi puissant qu'on le raconte.",
"deMale": "Das ist also die Gravestone. Sie ist wirklich so m\u00e4chtig, wie man sich erz\u00e4hlt.",
"deFemale": "Das ist also die Gravestone. Sie ist wirklich so m\u00e4chtig, wie man sich erz\u00e4hlt."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "xAFeP29",
"Text": "Everything stands at risk. Zakuul. The throne. My vision for the galaxy. All because we let the Outlander slip away!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Everything stands at risk. Zakuul. The throne. My vision for the galaxy. All because we let the Outlander slip away!",
"frMale": "Tout est menac\u00e9. Zakel. Le Tr\u00f4ne. Ma vision pour la galaxie. Tout cela parce que nous avons laiss\u00e9 l'\u00c9tranger s'\u00e9chapper\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Tout est menac\u00e9. Zakel. Le Tr\u00f4ne. Ma vision pour la galaxie. Tout cela parce que nous avons laiss\u00e9 l'\u00c9trang\u00e8re\u00a0s'\u00e9chapper\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Es steht alles auf dem Spiel. Zakuul. Der Thron. Meine Vision f\u00fcr die Galaxis. Und das nur, weil der Fremdling entkommen konnte!",
"deFemale": "Es steht alles auf dem Spiel. Zakuul. Der Thron. Meine Vision f\u00fcr die Galaxis. Und das nur, weil der Fremdling entkommen konnte!"
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"Text": "I'm not blaming you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I'm not blaming you.",
"frMale": "Je ne t'accuse pas.",
"frFemale": "Je ne t'accuse pas.",
"deMale": "Dir gebe ich nat\u00fcrlich keine Schuld daran.",
"deFemale": "Dir gebe ich nat\u00fcrlich keine Schuld daran."
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"Text": "I didn't think you were.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I didn't think you were.",
"frMale": "Je n'en doutais pas.",
"frFemale": "Je n'en doutais pas.",
"deMale": "Das hatte ich auch nicht angenommen.",
"deFemale": "Das hatte ich auch nicht angenommen."
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"Text": "Father held us all back--you more than any. Such raw power and yet you're still spreading your wings, finding your limits.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Father held us all back--you more than any. Such raw power and yet you're still spreading your wings, finding your limits.",
"frMale": "P\u00e8re nous a tous retenus, toi plus que quiconque. Une telle puissance brute, et pourtant tu continues \u00e0 d\u00e9ployer tes ailes, \u00e0 chercher tes limites.",
"frFemale": "P\u00e8re nous a tous retenus, toi plus que quiconque. Une telle puissance brute, et pourtant tu continues \u00e0 d\u00e9ployer tes ailes, \u00e0 chercher tes limites.",
"deMale": "Vater hat uns alle zur\u00fcckgehalten - dich mehr noch als uns. So viel pure Kraft - und doch bist du gerade erst dabei, deine Fl\u00fcgel auszubreiten und deine Grenzen zu finden.",
"deFemale": "Vater hat uns alle zur\u00fcckgehalten - dich mehr noch als uns. So viel pure Kraft - und doch bist du gerade erst dabei, deine Fl\u00fcgel auszubreiten und deine Grenzen zu finden."
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"Text": "Nice to be appreciated for a change. So what now?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Nice to be appreciated for a change. So what now?",
"frMale": "Enfin un peu de reconnaissance, \u00e7a fait toujours plaisir. Et maintenant\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Enfin un peu de reconnaissance, \u00e7a fait toujours plaisir. Et maintenant\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Es ist sch\u00f6n, zur Abwechslung mal gesch\u00e4tzt zu werden. Also, was jetzt?",
"deFemale": "Es ist sch\u00f6n, zur Abwechslung mal gesch\u00e4tzt zu werden. Also, was jetzt?"
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"Text": "Now I act.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Now I act.",
"frMale": "Maintenant, j'agis.",
"frFemale": "Maintenant, j'agis.",
"deMale": "Jetzt handle ich.",
"deFemale": "Jetzt handle ich."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"Text": "No no no!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "No no no!",
"frMale": "Non, non, non\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Non, non, non\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Nein, nein, nein!",
"deFemale": "Nein, nein, nein!"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "The hyperdrive worked--one time. Omnicannon's fried, too. What a mess....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "The hyperdrive worked--one time. Omnicannon's fried, too. What a mess....",
"frMale": "L'hyperpropulseur a fonctionn\u00e9... une fois. L'omnicanon a grill\u00e9 lui aussi. C'est n'importe quoi...",
"frFemale": "L'hyperpropulseur a fonctionn\u00e9... une fois. L'omnicanon a grill\u00e9 lui aussi. C'est n'importe quoi...",
"deMale": "Der Hyperantrieb hat funktioniert ... und zwar genau ein Mal. Au\u00dferdem ist die Omnikanone durchgebrannt. Was f\u00fcr ein Chaos ...",
"deFemale": "Der Hyperantrieb hat funktioniert ... und zwar genau ein Mal. Au\u00dferdem ist die Omnikanone durchgebrannt. Was f\u00fcr ein Chaos ..."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "2DyUnV1",
"Text": "We're safely away from the fleet, if nothing else.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "We're safely away from the fleet, if nothing else.",
"frMale": "Faute de mieux, nous sommes en s\u00e9curit\u00e9, loin de la flotte.",
"frFemale": "Faute de mieux, nous sommes en s\u00e9curit\u00e9, loin de la flotte.",
"deMale": "Immerhin sind wir in Sicherheit vor der Flotte.",
"deFemale": "Immerhin sind wir in Sicherheit vor der Flotte."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "Should be able to make it to Asylum, but let's not hold our breath.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Should be able to make it to Asylum, but let's not hold our breath.",
"frMale": "On devrait pouvoir rejoindre Asile, mais ne nous faisons pas trop d'illusions.",
"frFemale": "On devrait pouvoir rejoindre Asile, mais ne nous faisons pas trop d'illusions.",
"deMale": "Ich sollte es schaffen, uns ins Asyl zu bringen, aber ich w\u00fcrde nicht darauf wetten.",
"deFemale": "Ich sollte es schaffen, uns ins Asyl zu bringen, aber ich w\u00fcrde nicht darauf wetten."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"Text": "What is this Asylum place and why are we going there?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "What is this Asylum place and why are we going there?",
"frMale": "C'est quoi cet Asile et pourquoi allons-nous l\u00e0-bas\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "C'est quoi cet Asile et pourquoi allons-nous l\u00e0-bas\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was ist dieses Asyl f\u00fcr ein Ort - und warum wollen wir da hin?",
"deFemale": "Was ist dieses Asyl f\u00fcr ein Ort - und warum wollen wir da hin?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "What's there?",
"frMale": "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a l\u00e0-bas\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a l\u00e0-bas\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was gibt es dort?",
"deFemale": "Was gibt es dort?"
