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Item | Category | SubCategory | Level | Added In |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 34 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 36 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.2.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 4.0.0 | |
0 | 4.0.0 | |||
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 33 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 30 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 70 | 5.10.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 33 | 1.0.0a | |
1 2 3 Next |
Item | Category | SubCategory | Level | Added In |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 0 | 5.0.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Double-bladed Lightsaber | 1 | 5.3.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 1 | 5.2.2 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 0 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 42 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 2.0.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 2.0.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 34 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 31 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 0 | 5.7.0b | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 44 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 42 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 34 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 44 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 38 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 38 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Double-bladed Lightsaber | 8 | 5.0.0 | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 1.0.0a | |
Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 50 | 4.6.0 | |
1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next |
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Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb3e65b33180000cb062df7 ) [ShortId] => 576753 [NameId] => 2477135272869888 [CleanName] => Lightsaber_of_Unstoppable_War [Name] => Lightsaber of Unstoppable War [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Lightsaber of Unstoppable War [frMale] => Sabre laser de guerre inéluctable [frFemale] => Sabre laser de guerre inéluctable [deMale] => Lichtschwert des unaufhaltsamen Krieges [deFemale] => Lichtschwert des unaufhaltsamen Krieges ) [DescriptionId] => 2477135272869889 [Description] => [LocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => [frMale] => [frFemale] => [deMale] => [deFemale] => ) [Value] => 2290 [Durability] => 200 [MaxStack] => 0 [UniqueLimit] => 0 [WeaponSpec] => Array ( [Base62Id] => yr1kYtB [Name] => Lightsaber [NameId] => 836131348283489 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Lightsaber [frMale] => Sabre laser [frFemale] => Sabre laser [deMale] => Lichtschwert [deFemale] => Lichtschwert ) [DamageType] => Energy [IsTwoHanded] => [RequiredTag] => tag.abl.proficiency.weapon.lightsaber [ReqAbilityId] => 1.6141006052117E+19 [SpecString] => wpn.pc.lightsaber [IsRanged] => ) [Binding] => Pickup [Icon] => saber.sithhigh05.a01_v01 [HashedIcon] => 1456175126_3734193654 [HashedImperialIcon] => [HashedRepublicIcon] => [Quality] => Moddable [ItemLevel] => 45 [Rating] => 1 [CombinedRating] => 108 [RequiredLevel] => 45 [CombinedRequiredLevel] => 45 [DamageType] => Energy [VendorStackSize] => 0 [RequiresAlignment] => [RequiredAlignmentTier] => 0 [RequiredAlignmentInverted] => [RequiresSocial] => [RequiredSocialTier] => 0 [RequiredProfession] => None [RequiredProfessionLevel] => 0 [DisassembleCategory] => ArtificeGadget [EnhancementCategory] => LightSaber [EnhancementSubCategory] => Lightsaber [EnhancementType] => None [GiftType] => None [GiftRank] => None [GiftRankNum] => 0 [AuctionCategoryId] => 4 [AuctionCategory] => Array ( [NameId] => 1002634345447698 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Melee Weapon [frMale] => 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[deFemale] => Heft ) ) [ModificationBase62Id] => lu0xuZ8 ) [2] => Array ( [Slot] => 4 [DetailedSlot] => Array ( [DisplayName] => Mod [Icon] => gfx/icons/ [Mount] => circuitry [ModType] => itmEnhancementModificationTypeUpgrade [IsArmorMod] => 1 [IsDestroyed] => [StringId] => 1173453784743938 [Id] => 1173453784743938 [LocalizedDisplayName] => Array ( [enMale] => Mod [frMale] => Module [frFemale] => Module [deMale] => Modifikation [deFemale] => Modifikation ) ) [ModificationBase62Id] => RywBHg3 ) [3] => Array ( [Slot] => 6 [DetailedSlot] => Array ( [DisplayName] => Enhancement [Icon] => gfx/icons/ [Mount] => support [ModType] => itmEnhancementModificationTypeUpgrade [IsArmorMod] => 1 [IsDestroyed] => [StringId] => 1173453784744195 [Id] => 1173453784744195 [LocalizedDisplayName] => Array ( [enMale] => Enhancement [frMale] => Sophistication [frFemale] => Sophistication [deMale] => Verbesserung [deFemale] => Verbesserung ) ) [ModificationBase62Id] => Q79P6ZC ) ) [Slots] => Array ( [0] => EquipHumanMainHand [1] => EquipHumanOffHand [2] => Any ) [SoundType] => weapon.melee.lightsaber20 [StackCount] => 1 [MaxDurability] => 200 [WeaponAppSpec] => saber.sithhigh05.a01_v01 [WeaponApp] => Array ( [Name] => saber.sithhigh05.a01_v01 [WeaponType] => cbtType_lightsaber [Model] => \art\dynamic\weapon\model\saber_sithhigh05_a01_v01.gr2 [FxSpec] => all_lightsaber_dynamic [BoneName] => socket_saber [DynamicData] => YELLOW [CombatStance] => Saber [Id] => 0 [Base62Id] => 0000000 ) [Model] => \art\dynamic\weapon\model\saber_sithhigh05_a01_v01.gr2 [TeachesRef] => 0 [TeachesRefB62] => 0000000 [IsUnknownBool] => 1 [SetBonusId] => 0 [SetBonusB62Id] => 0000000 [ChildId] => 0 [ChildBase62Id] => [IsDecoration] => [BindsToSlot] => [RepFactionId] => 0 [LocalizedRepFactionDictionary] => Array ( ) [RequiredPermission] => 0 [ReqArtEquipAuth] => [DisintegrateCmdXP] => 0 [TypeBitFlags] => Array ( [IsArmor] => [IsWeapon] => 1 [HasGTNCategory] => 1 [Unk8] => 1 [HasConversation] => [IsCrafted] => [CanBeDisassembled] => 1 [HasDurability] => 1 [IsModdable] => 1 [IsMod] => [CanHaveStats] => 1 [Unk800] => [IsGift] => [IsMissionItem] => [Unk4000] => 1 [IsShipPart] => [Unk10000] => [IsCmpCstmztn] => [HasUniqueLimit] => [HasOnUse] => [IsEquipable] => [IsCurrency] => [IsMtxItem] => [IsRepTrophy] => ) [HasRocketFX] => [ImperialRocketFX] => [RepublicRocketFX] => [Id] => 16141111702533073697 [Base62Id] => 8MjYziI [Fqn] => itm.gen.flashpoint.mtank1.lightsaber.prototype.crimson_06x2 [B62References] => Array ( [similarWpnApp] => Array ( [0] => U20yaKB [1] => nAYj8R5 [2] => OXp8yT1 [3] => V7jUEpD [4] => ye43Hzn [5] => vuRJZD9 [6] => u3Ei8TA [7] => VNtHRpF [8] => UwrxOiE [9] => YD26A8F [10] => 3Bl17iD [11] => VbTT1SB [12] => NvnCmT2 [13] => sbJr5y8 [14] => NURaGvB [15] => fmlKycP [16] => mS3p014 [17] => G6nQWu9 [18] => fzTwdpG [19] => 8WuPit6 [20] => iwK9tdC [21] => 2bzxNUH [22] => AEDJIX3 [23] => Ou8ItnB [24] => aqNmh81 [25] => RWWBz86 [26] => 0DU0Jl3 [27] => Kg6JvvA [28] => tt6pzWU [29] => 7CzpDTN [30] => fsW0IyE [31] => hbQ1kQ6 [32] => 7Eb03wD [33] => ACD4CD3 [34] => g5S4jL6 [35] => UpMyh6A [36] => nl5m3fB [37] => tJ6yh6A [38] => HJDhYP0 [39] => zzsqchS [40] => ICzmxy1 [41] => K8EauA8 [42] => r1gxGAF [43] => z7SL86G [44] => 5VBIQjC [45] => uUigGD0 [46] => 6zucWpS [47] => sDybWaD [48] => l48j5iA [49] => 3SDXD1D [50] => pD5FToB [51] => DXgO540 [52] => QUjITb9 [53] => qbz5Oi9 ) [similarSound] => Array ( [0] => 5uOoEg1 [1] => Gab63wD [2] => 7Db6FCD [3] => J5UAnO9 [4] => mx973wD [5] => zqIVclJ [6] => sDUPq2C [7] => QasNEj8 [8] => evRAZe6 [9] => RU6521A [10] => yYjnx33 [11] => 5O9n1J5 [12] => bv6BiXA [13] => 9wSXzdD [14] => ik3HzcC [15] => AsxUQxD [16] => hUfBKk1 [17] => F19z9VK [18] => SKy06J5 [19] => BGHH3wD [20] => yNhODcH [21] => jWmzW9J [22] => FyAyrcv [23] => 6YCRRu2 [24] => TzFHmY8 [25] => ofpjGW6 [26] => OyJY5HD [27] => 2Fz0Rzi [28] => kzdrXXU [29] => mQVEq4B [30] => 1z9V80B [31] => RNNLbI4 [32] => OFIZCRC [33] => vDOBnD2 [34] => tjba99B [35] => 2Rzkn7I [36] => zfiDZPA [37] => f8geqf1 [38] => 50jiZx4 [39] => 6ziFqqU [40] => Jq0pJ57 [41] => chibBkC [42] => JkUJY8F [43] => TQteoYA [44] => c9zKZM4 [45] => 05KTwF6 [46] => HAhp014 [47] => wTNSirF [48] => bzsrkME [49] => jZOWwR7 [50] => ZCFxVzC [51] => lWUvZZB [52] => JyWooO0 [53] => o8ZR5N7 [54] => mS3p014 [55] => xE400yS [56] => ZREQSK9 [57] => 8YqlYdC [58] => yI8FLMM [59] => pnERa4C [60] => YVOCLyV [61] => wtWrgbD [62] => 8yt1lC2 [63] => c6aKTwA [64] => ZXPQGUC [65] => dMIaol7 [66] => 604XBOA [67] => ig4SQ24 [68] => zm7oHRK [69] => mX5D7O8 [70] => eHwzOzr [71] => 25tnc83 [72] => ansB3CA [73] => 3kr9JD7 [74] => pUhj014 [75] => l51ITQA [76] => EqrkXMD [77] => G3fod83 [78] => 2J396UD [79] => LplbL2A [80] => fWam5p9 [81] => eJWckvB [82] => 8rWtBaF [83] => 9T2h2bF [84] => ammP2U0 [85] => NhtsNoF [86] => ibPUDF4 [87] => t6ove01 [88] => NxP6NI8 [89] => PptoBGD [90] => O47FDXD [91] => fXgVyr2 [92] => d0Rj014 [93] => NqFv014 [94] => sMSreSC [95] => TMnAZu7 [96] => hkBhtv1 [97] => 0hAWEyV [98] => Ou8ItnB [99] => tblv014 [100] => tpzEz6R [101] => gfBPhg1 [102] => bNBIQR9 [103] => iHBUZjE [104] => 873IQR9 [105] => 9PrmBI5 [106] => 4WWMGSD [107] => 48Cii14 [108] => WHaL5XF [109] => EeAs6L7 [110] => 7Eb03wD [111] => X4tzP4I [112] => DfqScmA [113] => zKBMrFS [114] => nHFzNQR [115] => xAKKrs6 [116] => mTb03wD [117] => ff7y1AE [118] => f1Acz4T [119] => HjHUmH7 [120] => fAeZRUB [121] => ICzmxy1 [122] => 1YAPdsD [123] => CKEvAqA [124] => zCGSM6A [125] => Xesdw40 [126] => cAiyMoK [127] => sA1ZyCD [128] => oFPo3B4 [129] => zvKLFEP [130] => INbJW21 [131] => TJMZvaC [132] => 9TQUQ63 [133] => ywawuh6 [134] => CGTLck4 [135] => z3Z24C7 [136] => RG3dsC5 [137] => l48j5iA [138] => LIxMFt5 [139] => uNBIoc6 [140] => luHHG96 [141] => Jqy9688 [142] => bmH32nF [143] => yvSmMoT [144] => owdfkM9 [145] => nO0gbrE [146] => LGS0az5 [147] => 51tDfzI [148] => AQ0pZo1 [149] => SQiquX7 [150] => pOcUzE1 [151] => 2rnyzoy [152] => CYz7rCS [153] => BMK02CA [154] => U6S02CA [155] => cFfR7KD [156] => 1c64Tp5 [157] => TUNFEF9 [158] => GkybiTP [159] => IkUkNZF [160] => OuriQf5 [161] => VVmKBS2 [162] => GFPITb9 [163] => hqF6cPF [164] => Ic9hmp3 [165] => ZaI1W72 [166] => zZAIJcM [167] => Bhp7cPF [168] => 2pPH3wD ) ) [first_seen] => 1.0.0a [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.0b [hash] => 3928558081 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => removed_in ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 1.0.0a [1] => 1.0.0a [2] => 1.1.0 [3] => 1.2.0 [4] => 1.3.0 [5] => 1.4.0 [6] => 2.0.0 [7] => 2.3.2 [8] => 2.4.2 [9] => 3.0.0 [10] => 3.0.1 [11] => 3.3.1 [12] => 4.0.0 [13] => 4.1.0 [14] => 4.4.0 [15] => 4.6.0 [16] => 4.7.0 [17] => 5.0.0 [18] => 5.1.0 [19] => 5.2.0 [20] => 5.3.0 [21] => 5.5.0 [22] => 5.6.0 [23] => 5.7.0 [24] => 5.7.0b [25] => 5.9.0 [26] => 5.9.1 [27] => 5.10.0 [28] => 6.0.0 ) )