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Light Side II - Lightsaber (Purple)

Light Side II - Lightsaber (Purple)
Binds on Equip
Main Hand (Melee)
100% Durability:
Key Stats
0 - 0 Energy Damage
Total Stats
An elegant armament of a more civilized its is purple!
Requires Lightsaber
Requires Light II or above
Sell Price : 500
Reverse Engineer Category: None
Max Stack: 1
Weapon App Spec: lightsaber_purple
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Light Side II - Lightsaber (Purple)
Other Sites:
    "_id": {
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    "ShortId": 175508,
    "NameId": "753801120186368",
    "CleanName": "Light_Side_II_-_Lightsaber_(Purple)",
    "Name": "Light Side II - Lightsaber (Purple)",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Light Side II - Lightsaber (Purple)",
        "frMale": "",
        "frFemale": "",
        "deMale": "",
        "deFemale": ""
    "DescriptionId": "753801120186369",
    "Description": "An elegant armament of a more civilized its is purple!",
    "LocalizedDescription": {
        "enMale": "An elegant armament of a more civilized its is purple!",
        "frMale": "",
        "frFemale": "",
        "deMale": "",
        "deFemale": ""
    "Value": 500,
    "Durability": 10,
    "MaxStack": 0,
    "UniqueLimit": 0,
    "Binding": "Equip",
    "Icon": "lightsaber_generic",
    "HashedIcon": "2472859020_2298932562",
    "HashedImperialIcon": "",
    "HashedRepublicIcon": "",
    "Quality": "Premium",
    "ItemLevel": 0,
    "Rating": 0,
    "CombinedRating": 0,
    "RequiredLevel": 0,
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    "DamageType": "Energy",
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    "RequiresAlignment": true,
    "RequiredAlignmentTier": 2,
    "RequiredAlignmentInverted": false,
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    "RequiredSocialTier": 0,
    "RequiredProfession": "None",
    "RequiredProfessionLevel": 0,
    "DisassembleCategory": "None",
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    "GiftRankNum": 0,
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    "EquipAbilityB62Id": "0000000",
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    "RequiredValorRank": 0,
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    "ItmCraftedCategory": "0",
    "Category": "Other",
    "SubCategory": "OtherUnknown",
    "Slots": [
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    "MaxDurability": 10,
    "TeachesRef": "0",
    "TeachesRefB62": "0000000",
    "IsUnknownBool": true,
    "SetBonusId": "0",
    "SetBonusB62Id": "0000000",
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    "LocalizedRepFactionDictionary": [],
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    "ImperialRocketFX": false,
    "RepublicRocketFX": false,
    "Id": "16141002686684023513",
    "Base62Id": "sKfjmcC",
    "Fqn": "",
    "B62References": {
        "similarWpnApp": [
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0b",
    "hash": "204853101",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [
    "Model": "\\art\\dynamic\\weapon\\model\\saber_low01_a01_v01.gr2",
    "WeaponApp": {
        "Name": "lightsaber_purple",
        "WeaponType": "cbtType_lightsaber",
        "Model": "\\art\\dynamic\\weapon\\model\\saber_low01_a01_v01.gr2",
        "FxSpec": "all_lightsaber_dynamic",
        "BoneName": "socket_saber",
        "DynamicData": "PURPLE",
        "CombatStance": "Saber",
        "Id": "0",
        "Base62Id": "0000000"
    "WeaponAppSpec": "lightsaber_purple",
    "WeaponSpec": {
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        "Name": "Lightsaber",
        "NameId": 836131348283489,
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Lightsaber",
            "frMale": "Sabre laser",
            "frFemale": "Sabre laser",
            "deMale": "Lichtschwert",
            "deFemale": "Lichtschwert"
        "DamageType": "Energy",
        "IsTwoHanded": false,
        "RequiredTag": "tag.abl.proficiency.weapon.lightsaber",
        "ReqAbilityId": 1.6141006052117424e+19,
        "SpecString": "wpn.pc.lightsaber",
        "IsRanged": false