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"Text": "I thought you were supposed to fix it, not apply a temporary patch.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I thought you were supposed to fix it, not apply a temporary patch.",
"frMale": "Je croyais que vous deviez le r\u00e9parer, pas le bricoler temporairement.",
"frFemale": "Je croyais que vous deviez le r\u00e9parer, pas le bricoler temporairement.",
"deMale": "Ihr solltet das Schiff doch reparieren und nicht nur notd\u00fcrftig flicken.",
"deFemale": "Ihr solltet das Schiff doch reparieren und nicht nur notd\u00fcrftig flicken."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "We need a better mechanic.",
"frMale": "Il nous faut un meilleur m\u00e9canicien.",
"frFemale": "Il nous faut un meilleur m\u00e9canicien.",
"deMale": "Wir brauchen einen besseren Techniker.",
"deFemale": "Wir brauchen einen besseren Techniker."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "It's the best anyone could have done. We'll have more resources when we reach our destination.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "It's the best anyone could have done. We'll have more resources when we reach our destination.",
"frMale": "C'est le mieux que n'importe qui aurait pu faire. On aura plus de ressources quand on atteindra notre destination.",
"frFemale": "C'est le mieux que n'importe qui aurait pu faire. On aura plus de ressources quand on atteindra notre destination.",
"deMale": "Mehr lie\u00df sich einfach nicht machen. Uns stehen mehr Ressourcen zur Verf\u00fcgung, wenn wir unser Ziel erreichen.",
"deFemale": "Mehr lie\u00df sich einfach nicht machen. Uns stehen mehr Ressourcen zur Verf\u00fcgung, wenn wir unser Ziel erreichen."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "sMtvzWI",
"Text": "Asylum is a skyport. A safe haven from Arcann's patrols.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Asylum is a skyport. A safe haven from Arcann's patrols.",
"frMale": "Asile est un port c\u00e9leste. Un lieu \u00e0 l'abri des patrouilles d'Arcann.",
"frFemale": "Asile est un port c\u00e9leste. Un lieu \u00e0 l'abri des patrouilles d'Arcann.",
"deMale": "Das Asyl ist ein Himmelshafen. Dort sind wir vor Arcanns Patrouillen in Sicherheit.",
"deFemale": "Das Asyl ist ein Himmelshafen. Dort sind wir vor Arcanns Patrouillen in Sicherheit."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "Was she really necessary?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Was she really necessary?",
"frMale": "On avait vraiment besoin d'elle\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "On avait vraiment besoin d'elle\u00a0?",
"deMale": "War sie wirklich n\u00f6tig?",
"deFemale": "War sie wirklich n\u00f6tig?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "2DyUnV1",
"Text": "She helped us raise the Gravestone. She fought at our side.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "She helped us raise the Gravestone. She fought at our side.",
"frMale": "Elle nous a aid\u00e9s \u00e0 soulever le C\u00e9notaphe. Elle s'est battue \u00e0 nos c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
"frFemale": "Elle nous a aid\u00e9s \u00e0 soulever le C\u00e9notaphe. Elle s'est battue \u00e0 nos c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
"deMale": "Sie hat uns mit der Gravestone geholfen. Und sie hat an unserer Seite gek\u00e4mpft.",
"deFemale": "Sie hat uns mit der Gravestone geholfen. Und sie hat an unserer Seite gek\u00e4mpft."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "She also hunted me like an animal for years. She was Arcann's loyal Knight!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "She also hunted me like an animal for years. She was Arcann's loyal Knight!",
"frMale": "Elle m'a aussi traqu\u00e9 comme un animal pendant des ann\u00e9es. C'\u00e9tait le Chevalier fid\u00e8le d'Arcann\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Elle m'a aussi traqu\u00e9 comme un animal pendant des ann\u00e9es. C'\u00e9tait le Chevalier fid\u00e8le d'Arcann\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Und sie hat mich jahrelang wie ein Tier gejagt. Sie war einer von Arcanns treuen Rittern!",
"deFemale": "Und sie hat mich jahrelang wie ein Tier gejagt. Sie war einer von Arcanns treuen Rittern!"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "sMtvzWI",
"Text": "I thought I was in service to Zakuul. You had abandoned your responsibilities!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I thought I was in service to Zakuul. You had abandoned your responsibilities!",
"frMale": "Je pensais servir Zakel. Vous aviez abandonn\u00e9 vos responsabilit\u00e9s\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Je pensais servir Zakel. Vous aviez abandonn\u00e9 vos responsabilit\u00e9s\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Ich dachte, ich w\u00fcrde Zakuul dienen. Ihr hattet Eure Verantwortungsbereiche einfach im Stich gelassen!",
"deFemale": "Ich dachte, ich w\u00fcrde Zakuul dienen. Ihr hattet Eure Verantwortungsbereiche einfach im Stich gelassen!"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"55": {
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"IsEmpty": false,
"JoinDisabledForHolocom": false,
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": true,
"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "It sounds like you're both on the same side now. Whatever history you have, it's best to let it go.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "It sounds like you're both on the same side now. Whatever history you have, it's best to let it go.",
"frMale": "On dirait que vous \u00eates dans le m\u00eame camp maintenant. Quel que soit votre passif, mieux vaut le mettre de c\u00f4t\u00e9.",
"frFemale": "On dirait que vous \u00eates dans le m\u00eame camp maintenant. Quel que soit votre passif, mieux vaut le mettre de c\u00f4t\u00e9.",
"deMale": "Es scheint, dass Ihr beide jetzt auf derselben Seite steht. Was auch immer in der Vergangenheit passiert ist, es ist besser, sie jetzt ruhen zu lassen.",
"deFemale": "Es scheint, dass Ihr beide jetzt auf derselben Seite steht. Was auch immer in der Vergangenheit passiert ist, es ist besser, sie jetzt ruhen zu lassen."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Let's get along.",
"frMale": "Passons \u00e0 autre chose.",
"frFemale": "Passons \u00e0 autre chose.",
"deMale": "Wir sollten uns alle vertragen.",
"deFemale": "Wir sollten uns alle vertragen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"ikLyDgK": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"kzDMluK": {
"Key": 200,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> approves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> stimmt zu.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "Maybe if you had come to your senses, I could have kicked Arcann off the throne by now!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Maybe if you had come to your senses, I could have kicked Arcann off the throne by now!",
"frMale": "Si vous aviez retrouv\u00e9 la raison, j'aurais peut-\u00eatre pu d\u00e9tr\u00f4ner Arcann \u00e0 l'heure qu'il est\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Si vous aviez retrouv\u00e9 la raison, j'aurais peut-\u00eatre pu d\u00e9tr\u00f4ner Arcann \u00e0 l'heure qu'il est\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Wenn Ihr zur Vernunft gekommen w\u00e4rt, h\u00e4tte ich Arcann schon l\u00e4ngst vom Thron schmei\u00dfen k\u00f6nnen!",
"deFemale": "Wenn Ihr zur Vernunft gekommen w\u00e4rt, h\u00e4tte ich Arcann schon l\u00e4ngst vom Thron schmei\u00dfen k\u00f6nnen!"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "I don't want to hear it. You're done arguing, both of you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I don't want to hear it. You're done arguing, both of you.",
