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Tactical Marker Pack

Tactical Marker Pack
Binds on Equip
A collection of ground designators to aid in tactical coordination.
Cartel Market Item
Category: Cartel Market Items
SubCategory: Consumables
Sell Price : 100
Reverse Engineer Category: None
Max Stack: 1
First Seen: 2.4.1
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Tactical Marker Pack
Other Sites:
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4209933180000cb08774e"
    "ShortId": 773694,
    "NameId": "3322990427111424",
    "CleanName": "Tactical_Marker_Pack",
    "Name": "Tactical Marker Pack",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Tactical Marker Pack",
        "frMale": "Pack de marqueurs tactiques",
        "frFemale": "Pack de marqueurs tactiques",
        "deMale": "Taktisches Markierungs-Paket",
        "deFemale": "Taktisches Markierungs-Paket"
    "DescriptionId": "3322990427111425",
    "Description": "A collection of ground designators to aid in tactical coordination.",
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "A collection of ground designators to aid in tactical coordination.",
        "frMale": "Collection de marqueurs au sol pour faciliter votre coordination tactique.",
        "frFemale": "Collection de marqueurs au sol pour faciliter votre coordination tactique.",
        "deMale": "Eine Sammlung von Bodenmarkierungen zur taktischen Koordination.",
        "deFemale": "Eine Sammlung von Bodenmarkierungen zur taktischen Koordination."
    "Value": 100,
    "Durability": 0,
    "MaxStack": 0,
    "UniqueLimit": 0,
    "Binding": "Equip",
    "Icon": "republiccrate",
    "HashedIcon": "3992933349_1380395718",
    "HashedImperialIcon": "",
    "HashedRepublicIcon": "",
    "Quality": "Prototype",
    "ItemLevel": 0,
    "Rating": 0,
    "CombinedRating": 0,
    "RequiredLevel": 0,
    "CombinedRequiredLevel": 0,
    "DamageType": "None",
    "VendorStackSize": 0,
    "RequiresAlignment": false,
    "RequiredAlignmentTier": 0,
    "RequiredAlignmentInverted": false,
    "RequiresSocial": false,
    "RequiredSocialTier": 0,
    "RequiredProfession": "None",
    "RequiredProfessionLevel": 0,
    "DisassembleCategory": "None",
    "EnhancementCategory": "None",
    "EnhancementSubCategory": "None",
    "EnhancementType": "None",
    "GiftType": "None",
    "GiftRank": "None",
    "GiftRankNum": 0,
    "AuctionCategoryId": 20,
    "AuctionSubCategoryId": 62,
    "DyeId": 0,
    "EquipAbilityId": "0",
    "EquipAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
    "UseAbilityId": "16141006169975334570",
    "UseAbilityB62Id": "ggR4nf7",
    "UseAbilityParsedDescription": {
        "enMale": "This box contains special consumables only available from Cartel Packs.",
        "frMale": "Cette bo\u00eete contient des consommables sp\u00e9ciaux uniquement disponibles dans les packs du cartel.",
        "frFemale": "Cette bo\u00eete contient des consommables sp\u00e9ciaux uniquement disponibles dans les packs du cartel.",
        "deMale": "Diese Kiste enth\u00e4lt spezielle Verbrauchsg\u00fcter, die nur in Kartellpaketen zu finden sind.",
        "deFemale": "Diese Kiste enth\u00e4lt spezielle Verbrauchsg\u00fcter, die nur in Kartellpaketen zu finden sind."
    "ModifierSpec": "0",
    "SchematicId": "0",
    "SchematicB62Id": "0000000",
    "TreasurePackageId": "-7714903638992048100",
    "MountSpec": "0",
    "RequiredGender": 0,
    "RequiredValorRank": 0,
    "RequiredReputationId": 0,
    "RequiredReputationLevelId": 0,
    "ConsumedOnUse": false,
    "TypeBitSet": 4737036,
    "ItmCraftedCategory": "0",
    "Category": "Other",
    "SubCategory": "OtherUnknown",
    "Slots": [
    "StackCount": 1,
    "MaxDurability": 0,
    "TeachesRef": "0",
    "TeachesRefB62": "0000000",
    "IsUnknownBool": true,
    "SetBonusId": "0",
    "SetBonusB62Id": "0000000",
    "ChildId": "0",
    "ChildBase62Id": "",
    "MTXRarity": "Silver",
    "IsDecoration": false,
    "BindsToSlot": false,
    "RepFactionId": 0,
    "LocalizedRepFactionDictionary": [],
    "RequiredPermission": 0,
    "ReqArtEquipAuth": false,
    "DisintegrateCmdXP": 0,
    "TypeBitFlags": {
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        "IsWeapon": false,
        "HasGTNCategory": true,
        "Unk8": true,
        "HasConversation": false,
        "IsCrafted": false,
        "CanBeDisassembled": false,
        "HasDurability": false,
        "IsModdable": false,
        "IsMod": false,
        "CanHaveStats": false,
        "Unk800": true,
        "IsGift": false,
        "IsMissionItem": false,
        "Unk4000": true,
        "IsShipPart": false,
        "Unk10000": false,
        "IsCmpCstmztn": false,
        "HasUniqueLimit": false,
        "HasOnUse": true,
        "IsEquipable": false,
        "IsCurrency": false,
        "IsMtxItem": true,
        "IsRepTrophy": false
    "HasRocketFX": false,
    "ImperialRocketFX": false,
    "RepublicRocketFX": false,
    "Id": "16141028884407094715",
    "Base62Id": "kurdP40",
    "Fqn": "itm.mtx.lootboxes.raid_markers.raid_marker",
    "first_seen": "2.4.1",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0b",
    "hash": "89460174",
    "removed_in": "",
    "AuctionCategory": {
        "NameId": 1002634345447745,
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Cartel Market Items",
            "frMale": "Objet du march\u00e9 du cartel",
            "frFemale": "Objet du march\u00e9 du cartel",
            "deMale": "Kartellmarkt-Gegenst\u00e4nde",
            "deFemale": "Kartellmarkt-Gegenst\u00e4nde"
        "Id": "20",
        "Base62Id": "5000000",
        "Name": "Cartel Market Items"
    "AuctionSubCategory": {
        "IntId": 62,
        "SId": -7030157021252963485,
        "NameId": 1002634345447746,
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Consumables",
            "frMale": "Consommable",
            "frFemale": "Consommable",
            "deMale": "Verbrauchsg\u00fcter",
            "deFemale": "Verbrauchsg\u00fcter"
        "SlotCategories": [],
        "Id": "62",
        "Base62Id": "FW00000",
        "Name": "Consumables"
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [