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Slot | Item | Category | SubCategory | Level | Added In |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 3.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Lightsaber | Melee Weapon | Lightsaber | 60 | 5.0.0 | |
Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next |
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb4386333180000cb08ba73" }, "ShortId": 787586, "NameId": "3382656112787456", "CleanName": "Advanced_Aptitude_Mod_38", "Name": "Advanced Aptitude Mod 38", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Advanced Aptitude Mod 38", "frMale": "Module Aptitude avanc\u00e9 38", "frFemale": "Module Aptitude avanc\u00e9 38", "deMale": "Fortschrittliche Begabungs-Modifikation 38", "deFemale": "Fortschrittliche Begabungs-Modifikation 38" }, "DescriptionId": "3382656112787457", "Description": "This Mod can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor.", "LocalizedDescription": { "enMale": "This Mod can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor.", "frMale": "Ce module peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour am\u00e9liorer vos armes et votre armure.", "frFemale": "Ce module peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour am\u00e9liorer vos armes et votre armure.", "deMale": "Mit dieser Modifikation kannst du Waffen und R\u00fcstung verbessern.", "deFemale": "Mit dieser Modifikation kannst du Waffen und R\u00fcstung verbessern." }, "Value": 1420, "Durability": 0, "MaxStack": 0, "UniqueLimit": 0, "Binding": "Equip", "Icon": "advanced_mod_will", "HashedIcon": "586903045_3994014718", "HashedImperialIcon": "", "HashedRepublicIcon": "", "Quality": "Artifact", "ItemLevel": 87, "Rating": 198, "CombinedRating": 198, "RequiredLevel": 60, "CombinedRequiredLevel": 60, "DamageType": "None", "VendorStackSize": 0, "RequiresAlignment": false, "RequiredAlignmentTier": 0, "RequiredAlignmentInverted": false, "RequiresSocial": false, "RequiredSocialTier": 0, "RequiredProfession": "None", "RequiredProfessionLevel": 0, "DisassembleCategory": "CybertechMod", "EnhancementCategory": "None", "EnhancementSubCategory": "None", "EnhancementType": "Overlay", "DetEnhancementType": { "DisplayName": "Mod", "Icon": "gfx\/icons\/", "Mount": "circuitry", "ModType": "itmEnhancementModificationTypeUpgrade", "IsArmorMod": true, "IsDestroyed": false, "StringId": 1173453784743938, "Id": 1173453784743938, "LocalizedDisplayName": { "enMale": "Mod", "frMale": "Module", "frFemale": "Module", "deMale": "Modifikation", "deFemale": "Modifikation" } }, "GiftType": "None", "GiftRank": "None", "GiftRankNum": 0, "AuctionCategoryId": 10, "AuctionCategory": { "NameId": 1002634345447472, "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Item Modification", "frMale": "Modification d'objet", "frFemale": "Modification d'objet", "deMale": "Gegenstands-Modifikation", "deFemale": "Gegenstands-Modifikation" }, "Id": "10", "Base62Id": "2W00000", "Name": "Item Modification" }, "AuctionSubCategoryId": 42, "AuctionSubCategory": { "IntId": 42, "SId": -6547408626296813636, "NameId": 