"frMale": "Je ne veux pas le savoir. Arr\u00eatez de vous disputer, \u00e7a suffit\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Je ne veux pas le savoir. Arr\u00eatez de vous disputer, \u00e7a suffit\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Ich will das nicht h\u00f6ren. H\u00f6rt auf, miteinander zu streiten.",
"deFemale": "Ich will das nicht h\u00f6ren. H\u00f6rt auf, miteinander zu streiten."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Koth, Senya--stop whining.",
"frMale": "Koth, Senya, arr\u00eatez de chouiner\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Koth, Senya, arr\u00eatez de chouiner\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Koth, Senya - h\u00f6rt auf, zu jammern.",
"deFemale": "Koth, Senya - h\u00f6rt auf, zu jammern."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"ikLyDgK": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"Text": "",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "",
"frMale": "",
"frFemale": "",
"deMale": "",
"deFemale": ""
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "[Let them continue]",
"frMale": "[Les laisser continuer]",
"frFemale": "[Les laisser continuer]",
"deMale": "[Sie weitermachen lassen]",
"deFemale": "[Sie weitermachen lassen]"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "sMtvzWI",
"Text": "And who would sit in his place? Careful, Vortena--your ambition is showing.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "And who would sit in his place? Careful, Vortena--your ambition is showing.",
"frMale": "Et qui prendrait sa place\u00a0? Attention, Vortena... Votre ambition commence \u00e0 poindre.",
"frFemale": "Et qui prendrait sa place\u00a0? Attention, Vortena... Votre ambition commence \u00e0 poindre.",
"deMale": "Und wer h\u00e4tte seinen Platz eingenommen? Seid vorsichtig, Vortena - Ihr lasst Eure Ambitionen durchblicken.",
"deFemale": "Und wer h\u00e4tte seinen Platz eingenommen? Seid vorsichtig, Vortena - Ihr lasst Eure Ambitionen durchblicken."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"Text": "If anybody needs me, I'll be... somewhere.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "If anybody needs me, I'll be... somewhere.",
"frMale": "Si quelqu'un a besoin de moi, je serai... quelque part.",
"frFemale": "Si quelqu'un a besoin de moi, je serai... quelque part.",
"deMale": "Wenn mich jemand braucht, ich bin ... irgendwo.",
"deFemale": "Wenn mich jemand braucht, ich bin ... irgendwo."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "You could have at least consulted with me first.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You could have at least consulted with me first.",
"frMale": "Vous auriez au moins pu me consulter avant.",
"frFemale": "Vous auriez au moins pu me consulter avant.",
"deMale": "Ihr h\u00e4ttet vorher ruhig mit mir reden k\u00f6nnen.",
"deFemale": "Ihr h\u00e4ttet vorher ruhig mit mir reden k\u00f6nnen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "2DyUnV1",
"Text": "Yes, I wonder how that might have gone.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Yes, I wonder how that might have gone.",
"frMale": "Oui, je me demande comment \u00e7a se serait pass\u00e9.",
"frFemale": "Oui, je me demande comment \u00e7a se serait pass\u00e9.",
"deMale": "Ja, das w\u00e4re bestimmt ein interessantes Gespr\u00e4ch geworden.",
"deFemale": "Ja, das w\u00e4re bestimmt ein interessantes Gespr\u00e4ch geworden."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "Absolutely! I'd be glad to fix the Gravestone by myself!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Absolutely! I'd be glad to fix the Gravestone by myself!",
"frMale": "Mais bien s\u00fbr\u00a0! Je serais ravi de r\u00e9parer le C\u00e9notaphe tout seul\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Mais bien s\u00fbr\u00a0! Je serais ravi de r\u00e9parer le C\u00e9notaphe tout seul\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Nat\u00fcrlich! Dann repariere ich die Gravestone eben ganz alleine!",
"deFemale": "Nat\u00fcrlich! Dann repariere ich die Gravestone eben ganz alleine!"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"Text": "",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "",
"frMale": "",
"frFemale": "",
"deMale": "",
"deFemale": ""
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "[Check in with Koth]",
"frMale": "[Aller voir Koth]",
"frFemale": "[Aller voir Koth]",
"deMale": "[Bei Koth melden]",
"deFemale": "[Bei Koth melden]"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"Text": "Who's being committed?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Who's being committed?",
"frMale": "Qui se fait interner\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Qui se fait interner\u00a0?",
"deMale": "M\u00fcssen wir daf\u00fcr erst einen Antrag stellen?",
"deFemale": "M\u00fcssen wir daf\u00fcr erst einen Antrag stellen?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "We're going to an asylum?",
"frMale": "On va dans un asile\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "On va dans un asile\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was f\u00fcr ein Asyl?",
"deFemale": "Was f\u00fcr ein Asyl?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"c87LB0A": {
"Key": 200,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> is slightly amused.",
"frMale": "Cela amuse l\u00e9g\u00e8rement <<1>>.",
"frFemale": "Cela amuse l\u00e9g\u00e8rement <<1>>.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist leicht am\u00fcsiert.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist leicht am\u00fcsiert."
"kzDMluK": {
"Key": 50,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> is not amused.",
"frMale": "Cela n'amuse pas <<1>>.",
"frFemale": "Cela n'amuse pas <<1>>.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist nicht erfreut.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist nicht erfreut."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "2DyUnV1",
"Text": "Not that kind of asylum.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Not that kind of asylum.",
"frMale": "Pas ce genre d'asile.",
"frFemale": "Pas ce genre d'asile.",
"deMale": "Nein, das er\u00fcbrigt sich.",
"deFemale": "Nein, das er\u00fcbrigt sich."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "zoefzBa",
"Text": "Arcann wouldn't even be on the throne right now if she had just stayed out of my way!",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Arcann wouldn't even be on the throne right now if she had just stayed out of my way!",
"frMale": "Arcann ne serait m\u00eame pas sur le tr\u00f4ne si elle ne s'\u00e9tait pas mise en travers de mon chemin\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Arcann ne serait m\u00eame pas sur le tr\u00f4ne si elle ne s'\u00e9tait pas mise en travers de mon chemin\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Wenn sie sich nicht eingemischt h\u00e4tte, w\u00fcrde Arcann jetzt nicht einmal auf dem Thron sitzen!",
"deFemale": "Wenn sie sich nicht eingemischt h\u00e4tte, w\u00fcrde Arcann jetzt nicht einmal auf dem Thron sitzen!"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"frMale": "Que s'est-il pass\u00e9\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Que s'est-il pass\u00e9\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was ist passiert?",
"deFemale": "Was ist passiert?"
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"frMale": "Cible abattue\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Cible abattue\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Ziel erledigt!",
"deFemale": "Ziel erledigt!"
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"frMale": "Attendez... cinq cibles... dix... Je ne peux pas suivre\u00a0!",
"frFemale": "Attendez... cinq cibles... dix... Je ne peux pas suivre\u00a0!",
"deMale": "Moment ... f\u00fcnf Ziele ... zehn ... es werden immer mehr!",
"deFemale": "Moment ... f\u00fcnf Ziele ... zehn ... es werden immer mehr!"
