- I told you before that Arcann had a brother. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.
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"Text": "It's impressive, you know. People from all over the galaxy want to stand behind you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "It's impressive, you know. People from all over the galaxy want to stand behind you.",
"frMale": "C'est impressionnant, vous savez\u00a0? Des gens issus des quatre coins de la galaxie vous soutiennent.",
"frFemale": "C'est impressionnant, vous savez\u00a0? Des gens issus des quatre coins de la galaxie vous soutiennent.",
"deMale": "Es ist wirklich beeindruckend. Leute aus der ganzen Galaxis folgen Euch.",
"deFemale": "Es ist wirklich beeindruckend. Leute aus der ganzen Galaxis folgen Euch."
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"Text": "We'll need every last one of them and more to make this work.",
"LocalizedText": {
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"frMale": "Nous aurons besoin de chacun d'entre eux pour remporter la victoire.",
"frFemale": "Nous aurons besoin de chacun d'entre eux pour remporter la victoire.",
"deMale": "Wir werden sie alle brauchen - und mehr, damit unser Plan funktioniert.",
"deFemale": "Wir werden sie alle brauchen - und mehr, damit unser Plan funktioniert."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "It's not enough.",
"frMale": "\u00c7a ne suffit pas.",
"frFemale": "\u00c7a ne suffit pas.",
"deMale": "Es reicht nicht.",
"deFemale": "Es reicht nicht."
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"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
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"Text": "This is how it was always going to be.",
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"enMale": "This is how it was always going to be.",
"frMale": "Il devait en \u00eatre ainsi et pas autrement.",
"frFemale": "Il devait en \u00eatre ainsi et pas autrement.",
"deMale": "Das alles war vorherbestimmt.",
"deFemale": "Das alles war vorherbestimmt."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "It's my destiny.",
"frMale": "C'est mon destin.",
"frFemale": "C'est mon destin.",
"deMale": "Es ist mein Schicksal.",
"deFemale": "Es ist mein Schicksal."
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"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
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"Text": "That can't be what you were out here contemplating.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "That can't be what you were out here contemplating.",
"frMale": "Ne me dites pas que c'est \u00e7a qui vous pr\u00e9occupait.",
"frFemale": "Ne me dites pas que c'est \u00e7a qui vous pr\u00e9occupait.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt hier drau\u00dfen sicher nicht dar\u00fcber nachgedacht.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt hier drau\u00dfen sicher nicht dar\u00fcber nachgedacht."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "What's really on your mind?",
"frMale": "Qu'est-ce qui vous tracasse\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Qu'est-ce qui vous tracasse\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was besch\u00e4ftigt Euch wirklich?",
"deFemale": "Was besch\u00e4ftigt Euch wirklich?"
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"frMale": "Cela amuse <<1>>.",
"frFemale": "Cela amuse <<1>>.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist am\u00fcsiert.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist am\u00fcsiert."
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"Text": "It is, in a way. I was thinking how so many Scions followed Heskal.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "It is, in a way. I was thinking how so many Scions followed Heskal.",
"frMale": "En un sens. Je me demandais pourquoi tant de Descendants suivaient Heskal.",
"frFemale": "En un sens. Je me demandais pourquoi tant de Descendants suivaient Heskal.",
"deMale": "Doch, in gewisser Weise schon. Ich habe dar\u00fcber nachgedacht, dass so viele Erben Heskal gefolgt sind.",
"deFemale": "Doch, in gewisser Weise schon. Ich habe dar\u00fcber nachgedacht, dass so viele Erben Heskal gefolgt sind."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "He would have them die as he did because their deaths were foreseen. Their visions provide great insight, but they're not infallible.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He would have them die as he did because their deaths were foreseen. Their visions provide great insight, but they're not infallible.",
"frMale": "Il les sacrifiait de cette mani\u00e8re car leur mort avait \u00e9t\u00e9 pr\u00e9dite. Ces visions \u00e9taient d'une grande clairvoyance, mais pas infaillibles.",
"frFemale": "Il les sacrifiait de cette mani\u00e8re car leur mort avait \u00e9t\u00e9 pr\u00e9dite. Ces visions \u00e9taient d'une grande clairvoyance, mais pas infaillibles.",
"deMale": "Er nimmt eiskalt ihren Tod in Kauf, weil es angeblich so vorhergesagt worden war. Ihre Visionen bieten wichtige Erkenntnisse, aber sie sind nicht unfehlbar.",
"deFemale": "Er nimmt eiskalt ihren Tod in Kauf, weil es angeblich so vorhergesagt worden war. Ihre Visionen bieten wichtige Erkenntnisse, aber sie sind nicht unfehlbar."
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"Text": "Reminds me of the Heralds of Zildrog.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Reminds me of the Heralds of Zildrog.",
"frMale": "\u00c7a me rappelle les Messagers de Zildrog.",
"frFemale": "\u00c7a me rappelle les Messagers de Zildrog.",
"deMale": "Erinnert mich an die Herolde von Zildrog.",
"deFemale": "Erinnert mich an die Herolde von Zildrog."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "There's another leader who paid for his certainty.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "There's another leader who paid for his certainty.",
"frMale": "Un autre dirigeant a pay\u00e9 pour ses certitudes.",
"frFemale": "Un autre dirigeant a pay\u00e9 pour ses certitudes.",
"deMale": "Ein weiterer Anf\u00fchrer, der f\u00fcr seine Gewissheit bezahlt hat.",
"deFemale": "Ein weiterer Anf\u00fchrer, der f\u00fcr seine Gewissheit bezahlt hat."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "Say what you will about Valkorion, but he at least considered the viewpoints of others. He listened to me. Most of the time.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Say what you will about Valkorion, but he at least considered the viewpoints of others. He listened to me. Most of the time.",
"frMale": "Vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, Valkorion consid\u00e9rait le point de vue des autres. Il m'\u00e9coutait. Enfin, la plupart du temps.",
"frFemale": "Vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, Valkorion consid\u00e9rait le point de vue des autres. Il m'\u00e9coutait. Enfin, la plupart du temps.",
"deMale": "Ihr k\u00f6nnt \u00fcber Valkorion sagen, was Ihr wollt, aber er hat zumindest andere Standpunkte in Betracht gezogen. Er hat auf mich geh\u00f6rt. Meistens.",
"deFemale": "Ihr k\u00f6nnt \u00fcber Valkorion sagen, was Ihr wollt, aber er hat zumindest andere Standpunkte in Betracht gezogen. Er hat auf mich geh\u00f6rt. Meistens."
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"Text": "He didn't--he would never have done what--what Arcann....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He didn't--he would never have done what--what Arcann....",
"frMale": "Il n'a pas... Il n'aurait jamais fait ce qu'Arcann a pu faire...",
"frFemale": "Il n'a pas... Il n'aurait jamais fait ce qu'Arcann a pu faire...",
"deMale": "Er hat nicht ... er h\u00e4tte nie getan, was Arcann getan hat ...",
"deFemale": "Er hat nicht ... er h\u00e4tte nie getan, was Arcann getan hat ..."
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"Text": "What is it?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "What is it?",
"frMale": "Que se passe-t-il\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Que se passe-t-il\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Bitte, sprecht weiter.",
"deFemale": "Bitte, sprecht weiter."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "Arcann had a twin. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Arcann had a twin. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.",
"frMale": "Arcann avait un fr\u00e8re jumeau. Thexan. Jusqu'\u00e0 sa mort, ils \u00e9taient ins\u00e9parables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann a assassin\u00e9 Thexan.",
"frFemale": "Arcann avait un fr\u00e8re jumeau. Thexan. Jusqu'\u00e0 sa mort, ils \u00e9taient ins\u00e9parables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann a assassin\u00e9 Thexan.",
"deMale": "Arcann hatte einen Zwilling. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erz\u00e4hlt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet.",
"deFemale": "Arcann hatte einen Zwilling. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erz\u00e4hlt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "His own brother. Maybe if I had raised him....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "His own brother. Maybe if I had raised him....",
"frMale": "Son propre fr\u00e8re. Si je l'avais \u00e9lev\u00e9, peut-\u00eatre que...",
"frFemale": "Son propre fr\u00e8re. Si je l'avais \u00e9lev\u00e9, peut-\u00eatre que...",
"deMale": "Seinen eigenen Bruder. H\u00e4tte ich ihn aufgezogen, dann ...",
"deFemale": "Seinen eigenen Bruder. H\u00e4tte ich ihn aufgezogen, dann ..."