1002634345447448, "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Mod", "frMale": "Module", "frFemale": "Module", "deMale": "Modifikation", "deFemale": "Modifikation" }, "SlotCategories": [], "Id": "42", "Base62Id": "AW00000", "Name": "Mod" }, "DyeId": 0, "EquipAbilityId": "0", "EquipAbilityB62Id": "0000000", "UseAbilityId": "0", "UseAbilityB62Id": "0000000", "ModifierSpec": "0", "SchematicId": "0", "SchematicB62Id": "0000000", "TreasurePackageId": "0", "MountSpec": "0", "RequiredGender": 0, "RequiredValorRank": 0, "RequiredReputationId": 0, "RequiredReputationLevelId": 0, "ConsumedOnUse": false, "TypeBitSet": 17996, "ItmCraftedCategory": "0", "Category": "ItemMod", "SubCategory": "ItemModMod", "SimpleStatModifiers": { "Endurance": 81, "Power": 90, "Mastery": 106 }, "SimpleCombinedStatModifiers": { "Endurance": 81, "Power": 90, "Mastery": 106 }, "Slots": [ "Any" ], "StackCount": 1, "MaxDurability": 0, "TeachesRef": "0", "TeachesRefB62": "0000000", "IsUnknownBool": true, "SetBonusId": "0", "SetBonusB62Id": "0000000", "ChildId": "0", "ChildBase62Id": "", "IsDecoration": false, "BindsToSlot": false, "RepFactionId": 0, "LocalizedRepFactionDictionary": [], "RequiredPermission": 0, "ReqArtEquipAuth": false, "DisintegrateCmdXP": 0, "TypeBitFlags": { "IsArmor": false, "IsWeapon": false, "HasGTNCategory": true, "Unk8": true, "HasConversation": false, "IsCrafted": false, "CanBeDisassembled": true, "HasDurability": false, "IsModdable": false, "IsMod": true, "CanHaveStats": true, "Unk800": false, "IsGift": false, "IsMissionItem": false, "Unk4000": true, "IsShipPart": false, "Unk10000": false, "IsCmpCstmztn": false, "HasUniqueLimit": false, "HasOnUse": false, "IsEquipable": false, "IsCurrency": false, "IsMtxItem": false, "IsRepTrophy": false }, "HasRocketFX": false, "ImperialRocketFX": false, "RepublicRocketFX": false, "Id": "16140961918988554227", "Base62Id": "ySUrvIO", "Fqn": "itm.mod.mod.ilvl_0087.artifact.att_will_pwr_end", "B62References": { "extractedFrom": [ "vcQ3PNB", "D2W8Al7", "uCRTf9C", "bHsiyoA", "FxnynCG", "JWytHCG", "xBDynCG", "dGrkYP0", "cR5ynCG", "w0DkYP0", "HhTynCG", "Dm1kYP0", "yTizOcG", "WWPkYP0", "eBHynCG", "qGHkYP0", "ROfynCG", "SrTMmW3", "70LkYP0", "bMLqYP0", "6eXynCG", "QnjkYP0", "HdjqYP0", "8ODynCG", "K1nkYP0", "xe9ynCG", "dn9kYP0", "6LnupX6", "HBjtYP0", "BNTqYP0", "yywTucG", "tdPqYP0", "YtHqYP0", "H4fqYP0", "4BntYP0", "yAIwHCG", "mxDtYP0", "E08vpp9", "eaywHCG", "Th5tYP0", "NqrqYP0", "ERTtYP0", "24DqYP0", "xBPtYP0", "dxHtYP0", "GeftYP0", "yiIxnCG", "eiGwudC", "el3Bz60", "A65IPzJ", "0Vp9Eh2", "kZjhYP0", "2JXhYP0", "N3vhYP0", "epnhYP0", "E7GIgj6", "ynarnCG", "HJDhYP0", "ie20YP0", "Y35hYP0", "8H5nYP0", "GOQ0YP0", "tpThYP0", "qX1nYP0", "58I0YP0", "8ZHhYP0", "XnPnYP0", "gvk0YP0", "SGfhYP0", "E1HnYP0", "Vfc0YP0", "xMjnYP0", "dcbnYP0", "m9w0YP0", "KsyunCG", "bvo0YP0", "16rnYP0", "5t7TJR0", "5kk0YP0", "fUg0YP0", "wtfnYP0", "d7XnYP0", "AODwYP0", "te9wYP0", "Wu1wYP0", "C8PwYP0", "vOLwYP0", "gfjwYP0", "AhoNYP0", "NvbwYP0", "Swmw6m3", "39yyecG", "iPvwYP0", "PfnwYP0" ] }, "first_seen": "3.0.0", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.0b", "hash": "3374852857", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "removed_in" ], "previous_versions": [ "3.0.0", "3.0.1", "4.0.0", "4.0.1a", "4.4.0", "5.0.0", "6.0.0" ] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb4386333180000cb08ba73 ) [ShortId] => 787586 [NameId] => 3382656112787456 [CleanName] => Advanced_Aptitude_Mod_38 [Name] => Advanced Aptitude Mod 38 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Advanced Aptitude Mod 38 [frMale] => Module Aptitude avancé 38 [frFemale] => Module Aptitude avancé 38 [deMale] => Fortschrittliche Begabungs-Modifikation 38 [deFemale] => Fortschrittliche Begabungs-Modifikation 38 ) [DescriptionId] => 3382656112787457 [Description] => This Mod can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor. [LocalizedDescription] => Array ( [enMale] => This Mod can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor. [frMale] => Ce module peut être utilisé pour améliorer vos armes et votre armure. [frFemale] => Ce module peut être utilisé pour améliorer vos armes et votre armure. [deMale] => Mit dieser Modifikation kannst du Waffen und Rüstung verbessern. [deFemale] => Mit dieser Modifikation kannst du Waffen und Rüstung verbessern. ) [Value] => 1420 [Durability] => 0 [MaxStack] => 0 [UniqueLimit] => 0 [Binding] => Equip [Icon] => advanced_mod_will [HashedIcon] => 586903045_3994014718 [HashedImperialIcon] => [HashedRepublicIcon] => [Quality] => Artifact [ItemLevel] => 87 [Rating] => 198 [CombinedRating] => 198 [RequiredLevel] => 60 [CombinedRequiredLevel] => 60 [DamageType] => None [VendorStackSize] => 0 [RequiresAlignment] => [RequiredAlignmentTier] => 0 [RequiredAlignmentInverted] => [RequiresSocial] => [RequiredSocialTier] => 0 [RequiredProfession] => None [RequiredProfessionLevel] => 0 [DisassembleCategory] => CybertechMod [EnhancementCategory] => None [EnhancementSubCategory] => None [EnhancementType] => Overlay [DetEnhancementType] => Array ( [DisplayName] => Mod [Icon] => gfx/icons/ [Mount] => circuitry [ModType] => itmEnhancementModificationTypeUpgrade [IsArmorMod] => 1 [IsDestroyed] => [StringId] => 1173453784743938 [Id] => 1173453784743938 [LocalizedDisplayName] => Array ( [enMale] => Mod [frMale] => Module [frFemale] => Module [deMale] => Modifikation [deFemale] => Modifikation ) ) [GiftType] => None [GiftRank] => None [GiftRankNum] => 0 [AuctionCategoryId] => 10 [AuctionCategory] => Array ( [NameId] => 1002634345447472 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Item Modification [frMale] => Modification d'objet [frFemale] => Modification d'objet [deMale] => Gegenstands-Modifikation [deFemale] => Gegenstands-Modifikation ) [Id] => 10 [Base62Id] => 2W00000 [Name] => Item Modification ) [AuctionSubCategoryId] => 42 [AuctionSubCategory] => Array ( [IntId] => 42 [SId] => -6547408626296813636 [NameId] => 1002634345447448 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Mod [frMale] => Module [frFemale] => Module [deMale] => Modifikation [deFemale] => Modifikation ) [SlotCategories] => Array ( ) [Id] => 42 [Base62Id] => AW00000 [Name] => Mod ) [DyeId] => 0 [EquipAbilityId] => 0 [EquipAbilityB62Id] => 0000000 [UseAbilityId] => 0 [UseAbilityB62Id] => 0000000 [ModifierSpec] => 0 [SchematicId] => 0 [SchematicB62Id] => 0000000 [TreasurePackageId] => 0 [MountSpec] => 0 [RequiredGender] => 0 [RequiredValorRank] => 0 [RequiredReputationId] => 0 [RequiredReputationLevelId] => 0 [ConsumedOnUse] => [TypeBitSet] => 17996 [ItmCraftedCategory] => 0 [Category] => ItemMod [SubCategory] => ItemModMod [SimpleStatModifiers] => Array ( [Endurance] => 81 [Power] => 90 [Mastery] => 106 ) [SimpleCombinedStatModifiers] => Array ( [Endurance] => 81 [Power] => 90 [Mastery] => 106 ) [Slots] => Array ( [0] => Any ) [StackCount] => 1 [MaxDurability] => 0 [TeachesRef] => 0 [TeachesRefB62] => 0000000 [IsUnknownBool] => 1 [SetBonusId] => 0 [SetBonusB62Id] => 0000000 [ChildId] => 0 [ChildBase62Id] => [IsDecoration] => [BindsToSlot] => [RepFactionId] => 0 [LocalizedRepFactionDictionary] => Array ( ) [RequiredPermission] => 0 [ReqArtEquipAuth] => [DisintegrateCmdXP] => 0 [TypeBitFlags] => Array ( [IsArmor] => [IsWeapon] => [HasGTNCategory] => 1 [Unk8] => 1 [HasConversation] => [IsCrafted] => [CanBeDisassembled] => 1 [HasDurability] => [IsModdable] => [IsMod] => 1 [CanHaveStats] => 1 [Unk800] => [IsGift] => [IsMissionItem] => [Unk4000] => 1 [IsShipPart] => [Unk10000] => [IsCmpCstmztn] => [HasUniqueLimit] => [HasOnUse] => [IsEquipable] => [IsCurrency] => [IsMtxItem] => [IsRepTrophy] => ) [HasRocketFX] => [ImperialRocketFX] => [RepublicRocketFX] => [Id] => 16140961918988554227 [Base62Id] => ySUrvIO [Fqn] => itm.mod.mod.ilvl_0087.artifact.att_will_pwr_end [B62References] => Array ( [extractedFrom] => Array ( [0] => vcQ3PNB [1] => D2W8Al7 [2] => uCRTf9C [3] => bHsiyoA [4] => FxnynCG [5] => JWytHCG [6] => xBDynCG [7] => dGrkYP0 [8] => cR5ynCG [9] => w0DkYP0 [10] => HhTynCG [11] => Dm1kYP0 [12] => yTizOcG [13] => WWPkYP0 [14] => eBHynCG [15] => qGHkYP0 [16] => ROfynCG [17] => SrTMmW3 [18] => 70LkYP0 [19] => bMLqYP0 [20] => 6eXynCG [21] => QnjkYP0 [22] => HdjqYP0 [23] => 8ODynCG [24] => K1nkYP0 [25] => xe9ynCG [26] => dn9kYP0 [27] => 6LnupX6 [28] => HBjtYP0 [29] => BNTqYP0 [30] => yywTucG [31] => tdPqYP0 [32] => YtHqYP0 [33] => H4fqYP0 [34] => 4BntYP0 [35] => yAIwHCG [36] => mxDtYP0 [37] => E08vpp9 [38] => eaywHCG [39] => Th5tYP0 [40] => NqrqYP0 [41] => ERTtYP0 [42] => 24DqYP0 [43] => xBPtYP0 [44] => dxHtYP0 [45] => GeftYP0 [46] => yiIxnCG [47] => eiGwudC [48] => el3Bz60 [49] => A65IPzJ [50] => 0Vp9Eh2 [51] => kZjhYP0 [52] => 2JXhYP0 [53] => N3vhYP0 [54] => epnhYP0 [55] => E7GIgj6 [56] => ynarnCG [57] => HJDhYP0 [58] => ie20YP0 [59] => Y35hYP0 [60] => 8H5nYP0 [61] => GOQ0YP0 [62] => tpThYP0 [63] => qX1nYP0 [64] => 58I0YP0 [65] => 8ZHhYP0 [66] => XnPnYP0 [67] => gvk0YP0 [68] => SGfhYP0 [69] => E1HnYP0 [70] => Vfc0YP0 [71] => xMjnYP0 [72] => dcbnYP0 [73] => m9w0YP0 [74] => KsyunCG [75] => bvo0YP0 [76] => 16rnYP0 [77] => 5t7TJR0 [78] => 5kk0YP0 [79] => fUg0YP0 [80] => wtfnYP0 [81] => d7XnYP0 [82] => AODwYP0 [83] => te9wYP0 [84] => Wu1wYP0 [85] => C8PwYP0 [86] => vOLwYP0 [87] => gfjwYP0 [88] => AhoNYP0 [89] => NvbwYP0 [90] => Swmw6m3 [91] => 39yyecG [92] => iPvwYP0 [93] => PfnwYP0 ) ) [first_seen] => 3.0.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.0b [hash] => 3374852857 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => removed_in ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 3.0.0 [1] => 3.0.1 [2] => 4.0.0 [3] => 4.0.1a [4] => 4.4.0 [5] => 5.0.0 [6] => 6.0.0 ) )