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"frMale": "Plus d'une vingtaine de vaisseaux abattus avec un seul tir...",
"frFemale": "Plus d'une vingtaine de vaisseaux abattus avec un seul tir...",
"deMale": "Mit einem Schuss mehr als zwei Dutzend Schiffe verloren ...",
"deFemale": "Mit einem Schuss mehr als zwei Dutzend Schiffe verloren ..."
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"enMale": "You don't know what she's capable of. You weren't there.",
"frMale": "Vous ne savez pas ce dont elle est capable. Vous n'\u00e9tiez pas l\u00e0.",
"frFemale": "Vous ne savez pas ce dont elle est capable. Vous n'\u00e9tiez pas l\u00e0.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was sie f\u00e4hig ist. Ihr wart nicht dort.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was sie f\u00e4hig ist. Ihr wart nicht dort."
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"frMale": "Savent-ils de quoi vous \u00eates capable, Vortena\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Savent-ils de quoi vous \u00eates capable, Vortena\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Wissen sie denn, zu was Ihr f\u00e4hig seid, Vortena?",
"deFemale": "Wissen sie denn, zu was Ihr f\u00e4hig seid, Vortena?"
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"Text": "How many people did Arcann slaughter while you still served him? How many?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "How many people did Arcann slaughter while you still served him? How many?",
"frMale": "Combien de gens Arcann a-t-il massacr\u00e9s pendant que vous \u00e9tiez \u00e0 son service\u00a0? Combien\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Combien de gens Arcann a-t-il massacr\u00e9s pendant que vous \u00e9tiez \u00e0 son service\u00a0? Combien\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Wie viele Leute hat Arcann abgeschlachtet, als Ihr ihm noch gedient habt? Wie viele?",
"deFemale": "Wie viele Leute hat Arcann abgeschlachtet, als Ihr ihm noch gedient habt? Wie viele?"
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"Text": "We're comparing body counts now? I'm not sure that's a game you want to play, Vortena.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "We're comparing body counts now? I'm not sure that's a game you want to play, Vortena.",
"frMale": "Vous voulez qu'on compare le nombre de morts maintenant\u00a0? Je ne suis pas s\u00fbre que vous ayez envie de jouer \u00e0 ce jeu, Vortena.",
"frFemale": "Vous voulez qu'on compare le nombre de morts maintenant\u00a0? Je ne suis pas s\u00fbre que vous ayez envie de jouer \u00e0 ce jeu, Vortena.",
"deMale": "Vergleichen wir jetzt Opferzahlen? Ich bin nicht sicher, ob Ihr das Spiel wirklich spielen wollt, Vortena.",
"deFemale": "Vergleichen wir jetzt Opferzahlen? Ich bin nicht sicher, ob Ihr das Spiel wirklich spielen wollt, Vortena."
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"frMale": "[Aller voir Lana]",
"frFemale": "[Aller voir Lana]",
"deMale": "[Bei Lana melden]",
"deFemale": "[Bei Lana melden]"
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[SpeakersB62Ids] => Array
[zoefzBa] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.story.koth_vortena
[DIBpcYA] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.story.hk_55
[t48bLZ7] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.story.valyin
[xAFeP29] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.story.arcann
[2DyUnV1] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.story.lana_beniko
[sMtvzWI] => npc.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.story.senya
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[fr-fr] => 1
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[Text] => Omnicannon's up. There's a capital ship near the center--
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Omnicannon's up. There's a capital ship near the center--
[frMale] => L'omnicanon est prêt. Il y a un bâtiment de ligne au centre...
[frFemale] => L'omnicanon est prêt. Il y a un bâtiment de ligne au centre...
[deMale] => Die Omnikanone ist bereit. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein Großkampfschiff ...
[deFemale] => Die Omnikanone ist bereit. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein Großkampfschiff ...
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[Text] => I see it.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I see it.
[frMale] => C'est ce que je vois.
[frFemale] => C'est ce que je vois.
[deMale] => Ich sehe es.
[deFemale] => Ich sehe es.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
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[Text] => Good. Now hit it!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Good. Now hit it!
[frMale] => Parfait. Tirez, maintenant !
[frFemale] => Parfait. Tirez, maintenant !
[deMale] => Gut. Dann mal los!
[deFemale] => Gut. Dann mal los!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
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[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
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[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => It's real. We could take the whole fleet.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => It's real. We could take the whole fleet.
[frMale] => C'était donc vrai. On pourrait vaincre la flotte toute entière.
[frFemale] => C'était donc vrai. On pourrait vaincre la flotte toute entière.
[deMale] => Unglaublich. Wir könnten es mit der ganzen Flotte aufnehmen.
[deFemale] => Unglaublich. Wir könnten es mit der ganzen Flotte aufnehmen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 8
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
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[SpeakerB62Id] => DIBpcYA
[Text] => Statement: The hyperdrive now meets minimum functionality requirements.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Statement: The hyperdrive now meets minimum functionality requirements.
[frMale] => Affirmation : l'hyperpropulseur répond désormais aux critères de fonctionnement minimum.
[frFemale] => Affirmation : l'hyperpropulseur répond désormais aux critères de fonctionnement minimum.
[deMale] => Bemerkung: Der Hyperantrieb erfüllt jetzt die minimalen Funktionalitätsvoraussetzungen.
[deFemale] => Bemerkung: Der Hyperantrieb erfüllt jetzt die minimalen Funktionalitätsvoraussetzungen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 10
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[10] => Array
[NodeId] => 10
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 11
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[11] => Array
[NodeId] => 11
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Why didn't you say so? All right, let's get out of here.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Why didn't you say so? All right, let's get out of here.
[frMale] => Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas dit plus tôt ? Allez, on met les voiles !
[frFemale] => Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas dit plus tôt ? Allez, on met les voiles !
[deMale] => Warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt? Also gut, verschwinden wir von hier.
[deFemale] => Warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt? Also gut, verschwinden wir von hier.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 127
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[14] => Array
[NodeId] => 14
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 100
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[15] => Array
[NodeId] => 15
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 16
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[16] => Array
[NodeId] => 16
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 17
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[17] => Array
[NodeId] => 17
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => t48bLZ7
[Text] => So that's the Gravestone. It's as powerful as they say.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => So that's the Gravestone. It's as powerful as they say.
[frMale] => C'est donc ça, le Cénotaphe. Il est aussi puissant qu'on le raconte.
[frFemale] => C'est donc ça, le Cénotaphe. Il est aussi puissant qu'on le raconte.
[deMale] => Das ist also die Gravestone. Sie ist wirklich so mächtig, wie man sich erzählt.
[deFemale] => Das ist also die Gravestone. Sie ist wirklich so mächtig, wie man sich erzählt.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 18
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[18] => Array
[NodeId] => 18
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 19
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[19] => Array
[NodeId] => 19
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => xAFeP29
[Text] => Everything stands at risk. Zakuul. The throne. My vision for the galaxy. All because we let the Outlander slip away!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Everything stands at risk. Zakuul. The throne. My vision for the galaxy. All because we let the Outlander slip away!