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"Text": "Your fight with Vaylin--what happened?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Your fight with Vaylin--what happened?",
"frMale": "Que s'est-il pass\u00e9 durant votre combat contre Vaylin\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Que s'est-il pass\u00e9 durant votre combat contre Vaylin\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was ist bei Eurem Kampf mit Vaylin passiert?",
"deFemale": "Was ist bei Eurem Kampf mit Vaylin passiert?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "",
"frMale": "Avez-vous tu\u00e9 Vaylin\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Avez-vous tu\u00e9 Vaylin\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Habt Ihr Vaylin get\u00f6tet?",
"deFemale": "Habt Ihr Vaylin get\u00f6tet?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "What she had to say, it struck me down to my core. Paralyzed me. She slipped away.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "What she had to say, it struck me down to my core. Paralyzed me. She slipped away.",
"frMale": "Ses paroles m'ont frapp\u00e9 au plus profond de mon c\u0153ur. J'\u00e9tais comme fig\u00e9e. Elle s'est enfuie.",
"frFemale": "Ses paroles m'ont frapp\u00e9 au plus profond de mon c\u0153ur. J'\u00e9tais comme fig\u00e9e. Elle s'est enfuie.",
"deMale": "Was sie gesagt hat, hat mich im Kern ersch\u00fcttert. Mich bet\u00e4ubt und gel\u00e4hmt. So ist sie entkommen.",
"deFemale": "Was sie gesagt hat, hat mich im Kern ersch\u00fcttert. Mich bet\u00e4ubt und gel\u00e4hmt. So ist sie entkommen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "Now more than ever, I realize my children must be stopped and that I have to make peace with the choices I've made.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Now more than ever, I realize my children must be stopped and that I have to make peace with the choices I've made.",
"frMale": "Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, je comprends que mes enfants doivent \u00eatre arr\u00eat\u00e9s et que je dois accepter les choix que j'ai faits.",
"frFemale": "Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, je comprends que mes enfants doivent \u00eatre arr\u00eat\u00e9s et que je dois accepter les choix que j'ai faits.",
"deMale": "Mehr denn je wei\u00df ich nun, dass meine Kinder aufgehalten werden m\u00fcssen - und dass ich mit den Entscheidungen, die ich getroffen habe, ins Reine kommen muss.",
"deFemale": "Mehr denn je wei\u00df ich nun, dass meine Kinder aufgehalten werden m\u00fcssen - und dass ich mit den Entscheidungen, die ich getroffen habe, ins Reine kommen muss."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "Whatever you've done to get here, I hope you can do the same.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Whatever you've done to get here, I hope you can do the same.",
"frMale": "Je vous souhaite la m\u00eame chose, quels qu'aient \u00e9t\u00e9 vos choix.",
"frFemale": "Je vous souhaite la m\u00eame chose, quels qu'aient \u00e9t\u00e9 vos choix.",
"deMale": "Ich hoffe, Ihr k\u00f6nnt das auch - was auch immer Ihr tun musstet, um hierher zu gelangen.",
"deFemale": "Ich hoffe, Ihr k\u00f6nnt das auch - was auch immer Ihr tun musstet, um hierher zu gelangen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "dugEaV2",
"Text": "She raises a good question: How do you look back on your path to this moment?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "She raises a good question: How do you look back on your path to this moment?",
"frMale": "Elle soul\u00e8ve une bonne question\u00a0: que pensez-vous du chemin qui vous a conduit jusqu'ici\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Elle soul\u00e8ve une bonne question\u00a0: que pensez-vous du chemin qui vous a conduite jusqu'ici\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Sie hat eine wichtige Frage gestellt. Wie betrachtet Ihr den Weg, den Ihr bis hierhin gegangen seid?",
"deFemale": "Sie hat eine wichtige Frage gestellt. Wie betrachtet Ihr den Weg, den Ihr bis hierhin gegangen seid?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"Text": "You mean that whirlwind of insanity?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You mean that whirlwind of insanity?",
"frMale": "Vous faites allusion \u00e0 ce maelstrom de d\u00e9mence\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous faites allusion \u00e0 ce maelstrom de d\u00e9mence\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ihr meint diesen Wirbel des Wahnsinns?",
"deFemale": "Ihr meint diesen Wirbel des Wahnsinns?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "It's a blur.",
"frMale": "Tout est flou.",
"frFemale": "Tout est flou.",
"deMale": "Es ist nur eine verschwommene Erinnerung.",
"deFemale": "Es ist nur eine verschwommene Erinnerung."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"dugEaV2": {
"Key": 0,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> disapproves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> d\u00e9sapprouve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist dagegen.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist dagegen."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "I made the decisions I felt were right. That's about all any of us can ever do.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I made the decisions I felt were right. That's about all any of us can ever do.",
"frMale": "J'ai pris mes d\u00e9cisions en mon \u00e2me et conscience. C'est la seule chose qu'il nous reste encore.",
"frFemale": "J'ai pris mes d\u00e9cisions en mon \u00e2me et conscience. C'est la seule chose qu'il nous reste encore.",
"deMale": "Ich habe die Entscheidungen getroffen, die ich als richtig angesehen habe. Mehr kann niemand von uns tun.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe die Entscheidungen getroffen, die ich als richtig angesehen habe. Mehr kann niemand von uns tun."
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "I have no regrets.",
"frMale": "Je n'ai aucun regret.",
"frFemale": "Je n'ai aucun regret.",
"deMale": "Ich bereue nichts.",
"deFemale": "Ich bereue nichts."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"dugEaV2": {
"Key": 0,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> approves.",
"frMale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"frFemale": "<<1>> approuve.",
"deMale": "<<1>> stimmt zu.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> stimmt zu."
"IsAmbient": false,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "You're in my head. Why don't you take a look for yourself?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You're in my head. Why don't you take a look for yourself?",
"frMale": "Vous \u00eates dans ma t\u00eate. Pourquoi vous ne regardez pas par vous-m\u00eame\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous \u00eates dans ma t\u00eate. Pourquoi vous ne regardez pas par vous-m\u00eame\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ihr seid in meinem Kopf. Warum findet Ihr es nicht selbst heraus?",
"deFemale": "Ihr seid in meinem Kopf. Warum findet Ihr es nicht selbst heraus?"
"LocalizedOptionText": {
"enMale": "Not going to read my thoughts?",
"frMale": "Vous ne lisez pas mes pens\u00e9es\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous ne lisez pas mes pens\u00e9es\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ihr werdet nicht meine Gedanken lesen?",
"deFemale": "Ihr werdet nicht meine Gedanken lesen?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": {
"dugEaV2": {
"Key": 200,
"Value": {
"enMale": "<<1>> is amused.",
"frMale": "Cela amuse <<1>>.",
"frFemale": "Cela amuse <<1>>.",
"deMale": "<<1>> ist am\u00fcsiert.",
"deFemale": "<<1>> ist am\u00fcsiert."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "dugEaV2",
"Text": "And what good would that do our alliance?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "And what good would that do our alliance?",
"frMale": "Et en quoi serait-ce b\u00e9n\u00e9fique \u00e0 notre alliance\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Et en quoi serait-ce b\u00e9n\u00e9fique \u00e0 notre alliance\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Und inwiefern w\u00fcrde das unserer Allianz helfen?",
"deFemale": "Und inwiefern w\u00fcrde das unserer Allianz helfen?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "dugEaV2",
"Text": "You may not see an alliance, but our destinies are now intertwined. Take advantage of that fact and there is much you will be capable of.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You may not see an alliance, but our destinies are now intertwined. Take advantage of that fact and there is much you will be capable of.",
"frMale": "Vous ne comprenez pas notre alliance, mais nos destins sont li\u00e9s. Apprenez \u00e0 en tirer parti et rien ne pourra vous arr\u00eater.",
"frFemale": "Vous ne comprenez pas notre alliance, mais nos destins sont li\u00e9s. Apprenez \u00e0 en tirer parti et rien ne pourra vous arr\u00eater.",
"deMale": "Vielleicht seht Ihr keine Allianz, aber unsere Bestimmung ist miteinander verkn\u00fcpft. Nutzt das zu Eurem Vorteil aus und Ihr werdet viel erreichen.",
"deFemale": "Vielleicht seht Ihr keine Allianz, aber unsere Bestimmung ist miteinander verkn\u00fcpft. Nutzt das zu Eurem Vorteil aus und Ihr werdet viel erreichen."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "dugEaV2",
"Text": "I see you defeating Arcann, even if there are those on this world who disagree.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I see you defeating Arcann, even if there are those on this world who disagree.",
"frMale": "Je vous vois bien triompher d'Arcann, mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.",
"frFemale": "Je vous vois bien triompher d'Arcann, mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.",
"deMale": "Ich sehe, dass Ihr Arcann besiegt - auch wenn nicht jeder auf dieser Welt daran glaubt.",
"deFemale": "Ich sehe, dass Ihr Arcann besiegt - auch wenn nicht jeder auf dieser Welt daran glaubt."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "0000000",
"Text": "What does that mean? Who disagrees?",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "What does that mean? Who disagrees?",
"frMale": "Qu'est-ce que \u00e7a veut dire\u00a0? Qui en doute\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Qu'est-ce que \u00e7a veut dire\u00a0? Qui en doute\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Was soll das hei\u00dfen? Wer glaubt nicht daran?",
"deFemale": "Was soll das hei\u00dfen? Wer glaubt nicht daran?"