[frMale] => Tout est menacé. Zakel. Le Trône. Ma vision pour la galaxie. Tout cela parce que nous avons laissé l'Étranger s'échapper !
[frFemale] => Tout est menacé. Zakel. Le Trône. Ma vision pour la galaxie. Tout cela parce que nous avons laissé l'Étrangère s'échapper !
[deMale] => Es steht alles auf dem Spiel. Zakuul. Der Thron. Meine Vision für die Galaxis. Und das nur, weil der Fremdling entkommen konnte!
[deFemale] => Es steht alles auf dem Spiel. Zakuul. Der Thron. Meine Vision für die Galaxis. Und das nur, weil der Fremdling entkommen konnte!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 20
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[20] => Array
[NodeId] => 20
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 21
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[21] => Array
[NodeId] => 21
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => xAFeP29
[Text] => I'm not blaming you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I'm not blaming you.
[frMale] => Je ne t'accuse pas.
[frFemale] => Je ne t'accuse pas.
[deMale] => Dir gebe ich natürlich keine Schuld daran.
[deFemale] => Dir gebe ich natürlich keine Schuld daran.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 22
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[22] => Array
[NodeId] => 22
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 23
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[23] => Array
[NodeId] => 23
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => t48bLZ7
[Text] => I didn't think you were.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I didn't think you were.
[frMale] => Je n'en doutais pas.
[frFemale] => Je n'en doutais pas.
[deMale] => Das hatte ich auch nicht angenommen.
[deFemale] => Das hatte ich auch nicht angenommen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 24
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[24] => Array
[NodeId] => 24
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 25
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[25] => Array
[NodeId] => 25
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => xAFeP29
[Text] => Father held us all back--you more than any. Such raw power and yet you're still spreading your wings, finding your limits.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Father held us all back--you more than any. Such raw power and yet you're still spreading your wings, finding your limits.
[frMale] => Père nous a tous retenus, toi plus que quiconque. Une telle puissance brute, et pourtant tu continues à déployer tes ailes, à chercher tes limites.
[frFemale] => Père nous a tous retenus, toi plus que quiconque. Une telle puissance brute, et pourtant tu continues à déployer tes ailes, à chercher tes limites.
[deMale] => Vater hat uns alle zurückgehalten - dich mehr noch als uns. So viel pure Kraft - und doch bist du gerade erst dabei, deine Flügel auszubreiten und deine Grenzen zu finden.
[deFemale] => Vater hat uns alle zurückgehalten - dich mehr noch als uns. So viel pure Kraft - und doch bist du gerade erst dabei, deine Flügel auszubreiten und deine Grenzen zu finden.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 26
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[26] => Array
[NodeId] => 26
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 27
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[27] => Array
[NodeId] => 27
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => t48bLZ7
[Text] => Nice to be appreciated for a change. So what now?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Nice to be appreciated for a change. So what now?
[frMale] => Enfin un peu de reconnaissance, ça fait toujours plaisir. Et maintenant ?
[frFemale] => Enfin un peu de reconnaissance, ça fait toujours plaisir. Et maintenant ?
[deMale] => Es ist schön, zur Abwechslung mal geschätzt zu werden. Also, was jetzt?
[deFemale] => Es ist schön, zur Abwechslung mal geschätzt zu werden. Also, was jetzt?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 28
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[28] => Array
[NodeId] => 28
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 29
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[29] => Array
[NodeId] => 29
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => xAFeP29
[Text] => Now I act.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Now I act.
[frMale] => Maintenant, j'agis.
[frFemale] => Maintenant, j'agis.
[deMale] => Jetzt handle ich.
[deFemale] => Jetzt handle ich.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 148
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[31] => Array
[NodeId] => 31
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 32
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[32] => Array
[NodeId] => 32
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 34
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[34] => Array
[NodeId] => 34
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => No no no!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => No no no!
[frMale] => Non, non, non !
[frFemale] => Non, non, non !
[deMale] => Nein, nein, nein!
[deFemale] => Nein, nein, nein!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 85
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[36] => Array
[NodeId] => 36
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => The hyperdrive worked--one time. Omnicannon's fried, too. What a mess....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => The hyperdrive worked--one time. Omnicannon's fried, too. What a mess....
[frMale] => L'hyperpropulseur a fonctionné... une fois. L'omnicanon a grillé lui aussi. C'est n'importe quoi...
[frFemale] => L'hyperpropulseur a fonctionné... une fois. L'omnicanon a grillé lui aussi. C'est n'importe quoi...
[deMale] => Der Hyperantrieb hat funktioniert ... und zwar genau ein Mal. Außerdem ist die Omnikanone durchgebrannt. Was für ein Chaos ...
[deFemale] => Der Hyperantrieb hat funktioniert ... und zwar genau ein Mal. Außerdem ist die Omnikanone durchgebrannt. Was für ein Chaos ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 37
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[37] => Array
[NodeId] => 37
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 38
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[38] => Array
[NodeId] => 38
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 2DyUnV1
[Text] => We're safely away from the fleet, if nothing else.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We're safely away from the fleet, if nothing else.
[frMale] => Faute de mieux, nous sommes en sécurité, loin de la flotte.
[frFemale] => Faute de mieux, nous sommes en sécurité, loin de la flotte.
[deMale] => Immerhin sind wir in Sicherheit vor der Flotte.
[deFemale] => Immerhin sind wir in Sicherheit vor der Flotte.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 39
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[39] => Array
[NodeId] => 39
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 40
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[40] => Array
[NodeId] => 40
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Should be able to make it to Asylum, but let's not hold our breath.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Should be able to make it to Asylum, but let's not hold our breath.
[frMale] => On devrait pouvoir rejoindre Asile, mais ne nous faisons pas trop d'illusions.
[frFemale] => On devrait pouvoir rejoindre Asile, mais ne nous faisons pas trop d'illusions.
[deMale] => Ich sollte es schaffen, uns ins Asyl zu bringen, aber ich würde nicht darauf wetten.
[deFemale] => Ich sollte es schaffen, uns ins Asyl zu bringen, aber ich würde nicht darauf wetten.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 41
[1] => 73
[2] => 43
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[41] => Array
[NodeId] => 41
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => What is this Asylum place and why are we going there?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => What is this Asylum place and why are we going there?
[frMale] => C'est quoi cet Asile et pourquoi allons-nous là-bas ?
[frFemale] => C'est quoi cet Asile et pourquoi allons-nous là-bas ?
[deMale] => Was ist dieses Asyl für ein Ort - und warum wollen wir da hin?
[deFemale] => Was ist dieses Asyl für ein Ort - und warum wollen wir da hin?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => What's there?
[frMale] => Qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-bas ?
[frFemale] => Qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-bas ?
[deMale] => Was gibt es dort?
[deFemale] => Was gibt es dort?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 72
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[43] => Array
[NodeId] => 43
[QuestRewardB62] => dBO8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I thought you were supposed to fix it, not apply a temporary patch.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I thought you were supposed to fix it, not apply a temporary patch.
[frMale] => Je croyais que vous deviez le réparer, pas le bricoler temporairement.
[frFemale] => Je croyais que vous deviez le réparer, pas le bricoler temporairement.
[deMale] => Ihr solltet das Schiff doch reparieren und nicht nur notdürftig flicken.
[deFemale] => Ihr solltet das Schiff doch reparieren und nicht nur notdürftig flicken.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => We need a better mechanic.
[frMale] => Il nous faut un meilleur mécanicien.
[frFemale] => Il nous faut un meilleur mécanicien.
[deMale] => Wir brauchen einen besseren Techniker.
[deFemale] => Wir brauchen einen besseren Techniker.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 44
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[44] => Array
[NodeId] => 44
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => It's the best anyone could have done. We'll have more resources when we reach our destination.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => It's the best anyone could have done. We'll have more resources when we reach our destination.
[frMale] => C'est le mieux que n'importe qui aurait pu faire. On aura plus de ressources quand on atteindra notre destination.
[frFemale] => C'est le mieux que n'importe qui aurait pu faire. On aura plus de ressources quand on atteindra notre destination.
[deMale] => Mehr ließ sich einfach nicht machen. Uns stehen mehr Ressourcen zur Verfügung, wenn wir unser Ziel erreichen.
[deFemale] => Mehr ließ sich einfach nicht machen. Uns stehen mehr Ressourcen zur Verfügung, wenn wir unser Ziel erreichen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 45
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[45] => Array
[NodeId] => 45
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 46
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[46] => Array
[NodeId] => 46
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => sMtvzWI
[Text] => Asylum is a skyport. A safe haven from Arcann's patrols.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Asylum is a skyport. A safe haven from Arcann's patrols.
[frMale] => Asile est un port céleste. Un lieu à l'abri des patrouilles d'Arcann.
[frFemale] => Asile est un port céleste. Un lieu à l'abri des patrouilles d'Arcann.
[deMale] => Das Asyl ist ein Himmelshafen. Dort sind wir vor Arcanns Patrouillen in Sicherheit.
[deFemale] => Das Asyl ist ein Himmelshafen. Dort sind wir vor Arcanns Patrouillen in Sicherheit.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 47
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[47] => Array
[NodeId] => 47
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 48
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[48] => Array
[NodeId] => 48
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Was she really necessary?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Was she really necessary?
[frMale] => On avait vraiment besoin d'elle ?
[frFemale] => On avait vraiment besoin d'elle ?
[deMale] => War sie wirklich nötig?
[deFemale] => War sie wirklich nötig?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 49
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[49] => Array
[NodeId] => 49
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 50
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[50] => Array
[NodeId] => 50
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 2DyUnV1
[Text] => She helped us raise the Gravestone. She fought at our side.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => She helped us raise the Gravestone. She fought at our side.
[frMale] => Elle nous a aidés à soulever le Cénotaphe. Elle s'est battue à nos côtés.
[frFemale] => Elle nous a aidés à soulever le Cénotaphe. Elle s'est battue à nos côtés.
[deMale] => Sie hat uns mit der Gravestone geholfen. Und sie hat an unserer Seite gekämpft.
[deFemale] => Sie hat uns mit der Gravestone geholfen. Und sie hat an unserer Seite gekämpft.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 51
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[51] => Array
[NodeId] => 51
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 52
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[52] => Array
[NodeId] => 52
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => She also hunted me like an animal for years. She was Arcann's loyal Knight!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => She also hunted me like an animal for years. She was Arcann's loyal Knight!
[frMale] => Elle m'a aussi traqué comme un animal pendant des années. C'était le Chevalier fidèle d'Arcann !
[frFemale] => Elle m'a aussi traqué comme un animal pendant des années. C'était le Chevalier fidèle d'Arcann !
[deMale] => Und sie hat mich jahrelang wie ein Tier gejagt. Sie war einer von Arcanns treuen Rittern!
[deFemale] => Und sie hat mich jahrelang wie ein Tier gejagt. Sie war einer von Arcanns treuen Rittern!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 53
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[53] => Array
[NodeId] => 53
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 54
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[54] => Array
[NodeId] => 54
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => sMtvzWI
[Text] => I thought I was in service to Zakuul. You had abandoned your responsibilities!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I thought I was in service to Zakuul. You had abandoned your responsibilities!
[frMale] => Je pensais servir Zakel. Vous aviez abandonné vos responsabilités !
[frFemale] => Je pensais servir Zakel. Vous aviez abandonné vos responsabilités !
[deMale] => Ich dachte, ich würde Zakuul dienen. Ihr hattet Eure Verantwortungsbereiche einfach im Stich gelassen!
[deFemale] => Ich dachte, ich würde Zakuul dienen. Ihr hattet Eure Verantwortungsbereiche einfach im Stich gelassen!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 55
[1] => 57
[2] => 58
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[55] => Array
[NodeId] => 55
[QuestRewardB62] => dBO8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => It sounds like you're both on the same side now. Whatever history you have, it's best to let it go.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => It sounds like you're both on the same side now. Whatever history you have, it's best to let it go.
[frMale] => On dirait que vous êtes dans le même camp maintenant. Quel que soit votre passif, mieux vaut le mettre de côté.
[frFemale] => On dirait que vous êtes dans le même camp maintenant. Quel que soit votre passif, mieux vaut le mettre de côté.
[deMale] => Es scheint, dass Ihr beide jetzt auf derselben Seite steht. Was auch immer in der Vergangenheit passiert ist, es ist besser, sie jetzt ruhen zu lassen.
[deFemale] => Es scheint, dass Ihr beide jetzt auf derselben Seite steht. Was auch immer in der Vergangenheit passiert ist, es ist besser, sie jetzt ruhen zu lassen.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Let's get along.
[frMale] => Passons à autre chose.
[frFemale] => Passons à autre chose.
[deMale] => Wir sollten uns alle vertragen.
[deFemale] => Wir sollten uns alle vertragen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[ikLyDgK] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[kzDMluK] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 104
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[56] => Array
[NodeId] => 56
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Maybe if you had come to your senses, I could have kicked Arcann off the throne by now!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Maybe if you had come to your senses, I could have kicked Arcann off the throne by now!
[frMale] => Si vous aviez retrouvé la raison, j'aurais peut-être pu détrôner Arcann à l'heure qu'il est !
[frFemale] => Si vous aviez retrouvé la raison, j'aurais peut-être pu détrôner Arcann à l'heure qu'il est !
[deMale] => Wenn Ihr zur Vernunft gekommen wärt, hätte ich Arcann schon längst vom Thron schmeißen können!
[deFemale] => Wenn Ihr zur Vernunft gekommen wärt, hätte ich Arcann schon längst vom Thron schmeißen können!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 59
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[57] => Array
[NodeId] => 57
[QuestRewardB62] => dBO8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I don't want to hear it. You're done arguing, both of you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I don't want to hear it. You're done arguing, both of you.