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
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"AbortsConversation": false,
"IsPlayerNode": false,
"SpeakerB62Id": "dugEaV2",
"Text": "You will learn soon enough....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "You will learn soon enough....",
"frMale": "Vous le saurez bien assez t\u00f4t...",
"frFemale": "Vous le saurez bien assez t\u00f4t...",
"deMale": "Das werdet Ihr schon bald erfahren ...",
"deFemale": "Das werdet Ihr schon bald erfahren ..."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
"CnvAlienVOFQN": "",
"AffectionRewardEventsB62": [],
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"SpeakerB62Id": "vQL34K8",
"Text": "He's out there somewhere. Our own father, plotting against us.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He's out there somewhere. Our own father, plotting against us.",
"frMale": "Il est l\u00e0, quelque part. Notre propre p\u00e8re complote contre nous.",
"frFemale": "Il est l\u00e0, quelque part. Notre propre p\u00e8re complote contre nous.",
"deMale": "Er ist irgendwo da drau\u00dfen. Unser eigener Vater - und er schmiedet Pl\u00e4ne gegen uns.",
"deFemale": "Er ist irgendwo da drau\u00dfen. Unser eigener Vater - und er schmiedet Pl\u00e4ne gegen uns."
"CnvAlienVONode": -1,
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"SpeakerB62Id": "9vyTqs4",
"Text": "He's not the only one. After I told Mother that you killed Thexan, she probably wants your head.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "He's not the only one. After I told Mother that you killed Thexan, she probably wants your head.",
"frMale": "Il n'est pas le seul. Maintenant que M\u00e8re sait que tu as tu\u00e9 Thexan, elle souhaite s\u00fbrement ta mort.",
"frFemale": "Il n'est pas le seul. Maintenant que M\u00e8re sait que tu as tu\u00e9 Thexan, elle souhaite s\u00fbrement ta mort.",
"deMale": "Und er ist nicht alleine. Nachdem ich Mutter erz\u00e4hlt habe, dass du Thexan get\u00f6tet hast, wird sie sicher deinen Kopf fordern.",
"deFemale": "Und er ist nicht alleine. Nachdem ich Mutter erz\u00e4hlt habe, dass du Thexan get\u00f6tet hast, wird sie sicher deinen Kopf fordern."
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"Text": "But it's not a problem. You have the throne, the fleet, this whole empire.... You're as safe from her as can be.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "But it's not a problem. You have the throne, the fleet, this whole empire.... You're as safe from her as can be.",
"frMale": "Mais ce n'est pas un probl\u00e8me. Tu poss\u00e8des le Tr\u00f4ne, la Flotte, l'Empire tout entier... Tu es \u00e0 l'abri de sa vengeance.",
"frFemale": "Mais ce n'est pas un probl\u00e8me. Tu poss\u00e8des le Tr\u00f4ne, la Flotte, l'Empire tout entier... Tu es \u00e0 l'abri de sa vengeance.",
"deMale": "Aber das ist kein Problem. Du hast den Thron, die Flotte, dieses gesamte Imperium ... Du bist so sicher vor ihr, wie es nur geht.",
"deFemale": "Aber das ist kein Problem. Du hast den Thron, die Flotte, dieses gesamte Imperium ... Du bist so sicher vor ihr, wie es nur geht."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "vQL34K8",
"Text": "I wish Thexan could be here now. He'd see I was right to challenge Father.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I wish Thexan could be here now. He'd see I was right to challenge Father.",
"frMale": "Si seulement Thexan \u00e9tait l\u00e0... Il verrait que j'ai eu raison de d\u00e9fier P\u00e8re.",
"frFemale": "Si seulement Thexan \u00e9tait l\u00e0... Il verrait que j'ai eu raison de d\u00e9fier P\u00e8re.",
"deMale": "Ich w\u00fcnschte, Thexan w\u00e4re jetzt hier. Er w\u00fcrde sehen, dass es richtig war, Vater herauszufordern.",
"deFemale": "Ich w\u00fcnschte, Thexan w\u00e4re jetzt hier. Er w\u00fcrde sehen, dass es richtig war, Vater herauszufordern."
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"Text": "Imagine it: the three of us ruling this empire as it was meant to be ruled.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Imagine it: the three of us ruling this empire as it was meant to be ruled.",
"frMale": "Imagine un peu\u00a0: nous r\u00e9gnerions tous les trois comme il se doit sur cet empire.",
"frFemale": "Imagine un peu\u00a0: nous r\u00e9gnerions tous les trois comme il se doit sur cet empire.",
"deMale": "Stell dir nur vor, wie wir drei \u00fcber dieses Imperium herrschen - so, wie es sein sollte.",
"deFemale": "Stell dir nur vor, wie wir drei \u00fcber dieses Imperium herrschen - so, wie es sein sollte."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "9vyTqs4",
"Text": "I'd like it if Thexan were here, too. But that's no longer possible.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I'd like it if Thexan were here, too. But that's no longer possible.",
"frMale": "Moi aussi j'aimerais que Thexan soit l\u00e0. Mais c'est impossible, d\u00e9sormais.",
"frFemale": "Moi aussi j'aimerais que Thexan soit l\u00e0. Mais c'est impossible, d\u00e9sormais.",
"deMale": "Ich w\u00fcnschte auch, dass Thexan hier w\u00e4re. Aber das ist nicht mehr m\u00f6glich.",
"deFemale": "Ich w\u00fcnschte auch, dass Thexan hier w\u00e4re. Aber das ist nicht mehr m\u00f6glich."
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"Text": "If you really want us to feel more like a family again, we can make that happen.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "If you really want us to feel more like a family again, we can make that happen.",
"frMale": "Cela dit, si tu souhaites tant organiser une r\u00e9union de famille, \u00e7a peut s'arranger.",
"frFemale": "Cela dit, si tu souhaites tant organiser une r\u00e9union de famille, \u00e7a peut s'arranger.",
"deMale": "Aber wenn wir uns wirklich wieder mehr wie eine Familie f\u00fchlen sollen, dann l\u00e4sst sich das einrichten.",
"deFemale": "Aber wenn wir uns wirklich wieder mehr wie eine Familie f\u00fchlen sollen, dann l\u00e4sst sich das einrichten."