[frMale] => Je ne veux pas le savoir. Arrêtez de vous disputer, ça suffit !
[frFemale] => Je ne veux pas le savoir. Arrêtez de vous disputer, ça suffit !
[deMale] => Ich will das nicht hören. Hört auf, miteinander zu streiten.
[deFemale] => Ich will das nicht hören. Hört auf, miteinander zu streiten.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Koth, Senya--stop whining.
[frMale] => Koth, Senya, arrêtez de chouiner !
[frFemale] => Koth, Senya, arrêtez de chouiner !
[deMale] => Koth, Senya - hört auf, zu jammern.
[deFemale] => Koth, Senya - hört auf, zu jammern.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[ikLyDgK] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 77
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[58] => Array
[NodeId] => 58
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] =>
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] =>
[frMale] =>
[frFemale] =>
[deMale] =>
[deFemale] =>
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => [Let them continue]
[frMale] => [Les laisser continuer]
[frFemale] => [Les laisser continuer]
[deMale] => [Sie weitermachen lassen]
[deFemale] => [Sie weitermachen lassen]
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 114
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[59] => Array
[NodeId] => 59
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 60
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[60] => Array
[NodeId] => 60
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => sMtvzWI
[Text] => And who would sit in his place? Careful, Vortena--your ambition is showing.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => And who would sit in his place? Careful, Vortena--your ambition is showing.
[frMale] => Et qui prendrait sa place ? Attention, Vortena... Votre ambition commence à poindre.
[frFemale] => Et qui prendrait sa place ? Attention, Vortena... Votre ambition commence à poindre.
[deMale] => Und wer hätte seinen Platz eingenommen? Seid vorsichtig, Vortena - Ihr lasst Eure Ambitionen durchblicken.
[deFemale] => Und wer hätte seinen Platz eingenommen? Seid vorsichtig, Vortena - Ihr lasst Eure Ambitionen durchblicken.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 61
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[61] => Array
[NodeId] => 61
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[62] => Array
[NodeId] => 62
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => sMtvzWI
[Text] => If anybody needs me, I'll be... somewhere.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => If anybody needs me, I'll be... somewhere.
[frMale] => Si quelqu'un a besoin de moi, je serai... quelque part.
[frFemale] => Si quelqu'un a besoin de moi, je serai... quelque part.
[deMale] => Wenn mich jemand braucht, ich bin ... irgendwo.
[deFemale] => Wenn mich jemand braucht, ich bin ... irgendwo.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 63
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[63] => Array
[NodeId] => 63
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 64
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[64] => Array
[NodeId] => 64
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => You could have at least consulted with me first.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You could have at least consulted with me first.
[frMale] => Vous auriez au moins pu me consulter avant.
[frFemale] => Vous auriez au moins pu me consulter avant.
[deMale] => Ihr hättet vorher ruhig mit mir reden können.
[deFemale] => Ihr hättet vorher ruhig mit mir reden können.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 65
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[65] => Array
[NodeId] => 65
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 66
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[66] => Array
[NodeId] => 66
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 2DyUnV1
[Text] => Yes, I wonder how that might have gone.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Yes, I wonder how that might have gone.
[frMale] => Oui, je me demande comment ça se serait passé.
[frFemale] => Oui, je me demande comment ça se serait passé.
[deMale] => Ja, das wäre bestimmt ein interessantes Gespräch geworden.
[deFemale] => Ja, das wäre bestimmt ein interessantes Gespräch geworden.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 67
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[67] => Array
[NodeId] => 67
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 68
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[68] => Array
[NodeId] => 68
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Absolutely! I'd be glad to fix the Gravestone by myself!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Absolutely! I'd be glad to fix the Gravestone by myself!
[frMale] => Mais bien sûr ! Je serais ravi de réparer le Cénotaphe tout seul !
[frFemale] => Mais bien sûr ! Je serais ravi de réparer le Cénotaphe tout seul !
[deMale] => Natürlich! Dann repariere ich die Gravestone eben ganz alleine!
[deFemale] => Natürlich! Dann repariere ich die Gravestone eben ganz alleine!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 69
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[69] => Array
[NodeId] => 69
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 70
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[70] => Array
[NodeId] => 70
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 71
[1] => 136
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[71] => Array
[NodeId] => 71
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 1.6140904254768E+19
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] =>
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] =>
[frMale] =>
[frFemale] =>
[deMale] =>
[deFemale] =>
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => [Check in with Koth]
[frMale] => [Aller voir Koth]
[frFemale] => [Aller voir Koth]
[deMale] => [Bei Koth melden]
[deFemale] => [Bei Koth melden]
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 138
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[73] => Array
[NodeId] => 73
[QuestRewardB62] => dBO8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Who's being committed?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Who's being committed?
[frMale] => Qui se fait interner ?
[frFemale] => Qui se fait interner ?
[deMale] => Müssen wir dafür erst einen Antrag stellen?
[deFemale] => Müssen wir dafür erst einen Antrag stellen?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => We're going to an asylum?
[frMale] => On va dans un asile ?
[frFemale] => On va dans un asile ?
[deMale] => Was für ein Asyl?
[deFemale] => Was für ein Asyl?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[c87LB0A] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> is slightly amused.
[frMale] => Cela amuse légèrement <<1>>.
[frFemale] => Cela amuse légèrement <<1>>.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist leicht amüsiert.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist leicht amüsiert.
[kzDMluK] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> is not amused.
[frMale] => Cela n'amuse pas <<1>>.
[frFemale] => Cela n'amuse pas <<1>>.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist nicht erfreut.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist nicht erfreut.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 74
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[74] => Array
[NodeId] => 74
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 2DyUnV1
[Text] => Not that kind of asylum.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Not that kind of asylum.
[frMale] => Pas ce genre d'asile.
[frFemale] => Pas ce genre d'asile.
[deMale] => Nein, das erübrigt sich.
[deFemale] => Nein, das erübrigt sich.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 75
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[75] => Array
[NodeId] => 75
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 76
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[78] => Array
[NodeId] => 78
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Arcann wouldn't even be on the throne right now if she had just stayed out of my way!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Arcann wouldn't even be on the throne right now if she had just stayed out of my way!
[frMale] => Arcann ne serait même pas sur le trône si elle ne s'était pas mise en travers de mon chemin !
[frFemale] => Arcann ne serait même pas sur le trône si elle ne s'était pas mise en travers de mon chemin !
[deMale] => Wenn sie sich nicht eingemischt hätte, würde Arcann jetzt nicht einmal auf dem Thron sitzen!
[deFemale] => Wenn sie sich nicht eingemischt hätte, würde Arcann jetzt nicht einmal auf dem Thron sitzen!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 79
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[79] => Array
[NodeId] => 79
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 80
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[81] => Array
[NodeId] => 81
[QuestsProgressedB62] => Array
[0] => dBO8oz6
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 82
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[82] => Array
[NodeId] => 82
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 1
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[83] => Array
[NodeId] => 83
[QuestsProgressedB62] => Array
[0] => dBO8oz6
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 84
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[84] => Array
[NodeId] => 84
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 31
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[85] => Array
[NodeId] => 85
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 86
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[86] => Array
[NodeId] => 86
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 2DyUnV1
[Text] => What's happened?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => What's happened?