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"Text": "Thexen wasn't our only sibling....",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Thexen wasn't our only sibling....",
"frMale": "Thexan n'\u00e9tait pas notre seul fr\u00e8re...",
"frFemale": "Thexan n'\u00e9tait pas notre seul fr\u00e8re...",
"deMale": "Wir hatten mehr Geschwister als nur Thexan ...",
"deFemale": "Wir hatten mehr Geschwister als nur Thexan ..."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "Yes. That's what Heskal believed, too. Look at how the Scions followed him.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Yes. That's what Heskal believed, too. Look at how the Scions followed him.",
"frMale": "Oui. C'est \u00e9galement ce que croyait Heskal. Vous avez vu comme les Descendants le suivaient\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Oui. C'est \u00e9galement ce que croyait Heskal. Vous avez vu comme les Descendants le suivaient\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ja. Das hat Heskal auch geglaubt. Und die Erben sind ihm blind gefolgt.",
"deFemale": "Ja. Das hat Heskal auch geglaubt. Und die Erben sind ihm blind gefolgt."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "mxkb5V7",
"Text": "I was worried Heskal had blinded you with his certainty like he did with the Scions.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I was worried Heskal had blinded you with his certainty like he did with the Scions.",
"frMale": "Je craignais qu'Heskal ne vous ait aveugl\u00e9 de ses certitudes, comme il l'a fait avec les Descendants.",
"frFemale": "Je craignais qu'Heskal ne vous ait aveugl\u00e9e de ses certitudes, comme il l'a fait avec les Descendants.",
"deMale": "Ich f\u00fcrchtete schon, dass Euch Heskal mit seiner Gewissheit geblendet hat - so wie die Erben.",
"deFemale": "Ich f\u00fcrchtete schon, dass Euch Heskal mit seiner Gewissheit geblendet hat - so wie die Erben."
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"SpeakerB62Id": "dugEaV2",
"Text": "We are of one purpose, but your mind is your own. Use it well and you will succeed.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "We are of one purpose, but your mind is your own. Use it well and you will succeed.",
"frMale": "Notre but est unique, mais votre esprit vous appartient. Faites-en bon usage et triomphez.",
"frFemale": "Notre but est unique, mais votre esprit vous appartient. Faites-en bon usage et triomphez.",
"deMale": "Wir haben dasselbe Ziel, aber Euer Geist geh\u00f6rt Euch. Benutzt ihn und Ihr werdet siegen.",
"deFemale": "Wir haben dasselbe Ziel, aber Euer Geist geh\u00f6rt Euch. Benutzt ihn und Ihr werdet siegen."
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"Text": "A life without regret is a life well-lived... though I suppose it remains to be seen whether you will ultimately succeed.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "A life without regret is a life well-lived... though I suppose it remains to be seen whether you will ultimately succeed.",
"frMale": "Une vie sans regrets est une vie bien v\u00e9cue... Mais je suppose que seul le temps nous dira si vous parviendrez \u00e0 vos fins.",
"frFemale": "Une vie sans regrets est une vie bien v\u00e9cue... Mais je suppose que seul le temps nous dira si vous parviendrez \u00e0 vos fins.",
"deMale": "Ein Leben ohne Reue ist ein gutes Leben ... doch es bleibt abzuwarten, ob man letztendlich Erfolg hat.",
"deFemale": "Ein Leben ohne Reue ist ein gutes Leben ... doch es bleibt abzuwarten, ob man letztendlich Erfolg hat."
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"Text": "Personally, I see you defeating Arcann. Others on this world disagree.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Personally, I see you defeating Arcann. Others on this world disagree.",
"frMale": "Personnellement, je pense que vous vaincrez Arcann. Mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.",
"frFemale": "Personnellement, je pense que vous vaincrez Arcann. Mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.",
"deMale": "Ich pers\u00f6nlich glaube, dass Ihr Arcann besiegen werdet. Auch wenn das nicht jeder auf dieser Welt so sieht.",
"deFemale": "Ich pers\u00f6nlich glaube, dass Ihr Arcann besiegen werdet. Auch wenn das nicht jeder auf dieser Welt so sieht."
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"Text": "Make light of it if you wish, but you've accomplished much and come far since your reawakening.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Make light of it if you wish, but you've accomplished much and come far since your reawakening.",
"frMale": "Tournez-le en d\u00e9rision si \u00e7a vous chante, mais vous avez beaucoup accompli depuis votre r\u00e9veil.",
"frFemale": "Tournez-le en d\u00e9rision si \u00e7a vous chante, mais vous avez beaucoup accompli depuis votre r\u00e9veil.",
"deMale": "Spielt es ruhig herunter, aber Ihr habt seit Eurer Wiedererweckung viel erreicht und seid weit gekommen.",
"deFemale": "Spielt es ruhig herunter, aber Ihr habt seit Eurer Wiedererweckung viel erreicht und seid weit gekommen."
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"Text": "Doesn't matter. Father has a new favorite. He wants the Outlander to take all of this from you.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "Doesn't matter. Father has a new favorite. He wants the Outlander to take all of this from you.",
"frMale": "Peu importe. P\u00e8re a un nouveau favori. Il veut que l'\u00c9tranger te d\u00e9poss\u00e8de de tout ceci.",
"frFemale": "Peu importe. P\u00e8re a une nouvelle favorite. Il veut que l'\u00c9trang\u00e8re te d\u00e9poss\u00e8de de tout ceci.",
"deMale": "Das spielt keine Rolle. Vater hat einen neuen Liebling. Er will, dass der Fremdling dir das alles wegnimmt.",
"deFemale": "Das spielt keine Rolle. Vater hat einen neuen Liebling. Er will, dass der Fremdling dir das alles wegnimmt."
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"LocalizedText": {
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"frMale": "Je mourrai plut\u00f4t que de laisser cela nous arriver.",
"frFemale": "Je mourrai plut\u00f4t que de laisser cela nous arriver.",
"deMale": "Eher sterbe ich, bevor ich das zulasse.",
"deFemale": "Eher sterbe ich, bevor ich das zulasse."
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"frMale": "Je le sais bien.",
"frFemale": "Je le sais bien.",
"deMale": "Nat\u00fcrlich wirst du das.",
"deFemale": "Nat\u00fcrlich wirst du das."
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"Text": "I told you before that Arcann had a brother. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.",
"LocalizedText": {
"enMale": "I told you before that Arcann had a brother. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.",
"frMale": "Je vous ai d\u00e9j\u00e0 dit qu'Arcann avait un fr\u00e8re. Thexan. Jusqu'\u00e0 sa mort, ils \u00e9taient ins\u00e9parables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann avait assassin\u00e9 Thexan.",
"frFemale": "Je vous ai d\u00e9j\u00e0 dit qu'Arcann avait un fr\u00e8re. Thexan. Jusqu'\u00e0 sa mort, ils \u00e9taient ins\u00e9parables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann avait assassin\u00e9 Thexan.",
"deMale": "Ich habe Euch bereits erz\u00e4hlt, dass Arcann einen Bruder hatte. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erz\u00e4hlt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet.",
"deFemale": "Ich habe Euch bereits erz\u00e4hlt, dass Arcann einen Bruder hatte. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erz\u00e4hlt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet."
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[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => It's impressive, you know. People from all over the galaxy want to stand behind you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => It's impressive, you know. People from all over the galaxy want to stand behind you.
[frMale] => C'est impressionnant, vous savez ? Des gens issus des quatre coins de la galaxie vous soutiennent.
[frFemale] => C'est impressionnant, vous savez ? Des gens issus des quatre coins de la galaxie vous soutiennent.
[deMale] => Es ist wirklich beeindruckend. Leute aus der ganzen Galaxis folgen Euch.
[deFemale] => Es ist wirklich beeindruckend. Leute aus der ganzen Galaxis folgen Euch.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 4
[1] => 5
[2] => 6
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[4] => Array
[NodeId] => 4
[QuestRewardB62] => DwC8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => We'll need every last one of them and more to make this work.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We'll need every last one of them and more to make this work.
[frMale] => Nous aurons besoin de chacun d'entre eux pour remporter la victoire.
[frFemale] => Nous aurons besoin de chacun d'entre eux pour remporter la victoire.
[deMale] => Wir werden sie alle brauchen - und mehr, damit unser Plan funktioniert.
[deFemale] => Wir werden sie alle brauchen - und mehr, damit unser Plan funktioniert.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => It's not enough.
[frMale] => Ça ne suffit pas.
[frFemale] => Ça ne suffit pas.
[deMale] => Es reicht nicht.
[deFemale] => Es reicht nicht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[ikLyDgK] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 64
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[5] => Array
[NodeId] => 5
[QuestRewardB62] => DwC8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => This is how it was always going to be.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => This is how it was always going to be.
[frMale] => Il devait en être ainsi et pas autrement.
[frFemale] => Il devait en être ainsi et pas autrement.
[deMale] => Das alles war vorherbestimmt.
[deFemale] => Das alles war vorherbestimmt.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => It's my destiny.
[frMale] => C'est mon destin.
[frFemale] => C'est mon destin.
[deMale] => Es ist mein Schicksal.
[deFemale] => Es ist mein Schicksal.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[ikLyDgK] => Array
[Key] => 50
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 63
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[6] => Array
[NodeId] => 6
[QuestRewardB62] => DwC8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => That can't be what you were out here contemplating.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => That can't be what you were out here contemplating.
[frMale] => Ne me dites pas que c'est ça qui vous préoccupait.
[frFemale] => Ne me dites pas que c'est ça qui vous préoccupait.
[deMale] => Ihr habt hier draußen sicher nicht darüber nachgedacht.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt hier draußen sicher nicht darüber nachgedacht.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => What's really on your mind?
[frMale] => Qu'est-ce qui vous tracasse ?
[frFemale] => Qu'est-ce qui vous tracasse ?
[deMale] => Was beschäftigt Euch wirklich?
[deFemale] => Was beschäftigt Euch wirklich?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[ikLyDgK] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> is amused.
[frMale] => Cela amuse <<1>>.
[frFemale] => Cela amuse <<1>>.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist amüsiert.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist amüsiert.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 7
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[7] => Array
[NodeId] => 7
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => It is, in a way. I was thinking how so many Scions followed Heskal.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => It is, in a way. I was thinking how so many Scions followed Heskal.
[frMale] => En un sens. Je me demandais pourquoi tant de Descendants suivaient Heskal.
[frFemale] => En un sens. Je me demandais pourquoi tant de Descendants suivaient Heskal.
[deMale] => Doch, in gewisser Weise schon. Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, dass so viele Erben Heskal gefolgt sind.
[deFemale] => Doch, in gewisser Weise schon. Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, dass so viele Erben Heskal gefolgt sind.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 8
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[8] => Array
[NodeId] => 8
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 9
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[9] => Array
[NodeId] => 9
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => He would have them die as he did because their deaths were foreseen. Their visions provide great insight, but they're not infallible.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He would have them die as he did because their deaths were foreseen. Their visions provide great insight, but they're not infallible.
[frMale] => Il les sacrifiait de cette manière car leur mort avait été prédite. Ces visions étaient d'une grande clairvoyance, mais pas infaillibles.
[frFemale] => Il les sacrifiait de cette manière car leur mort avait été prédite. Ces visions étaient d'une grande clairvoyance, mais pas infaillibles.
[deMale] => Er nimmt eiskalt ihren Tod in Kauf, weil es angeblich so vorhergesagt worden war. Ihre Visionen bieten wichtige Erkenntnisse, aber sie sind nicht unfehlbar.
[deFemale] => Er nimmt eiskalt ihren Tod in Kauf, weil es angeblich so vorhergesagt worden war. Ihre Visionen bieten wichtige Erkenntnisse, aber sie sind nicht unfehlbar.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 12
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[12] => Array
[NodeId] => 12
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Reminds me of the Heralds of Zildrog.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Reminds me of the Heralds of Zildrog.
[frMale] => Ça me rappelle les Messagers de Zildrog.
[frFemale] => Ça me rappelle les Messagers de Zildrog.
[deMale] => Erinnert mich an die Herolde von Zildrog.
[deFemale] => Erinnert mich an die Herolde von Zildrog.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 13
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[13] => Array
[NodeId] => 13
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => There's another leader who paid for his certainty.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => There's another leader who paid for his certainty.
[frMale] => Un autre dirigeant a payé pour ses certitudes.
[frFemale] => Un autre dirigeant a payé pour ses certitudes.
[deMale] => Ein weiterer Anführer, der für seine Gewissheit bezahlt hat.
[deFemale] => Ein weiterer Anführer, der für seine Gewissheit bezahlt hat.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 14
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[14] => Array
[NodeId] => 14
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 15
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[15] => Array
[NodeId] => 15
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => Say what you will about Valkorion, but he at least considered the viewpoints of others. He listened to me. Most of the time.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Say what you will about Valkorion, but he at least considered the viewpoints of others. He listened to me. Most of the time.
[frMale] => Vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, Valkorion considérait le point de vue des autres. Il m'écoutait. Enfin, la plupart du temps.
[frFemale] => Vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, Valkorion considérait le point de vue des autres. Il m'écoutait. Enfin, la plupart du temps.
[deMale] => Ihr könnt über Valkorion sagen, was Ihr wollt, aber er hat zumindest andere Standpunkte in Betracht gezogen. Er hat auf mich gehört. Meistens.
[deFemale] => Ihr könnt über Valkorion sagen, was Ihr wollt, aber er hat zumindest andere Standpunkte in Betracht gezogen. Er hat auf mich gehört. Meistens.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 16
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[16] => Array
[NodeId] => 16
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 17
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[17] => Array
[NodeId] => 17
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => He didn't--he would never have done what--what Arcann....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He didn't--he would never have done what--what Arcann....
[frMale] => Il n'a pas... Il n'aurait jamais fait ce qu'Arcann a pu faire...
[frFemale] => Il n'a pas... Il n'aurait jamais fait ce qu'Arcann a pu faire...
[deMale] => Er hat nicht ... er hätte nie getan, was Arcann getan hat ...
[deFemale] => Er hat nicht ... er hätte nie getan, was Arcann getan hat ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 18
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[18] => Array
[NodeId] => 18
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => What is it?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => What is it?
[frMale] => Que se passe-t-il ?
[frFemale] => Que se passe-t-il ?
[deMale] => Bitte, sprecht weiter.
[deFemale] => Bitte, sprecht weiter.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 107
[1] => 108
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[21] => Array
[NodeId] => 21
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => Arcann had a twin. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Arcann had a twin. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.
[frMale] => Arcann avait un frère jumeau. Thexan. Jusqu'à sa mort, ils étaient inséparables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann a assassiné Thexan.
[frFemale] => Arcann avait un frère jumeau. Thexan. Jusqu'à sa mort, ils étaient inséparables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann a assassiné Thexan.
[deMale] => Arcann hatte einen Zwilling. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erzählt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet.
[deFemale] => Arcann hatte einen Zwilling. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erzählt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 22
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[22] => Array
[NodeId] => 22
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 23
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[23] => Array
[NodeId] => 23
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => His own brother. Maybe if I had raised him....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => His own brother. Maybe if I had raised him....
[frMale] => Son propre frère. Si je l'avais élevé, peut-être que...
[frFemale] => Son propre frère. Si je l'avais élevé, peut-être que...
[deMale] => Seinen eigenen Bruder. Hätte ich ihn aufgezogen, dann ...
[deFemale] => Seinen eigenen Bruder. Hätte ich ihn aufgezogen, dann ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 26
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[26] => Array
[NodeId] => 26
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => Your fight with Vaylin--what happened?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Your fight with Vaylin--what happened?
[frMale] => Que s'est-il passé durant votre combat contre Vaylin ?
[frFemale] => Que s'est-il passé durant votre combat contre Vaylin ?
[deMale] => Was ist bei Eurem Kampf mit Vaylin passiert?
[deFemale] => Was ist bei Eurem Kampf mit Vaylin passiert?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] =>
[frMale] => Avez-vous tué Vaylin ?
[frFemale] => Avez-vous tué Vaylin ?
[deMale] => Habt Ihr Vaylin getötet?
[deFemale] => Habt Ihr Vaylin getötet?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 27
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[27] => Array
[NodeId] => 27
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => What she had to say, it struck me down to my core. Paralyzed me. She slipped away.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => What she had to say, it struck me down to my core. Paralyzed me. She slipped away.
[frMale] => Ses paroles m'ont frappé au plus profond de mon cœur. J'étais comme figée. Elle s'est enfuie.