[frMale] => Que s'est-il passé ?
[frFemale] => Que s'est-il passé ?
[deMale] => Was ist passiert?
[deFemale] => Was ist passiert?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 87
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[87] => Array
[NodeId] => 87
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 36
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[92] => Array
[NodeId] => 92
[QuestsProgressedB62] => Array
[0] => dBO8oz6
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 108
[1] => 109
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[93] => Array
[NodeId] => 93
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[94] => Array
[NodeId] => 94
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Target down!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Target down!
[frMale] => Cible abattue !
[frFemale] => Cible abattue !
[deMale] => Ziel erledigt!
[deFemale] => Ziel erledigt!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 95
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[95] => Array
[NodeId] => 95
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 96
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[96] => Array
[NodeId] => 96
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => Wait... five targets... ten... I can't keep up!
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Wait... five targets... ten... I can't keep up!
[frMale] => Attendez... cinq cibles... dix... Je ne peux pas suivre !
[frFemale] => Attendez... cinq cibles... dix... Je ne peux pas suivre !
[deMale] => Moment ... fünf Ziele ... zehn ... es werden immer mehr!
[deFemale] => Moment ... fünf Ziele ... zehn ... es werden immer mehr!
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 97
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[97] => Array
[NodeId] => 97
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 7
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[99] => Array
[NodeId] => 99
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 131
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[100] => Array
[NodeId] => 100
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => xAFeP29
[Text] => More than two dozen ships lost in a single shot....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => More than two dozen ships lost in a single shot....
[frMale] => Plus d'une vingtaine de vaisseaux abattus avec un seul tir...
[frFemale] => Plus d'une vingtaine de vaisseaux abattus avec un seul tir...
[deMale] => Mit einem Schuss mehr als zwei Dutzend Schiffe verloren ...
[deFemale] => Mit einem Schuss mehr als zwei Dutzend Schiffe verloren ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 132
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[101] => Array
[NodeId] => 101
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 102
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[103] => Array
[NodeId] => 103
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[104] => Array
[NodeId] => 104
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => You don't know what she's capable of. You weren't there.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You don't know what she's capable of. You weren't there.
[frMale] => Vous ne savez pas ce dont elle est capable. Vous n'étiez pas là.
[frFemale] => Vous ne savez pas ce dont elle est capable. Vous n'étiez pas là.
[deMale] => Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was sie fähig ist. Ihr wart nicht dort.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt keine Ahnung, zu was sie fähig ist. Ihr wart nicht dort.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 105
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[105] => Array
[NodeId] => 105
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 106
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[106] => Array
[NodeId] => 106
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => sMtvzWI
[Text] => Do they know what you're capable of, Vortena?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Do they know what you're capable of, Vortena?
[frMale] => Savent-ils de quoi vous êtes capable, Vortena ?
[frFemale] => Savent-ils de quoi vous êtes capable, Vortena ?
[deMale] => Wissen sie denn, zu was Ihr fähig seid, Vortena?
[deFemale] => Wissen sie denn, zu was Ihr fähig seid, Vortena?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 107
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[107] => Array
[NodeId] => 107
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 112
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[108] => Array
[NodeId] => 108
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 110
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[109] => Array
[NodeId] => 109
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 111
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[110] => Array
[NodeId] => 110
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 93
[1] => 99
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[111] => Array
[NodeId] => 111
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 103
[1] => 113
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[113] => Array
[NodeId] => 113
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[114] => Array
[NodeId] => 114
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[Text] => How many people did Arcann slaughter while you still served him? How many?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => How many people did Arcann slaughter while you still served him? How many?
[frMale] => Combien de gens Arcann a-t-il massacrés pendant que vous étiez à son service ? Combien ?
[frFemale] => Combien de gens Arcann a-t-il massacrés pendant que vous étiez à son service ? Combien ?
[deMale] => Wie viele Leute hat Arcann abgeschlachtet, als Ihr ihm noch gedient habt? Wie viele?
[deFemale] => Wie viele Leute hat Arcann abgeschlachtet, als Ihr ihm noch gedient habt? Wie viele?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 115
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[115] => Array
[NodeId] => 115
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 116
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[116] => Array
[NodeId] => 116
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => sMtvzWI
[Text] => We're comparing body counts now? I'm not sure that's a game you want to play, Vortena.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We're comparing body counts now? I'm not sure that's a game you want to play, Vortena.
[frMale] => Vous voulez qu'on compare le nombre de morts maintenant ? Je ne suis pas sûre que vous ayez envie de jouer à ce jeu, Vortena.
[frFemale] => Vous voulez qu'on compare le nombre de morts maintenant ? Je ne suis pas sûre que vous ayez envie de jouer à ce jeu, Vortena.
[deMale] => Vergleichen wir jetzt Opferzahlen? Ich bin nicht sicher, ob Ihr das Spiel wirklich spielen wollt, Vortena.
[deFemale] => Vergleichen wir jetzt Opferzahlen? Ich bin nicht sicher, ob Ihr das Spiel wirklich spielen wollt, Vortena.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 117
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[117] => Array
[NodeId] => 117
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 62
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[119] => Array
[NodeId] => 119
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 120
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[120] => Array
[NodeId] => 120
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 5
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[121] => Array
[NodeId] => 121
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 122
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[122] => Array
[NodeId] => 122
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 123
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[123] => Array
[NodeId] => 123
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 124
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[124] => Array
[NodeId] => 124
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 94
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[125] => Array
[NodeId] => 125
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
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[MaxLevel] => -1
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 126
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[126] => Array
[NodeId] => 126
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 2
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[127] => Array
[NodeId] => 127
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 128
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 14
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[129] => Array
[NodeId] => 129
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 130
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[130] => Array
[NodeId] => 130
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 3
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[131] => Array
[NodeId] => 131
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 101
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[132] => Array
[NodeId] => 132
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 15
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[133] => Array
[NodeId] => 133
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 134
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[134] => Array
[NodeId] => 134
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 56
[1] => 78
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[136] => Array
[NodeId] => 136
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 1.6140904254768E+19
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] =>
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] =>
[frMale] =>
[frFemale] =>
[deMale] =>
[deFemale] =>
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => [Check in with Lana]
[frMale] => [Aller voir Lana]
[frFemale] => [Aller voir Lana]
[deMale] => [Bei Lana melden]
[deFemale] => [Bei Lana melden]
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 137
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_05.scene_06_koth
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[137] => Array
[NodeId] => 137
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[139] => Array
[NodeId] => 139
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 141
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[140] => Array
[NodeId] => 140
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 145
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[141] => Array
[NodeId] => 141
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
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[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 142
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[142] => Array
[NodeId] => 142
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => zoefzBa
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 143
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[143] => Array
[NodeId] => 143
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
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[MaxLevel] => -1
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
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