[frFemale] => Ses paroles m'ont frappé au plus profond de mon cœur. J'étais comme figée. Elle s'est enfuie.
[deMale] => Was sie gesagt hat, hat mich im Kern erschüttert. Mich betäubt und gelähmt. So ist sie entkommen.
[deFemale] => Was sie gesagt hat, hat mich im Kern erschüttert. Mich betäubt und gelähmt. So ist sie entkommen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 28
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[28] => Array
[NodeId] => 28
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 29
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[29] => Array
[NodeId] => 29
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => Now more than ever, I realize my children must be stopped and that I have to make peace with the choices I've made.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Now more than ever, I realize my children must be stopped and that I have to make peace with the choices I've made.
[frMale] => Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, je comprends que mes enfants doivent être arrêtés et que je dois accepter les choix que j'ai faits.
[frFemale] => Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, je comprends que mes enfants doivent être arrêtés et que je dois accepter les choix que j'ai faits.
[deMale] => Mehr denn je weiß ich nun, dass meine Kinder aufgehalten werden müssen - und dass ich mit den Entscheidungen, die ich getroffen habe, ins Reine kommen muss.
[deFemale] => Mehr denn je weiß ich nun, dass meine Kinder aufgehalten werden müssen - und dass ich mit den Entscheidungen, die ich getroffen habe, ins Reine kommen muss.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 30
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[30] => Array
[NodeId] => 30
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 31
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[31] => Array
[NodeId] => 31
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => Whatever you've done to get here, I hope you can do the same.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Whatever you've done to get here, I hope you can do the same.
[frMale] => Je vous souhaite la même chose, quels qu'aient été vos choix.
[frFemale] => Je vous souhaite la même chose, quels qu'aient été vos choix.
[deMale] => Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt das auch - was auch immer Ihr tun musstet, um hierher zu gelangen.
[deFemale] => Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt das auch - was auch immer Ihr tun musstet, um hierher zu gelangen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 32
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[32] => Array
[NodeId] => 32
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 115
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[33] => Array
[NodeId] => 33
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => She raises a good question: How do you look back on your path to this moment?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => She raises a good question: How do you look back on your path to this moment?
[frMale] => Elle soulève une bonne question : que pensez-vous du chemin qui vous a conduit jusqu'ici ?
[frFemale] => Elle soulève une bonne question : que pensez-vous du chemin qui vous a conduite jusqu'ici ?
[deMale] => Sie hat eine wichtige Frage gestellt. Wie betrachtet Ihr den Weg, den Ihr bis hierhin gegangen seid?
[deFemale] => Sie hat eine wichtige Frage gestellt. Wie betrachtet Ihr den Weg, den Ihr bis hierhin gegangen seid?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 35
[1] => 34
[2] => 36
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[34] => Array
[NodeId] => 34
[QuestRewardB62] => DwC8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You mean that whirlwind of insanity?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You mean that whirlwind of insanity?
[frMale] => Vous faites allusion à ce maelstrom de démence ?
[frFemale] => Vous faites allusion à ce maelstrom de démence ?
[deMale] => Ihr meint diesen Wirbel des Wahnsinns?
[deFemale] => Ihr meint diesen Wirbel des Wahnsinns?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => It's a blur.
[frMale] => Tout est flou.
[frFemale] => Tout est flou.
[deMale] => Es ist nur eine verschwommene Erinnerung.
[deFemale] => Es ist nur eine verschwommene Erinnerung.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[dugEaV2] => Array
[Key] => 0
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> disapproves.
[frMale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> désapprouve.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist dagegen.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 92
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[35] => Array
[NodeId] => 35
[QuestRewardB62] => DwC8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => I made the decisions I felt were right. That's about all any of us can ever do.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I made the decisions I felt were right. That's about all any of us can ever do.
[frMale] => J'ai pris mes décisions en mon âme et conscience. C'est la seule chose qu'il nous reste encore.
[frFemale] => J'ai pris mes décisions en mon âme et conscience. C'est la seule chose qu'il nous reste encore.
[deMale] => Ich habe die Entscheidungen getroffen, die ich als richtig angesehen habe. Mehr kann niemand von uns tun.
[deFemale] => Ich habe die Entscheidungen getroffen, die ich als richtig angesehen habe. Mehr kann niemand von uns tun.
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => I have no regrets.
[frMale] => Je n'ai aucun regret.
[frFemale] => Je n'ai aucun regret.
[deMale] => Ich bereue nichts.
[deFemale] => Ich bereue nichts.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[dugEaV2] => Array
[Key] => 0
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> approves.
[frMale] => <<1>> approuve.
[frFemale] => <<1>> approuve.
[deMale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[deFemale] => <<1>> stimmt zu.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 85
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[36] => Array
[NodeId] => 36
[QuestRewardB62] => DwC8oz6
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => You're in my head. Why don't you take a look for yourself?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You're in my head. Why don't you take a look for yourself?
[frMale] => Vous êtes dans ma tête. Pourquoi vous ne regardez pas par vous-même ?
[frFemale] => Vous êtes dans ma tête. Pourquoi vous ne regardez pas par vous-même ?
[deMale] => Ihr seid in meinem Kopf. Warum findet Ihr es nicht selbst heraus?
[deFemale] => Ihr seid in meinem Kopf. Warum findet Ihr es nicht selbst heraus?
[LocalizedOptionText] => Array
[enMale] => Not going to read my thoughts?
[frMale] => Vous ne lisez pas mes pensées ?
[frFemale] => Vous ne lisez pas mes pensées ?
[deMale] => Ihr werdet nicht meine Gedanken lesen?
[deFemale] => Ihr werdet nicht meine Gedanken lesen?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[dugEaV2] => Array
[Key] => 200
[Value] => Array
[enMale] => <<1>> is amused.
[frMale] => Cela amuse <<1>>.
[frFemale] => Cela amuse <<1>>.
[deMale] => <<1>> ist amüsiert.
[deFemale] => <<1>> ist amüsiert.
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 37
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[37] => Array
[NodeId] => 37
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => And what good would that do our alliance?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => And what good would that do our alliance?
[frMale] => Et en quoi serait-ce bénéfique à notre alliance ?
[frFemale] => Et en quoi serait-ce bénéfique à notre alliance ?
[deMale] => Und inwiefern würde das unserer Allianz helfen?
[deFemale] => Und inwiefern würde das unserer Allianz helfen?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 81
[1] => 38
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[38] => Array
[NodeId] => 38
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 39
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[39] => Array
[NodeId] => 39
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => You may not see an alliance, but our destinies are now intertwined. Take advantage of that fact and there is much you will be capable of.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You may not see an alliance, but our destinies are now intertwined. Take advantage of that fact and there is much you will be capable of.
[frMale] => Vous ne comprenez pas notre alliance, mais nos destins sont liés. Apprenez à en tirer parti et rien ne pourra vous arrêter.
[frFemale] => Vous ne comprenez pas notre alliance, mais nos destins sont liés. Apprenez à en tirer parti et rien ne pourra vous arrêter.
[deMale] => Vielleicht seht Ihr keine Allianz, aber unsere Bestimmung ist miteinander verknüpft. Nutzt das zu Eurem Vorteil aus und Ihr werdet viel erreichen.
[deFemale] => Vielleicht seht Ihr keine Allianz, aber unsere Bestimmung ist miteinander verknüpft. Nutzt das zu Eurem Vorteil aus und Ihr werdet viel erreichen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 40
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[40] => Array
[NodeId] => 40
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 41
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[41] => Array
[NodeId] => 41
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => I see you defeating Arcann, even if there are those on this world who disagree.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I see you defeating Arcann, even if there are those on this world who disagree.
[frMale] => Je vous vois bien triompher d'Arcann, mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.
[frFemale] => Je vous vois bien triompher d'Arcann, mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.
[deMale] => Ich sehe, dass Ihr Arcann besiegt - auch wenn nicht jeder auf dieser Welt daran glaubt.
[deFemale] => Ich sehe, dass Ihr Arcann besiegt - auch wenn nicht jeder auf dieser Welt daran glaubt.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 42
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[42] => Array
[NodeId] => 42
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[Text] => What does that mean? Who disagrees?
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => What does that mean? Who disagrees?
[frMale] => Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? Qui en doute ?
[frFemale] => Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? Qui en doute ?
[deMale] => Was soll das heißen? Wer glaubt nicht daran?
[deFemale] => Was soll das heißen? Wer glaubt nicht daran?
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 43
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[43] => Array
[NodeId] => 43
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => You will learn soon enough....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => You will learn soon enough....
[frMale] => Vous le saurez bien assez tôt...
[frFemale] => Vous le saurez bien assez tôt...
[deMale] => Das werdet Ihr schon bald erfahren ...
[deFemale] => Das werdet Ihr schon bald erfahren ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 44
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[44] => Array
[NodeId] => 44
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 45
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[45] => Array
[NodeId] => 45
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 46
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[46] => Array
[NodeId] => 46
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 117
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[47] => Array
[NodeId] => 47
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => vQL34K8
[Text] => He's out there somewhere. Our own father, plotting against us.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He's out there somewhere. Our own father, plotting against us.
[frMale] => Il est là, quelque part. Notre propre père complote contre nous.
[frFemale] => Il est là, quelque part. Notre propre père complote contre nous.
[deMale] => Er ist irgendwo da draußen. Unser eigener Vater - und er schmiedet Pläne gegen uns.
[deFemale] => Er ist irgendwo da draußen. Unser eigener Vater - und er schmiedet Pläne gegen uns.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 48
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[48] => Array
[NodeId] => 48
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 49
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[49] => Array
[NodeId] => 49
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => He's not the only one. After I told Mother that you killed Thexan, she probably wants your head.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => He's not the only one. After I told Mother that you killed Thexan, she probably wants your head.
[frMale] => Il n'est pas le seul. Maintenant que Mère sait que tu as tué Thexan, elle souhaite sûrement ta mort.
[frFemale] => Il n'est pas le seul. Maintenant que Mère sait que tu as tué Thexan, elle souhaite sûrement ta mort.
[deMale] => Und er ist nicht alleine. Nachdem ich Mutter erzählt habe, dass du Thexan getötet hast, wird sie sicher deinen Kopf fordern.
[deFemale] => Und er ist nicht alleine. Nachdem ich Mutter erzählt habe, dass du Thexan getötet hast, wird sie sicher deinen Kopf fordern.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 50
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[50] => Array
[NodeId] => 50
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 51
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[51] => Array
[NodeId] => 51
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => But it's not a problem. You have the throne, the fleet, this whole empire.... You're as safe from her as can be.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => But it's not a problem. You have the throne, the fleet, this whole empire.... You're as safe from her as can be.
[frMale] => Mais ce n'est pas un problème. Tu possèdes le Trône, la Flotte, l'Empire tout entier... Tu es à l'abri de sa vengeance.
[frFemale] => Mais ce n'est pas un problème. Tu possèdes le Trône, la Flotte, l'Empire tout entier... Tu es à l'abri de sa vengeance.
[deMale] => Aber das ist kein Problem. Du hast den Thron, die Flotte, dieses gesamte Imperium ... Du bist so sicher vor ihr, wie es nur geht.
[deFemale] => Aber das ist kein Problem. Du hast den Thron, die Flotte, dieses gesamte Imperium ... Du bist so sicher vor ihr, wie es nur geht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 52
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[52] => Array
[NodeId] => 52
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 53
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[53] => Array
[NodeId] => 53
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => vQL34K8
[Text] => I wish Thexan could be here now. He'd see I was right to challenge Father.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I wish Thexan could be here now. He'd see I was right to challenge Father.
[frMale] => Si seulement Thexan était là... Il verrait que j'ai eu raison de défier Père.
[frFemale] => Si seulement Thexan était là... Il verrait que j'ai eu raison de défier Père.
[deMale] => Ich wünschte, Thexan wäre jetzt hier. Er würde sehen, dass es richtig war, Vater herauszufordern.
[deFemale] => Ich wünschte, Thexan wäre jetzt hier. Er würde sehen, dass es richtig war, Vater herauszufordern.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 54
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[54] => Array
[NodeId] => 54
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 55
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[55] => Array
[NodeId] => 55
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => vQL34K8
[Text] => Imagine it: the three of us ruling this empire as it was meant to be ruled.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Imagine it: the three of us ruling this empire as it was meant to be ruled.
[frMale] => Imagine un peu : nous régnerions tous les trois comme il se doit sur cet empire.
[frFemale] => Imagine un peu : nous régnerions tous les trois comme il se doit sur cet empire.
[deMale] => Stell dir nur vor, wie wir drei über dieses Imperium herrschen - so, wie es sein sollte.
[deFemale] => Stell dir nur vor, wie wir drei über dieses Imperium herrschen - so, wie es sein sollte.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 56
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[56] => Array
[NodeId] => 56
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 57
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[57] => Array
[NodeId] => 57
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => I'd like it if Thexan were here, too. But that's no longer possible.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I'd like it if Thexan were here, too. But that's no longer possible.
[frMale] => Moi aussi j'aimerais que Thexan soit là. Mais c'est impossible, désormais.
[frFemale] => Moi aussi j'aimerais que Thexan soit là. Mais c'est impossible, désormais.
[deMale] => Ich wünschte auch, dass Thexan hier wäre. Aber das ist nicht mehr möglich.
[deFemale] => Ich wünschte auch, dass Thexan hier wäre. Aber das ist nicht mehr möglich.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 58
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[58] => Array
[NodeId] => 58
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 97
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[59] => Array
[NodeId] => 59
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => If you really want us to feel more like a family again, we can make that happen.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => If you really want us to feel more like a family again, we can make that happen.
[frMale] => Cela dit, si tu souhaites tant organiser une réunion de famille, ça peut s'arranger.
[frFemale] => Cela dit, si tu souhaites tant organiser une réunion de famille, ça peut s'arranger.
[deMale] => Aber wenn wir uns wirklich wieder mehr wie eine Familie fühlen sollen, dann lässt sich das einrichten.
[deFemale] => Aber wenn wir uns wirklich wieder mehr wie eine Familie fühlen sollen, dann lässt sich das einrichten.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 60
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[60] => Array
[NodeId] => 60
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 61
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[61] => Array
[NodeId] => 61
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => Thexen wasn't our only sibling....
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Thexen wasn't our only sibling....
[frMale] => Thexan n'était pas notre seul frère...
[frFemale] => Thexan n'était pas notre seul frère...
[deMale] => Wir hatten mehr Geschwister als nur Thexan ...
[deFemale] => Wir hatten mehr Geschwister als nur Thexan ...
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 62
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[62] => Array
[NodeId] => 62
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[63] => Array
[NodeId] => 63
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => Yes. That's what Heskal believed, too. Look at how the Scions followed him.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Yes. That's what Heskal believed, too. Look at how the Scions followed him.
[frMale] => Oui. C'est également ce que croyait Heskal. Vous avez vu comme les Descendants le suivaient ?
[frFemale] => Oui. C'est également ce que croyait Heskal. Vous avez vu comme les Descendants le suivaient ?
[deMale] => Ja. Das hat Heskal auch geglaubt. Und die Erben sind ihm blind gefolgt.
[deFemale] => Ja. Das hat Heskal auch geglaubt. Und die Erben sind ihm blind gefolgt.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 65
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[64] => Array
[NodeId] => 64
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => I was worried Heskal had blinded you with his certainty like he did with the Scions.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I was worried Heskal had blinded you with his certainty like he did with the Scions.
[frMale] => Je craignais qu'Heskal ne vous ait aveuglé de ses certitudes, comme il l'a fait avec les Descendants.
[frFemale] => Je craignais qu'Heskal ne vous ait aveuglée de ses certitudes, comme il l'a fait avec les Descendants.
[deMale] => Ich fürchtete schon, dass Euch Heskal mit seiner Gewissheit geblendet hat - so wie die Erben.
[deFemale] => Ich fürchtete schon, dass Euch Heskal mit seiner Gewissheit geblendet hat - so wie die Erben.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 68
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[65] => Array
[NodeId] => 65
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 66
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[68] => Array
[NodeId] => 68
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 69
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[81] => Array
[NodeId] => 81
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 82
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[82] => Array
[NodeId] => 82
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => We are of one purpose, but your mind is your own. Use it well and you will succeed.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => We are of one purpose, but your mind is your own. Use it well and you will succeed.
[frMale] => Notre but est unique, mais votre esprit vous appartient. Faites-en bon usage et triomphez.
[frFemale] => Notre but est unique, mais votre esprit vous appartient. Faites-en bon usage et triomphez.
[deMale] => Wir haben dasselbe Ziel, aber Euer Geist gehört Euch. Benutzt ihn und Ihr werdet siegen.
[deFemale] => Wir haben dasselbe Ziel, aber Euer Geist gehört Euch. Benutzt ihn und Ihr werdet siegen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 83
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[83] => Array
[NodeId] => 83
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 90
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[85] => Array
[NodeId] => 85
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => A life without regret is a life well-lived... though I suppose it remains to be seen whether you will ultimately succeed.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => A life without regret is a life well-lived... though I suppose it remains to be seen whether you will ultimately succeed.
[frMale] => Une vie sans regrets est une vie bien vécue... Mais je suppose que seul le temps nous dira si vous parviendrez à vos fins.
[frFemale] => Une vie sans regrets est une vie bien vécue... Mais je suppose que seul le temps nous dira si vous parviendrez à vos fins.
[deMale] => Ein Leben ohne Reue ist ein gutes Leben ... doch es bleibt abzuwarten, ob man letztendlich Erfolg hat.
[deFemale] => Ein Leben ohne Reue ist ein gutes Leben ... doch es bleibt abzuwarten, ob man letztendlich Erfolg hat.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 86
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[86] => Array
[NodeId] => 86
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 89
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[89] => Array
[NodeId] => 89
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => Personally, I see you defeating Arcann. Others on this world disagree.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Personally, I see you defeating Arcann. Others on this world disagree.
[frMale] => Personnellement, je pense que vous vaincrez Arcann. Mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.
[frFemale] => Personnellement, je pense que vous vaincrez Arcann. Mais tous ici ne partagent pas cet avis.
[deMale] => Ich persönlich glaube, dass Ihr Arcann besiegen werdet. Auch wenn das nicht jeder auf dieser Welt so sieht.
[deFemale] => Ich persönlich glaube, dass Ihr Arcann besiegen werdet. Auch wenn das nicht jeder auf dieser Welt so sieht.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 91
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[92] => Array
[NodeId] => 92
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => dugEaV2
[Text] => Make light of it if you wish, but you've accomplished much and come far since your reawakening.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Make light of it if you wish, but you've accomplished much and come far since your reawakening.
[frMale] => Tournez-le en dérision si ça vous chante, mais vous avez beaucoup accompli depuis votre réveil.
[frFemale] => Tournez-le en dérision si ça vous chante, mais vous avez beaucoup accompli depuis votre réveil.
[deMale] => Spielt es ruhig herunter, aber Ihr habt seit Eurer Wiedererweckung viel erreicht und seid weit gekommen.
[deFemale] => Spielt es ruhig herunter, aber Ihr habt seit Eurer Wiedererweckung viel erreicht und seid weit gekommen.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 93
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[93] => Array
[NodeId] => 93
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 94
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[95] => Array
[NodeId] => 95
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 96
[1] => 103
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[96] => Array
[NodeId] => 96
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[97] => Array
[NodeId] => 97
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => Doesn't matter. Father has a new favorite. He wants the Outlander to take all of this from you.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Doesn't matter. Father has a new favorite. He wants the Outlander to take all of this from you.
[frMale] => Peu importe. Père a un nouveau favori. Il veut que l'Étranger te dépossède de tout ceci.
[frFemale] => Peu importe. Père a une nouvelle favorite. Il veut que l'Étrangère te dépossède de tout ceci.
[deMale] => Das spielt keine Rolle. Vater hat einen neuen Liebling. Er will, dass der Fremdling dir das alles wegnimmt.
[deFemale] => Das spielt keine Rolle. Vater hat einen neuen Liebling. Er will, dass der Fremdling dir das alles wegnimmt.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 98
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[98] => Array
[NodeId] => 98
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 99
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[99] => Array
[NodeId] => 99
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => vQL34K8
[Text] => I'll die before I let that happen to us.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I'll die before I let that happen to us.
[frMale] => Je mourrai plutôt que de laisser cela nous arriver.
[frFemale] => Je mourrai plutôt que de laisser cela nous arriver.
[deMale] => Eher sterbe ich, bevor ich das zulasse.
[deFemale] => Eher sterbe ich, bevor ich das zulasse.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 100
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[100] => Array
[NodeId] => 100
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 101
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[101] => Array
[NodeId] => 101
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[Text] => Of course you will.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => Of course you will.
[frMale] => Je le sais bien.
[frFemale] => Je le sais bien.
[deMale] => Natürlich wirst du das.
[deFemale] => Natürlich wirst du das.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 119
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[102] => Array
[NodeId] => 102
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[103] => Array
[NodeId] => 103
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[104] => Array
[NodeId] => 104
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] =>
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[Text] => I told you before that Arcann had a brother. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.
[LocalizedText] => Array
[enMale] => I told you before that Arcann had a brother. Thexan. They were inseparable until his death. Vaylin told me, during our fight... Arcann murdered Thexan.
[frMale] => Je vous ai déjà dit qu'Arcann avait un frère. Thexan. Jusqu'à sa mort, ils étaient inséparables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann avait assassiné Thexan.
[frFemale] => Je vous ai déjà dit qu'Arcann avait un frère. Thexan. Jusqu'à sa mort, ils étaient inséparables. Durant notre affrontement, Vaylin m'a dit... qu'Arcann avait assassiné Thexan.
[deMale] => Ich habe Euch bereits erzählt, dass Arcann einen Bruder hatte. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erzählt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet.
[deFemale] => Ich habe Euch bereits erzählt, dass Arcann einen Bruder hatte. Thexan. Sie waren unzertrennlich, bis zu seinem Tod. Vaylin hat es mir bei unserem Kampf erzählt ... Arcann hat Thexan ermordet.
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 111
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[105] => Array
[NodeId] => 105
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 106
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[106] => Array
[NodeId] => 106
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 59
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[107] => Array
[NodeId] => 107
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 109
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
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[MaxLevel] => -1
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] =>
[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 110
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[109] => Array
[NodeId] => 109
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[NodeId] => 110
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[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
[IsPlayerNode] => 1
[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 21
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[111] => Array
[NodeId] => 111
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => 0000000
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 112
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[113] => Array
[NodeId] => 113
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
[ActionQuest] => 0
[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
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[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
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[IsAmbient] =>
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[NodeId] => 114
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[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 3
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[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
[AbortsConversation] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => mxkb5V7
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
[ChildIds] => Array
[0] => 118
[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
[118] => Array
[NodeId] => 118
[QuestRewardB62] => 0000000
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[MinLevel] => -1
[MaxLevel] => -1
[AlignmentGain] => None
[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 47
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[MaxLevel] => -1
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
[ChoiceDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[0] => 120
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[120] => Array
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[ActionQuest] => 0
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[CreditsGained] => 0
[IsEmpty] => 1
[JoinDisabledForHolocom] =>
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[SpeakerB62Id] => 9vyTqs4
[CnvAlienVONode] => -1
[CnvAlienVOFQN] =>
[AffectionRewardEventsB62] => Array
[IsAmbient] =>
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[GenericNodeNumber] => 0
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[91] => 42
[94] => 41
[112] => 23
[DefaultSpeakerId] => 0
[Stb] => str.cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[IsKOTORStyle] =>
[AffectionNpcB62] => Array
[0] => dugEaV2
[AffectionNcoB62] => Array
[0] => ikLyDgK
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[frMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[deMale] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[Id] => 16141110709504394680
[Base62Id] => k4L3oAB
[Fqn] => cnv.exp.seasons.01.ep_09.scene_08_senya_valkorion
[B62References] => Array
[ProgressesQuest] => Array
[0] => DwC8oz6
[npcStartsCnv] => Array
[0] => mxkb5V7
[first_seen] => 4.0.0
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 4.0.0
[hash] => 2055158074
[removed_in] =>